My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 344 The Picture of D 2

Chapter 344 Ding Er's Picture (two chapters in one)
Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling's Study Room

It has been three days since Lei Ling left the customs, and in three days, a lot of information has been sent over continuously.

What Lei Ling is concerned about now is not only the Wushuang Jiange, but also the situation of the battle between the Nanzhou Allied Forces and the Beastmen, and the situation of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

Especially the Four Kingdoms!
The Four Kingdoms Dynasty had just been established, and although some masters returned, they were weak after all.

Fortunately, due to Lei Ling's relationship, the Nanzhou Allied Forces did not mobilize the forces of the Four Kingdoms this time.

With Elder Tianjian supporting him, no one dared to say anything.

The Northern Wilderness borders the territory of the Beastmen, and the Beastman Clan once dispatched some troops to prepare to attack the Hero City from the Northern Wilderness, thereby flattening the Four Kingdoms Dynasty and opening a front.

However, the barren sacred tree showed great power, repelled the orc army, and saved the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

This was also planned by Lei Ling a long time ago. After the Nanzhou Allied Forces captured the Northern Wilderness and reached a non-aggression agreement with the Wild God Tree, Lei Ling ordered people to keep in touch with the Wild God Tree.

In the end, some new agreements were reached with it, mainly to let it guard the Four Kingdoms.

The Four Kingdoms Dynasty can be regarded as Lei Ling's stronghold, no matter what happens, nothing will happen.

The dynasty was first established and its strength was weak. Although no one dared to touch the Four Kingdoms Dynasty with Lei Ling's status and relationship, he was always cautious and liked to make multiple preparations. Therefore, the great god of the Wild God Tree, he would win over no matter what.

At the same time, it also leaves a way out for himself.

Didn't expect to use it so soon.

The news that the barbaric sacred tree guarded the Four Kingdoms spread quickly, and many of those who were wiped out by the orcs, as well as those in the neighboring battlefields and empires, went to the Four Kingdoms to seek refuge.

For those masters, Shikoku is simply heaven.

Not only will you not be threatened by the orcs here, but you can also gain a high status. After all, the Four Kingdoms Dynasty was first established and there are not many masters.

Escaping to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty is much better than them fleeing to other dynasties or sects.

This brings huge hidden dangers!

"Many experts are also a trouble!"

Lei Ling looked at the information in his hands, his brows almost knit into a line.

Today, the strength of foreign masters has far surpassed that of the native masters of the Four Kingdoms.

Although the wild sacred tree is strong, it cannot move after all, except for Beihuang, it can only protect a city of heroes.

Now that Elder Chuantianjian is seriously injured, some people will definitely not be peaceful.

Although it is unlikely that there will be a change of dynasty, it is still very possible to change the division of power.

"It seems that I have to find a time to take someone back to rectify."

Lei Ling put down the information in his hands and fell into deep thought. If he wanted to rectify the current Four Kingdoms Dynasty, it would definitely not be enough for him to go back alone.

There must be absolute force to suppress, Elder Tianjian can't count on it for the time being, so he can only start with the other elders.

But that would have to wait until he had dealt with Ding Er. Now that his own safety was threatened, he wouldn't have the time to take care of the affairs of the Four Kingdoms.

Next came the battle between the orc army and the Nanzhou Allied Forces. The battle was extremely fierce, and the orc troops from the Beast God Continent continued to migrate here.

The pressure on the Nanzhou human side is increasing, and the situation is very serious.

Several other states currently have no plans to send reinforcements.

For one thing, Nanzhou is located in a remote area, and has always been looked down upon by other states.

Secondly, it is possible that the Yin-Yang Tianzong is obstructing it.

Thirdly, the orc clan did not invade in an all-round way, and it was really the Nanzhou human clan who made the first move.

So the rest of the big states are too lazy to meddle in this business.

"Master, you don't want to participate in this battle, do you?"

Seeing that Lei Ling's face was cloudy and uncertain, Shi Yu, who was waiting on the side, broke out in a cold sweat, afraid that Lei Ling's head would get hot, and he would say that I wanted to beat the orc.

"Of course I won't participate, and I'm not stupid, so why don't I just go and be cannon fodder?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes, put down the information in his hands, took a sip of tea from his teacup, and said softly:

"After solving the matter of Ding Er and the Four Kingdoms, I will take you to leave Nanzhou, a place of right and wrong."

Although Lei Ling is a racial fanatic, he is not insane. The premise of doing things is to ensure his own safety.

Before fighting the barbarians, he had sufficient funds to mobilize all parties.

If he wins, he will be the savior. All the four empires belong to him. If he loses, he will lose the four empires and some money at most. Why not do it?

But the battle between the Nanzhou Allied Forces and the orcs was not something he could participate in.

Even if Lei Ling used all the resources, it would be just a drop in the bucket.

You can't let him run to kill himself, can you?

A strong man in the Holy Realm can be sent to see God if he appears casually.

No matter what happens, Lei Ling will put his own safety first.

So this time, not only will he not participate in the war, but he will also run far away, avoid risks, go to other places to develop wretchedly, and continue to be chic.

When he has enough strength in the future, he will come back with a large army and crush the orc clan!
"Huh? Where are we going?"

When Shi Yu heard that Lei Ling would not participate in the battle, the big stone hanging in his heart was finally let go.

