My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 329 The Fallen Strongman

Chapter 329 The Fallen Strongman (two chapters in one)
Tianxian Building, in the private room of the sloppy elders

The sloppy elder ordered someone to prepare a sumptuous table of food and drink, and chatted with Lei Ling while eating.

This room is the top class room in Tianxian Building.

People with higher status are more concerned about saving face.

No one wants to be videotaped and listened to the bottom of the wall when they are having a good time.

I don't even want to be caught and raped by the tigress at home.

Therefore, the rooms in the Tianxian Building are protected by various barriers. Once the protection is activated in the top-level room like the sloppy elder, it is almost impossible to eavesdrop or peep. It can be forcibly broken.

What puzzled Lei Ling was that even in such a well-protected room.

The sloppy elder still behaved as usual, and the chats with him were all romantic things.

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, he took out a jade box from the storage ring, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Sloppy, this is the Flame Spirit Flower. If you take it, it should increase your lifespan by ten years or so."

"Flame Spirit Flower? This is an extremely rare high-level elixir! It can refine many high-level elixir!"

The sloppy elder couldn't wait to open the jade box, and a strong fire-type aura immediately filled the room.

He was short of breath, and his saliva was about to stay.

Yan Linghua is a high-level elixir, and it is extremely rare and priceless.

Increasing lifespan is just a side effect of it, using it to increase lifespan is tantamount to throwing away everything.

But the sloppy elder doesn't care about that!
Heaven and earth are big, small life is the biggest.

He directly put the Yan Linghua into his storage ring, and said with a smile:
"Junior Brother Lei Ling, you also know that Shouyuan is very important to me, so I won't be polite to you, but I won't take it for nothing. If you make an offer, I will never counter the offer."

"It's just a Yanling flower, so I gave it to my brother."

Lei Ling smiled and waved his hands, but a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This Yan Linghua is a high-level fire-type elixir. He sealed it in a jade box, and the aura accumulated in it. Once it was opened, the aura burst out, which would definitely have a certain impact on the people around it.

Of course, this will definitely not affect a master like Lei Ling, but this sloppy elder is just a mere Purple Mansion, and he is so close.

He wasn't even affected, and even the spiritual power barrier wasn't activated, and it was only blocked by his body.

"Physical repair?"

These two words appeared in Lei Ling's mind. At this moment, a bright light flashed in the eyes of the sloppy elder, and he suddenly waved his hand.

The next moment Lei Ling found himself in a strange place, it was a small stone room.

It was empty inside, nothing.

Lei Ling frowned slightly, looked at the sloppy old man with a serious expression in front of him, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior sloppy brother, what do you mean?"

"Everyone is smart, so there is no need to beat around the bush."

At this moment, the demeanor of the slovenly elder has undergone an earth-shaking change, and even the old face, which was originally somewhat wretched, is now a little more heroic.

With his hands behind his back, he stood proudly: "I have hinted at you many times, and I have cooperated with your temptations. I have even activated it here. I believe you should be able to feel my sincerity, right?"

"Good! Tell your story."

Lei Ling smiled slightly, took out a chair from the storage ring, sat on the side, and pretended to be listening attentively.

The sloppy elder shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "You are so cautious, okay! Actually, I am the real elder Tianjian."

"What do you say?"

Lei Ling was originally calm and calm, but now he broke his skills in an instant, and even his voice changed.

He looked at the sloppy elder in shock, and then said with an unfriendly expression:
"Brother sloppy, are you kidding me?"

Lei Ling's feeling right now was that he had dated a top-notch beauty, and ended up spending a lot of money to treat her to a big meal and live in the presidential suite.

Then when he took off his clothes and went to sleep, he found that the thing he took out was bigger than him.

"Heh~, I'm not sick, how could I be joking with you at this time?"

The sloppy elder smiled wryly, and laughed at himself: "It's strange, isn't it? The majestic number one master in Nanzhou has become a wretched sloppy old man, a waste."

