My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 328 Who is going to kill me?

Chapter 328 Who is going to kill me? (two chapters in one)
Wushuang Jiange, above Ling Tian Peak
The huge Eternal Shenzhou hovered quietly.

"Master, I've taken the medicine."

Shi Yu walked into Lei Ling's room with the medicine in his hand, and called softly.

Lei Ling turned his head sideways with difficulty, his pale face was lifeless, like a zombie.

This time, with the help of Tiger Wolf Medicine, he took revenge.

Finally, Qing Hongyu was turned upside down, and the road was unsteady.

But his own situation was also more serious than last time. After the effect of the medicine, he instantly turned into a puddle of mud.

After drinking the medicine, Lei Ling regained some vitality, and asked feebly:
"Has Lanling Muxue left the Wushuang Jiange?"


After Shi Yu nodded in response, he said, "Master, the personal guards you asked Mr. Bai Qi to train have already completed the training, and they arrived yesterday. Because you are busy, I will take over for you."

"Well! Just arrange it."

Now Lei Ling doesn't have the heart to take care of the personal guards. Back then, he set up the personal guards just to show off and do internal affairs by the way.

He has been thinking about what Lan Ling and Mu Xue said about the catastrophe.

Lei Ling is now in the Wushuang Jiange, and he has no plans to go out for a while.

Even if it was Ling Tianfeng, he didn't plan to go out.

Just like before, I was going to retreat for a year or two in the Tower of Storms to digest all the things I got in the Mysterious Sky Realm.

By the way, let's study the sword tactics of Wushuang Jiange again.

What danger would there be?
Could it be that someone will come to attack Wushuang Jiange?
"Could it be that someone in Wushuang Jiange wants to harm me?"

With a thought in Lei Ling's mind, there are quite a few people in the Wushuang Jiange who might harm him.

For example, that Qiu Ling, she is a big trouble.

Huangfu Yunfei is also possible, even he has doubts about Lingyin.

Of course there are also disciples he doesn't know, after all he killed many people in the Profound Sky Secret Realm.

These were not what he was most worried about.

After all, even Huangfu Yunfei, the second senior brother of Wushuang Jiange, might not be able to do anything to him.

Even if he couldn't beat Huangfu Yunfei, he still couldn't be instantly killed.

This is in the sect, once there is a commotion, someone will come soon.

What he was worried about was that the elders in the sect, even the Supreme Elders wanted to harm him.

After all, who doesn't have many backstages these days?
Among the people he killed, there might be the descendants of the elders, or the bigwigs of other sects, and it was possible for them to avenge their descendants.

These days, as long as the money is in place, there are many people who dare to take risks.

And no faction will be monolithic, even a small family will be divided into several factions.

Not to mention the top sect like Wushuang Jiange, the forces in it are complicated.

Elder Tianjian, as the strongest in the sect, must have offended many people.

They couldn't touch Elder Tianjian, but they could still touch him, Lei Ling.

Lei Ling shook his head: "No, no, even if the Supreme Elder in the door wants to harm me.

Lanling Muxue only needs to remind me to hide in Lingtian Peak and not to go out, or just hide in Master's place for retreat. Why do I say so much? "

Suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, strands of cold sweat slipped from the corners of his forehead, and even his body trembled uncontrollably.

His lips moved slightly, and he spit out two words: "Master!"

If Elder Tianjian wanted to harm him, then all of this would make sense.

With Elder Tianjian's strength and his status, it is simply too easy to make Lei Ling disappear without a sound.

"Could it be that the matter of Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus has been exposed?"

As soon as this idea came to Lei Ling's mind, he denied it.

If it was only for Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, Elder Tianjian didn't need to kill him!
As long as he asked, Lei Ling would give it to him even if he didn't want to.

Besides, Lei Ling is going to swallow the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus next time. By then, everything will be eaten, so killing him will be useless, isn't it?

Shi Yu, who was waiting on the side, glanced at him inadvertently, her pretty face turned pale with fright, rushed over and wiped his sweat, and asked anxiously:

"Master, why are you sweating and shaking? Shall I ask Qiaoer to come over and take a look at you?"

"I'm fine, go and call Shi Ying over."

Lei Ling's eyes were full of solemnity, whether it was the elder Tianjian or not, he had to take precautions.

Of course, he will not let go of other people.

"Little Lord!"

A gust of wind blew by, and Shi Ying's figure slowly appeared.

"Let Anbu collect information about Elder Tianjian at all costs.

