My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 339 Courage is more resourceful

Chapter 339 Courage is more resourceful (two chapters in one)

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Jia and other personal guards hurriedly knelt on one knee to salute.

As for the disciples of Bingyu Peak, their faces were all pale. Frightened by Lei Ling's aura, many of them lost their legs and fell to their knees with a plop.

Yuexi was even more terrified in her heart, she felt Lei Ling's incomparable strength and killing intent as if it were real.

She knew that if she dared to resist, Lei Ling would definitely kill her without hesitation.

So even if Lei Ling kicked her legs wildly and rolled her eyes, she didn't dare to make the slightest movement.

Lei Ling looked at Yuexi in his hand with great interest. Although this girl's appearance was not up to the level of a first-class beauty, she had big breasts, buttocks and a perfect S-shaped figure.

It is very easy to arouse people's most primitive desires. Lei Ling has been in seclusion for ten years and has been a monk for a full ten years.

I used the mind-purifying mantra to get rid of all distracting thoughts before, but I didn't feel much about practicing with all my heart.

But after coming out, meeting this kind of beauty again made Lei Ling have some evil thoughts.

He wanted to tease this chick, have fun with his hands or something, but his peripheral vision accidentally caught Zhao Jia.

On her right cheek, there was a very clear palm print, and there seemed to be a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth.

Lei Ling's eyes immediately became extremely cold, and he asked coldly, "Who hit it?"

"It's Yuexi!"

Zhao Jia lowered her head even lower, and said in embarrassment and indignation: "I have shamed the young master, please punish the young master."

"Useless things."

Lei Ling snorted coldly, and threw Yue Xi in front of Zhao Jia, "Hit me back a hundred times and a thousand times."


Zhao Jia's eyes flickered fiercely, without the slightest hesitation, he rode on Yuexi's body and bowed left and right, shining on Yuexi's pretty face was a burst of twitching.

Yuexi was so pumped that she screamed again and again, but she didn't dare to resist at all, and she didn't even dare to attack the seal that Lei Ling had simply placed in her body.

Because she knew that once she resisted, Lei Ling would dispose of her without hesitation, or even kill her.

Although this was unbelievable, her intuition told her that Lei Ling really dared to do this.

"Where's Qiaoer? Where's Shixue?"

Lei Ling looked at the other disciples of Bingyu Peak and asked calmly.

"Junior Brother Lei Ling is so angry!"

The disciples were trembling with fright, before they could reply, a group of people came down from Bingyu Peak.

These people are all elders on Bingyu Peak, experts at the spiritual level.

Apparently he was summoned to help.

When the leader saw Zhao Jia, he was riding on Yuexi's body and slapped his mouth violently, his eyes couldn't help being angry, and he said with a smirk: "Junior Brother Lei Ling is so angry? I don't know how Yuexi offended you? "

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to ask me questions?"

Lei Ling looked at the person coming with sharp eyes, fully showing the dominance and arrogance of his second generation ancestor:

"Tell Bingyu to come down to see me, she is so courageous, she dared to detain me, doesn't she want to live?"

In the Nanzhou War, the elders of each faction took turns to go to the battlefield, and this elder Bingyu also went to the battle recently, so Lei Ling dared to be so arrogant.

The one with the highest strength on Bingyu Peak is the one in the Melting Spirit Realm.

With Lei Ling's current strength, it is not in vain, and Lei Ling has been active in Wushuang Jiange for many years.

In addition to the big backer of Elder Tianjian, he also bribed a few elders. If there was a fight, even if Elder Bingyu was there, he would be worthy.

"Lei Ling, don't go too far, this is Bingyu Peak."

Seeing that Lei Ling was so rude, Elder Zhang was so angry that his beard rose up. His spiritual power surged all over his body, and he threatened with sharp eyes:
"If you dare to be so arrogant and domineering again, don't blame me for capturing you and handing it over to the sect."

This time, Lei Ling calmed down. He looked up and down the elder with great interest, and said with a light smile:
"Is there someone who wants to deal with me? Although I don't know who it is, I believe you all understand Lei Ling's methods. Are you ready to fight against me?"

Years of scheming has made the extremely cautious Lei Ling develop the habit of thinking subconsciously.

At first, he didn't think much of it, he just thought it was Elder Tianjian who went to the Nanzhou camp, and he had been in seclusion for a long time, so many people didn't take him seriously.

But just now, the elder's look of wanting him to make a move immediately made him alert.

He is not the main character, wherever he goes, a group of two hundred and five who have lost their wits come running over to bully him.

If it's just Yuexi alone, Lei Ling can still think that she has a cramp in her head.

But if there are so many miscellaneous elders from Bingyu Peak running over to provoke him, then there is a problem.

"Could it be that Master wants to teach me a lesson?"

A strange thought arose in Lei Ling's mind. On top of the matter of the sloppy elder, he had indeed slapped Elder Tianjian in the face.

Although he made compensation to the family members of the injured Tianjiao on behalf of Elder Tianjian and made compensation.

But in the end, he lost face to Elder Tianjian.

If there is Elder Tianjian as a backer, then the behavior of these people is understandable.