"If you are Elder Tianjian, then who is my master?"

Lei Ling frowned, and his heart sank to the bottom. Now it seems that Elder Tianjian may really have a problem!
Of course, this is only a possibility. After all, no one can guarantee that what the sloppy elder said is true!

The sloppy elder's eyes burst into anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "He's just a beast, a devil, a bastard who eats people and doesn't spit out bones."

"Can you say something useful?"

Lei Ling interrupted the sloppy elder who was insulting Elder Tianjian in various ways. He said impatiently:
"I hope you can convince me, otherwise, if you insult my master so much, I will definitely make you suffer, and even kill you."

"His name is Yongo."

Elder Tianjian was not angered by Lei Ling, instead he stopped insulting him, and after calming down, he talked about the story hidden deep in his heart.

"I was born in a small mountain village. Although my father is a hunter, he also has the cultivation level of transforming Yuan into Gang, and his life is quite prosperous.

According to the normal life trajectory, I should follow my father to practice since I was a child, and when I was old enough, I was admitted to a college in the dynasty or something.

But when I was three years old, there was a plague in the village, and many people died, including my parents.

At this time, a practitioner passed by. He dispelled the plague and cured the villagers.

After that, he lived in seclusion in our small mountain village, and the villagers respected him very much. This person is Yong Ge.

Yong Ge is a high-level spiritual practitioner, and he offered to enlighten the children in the village.

The villagers naturally wished for it!I also became one of his first students.

After seeing me, he said that I have excellent aptitude, and I will definitely not be someone in the pool in the future.

When he learned that my parents had passed away, he adopted me. From then on, he taught me carefully, tried his best to train me, and even gave me his own treasure.

Since then, I have risen like a comet, swept Nanzhou, and finally became the number one expert in Nanzhou. "

"Hmm! Then what?"

Lei Ling looked at the sloppy elder without blinking his eyes, his experience is a very standard routine of the protagonist!
The sloppy elder's face suddenly became ferocious, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said:
"Yongge was originally a strong man, but because of being severely injured, he fell to the altar.

His kindness to me is as great as a mountain, so I have always wanted to cure him, but his injuries are too serious, and there is still a terrifying force in his body, which is constantly eating away at his spiritual power and taking away his vitality.

I tried my best but couldn't get rid of it. He didn't tell me until I stood at the top of Nanzhou that there was a way to get rid of the evil power in his body.

At that time, I was really happy and crazy. To me, he was like a teacher or a father, and he was my only relative in this world.

Seeing his gray hair and dying appearance, my heart felt like a knife.

If it wasn't for him to protect me, time and time again at any cost.

With his strength, he can definitely last for a long time.

So even though he told me that I might suffer a lot by doing this, I didn't hesitate at all and agreed directly! "

Speaking of this, the sloppy elder burst out with murderous aura, his hands clenched tightly into fists.


His nails were deeply embedded in the flesh, drops of blood dripped onto the ground, and he said with blood-red eyes:

"It's just that I never dreamed that my respected teacher, who I regard as my father, would actually harm me!
Even all of this is a bureau from beginning to end!

The plague in the mountain village back then was designed by him, in order to kill my parents, adopt me, teach me, and finally take everything from me and let him return to the top without anyone noticing. "


Lei Ling nodded thoughtfully, but then said with some puzzlement:
"According to what you said, since he took everything from you and came back to the top, why did he keep you?

He even found so many life-enhancing things for you, could it be that he has feelings for you?reluctant?This should be impossible, right? "

"Of course it's impossible. How could a beast like him have feelings?"

The sloppy elder sneered disdainfully, and continued: "Yong Ge is amazing, and in such a situation where he can only wait for death, he can also create an evil method called deceiving the sky and changing his life to save himself.

I was chosen because I have the same physique as him.

When I was a child, he let me soak in a medicated bath to strengthen my physique, washed my marrow and cut my hair.