Remember, for any information, including the information of people related to him, focus on investigating the sloppy elder. "

When Lei Ling first met the sloppy elder, he felt that the old man was not simple and must be hiding some secret.

The old man seemed to want him to be aware of this too, but after Lei Ling was accepted as a closed disciple by Elder Tianjian, he let him go.

After all, he has already got the big backer of Elder Tianjian, so he doesn't need to go through Elder Sloppy anymore.

As for the secret or something, he doesn't care anymore.

Who in the practice world doesn't have special means?

The sloppy elder was also the one who saved the life of the elder Tianjian.

Some life-saving measures are also normal.

In this era when Taoism is flying everywhere, there is no need for Lei Ling to waste time and energy on him.

But if there is really a problem with the elder Tianjian, then the sloppy elder may be an important breakthrough.


After the servant shadow responded, he was about to disappear.

"Wait a minute! I haven't finished talking! I let you go before you go, you know?"

Lei Ling couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he had already given up reprimanding this guy.

He has reprimanded him many times before, but this guy is still in this shape.

As long as Lei Ling pauses for a short while, she will disappear and leave.


Shi Ying still cherished the words like gold and replied a word.

After thinking for a while, Lei Ling ordered: "Secretly send a message to You Xin, and ask her to pay attention to Huangfu Yunfei. As long as he shows any dissatisfaction with me, he will spread the news as soon as possible."

Huangfu Yunfei liked You Xin quite a bit, and even took her in as his personal maid.

After all, You Xin is Lei Ling's person, Lei Ling has always been late in doing things, so there is still a way to control You Xin.

Originally, he no longer planned to deal with Huangfu Yunfei, and wanted to train him to be a helper, or a friend.

After all, Huangfu Yunfei is a Taoist of the Wudi style, so he is still very fierce in fights.

But now is an extraordinary period, if Huangfu Yunfei has even the slightest hostility towards him, then Lei Ling can only choose to kill the mistake and not let him go.

"And try to buy some disciples of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect, and keep an eye on Huayang."

Lei Ling threw a storage ring to her, and instructed: "You also bring these supplies as operating expenses."

Then he nodded for her to go down.


After a while, seeing Shi Ying still half kneeling there, Lei Ling couldn't help wondering, "Why don't you leave?"

"You haven't let me go yet."


Lei Ling was almost speechless, if he didn't know what kind of pee this girl was, he would have suspected that she was here to fight him

"Go down!"


After Shiying left, Lei Ling wrote a letter to the person in charge of the intelligence organization with a special code.

Let him sort out all the orders that Shi Ying has passed on over the years, as well as the information he has collected, and come over and hand them to him in person.

He was also a little worried about the little girls around him.

Fortunately, Shi Yu and Jin Qiaoer stayed by his side all day long, living under Xiao Heng's surveillance.

Coupled with their low strength, it is almost impossible to cause any harm to Lei Ling.

But Shi Ying is hard to say, she is the only one among all the girls who can go out often.

After all, when she wanted to get a lot of information, she still needed to get it in person.

And she is in charge of the most important piece of intelligence.

If she has ulterior motives, passes orders indiscriminately, withholds information privately, or even gives false information to Lei Ling, it will be troublesome, so to be on the safe side, Lei Ling still needs to investigate.

Although Lei Han said that Shi Ying's loyalty can be guaranteed, but he is not a god, and everything he says is right.

And people will change, so many things have passed, and such a long time has passed.

I'm afraid it's Lei Han, who can't guarantee Shi Ying's loyalty now, right?
Another thing to guard against is Shi Xue.

After all, she is a cook, and she is in charge of eating and drinking. Moreover, she comes from a family of kitchen gods, so she can cook a lot of medicinal meals.

It's entirely possible to give Lei Ling some kind of weird poisonous diet, causing him to suffer from chronic poisoning or something.

"Xiaoheng, export all the videos of Shi Xue cooking."

"It's the master!"

Lei Ling doesn't understand medicinal food, but someone does!
Secretly find a few master chefs from the God of Cooking family, and just appraise them.

"The next step is to figure out how to deal with it."

Lei Ling sighed for a long time, the only thing he has to deal with now is Elder Tianjian.

If there is no problem with Elder Tianjian, he can take a few little girls and hide with Elder Tianjian to retreat to death.

Who can do anything to him?
Even if someone wanted to take action against his Four Kingdoms, or even his grandma.

Then he just needs to ask Elder Tianjian to help solve it, there is no need to come forward himself.

Besides, even if he came forward, it would be of no use!

At most, they are surrounded by a group of big bosses, pretending to be aggressive, and it is the big bosses who solve the problem in the end.

