Chapter 338 Betrayal? (two chapters in one)
Spring goes and autumn comes, two years have passed in the blink of an eye

In the past two years, Nanzhou was in turmoil. The Nanzhou people declared war on the orcs, and the two sides started a bloody fight.

After all, Nanzhou is the Nanzhou of the human race. With concerted efforts, I thought it would be easy to wipe out the orc clan here.

But after the real fight started, the two sides fought evenly, and even, the Nanzhou people were at a disadvantage.

First, they underestimated the strength of the orcs and were not well prepared.

Secondly, underestimating the enemy, they caught many ambushes.

Some dynasties that were close to the land of the orcs were destroyed.

If it weren't for the wild god tree, Lei Ling's Four Kingdoms Dynasty would have suffered as well.

And the delegation that went to Zhongzhou to discuss the matter also mysteriously disappeared.

For a time, people in Nanzhou were panicked. As time went by, the cause and effect of the incident gradually surfaced.

Changes occurred on the Beast God Continent, and a large number of orcs secretly migrated to Nanzhou.

When the Nanzhou Beastmen heard the news from over there, they naturally had to make various preparations, including territory, supplies, and so on.

At this time, Yin Yang Tianzong wants to cooperate with them, and they will naturally not refuse.

Even if the matter is not exposed, when the orcs from the Beast God Continent arrive, they will launch a war against Nanzhou to expand their territory.

Although Nanzhou is one of the five major states in the Human Emperor's Continent, it is far smaller than other states in terms of territory and strength, and it belongs to a backcountry.

The strength of the Nanzhou orc clan has greatly increased, and they have obtained a large amount of supplies from Yinyang Tianzong.

If it weren't for the advantage of fighting in the local area, I am afraid that the Nanzhou Human Race coalition army would be defeated like a mountain.

In the past two years, many new arrogances have emerged from various sects and sects.

All the personal disciples lost in the Profound Sky Secret Realm have been replenished.

Shi Xue obtained the Frost Lotus Platform and possessed Lei Ling's massive resource supply, so she quickly showed her prowess.

The cultivation base has been advancing all the way, and has already crossed the tribulation realm, becoming a powerful person in the Zhenhai realm, and was accepted as a personal disciple by the elders.

She even got the title of Ice and Snow Sword Fairy, and has many admirers in Wushuang Jiange.

There is another person named Ding Er. Although this person has an ordinary name, he was just an ordinary inner disciple in the sect before.

But after the battle in the Profound Sky Secret Realm, he returned to the pavilion to retreat for several months, and he also rose against the sky.

In the Zongmen Grand Competition, he broke a bloody path, became a big dark horse, and rushed to No.5. He and Shi Xue were on ice and on fire, and they were called the two prides of ice and fire.

Shi Yu and other women's cultivation bases have also improved well, Shi Ying has also stepped into Zhenhai Realm, Shi Yu and Jin Qiaoer have successfully crossed the tribulation.

Lei Ling didn't know anything about the outside world, he was closed in the Tower of Storms.

With the help of the Wanlian Ding to further improve his physical cultivation, and with various sun and moon crystals, he has completely reached the state of refining the five internal organs.

For a long period of time afterwards, in addition to studying supernatural powers, he also continued to practice with various golden fingers.

Develop its functions as much as possible, these are treasures, and each of them is something that can assist people in proving the Tao and achieving eternity.

It's a waste if you don't make good use of it.

At the same time, the strength of Huangfu Yunfei's top talent has also been greatly improved after going through closed doors.

These people can enter the spiritual realm anytime and anywhere, and the sea of ​​qi in their bodies has already broken through the limit of nine, and they have cultivated the tenth sea of ​​qi.

But they are still suppressing, perfecting themselves as much as possible, and accumulating themselves.

Once they make a breakthrough, just like Lei Ningxue, as long as the supply of spiritual energy is sufficient, they can make breakthroughs one after another without any hindrance.