There is nothing wrong with those medicated baths, it's just that he quietly added his own blood into them, making my body approach his body imperceptibly.

Later, he taught me the exercises he practiced, gave me his treasures, and taught me his spiritual skills.

It can be said that I have been following the path he walked, which saved me a lot of detours in cultivation, and made me almost become a second him.

This is a necessary condition for the technique of bullying the sky and seizing the foundation and changing lives!

When the spell was activated, although I also noticed something was wrong, but because of the trust accumulated over the years and his explanation in advance, I did not resist. By the time I realized that I had been tricked, it was too late.

He took everything from me, even my life, and became me, and I became her.

But this method also has disadvantages. Although he has become me, he is not the real me after all.

Every year he needs to take my blood essence and integrate into himself to deceive that power.

Otherwise, that power will riot again, can you understand me when I say this? "


After pondering for a long time, Lei Ling nodded slightly and said, "I can probably understand that he stripped away your cultivation, luck, and other things, leaving only your soul and an empty shell body.

Then put those of him into your body, completing a swap, right? "

The sloppy elder nodded: "Yes! That's right."

"After that, you reached an agreement with him. You provide him with blood every year, and he promises you a lifetime of glory. No wonder he will extend your life at any cost."

The doubts in Lei Ling's heart were cleared up a lot, so it can explain why the sloppy elder's body is so strong.

He is not a physical trainer, but where his previous state is, his body will naturally not be weak.

"But why do you want to risk your life to prolong your life? Afraid of death?"

"Of course not."

The sloppy elder waved his hand and sighed: "I'm not reconciled! If I die, he will die too, then I will definitely commit suicide immediately.

But the truth is, even if I die, he won't die. Then, just spend some more time and cultivate another me.

So I want to live, and there is hope in living. If he can survive adversity, so can I. I want revenge! "

"What does that have to do with me? I don't have any grudges against him. Why did you come to me?
Do you think I will run to fight him with my life for you? "

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, people don't do it for themselves, in this world where the jungle preys on the weak, Lei Ling didn't think there was anything wrong with Yongge doing that.

He even admired him a little bit!
If Yong Ge didn't show ill intentions towards him, although Lei Ling would not dare to get too close to him in the future, he would still respect him as before.

You can't just get hot-headed just because the sloppy elder made a complaint, and you want to uphold justice for him, and run over to fight with the elder Tianjian, right?

He is not a friend of justice.

"Of course it has something to do with you."

The sloppy elder looked at Lei Ling with burning eyes: "Do you know why he said that as long as you survive the bloody calamity, he will accept you as a disciple?"

Lei Ling was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"Because he needs the power of Blood Tribulation! The power in his body is very powerful, and it has already been tied to his soul and body.

If he wanted to completely destroy it, the only way he could think of was a catastrophe, and it couldn't be a normal catastrophe.

If it was a blood catastrophe, it would certainly be possible to wipe it out completely, but under the blood catastrophe, there is death but no life, let alone him, even if the number one expert in Zhongzhou came, he would still be dead.

When he said that that day, he was just holding a glimmer of hope. He didn't expect that you would actually succeed.

After so many years, he has developed a new sorcery based on the technique of deceiving the heavens and seizing the base and changing his life.

That sorcery can make him become you by refining you for a period of time.

When he finds enough medicinal materials and completes the magic, he will knock down your realm, refine you, and trigger another bloody catastrophe!
After using the blood to eliminate the power in the body, then use your previous method to disperse the blood. From then on, he will no longer be restrained, and I will be killed by him. "

Speaking of this, the sloppy elder's face is full of unwillingness. He has endured humiliation for so many years, but he still can't take revenge after all!
Hearing this, Lei Ling felt cold all over, and his face was pale.

If the truth is what the sloppy elder said, then he is in danger.

It is impossible for Elder Tianjian to let him go.

He looked at the sloppy elder with cold eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "How could you know so much about him? Don't tell me that he told you everything just to show off to you and pretend to be in front of you." gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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