My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 337 The rain is coming

Chapter 337 The rain is coming
in the tower of storm

After Lei Ling adjusted his breath for a few days, he was about to swallow the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus.

The first is the true blood of the phoenix in its rhizome, which can be said to be what Lei Ling wants most now.

How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?

Even Daozi would die, let alone a villain without the aura of immortality.

With the body protection of the Phoenix True Blood, he truly gained an extra life.

This will make his heart a lot more stable, and he will be more courageous.

The true blood of the phoenix is ​​extremely hot. If ordinary people want to swallow it, they need to be refined by an alchemist, otherwise they will be burned to death.

But Lei Ling doesn't need it, he is a devouring body repairer, and his body is already extremely powerful.

In addition, there are Qilin beads in the body to help absorb it, and there are fire-dispelling beads outside to suppress it.

So swallow it directly, so the effect is the best.

As soon as the phoenix true blood entered the body, the unicorn beads began to work crazily.

Originally, Lei Ling was worried that the Qilin Orb would swallow up the power of Phoenix's true blood and transform it into his cultivation!

But soon he found that his previous worries were unnecessary!

The Qilin Bead didn't devour the power of Phoenix's true blood, but helped him integrate Qilin's true blood into his limbs and bones faster.

From this point, Lei Ling could see that the Qilin Pearl was intelligent.

The effect of Phoenix true blood is not just to add one life. After Lei Ling fused with Phoenix true blood, he obviously felt that his body has become much stronger.

Even some impurities were discharged.

These impurities are different from the impurities he discharged in the past.

These impurities come from the innate deficiencies of the human race, which cannot be made up for no matter how much you practice.

Now that Phoenix True Blood has replaced it, the benefits to Lei Ling are huge.

In modern terms, the true blood of the Phoenix changed Lei Ling's genetic sequence, made up for the flaws in it, and made him even more perfect.

As for the leaves, Lei Ling only refined four of them, increasing the lifespan by 4000 years, and temporarily kept the other five.

He is not short of life energy now, if not for the sake of insurance, he would not even refine these four leaves.

After all, the lifespan of physical training is longer than that of spiritual training, and he still has a long way to go!
Maybe one carelessness will achieve eternity?
Wouldn't that be a waste?
He was going to give Lei Han two of the remaining leaves. His cultivation was Lei Han's shortcoming, and a weak cultivation meant less lifespan.

Whether it's out of family affection or out of Lei Han's future help to him, Lei Ling must give him a few slices.

As for Lianzi Leiling, he didn't move for the time being. After all, it was used when he stepped into the Holy Realm from the Spiritual Realm, and the spiritual power contained in it was too powerful.

Even Lei Ling didn't dare to swallow it casually.

The next thing he has to do is to practice the two supernatural powers he got.

He has not opened the scroll that Huangfu Yunfei gave him until now.

And the one that the sloppy elder gave him.

"Let's take a look at Huangfu Yunfei's first. This guy has a deep fortune, and the magical powers he got should not be bad."

Lei Ling exhaled lightly, and injected the divine power in his body into the scroll.

"This is."

Lei Ling was stunned when he saw the name of this supernatural power.

In his mind, there was a bare-bottomed child holding a pointed gun, stepping on a hot wheel, and two pierced heads pierced into the sky.

Three heads and six arms!

This supernatural power turned out to be three-headed and six-armed.

While Lei Ling was practicing in seclusion, the top leaders of various factions in Nanzhou also had many meetings.

The Yinyang Tianzong and the Nanzhou orcs harmed the Nanzhou human race.It's impossible to just let it go.

The Nanzhou delegation has already set off for Zhongzhou to discuss the matter.

On the other hand, all parties have also begun to dispatch troops and generals, preparing for war with the orcs.

The opening of the great era is accompanied by bloody storms, and even a reshuffle of the entire original world.

Troubled times make heroes, this sentence applies no matter where.

Through killing, honing one's own cultivation, plundering the opponent's resources, making up for oneself, and stepping on white bones, one can reach the top.

In the Peerless Sword Pavilion
Nangong Jian held a small secret meeting with several powerful elders.

Although this is a world that respects martial arts, most of the management is done by people with better brains.

It's not that you have a high cultivation base and a high IQ.

On the contrary, the cultivation bases of these powerful elders are all in the middle and lower reaches of the elders' group.

Because they waste their time on management.

The great era is accompanied by a reshuffling of forces, so all sects and factions will plan ahead and focus on cultivating a few talents in the sect to meet the general trend.

Nangong Jianjian frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you think of Lei Ling?"

They originally trained Huangfu Yunfei as the leader of the sect, but now Lei Ling was born out of nowhere.

They didn't pay much attention to it before, but Lei Ling refreshed their cognition again and again.

Even the sloppy elder was seen through and killed by him.

This has to arouse their attention.

Correct! That's right!

These people know what the sloppy elders do.

If they hadn't turned a blind eye, it would have been impossible for the sloppy elders to have murdered so many arrogances without being discovered.

Sloppy elders are also a seed they cultivate.

The world is cruel, if some ordinary geniuses can create a peerless genius, then why not do it?


A middle-aged beautiful woman gently stroked the cat in her arms, and said with a frown: "Now I suspect that he has already guessed that we know about the sloppy elder.

That's why he directly made this matter known to everyone. His idea is to completely exterminate us and save the sloppy elder. "

"Hmm! He is courageous and resourceful, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Although his talent is not as good as Yunfei's, he is indeed more suitable than Yunfei in terms of being a leader."

The one who spoke was a wretched old man with a pipe in his hand. His pair of small eyes rolled continuously, never leaving the body of the beautiful middle-aged woman.

"It's just that this person is too murderous, and he does everything out of self-interest, so it's okay to add him to the seed cultivation list.

After all, a person like him can definitely live for a long time, but if he is allowed to be the leader, many disciples are likely to be killed.

Moreover, our Wushuang Jiange is a decent family after all, so it is not appropriate for him to be the leader of a demon and heretic, his methods are really a little bit "

A bald man touched his head and expressed his worries.

As soon as he said this, everyone frowned, fell silent for a while, and finally nodded in unison.

Obviously, everyone agreed with Baldhead's words.

The beautiful woman holding the cat said softly: "If you say so, then the cart is a little bit upside down.

After all, in terms of cultivation, Lei Ling's potential is not high, not even comparable to Lingyin.

What we value is his mind. If he is not allowed to be the leader, then what's the point of wasting a place to train him? "

"That's right, bald man, what kind of shit idea are you coming up with?"

The wretched old man with the pipe hurriedly agreed.

The bald man touched his big bald head and smiled, but he was not angry.

After pondering for a long time, Nangong Jian said, "Well, let's add him to the list first, and train him as the second leader.

Let him assist Yunfei, so that he can use his mind and don't have to worry about him messing around. "




(End of this chapter)

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