My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 326 Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky

Chapter 326 Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky (two chapters in one)
Lanling Muxue held up the Nameless Excalibur, and the surrounding spiritual energy frantically poured into the sword, and the light on the sword became more and more intense.

After all the spiritual energy poured into it, a wave of terrifying sword power began to spread outward.

"This sword is awesome!"

Lei Ling's saliva was almost drooling, this was much better than those golden fingers.

Why do you want those bells and whistles?

He can't use it!
If he had this sword, let alone his strength, how much it would increase.

First of all, his aggressive style will be greatly improved!
This is very important for Lei Ling who is the king of the king.

When encountering some martial arts tournament or something like that, if you run over and draw your sword, you will instantly become the focus of everyone's attention, right?

"Well, I don't know if the Qing Hongyu can be pulled out. If it can be pulled out, I must get it and play for two days."

While others were intimidated by the power of the Excalibur, Lei Ling had already secretly made up his mind about the Excalibur.

"Profound Truth! Flying Immortal Beyond the Sky!"

Lanling Muxue gave a soft drink, pulled a sword flower, and shot straight into the sky.


When all the disciples of Wushuang Jiange heard her soft drink, they all cried out in surprise.

Even Lei Ling stared straight.

After all, he is also a disciple of Wushuang Jiange, and he has stayed in Wushuang Jiange for a long time, so he has naturally heard of this famous Heavenly Flying Immortal.

In the Wushuang Jiange, there are ten sword steles, on which are the sword marks carved by the powerhouses of the Wushuang Jiange. Each sword mark is a powerful sword art.

Lei Ling once went to see it too, but he didn't understand anything.

In the center of the ten sword steles, there is a taller sword stele. There are no sword marks on this sword stele, and no master can leave sword marks on that sword stele.

There seems to be some kind of power blessing on the sword tablet, or the material of the sword tablet itself is too hard.

Even if it is a peerless powerhouse, it can't hurt him in the slightest.

But it is such a sword tablet, on which someone actually wrote the four big characters "Flying Immortal from Heaven" in an ancient language.

According to legend, the sword stele was brought out from a fierce place by the founder of Wushuang Jiange.

He once left his last words that on this sword stele, there is a sword formula that is unparalleled in the world.

It is precisely because of this monument that he named the Wushuang Jiange the Wushuang Jiange.

However, with the passage of time, there are many talents in Wushuang Jiange, but none of them can comprehend the sword formula from the sword stele.

Even the patriarch who brought back the sword stele and founded the Wushuang Jiange back then failed to comprehend even the slightest bit of superficial understanding.

In the end, everyone agreed that there was no sword art on the sword stele.

It's just that the person who wrote those four characters is as powerful as the sky.

Even in the end, the sword stele has become a sword-testing stone for masters.

The wish of the powerhouses of all ages has also changed from comprehending sword tactics from it to leaving sword marks on it.

But today, when Lanling and Muxue used her sword moves, she actually called out the words "Flying Immortal Outside the Sky".

Lanling Muxue is not a coercive king like Lei Ling, who can shout "Wanjian returns to the sect" when throwing out the spirit sword with condensed spiritual power.

Since she drank the words "Tianwai Feixian", then she used the word "Tianwai Feixian".

"This is?"

When Lanling Muxue rushed into the sky, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky, the sun was shining, the celestial music was curling up, and the blossoming fairy lotus was falling down.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Between heaven and earth, a grand and loud bell rang.

Where the sound wave passed, all living beings surrendered, and a large number of Tianjiao disciples bowed in vain, their eyes full of fanaticism.

Looking around, except for Huangfu Yunfei and some peerless geniuses, as well as the masters of the Black Beast Alliance in the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation, everyone else knelt down.

However, even Huangfu Yunfei and the others had beads of sweat on their foreheads, obviously resisting desperately.

At this time, the power of Eternal Shenzhou was revealed.

The people on it didn't feel any coercion, even the little one Shi Xue didn't react at all.

"Oh my god, this is going to explode!"

Cai Mi's fat face was pale, and he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva and said:
"Everyone knows that Senior Sister Mu Xue is strong, but in fact she didn't make many shots. Before entering the Profound Sky Secret Realm, her strongest record was just fighting Wan Tu for several days and chopping off a finger of him.