"Hmph! I don't know what you're talking about."

Elder Zhang's old face twitched, and then he said coldly: "If you're fine, get out, we don't welcome you in Bingyu Peak."

"You can let me go, but you have to hand over my people."

Lei Ling twisted his neck. Now that he knew that someone was plotting against him, he couldn't act recklessly.

And just now he has sent a message to several elders whom he has recruited, but those few people have not come over until now.This is a bit weird:

"If you don't hand it in, I'll invite the law enforcement elder and the pavilion master to come over."

"Shi Xue is already a direct disciple of our Bingyu Peak, and has nothing to do with you, why should I entrust it to you? Besides, she is currently in retreat and cannot be disturbed by others.

As for Jin Qiao'er, she has already been hired to be our Bingyu Peak's lecturer. She is responsible for answering questions for our Bingyu Peak's disciples, and I can't leave it to you. Even if the pavilion master is here, we are justified. "

Elder Zhang held his head high, as if what you could do to me, then he glanced at Yue Xi who was being whipped, and said coldly:

"Junior Brother Lei Ling, you indiscriminately ordered your subordinates to beat up my direct disciple of Bingyu Peak. When the law enforcement elders and Pavilion Master come, I must seek justice."


Lei Ling laughed so hard that he almost laughed out his tears.

This reversal of right and wrong, thieves shouting "stop thief", arrogant and domineering, are the tricks that Mr. Lei is used to.

It's rare for him, Young Master Lei, to be a real sufferer for a while, and he didn't expect to be bullied by others.

Suddenly he stopped smiling, and looked at Elder Zhang as if he was looking at a dead person:
"Elder Zhang, no matter what the result is today, I guarantee that you and your clan will all die."

"You are bold!"

Facing Lei Ling's naked threat, Elder Zhang's eyes popped out, he let out a loud shout, and punched him.


At this moment, there was a shout of anger from the sky, and Elder Zhang came to his senses instantly. Looking at the fist that was about to hit Lei Ling, he was so frightened that his soul trembled.

He didn't know why he shot Lei Ling out of nowhere.

This is Elder Tianjian's closed disciple!
And he is just a miscellaneous elder, that shout of anger came too timely.

If he just injured Lei Ling for no reason, the backers behind him would not be able to protect him!

However, before he had time to rejoice, Lei Ling's body shook and his face turned extremely pale.

If it wasn't for the guards around him who quickly supported him, he might have fallen to the ground.

He leaned on his bodyguard, and pointed at Elder Zhang in shock and anger: "You, you, you actually shot at me."

Nangong Jian brought several elders down from the sky, he gave Elder Zhang a hard look, grabbed Lei Ling's wrist, and felt his pulse.

His face, which was already a little ugly, turned black. He looked at Elder Zhang sharply, and said coldly, "Are you crazy? Hand over the antidote."

"I, I, I don't have one!"

Elder Zhang was so frightened that he waved his hands again and again, and said anxiously: "I didn't touch him at all, I really didn't do it!"


Seeing that Lei Ling was injured, Zhao Jia stopped smoking Yue Xi, and rushed over with a scream: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"Cough cough!"

Lei Ling coughed twice, sealed several acupoints on his body, took out some pills and took them, then sat cross-legged and exercised his energy to adjust his breath.

Elder Zhang was scared out of his wits, pointed at Lei Ling and said angrily, "It's just pretending, he's definitely pretending."


The law enforcement elder behind Nangongjian shouted loudly, raised his hand and slapped him to the ground:
"Are you trying to say that the pavilion master is cooperating with Lei Ling to frame you? You should die."

"No no. That's not what I meant."

Elder Zhang shook his head like a rattle, he was already in a panic.

"What a powerful poison!"

Lei Ling let out a breath, looked at Nangong Jian with burning eyes, and asked:
"Pavilion Master, what happened to me during the two years of retreat? Why did someone want to harm me? All this is a game against me!"

Nangong Jian's face was gloomy, and he asked with some concern: "Are you okay?"

"I have temporarily suppressed the poison. This poison is extremely powerful. It should come from some kind of poisonous beast."

Lei Ling glanced coldly at the ashen-faced Elder Zhang, and with the support of his guards, he stood up:
"Pavilion Master, you must give me an explanation for what happened today, otherwise I can't stay in this sect that will kill me at any time."

The movement here gradually attracted the attention of many disciples, and then the matter spread.

Lei Ling is a famous person. Others may not have heard of Lanling Muxue, or Huangfu Yunfei, but they definitely have not heard of Lei Ling.

A large number of melon-eating people gathered towards this side.

Everyone is talking about it.

Some of Lei Ling's fans have even started shouting slogans in support of Lei Ling.

Nangong Jian's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, Elder Zhang blatantly attacked Lei Ling!
This is much worse than the sloppy elder's nature. If he doesn't handle this matter well, it will cause Lei Ling to leave Wushuang Jiange.

Not only was he unable to explain to Elder Tianjian, but he also couldn't explain to his disciples.

The power of Lei Ling's sentence "A sect that will kill me at any time" is simply more terrifying than Elder Tianjian's full blow.