It is not impossible to directly cross the spiritual realm and step into the holy realm.

For them, the war with the orc clan is not only a danger, but also an opportunity.

Only by actual combat can one accumulate experience, sharpen one's spiritual skills, and purify one's cultivation.

How do you know if there are flaws in your moves if you don't fight against others?
How to grasp the timing of the shot if you don't fight against others?
This is the same as playing games.

If you only know how to upgrade and make equipment every day, but don't practice operations.

When encountering trumpets, you can also crush them with equipment, levels and skills.

But if you run into a number that is not so exaggerated with you.

Then it is not so easy to win.

If the opponent is a master, he will definitely be shown alive until he dies.

"Huh~~ The air outside is so nice!"

After Lei Ling went out to take a bath and changed clothes, he stood on the top of Lingtian Peak, breathing the air outside, as if he had been reborn.

Compared with others, he has to work much harder.

Although only two years have passed in the outside world, he has been locked up in the Tower of Storms for a full ten years.

Compared with those protagonists who wandered outside all day and tempered themselves, he was much less dangerous.

But this boring, this loneliness is not something everyone can bear.

Even if it is some old antiques, very few people will close the closed door for ten years.

Not to mention that he is still just a young man with full of vigor.

There was no other way to do this, Lei Ling set himself upright.

He is not the protagonist, he does not have the aura of the protagonist!
If you follow the routine and go to the deep mountains and old forests to practice.

Run to explore various secret places.

He even ran to provoke someone who was stronger than him, and then attracted them to hunt him down, and then played a game of breaking through adversity or something.

That would be tantamount to courting death.

Fortunately, he has a lot of resources, as well as the gold finger assistance he snatched. With a lot of time to make up for it, the effect may not be worse than following the protagonist's routine.

"Where is Qiaoer?"

Lei Ling took a look at the major events that happened in Nanzhou in the past two years, and withdrew his consciousness from the jade slip.

Originally, Jin Qiaoer should have explained this to him.

But when he left the customs, he didn't see Jin Qiaoer, not even Shi Xue, only Shi Ying and Shi Yu.

I thought the little girl was lying in bed and not waking up, or she was practicing.

But two hours had passed, and he had already bathed and changed his clothes.

The guards should have gone to call her long ago, but this girl still didn't come, which made Lei Ling feel a little unhappy.

"Qiaoer she she."

Shi Yu's body trembled slightly, and he stood there faltering for a long time without saying anything.

Lei Ling glanced at Shi Ying, and asked in a deep voice: "Shi Ying, tell me, what happened?"

As a robot, Shi Ying has always followed Lei Ling's orders resolutely.

Hearing him ask himself, he said directly: "She has gone to Bingyu Peak, she has already been called, and she should be back in a while, right?"


A cold light flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, and a surge of anger welled up in his heart: "Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to go out? What the hell is she doing, what is she doing at Bingyu Peak?"

Lei Ling is a very possessive person, even to the point of perversion.

Back then, it was only because he wanted to marry Luo Xuan, and when he saw her with Feng Xinghan, he was so angry that he almost went mad.

This is especially true for the girls around me.

Lei Ling had long regarded them as his own private property, so when the thirteenth prince asked him for Shi Yu, he would turn against him.

That's why he made a special confession when he was retreating, closing Ling Tianfeng and not allowing all the girls to go out.

On the surface, they are afraid that they will encounter some accidents, but the main reason is that they are afraid that they will be abducted by others.

Especially Jin Qiaoer, Lei Ling loves this little cutie the most.

If she was abducted by someone, then Lei Ling would definitely lose his temper.

Of course, it's not love, and it's not for them to get mad, it's just dog licking or something.

A few little girls are equivalent to Lei Ling's favorite toys. Others want his toys, and even want to snatch them.

Lei Ling, who is very possessive and loves face, will naturally turn his face.