Now it seems that she hides too much strength, I am afraid that even those monsters in Zhongzhou, few people can beat her!
After she gets out, her name will definitely resound throughout the Human Emperor Continent. "

Lei Ling glanced at him like an idiot. Lan Ling and Mu Xue had hidden her strength, and he already knew that if she tried her best, she would fight Wan Tu for a few days.

How could he be so afraid of her?

Lei Ling was someone who dared to plot against an invincible existence like Huangfu Yunfei.

But facing Lan Ling Mu Xue, he didn't dare to move at all.

Either to please, or to avoid.

It was because Lanling Muxue was too deep and unfathomable.

Even now that she has drawn out the Excalibur and used the Wushuang sword art, Lei Ling still thinks that she still has a trump card that she hasn't shown yet.


When the bell stopped, the vision in the sky changed again, and a large number of sword-wielding fairies wrapped in fairy light flew down from the sky and attacked the Great Zhou Tian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

Some of them attack alone, and some of them use sword art together.


Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, because the sword formulas used by those people were all extremely powerful sword formulas, and they were all different.

Preliminary estimates show that nearly a thousand sets of sword formulas have already been used, and the Great Zhou Tian Yin Yang Bagua array shook for a while.

"Puff puff!"

Some of the weaker people in the formation spewed out a mouthful of blood mist.

"Burning life energy and defending with all your strength, although this profound art is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy.

No matter how strong Lanling Muxue is, it's impossible to use it multiple times, hold on, hold on! "

The men in black shouted loudly in unison, burning their lifespan crazily, increasing the power of the formation.

Now they can only hold on, once they lose the protection of the big formation, what can they do to block these terrible attacks?

But what people didn't expect was that after those fairies launched a wave of attacks, they didn't attack again.

They all held a sword flower, turned around, and pointed the long sword obliquely in the air.

A beam of spiritual power shot out from the tip of each fairy's sword, and these beams converged in the air.

At the place where the spiritual power gathers, a fairy slowly appears.

"Lanling Muxue?"

Everyone exclaimed, at this moment, Lan Ling Muxue was surrounded by fairy light, which made her, who was originally like a fairy, even more immortal.

With the injection of those spiritual light beams, the fairy light slowly condensed, manifesting a huge fairy phantom.

She wrapped Lanling Muxue in it, and the terrifying power tore the sky apart.

"how is this possible?"

At first, everyone thought that the attack just now was already a flying fairy from outside the sky.

Unexpectedly, it was just an appetizer.

Now even a fool can see that the next step is the real killing move.


Lan Ling and Mu Xue gave a soft cry, she turned around in the air, and directly threw the divine sword out of her hand.

The moment the divine sword left his hand, the phantom of the fairy that wrapped her also flew out.

She grabbed the Excalibur, which became huge in the air and flew towards the formation.

Those little fairies also turned into streamers of light, blending into the huge fairy shadow.

The body of the fairy phantom slowly solidified, and in the end, it was almost no different from ordinary people.

All this is a long story, but it happened in an instant.

When the sword light of the Divine Sword pierced the Great Zhoutian Yin-Yang Bagua Formation, the huge Yin-Yang Bagua diagram appeared, but it only lasted for a blink of an eye before it shattered.

The fairy pierced through the formation.


There was only a loud bang, and the formation was instantly broken.

A large number of masters were blown up all over the sky.

The fairy turned around and slashed a huge sword wave towards the master of the Black Beast Alliance in the sky.


There was a scream, and blood rained in the sky immediately.

"What? All dead?"

Both the Tianjiao of Nanzhou and the army of the Black Beast Alliance who stayed outside were stunned.

They all thought that at best, Lanling Muxue would break through the formation, and then let the Nanzhou Tianjiao escort the transport flying boat to escape as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, not only did she break through the formation, but she also killed all the masters in the formation with a single blow.

Is this still something humans can do?
Those are all peerless powers!

Give it a second with one move?

When everyone was terrified, the fairy holding the divine sword moved again.

She held up the divine sword, a large amount of spiritual power poured into the divine sword, her body changed from solid to virtual, and the sword light of the divine sword expanded ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times.


Seeing this scene, the army of the Black Beast Alliance was all shattered.

Who cares about the Southern State Allied Forces!

There is only one thought in their minds now, and that is to run for their lives.

However, they didn't even complete the movement of turning around. The fairy held the sword in both hands and swept across, and the world fell silent instantly.

"All dead?"

I don't know how long it took before the Nanzhou Tianjiao gradually came back to their senses, and each of them had extremely rich expressions.