"Pavilion Master, Lei Ling broke into my Bingyu Peak for no reason, ordered his subordinates to beat up his direct disciple Yue Xi, and even insulted the Bingyu Peak Master, I just punished him slightly!"

Elder Zhang saw that his attack on Lei Ling was a certainty, so he could only start from other aspects and try to get himself out as much as possible.

But what he was facing was Lei Han's son, the talkative king Lei Ling.

Lei Ling, who had received a bit of Lei Han's true biography, had never been afraid of anyone when it came to quarreling and debating.

He voluntarily admitted to attack Lei Ling at this time, which is tantamount to seeking his own death.

No one can save him.

"What a trespass to Bingyu Peak for no reason! Without my consent, you accepted my maid as your personal disciple, and locked her in this Bingyu Peak.

Jin Qiao'er is the little princess of the Jin family, and you also detained her to prevent her from going back.

I came to look for them, but you stopped me outside Bingyu Peak. I didn’t even enter the door, so I broke into Bingyu Peak for no reason. There must be a limit to nonsense, right?

Why don't you say that I rode alone and aggressively attacked the Wushuang Jiange? "

Lei Ling looked at Elder Zhang with a sneer on his face, and said in a stern voice: "My people just wanted to see Jin Qiaoer, but Yuexi slapped her hard and insulted me! She disrespected her elders, I taught her that she was wrong ?
As for insulting Elder Bingyu, I would like to ask you why I insulted her?

You forcibly detained my people, and didn't let me meet them, and even the wicked people filed a complaint first, and took action against me!
I have seen a lot of arrogant and domineering people, but I have never seen someone as arrogant as you.

Also, I am the closed disciple of Elder Tianjian with a noble status, but you are just a miscellaneous elder on a cultivation peak, what qualifications do you have to punish me?

You think you're older than the law enforcement elders, don't you?Do you want to punish my master later? "


Elder Zhang was cut and beaten repeatedly by Lei Ling, he was speechless and didn't know how to refute.

Lei Ling was originally a king of mouth, and he used to be able to turn black into white when he was wrong.

Now he has the reason!Not saying that Elder Zhang is dead is already accumulating virtue.

"Hmph! It turns out that Senior Sister Shixue was recruited by Bingyu Peak. It's really shameless."

"Master Uncle Lei Ling has made great contributions to the sect. In order to seek justice for the disciple who was murdered, he did not hesitate to offend his master, Elder Tianjian. He is a good uncle who is selfless and upright.

But the people from Bingyu Peak took advantage of his seclusion and robbed his women, even two at a time. I'm afraid even the Demonic sect couldn't do such evil deeds, right? "

"That's right, Uncle Lei Ling came to ask for someone in person, and these people dare to stop him. A mere trash elder in the cultivation peak dares to attack Tianjiao in the sect. It's simply insane!"

"It's unreasonable. Elder Tianjian is fighting outside, and his only disciple is being bullied like this. It really makes people feel cold."

You said nothing to the people who eat melons, and you not only turned the faces of everyone in Bingyu Peak into ashamed.

Even Nangong Jian and the others felt ashamed and angry, wishing they could slap this hateful Elder Zhang to death, or even Elder Bingyu.

This is the power of public opinion, and this is the horror of the navy.

No one will pay attention to these disciples alone, but once there are more people and the rhythm is brought up, even Nangong Jian can't stand it.

This is the strength that Lei Ling has spared no effort to cultivate, and it is his biggest trump card.

As long as you can control the public opinion and control the direction of public opinion, black can become white, and true can also become false.

It is not impossible to let Nangong Jian step down, or even force him to death.

"Elder Law Enforcement, bring everyone back to me. You are given three days to find out the truth and find out who is behind Elder Zhang. No matter who they are, they will be severely punished."

Nangong Jian let out a breath, turned around and assured the gathered disciples:

"Everyone should leave, the sect will definitely give everyone an explanation for this matter."

"As ordered!"

All the disciples saluted Nangongjian together, they didn't dare to stay, they all dispersed quietly, but they were all mumbling and discussing.

"Pavilion Master, I hope you can give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise, when I go through another calamity, I will personally ask for it back."

Lei Ling walked slowly towards Bingyu Peak, when he passed by Nangong Jian, his lips moved slightly, and he said this sentence.

Lei Ling was really angry this time, otherwise he wouldn't be so cruel, and at the same time he was giving Wushuang Jiange a chance.

After all, this is his sect.

After all, it is his backer.

After all, it is the number one sect of the Nanzhou human race.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he didn't want to be an enemy of it, and he didn't want to destroy it.

Nangong Jian couldn't help being smart all over, Lei Ling's experience was a bloody catastrophe.

If he went crazy, wouldn't the Wushuang Jiange be directly overturned by him?
Elder Zhang was arrested, no one dared to stop Lei Ling anymore, Lei Ling asked his guards to hold Yue Xi down, and just swaggered into Bingyu Peak.

The outsiders' affairs have been settled, and now he has to solve his own problems.

He wanted to see what Shi Xue was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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