"Shixue's aptitude is excellent, and her cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. During the Zongmen Grand Competition, she reached No. 8. She was valued by the elders of Bingyu Peak and accepted as a personal disciple. Since then, she has been practicing with Elder Bingyu.

Qiaoer was greedy and wanted to eat the dishes made by Shi Xue, so she could only run to Bingyu Peak from time to time, but she was too tired from running back and forth, so she simply went to live in Bingyu Peak. "

Shi Ying tilted his head, and briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Shi Yu's face turned pale with fright, and she kept tugging at the hem of her clothes, but she didn't respond.


After Lei Ling heard this, the anger in his heart became even worse, he was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

He originally thought that Shi Xue was preparing meals for him!
I didn't expect this guy to become a direct disciple.

Jin Qiaoer's disobedience is understandable, after all, she is the young lady of the Jin family, and she has no master-servant relationship with Lei Ling.

After all, she could only be regarded as Lei Ling's friend, and Lei Ling had no right to interfere with where she wanted to go.

But Shi Xue is Lei Ling's personal maid, his little cook, and his real private property.

Disobeying his orders was already a mortal sin.

He even participated in the sect competition privately, became someone else's disciple, and even moved away from Ling Tianfeng directly.

This is blatant betrayal!
And Elder Bingyu, without Lei Ling's consent, accepted Shixue as his personal disciple and took him away.

This is also clearly not taking him seriously.

This is a double slap in the face.

"Very good! It seems that a lot of things have happened during my two years of retreat! Many people don't take me seriously."

Lei Ling laughed back in rage, with a strong murderous intent in his voice.

Shi Yu was so frightened that she "Plopped!" and knelt down, begging: "Young Master, calm down, the matter is not what you think, please listen to my explanation."

"No need to explain, I'll ask in person."

Lei Ling stretched out his hand to interrupt her, flicked his sleeves, and flew towards Bingyu Peak.

Seeing Lei Ling's figure disappearing rapidly, Shi Yu sat down on the ground:
"It's over, it's over, the young master is about to lose his temper, Shi Ying, how can you talk nonsense?"

Shi Ying tilted his head, puzzled and said: "I didn't talk nonsense! What I said is the truth."

"It's true, but you"

Shi Yu hurriedly got up from the ground, and reasoning with Shi Ying was purely playing the piano:

"Forget it, let's chase it quickly, and we can stop it at the critical moment."


Outside Bingyu Peak, Lei Ling's personal guards had already arrived, but they were blocked outside.

"Zhao Jia! It's Senior Sister Qiao'er now. No one is allowed to interrupt the time when we are answering questions for our Bingyu Peak disciples. Senior Sister Shixue is in retreat to comprehend the Six Swords of Xuanbing. Come back later."

The one who spoke was a new direct disciple of Bingyu Peak named Yuexi.

Before Lei Ling was about to leave the customs, he sent a message to Shi Yu in advance.Get her ready for the reception.

Naturally, Shi Yu didn't dare to be negligent, and sent someone over as soon as he got the news, telling Jin Qiaoer and Shi Xue to go back.

But after guarding for two full days, Yuexi led people to block him back with various reasons.

Zhao Jia and the others didn't even see Jin Qiaoer's face.

"Master Yuexi, our young master has already left the seclusion. Shi Xue is in seclusion and we don't need to disturb her, but Jin Qiaoer must go back with us, otherwise the young master will get angry."

Zhao Jia's eyes were sharp, staring at Yue Xi, the clay figurines also have three parts earthy nature!

In the past few days, Yuexi has blocked them in every possible way. If the enemy was not strong and we were weak, they would have started fighting.

After forcibly suppressing the anger in her heart, she threatened in a deep voice: "I think you should have heard about our young master's personality. If you do this, aren't you afraid that he will trouble you?"

As soon as she said this, Yuexi and the other women's bodies froze obviously, especially Yuexi, she even took a step back subconsciously.