That's an army of hundreds of thousands!
Just sweep away with just one sword?

Even Lan Ling Muxue, who had landed back on the Eternal Shenzhou, didn't seem to expect such a result.

After all, it was also the first time she used this trick!
Seeing that her pretty face turned slightly pale, Lei Ling hurried over, holding a high-level recovery pill in his hand, intending to swallow it for her.

However, Lanling Muxue waved her hand and said, "No need! I don't consume much."

"Ah? Oh!"

Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, the consumption of such invincible tricks was not high?

He really wanted to ask her: "Are you still human?"

But then he understood a little bit. After all, Lan Ling and Mu Xue had gathered a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth before.

Presumably, these auras should not only be used to summon the divine sword, but also be used to urge the flying immortals outside the sky.

"Is this too much? Does this make people alive?"

Lei Ling couldn't help crying in his heart, in this era when Taoists are flying all over the sky, there must be many powerful Taoists like Lanling Muxue.

It's okay for Lan Ling and Mu Xue to talk about it, but what if Tiandao arranges him a hostile one in the future?

Do you want to hit him with the head?
At this moment, his gaze towards Lan Ling Mu Xue was filled with blazing heat.

"Hold tight, you must hold this thigh tight!"

Lei Ling made up his mind.

He doesn't care who eats soft rice, who doesn't eat soft rice, can live, can live chicly, who wouldn't want?

Didn't the dicks in the previous life expect to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life?
Those who reject or even ridicule eating soft rice, in the final analysis, just can't eat grapes, saying that grapes are sour.

"Long live Senior Sister Lanling!"

"Long live Senior Sister Lanling!"

"Long live Senior Sister Lanling!"

The Nanzhou Tianjiao who finally came to their senses shouted in unison, jumping and jumping excitedly.

They were bullied by the Black Beast Alliance too badly, now that Lan Ling and Mu Xue directly wiped out the Black Beast Alliance, how could they not be excited?
Of course, another important reason is that since the Black Beast Alliance has been wiped out, they don't have to worry about being attacked. They can look for opportunities in the Profound Sky Secret Realm to hunt Profound Sky Beasts.

After all, although the channel has been reversed, it will take about ten days before it will be closed.

Huangfu Yunfei came to the Eternal Shenzhou, and after paying a slight salute to Lanling Muxue, he turned around and asked:
"Young Master Ling, everyone, there are still more than ten days before the closure of the Profound Sky Secret Realm.

Now that the powerful enemy has been eliminated, we are going to continue looking for opportunities in the Profound Sky Secret Realm to hunt and kill Profound Sky Beasts. I wonder what your plans are? "

"Forget it, I'd better go home, it's too dangerous here."

Lei Ling waved his hand, this time he had already made a lot of money in the Profound Sky Secret Realm, so it would be meaningless to stay any longer.

If he leaves now, no one will doubt him. After all, there are still many people who say they have had enough and want to go home!
"I'm leaving too, after all, although the powerful enemy is gone, but..."

As Cai Mi spoke, he glanced at the Tianxiao Lingfeng faction. In the Tianxuan Secret Realm, it is normal for various factions to attack each other because of competition for opportunities, and this is also allowed by all factions.

It's just that because of the invasion of foreign enemies before, everyone had to unite.

Now that the foreign enemy has been eliminated, the relationship has returned to the previous state.

Lei Ling's methods were brutal, and Lan Ling and Mu Xue showed shocking sword moves. Other sects might not dare to deal with Wushuang Jiange's disciples, but Hua Yang might not.

"We stay!"

Wu Qingcheng and Lingyin made up their minds and decided to stay. After all, this is the Tianxuan Secret Realm, which can only be entered once every 20 years.

They just left like this, and they were really a little unwilling.

"Then I wish everyone a great opportunity."

Lei Ling clapped his hands, took some pills and gave them to Lingyin, and after making love to Wu Qingcheng, he said goodbye to them simply.

Seeing the Nanzhou Allied Forces gradually dissipating, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "This is the cruelty of the world of practitioners. If you don't advance, you will retreat. As long as there is an opportunity, you must seize it."

"Can we go?"

Lanling Muxue walked up to him and asked softly.

"You can go right away!"

Lei Ling hurriedly snapped his fingers, switched the Eternal Shenzhou into a large form, and rushed into the space crack.

After they left for a long time, those disciples who had gained something before and didn't want to take risks dared to go out.

This is respect for the strong, but also fear.

(End of this chapter)

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