But how easy is it to deal with Elder Tianjian?

If he is only the number one master of Wushuang Jiange, then Lei Ling can also find a way from other top sects.

At worst, take out some phoenix fire crystals, or even phoenix nine-leaf lotus.

But this guy is not only number one in Wushuang Jiange, but also number one in Nanzhou.

If he wants to attack Lei Ling, who can protect him?
and also!

If Elder Tianjian really wanted to harm him, even if he wanted to go to another state, it would be impossible, and he would probably be intercepted halfway.

"If I had known it earlier, I would have been hiding in the Profound Sky Secret Realm. Forget it, let's not think about it. I'll see Elder Sloppy in two days."

Lei Ling let out a long sigh, and stuffed his head into the bed.

Peerless City, Tianxian Building

The sloppy elder was happy here as usual, although Lei Ling's intelligence organization was already very powerful.

But even if they buy information from some big intelligence organizations such as Tianjizong at the same time, it is impossible to find out anything in a short time.

So Lei Ling came over to chat with the sloppy elder in person, to find out what happened.

"Hey! Isn't this Junior Brother Lei Ling? What a coincidence!"

The sloppy elder was listening to the music with one arm around a little girl, when he accidentally saw Lei Ling walking towards him, he laughed and greeted him.

"Brother sloppy is still so chic!"

Surrounded by a large group of girls, Lei Ling came to the side of the sloppy elder, and everyone around him consciously made room for him.

"Hey, how can I compare with you!"

The sloppy elder smiled, pushed the two women out of his arms, and unceremoniously pulled the two women over from Lei Ling:
"Junior brother, you are really rich and powerful! The girls you are looking for are all top-notch, you can't compare, you can't compare!"

Lei Ling sat beside him and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Master didn't give you enough money?"

"Tch, he asked the Zongmen to give me such a fixed amount of money every month, what a fart! If I hadn't been clever and knew how to scoop up foreign water, I would have gone to drink the northwest wind."

The sloppy elder gave a disdainful cut, then his eyes lit up, and he grabbed Lei Ling's hand, revealing his big golden teeth:

"Junior brother, you are so rich! Can you help me?"

"What is the brother talking about? From now on, your consumption in Tianxian Tower will be charged to my account."

With a wave of Lei Ling's hand, he paid for his fare. Originally, with Mr. Lei's handwriting, he must have directly paid for all the expenses of the sloppy elder in Wushuang City.

But after all, there is a gambling shop in Wushuang City, and there is no upper limit for gambling, so he doesn't want to be taken advantage of.


When the sloppy elder heard this, he laughed until his old face turned into a chrysanthemum.

It made Lei Ling want to vomit.

It was rare for the two beautiful girls in her arms to flirt with him with a smile.

Sure enough, it's hard to earn any money these days!
The sloppy elder asked very curiously: "Junior Brother Lei Ling, I heard that the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus appeared in the Tianxuan Secret Realm? Was that thing really obtained by that kid named Fang Yuan?"

The sloppy elder is the elder of Wushuang Jiange after all. Although his cultivation level is not good, his background is strong enough and he is still very well informed.

He may not care about other things, but Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, he will definitely focus on it, after all, it is about Shouyuan.

"I heard that, right! I wasn't there when they performed Time Reversal, so I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Lei Ling shrugged his shoulders, and said regretfully, "It's a pity we didn't find that kid, otherwise our Wushuang Jiange could at least get a leaf."

"Oh yes! That kid didn't know where he came from. He swallowed the whole Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus by himself. He is not afraid of choking to death."

The sloppy elder had a gloomy expression on his face, he squeezed the girl in his arms, and said unwillingly:
"It's a pity that the girl Mu Xue knew about him. If it were someone else, I would have to find out the whereabouts of that kid even if I tried my best."

The two girls were pinched by her so that sweat dripped from their foreheads, but their faces were still full of sweet smiles, and they didn't even frown.

This is the gap!

If he had changed to Station Street or Riverside Widow Le, he would probably have slapped this old guy to death.

"Although I didn't get the magical thing like the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus this time, I also picked it in the flame space, and I came across a few of the elixir that increases longevity.

Although it can only add up to three or 40 years of life, but for you, it should be a lot, right?Uncle, are you interested? "

Before Lei Ling finished speaking, the slovenly elder hugged his arm and shouted excitedly:

"Yes! Of course! Junior Brother Lei Ling, you must give it to me!"

"Brother, please be safe and don't be impatient, there are too many people here, let's change the place!"

(End of this chapter)

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