She has been to the Profound Sky Secret Realm, and has seen Lei Ling's methods with her own eyes, as well as the fate of the sloppy elder!

Everything is creepy!
But think of your current identity and strength.

She has confidence again.

"Uncle Lei Ling has to be reasonable, right? If he is not free, he is not free. Even if he comes in person, I will not let him come. If he has the ability, let him talk to my master."

After Yuexi said these words, she felt that the fear entangled in her heart disappeared. A flash of hostility flashed in her eyes, and she said coldly:
"You are a mere guard, a slave, and you dare to threaten me? I gave you face, right?"


There was a slap, and she slapped Zhao Jia hard on the face.

Zhao Jia was slapped dumbfounded by her, she covered her pretty face and stared at Yue Xi in a daze, obviously she hadn't reacted yet.

Although they were only Lei Ling's personal guards, no one dared to bully them no matter in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty or Wushuang Jiange.

Even many disciples were polite when they saw them.

Because they are Lei Ling's personal guards.

She never thought that Yuexi would dare to hit her.

Hitting her is slapping Lei Ling in the face!
"Rub! Rub! Rub!"

Seeing this, the other personal guards cheered one after another.Pull out the long sword and set up an attack formation.

They are not vases, but elites trained by Bai Qi.

Even if the enemy is strong and we are weak, they dare to fight!
Feeling that their spiritual power was intertwined and they instantly became a whole, Yuexi's eyes flashed with surprise, but then she sneered and said:
"What? You dare to do it? If you dare to do it today, it will be a challenge to the majesty of my Bingyu Peak!
I can kill you all, even Master Lei Ling can't say anything at that time. "

While speaking, she snapped her fingers.

The Bingyu Peak disciples who had been lying in ambush for a long time rushed out and surrounded seven or eight of Lei Ling's personal guards.

Zhao Jia's hand held the sword and let go, then held it again, and then let go again.

Obviously, there is a fierce struggle in my heart.

In the end, she still sighed long, and signaled the guards to take back their long swords.

The number of them is too small, if they really fight, even if they use the battle formation, they will be beaten to the ground.

At that time, not only will they not be able to avenge, but they will also suffer even greater humiliation.

She gave Yuexi a cold look, and said coldly: "Yuexi, I hope you can bear my young master's anger."

"You fucking dare to threaten me?"

Yuexi's eyes were angry, and she burst out with a big curse, but she didn't do it again, but said sarcastically:
"Don't think that being the personal guard of Master Lei Ling is nothing special.

We called him Master Uncle because of Elder Tianjian's face, after all, he is just the second generation ancestor from a small empire!
He will only rely on intrigues to entrap others. If he can fight with real swords and guns, I may not lose him. "

Although Yuexi said this to provoke Zhao Jia and others to take action, it was also what she had in mind.

Everyone is afraid of Lei Ling, mainly because his methods are too brutal, and the background is strong enough.

He didn't pay much attention to his strength. After all, Lei Ling's public record was that he personally killed the wounded from various factions, and also crippled Zhong Li.

But these people are all injured.

The wounded were all very weak people, Zhong Li was strong, but not only was he injured, but he also used a secret method to attack Lan Ling Mu Xue and underestimated the enemy, so Lei Ling caught him off guard.

Yuexi's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, she has been promoted to a direct disciple, and her self-confidence has inflated, so she doesn't take Lei Ling seriously.

"you wanna die!"

Zhao Jia drew his long sword out of its sheath, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, Lei Ling was a god in the hearts of these Four Kingdoms dynasties.

Especially these personal guards, who were repeatedly brainwashed, Yuexi openly insulted Lei Ling, as personal guards, they had to fight even if they died.

At the corner of Yuexi's mouth showed a tricky smile, ready to wait for Zhao Jia and the others to capture them and humiliate them.

A cold voice sounded in everyone's ears: "Oh? Really?"

Then Yuexi felt her neck was stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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