But when he heard that he was leaving, he couldn't help asking curiously.

In the past, she would not have dared to ask such casual questions, but these two days Lei Ling favored her, so she naturally became more courageous.

"I haven't thought about it yet, it's either Dongzhou or Beizhou!"

Lei Ling of Xizhou didn't want to go, he still didn't understand Qin Xiuxiu's matter, running over there like this was just looking for death.

Not to mention Zhongzhou.

In the battle of Tianxuan Secret Realm, he offended the Yin Yang Tianzong to death, and now he ran to other people's fields, and he was not caught by them, skinned and boned?
Then there are only Dongzhou and Beizhou left, and Lei Ling already has a choice in his heart for these two states.

If there are no other accidents, he should choose to go to Dongzhou.

Among the five major states, Dongzhou is second only to Zhongzhou in strength, and it is like spring all year round, with pleasant scenery.

Unlike Beizhou, where there is ice and snow all the year round, you will be frozen to death if you run there.

Thinking of the cold, Lei Ling thought of Jin Qiaoer who was dressed like a ball back then: "By the way, where did Qiaoer go these two days?"

Shi Yu smiled wryly and said, "I'm hiding. I'm afraid you'll spank her, so she sneaked over and begged me several times."

"Call her

Come on, tell her, if you hide again, add 200 hits. "

Jin Qiaoer is usually the most mischievous, Lei Ling decided to use this a few times to teach her a good lesson, so that her memory will be long, otherwise this guy may go to heaven.

"Stop calling, I'm here."

When Shi Yu replied helplessly and was about to go to find Jin Qiaoer, Jin Qiaoer's voice unexpectedly rang in their ears.

Looking at Jin Qiaoer and Shi Ying who appeared suddenly, Lei Ling's eyes flashed with surprise, and he asked in disbelief, "You have always let Shi Ying take you to hide here?"

"Hmph! I call it dark under the lamp, aren't you afraid?"

Jin Qiaoer subconsciously put her face on her hips and snorted softly, but following Lei Ling's two chuckles, her complexion immediately turned bitter, and she half bit her lips and said:
"Lei Ling, I know I was wrong, don't hit me, okay? At worst, I'll just sleep with you."


Lei Ling spit out a sip of tea, stared at Jin Qiao'er blankly, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Jin Qiaoer saw him looking up and down lewdly at herself, her pretty face flushed red, and she hastily added:

"Don't think about it, it's just sleeping. I'll let you sleep in my arms at most, and I'm not allowed to do anything else. If you dare to do anything to me, my grandma will definitely go crazy."

"Joseph Cannon?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, but he finally nodded and said:

"Okay, I just have something to ask you."

"Hmph! What a pervert."

Jin Qiao snorted coldly with disdain, rolled her eyes and said:

"As the old saying goes, rabbits don't eat the grass beside their nests, but you, a rabbit, like to gnaw on the grass beside their nests. Do you have any morals?"

Lei Ling didn't feel ashamed at all, and said as a matter of course: "I don't eat the cabbage I have worked so hard to raise, so why don't I give it to others? I'm not a fool."

"You're an animal."

Jin Qiao'er was so angry that her face turned red, she snorted heavily, turned around and ran away.

After Shi Ying glanced at Lei Ling vigilantly, he entered the invisible state again.

Ling Tianfeng, in the torture room.

Yuexi, who had been locked up for several days, finally couldn't stand it any longer and was willing to explain everything.

Lei Ling who got the news didn't go to see her directly, but waited for another day before leaving the Eternal Shenzhou and came to the iron box.

He tapped the iron box lightly, and jokingly said, "Beauty, is it comfortable to live in?"


Yuexi let out a scream and said urgently: "Uncle Lei Ling, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me out, I will tell you everything."

"No hurry, no hurry."

Lei Ling sat on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, while enjoying the massage from the personal guard, he said:
"I need you to answer me a few questions, and if I am satisfied with the answer, I will let you go.

If I am not satisfied, I will not torture you, you can continue to think about it here, and I will ask you again in a few days. "

"No, no, don't go, I'll say everything, everything!"

Yuexi seemed to be on the verge of collapse, even her tone changed.

Lei Ling clapped his hands: "Very good, the first question, what is Ding Er's plan for Shi Xue?"

"Ding Er needs Shi Xue's spiritual power, but it won't harm Shi Xue, but it can help her solve the problem of cold poison due to the stasis of spiritual power!

I don't know the specific situation, I only know that Shi Xue is very important to Ding Er, so he asked us to find a way to keep Shi Xue on the mountain. "

Yuexi seemed to be afraid that Lei Ling would be dissatisfied, so she said a lot, telling what she knew as much as possible.

Lei Ling nodded, which was similar to his guess: "Second question, what is the source of Ding Er's devouring ability? What specific things can he devour?"

"I don't know, I really don't know about this, it was also the first time I saw him use that ability that day."

There was a little eagerness in Yuexi's voice, as if she was afraid that Lei Ling would not believe her, she added:

"Ding Er hides it very deeply. I don't know much about him. I only know that he has a very close relationship with Elder Wuya. Once, I accidentally heard Elder Wuya call him Senior Ding, my master. They were all standing at that time."


Hearing this, Lei Ling couldn't help but turn pale with shock. From this point of view, this Ding Er must be a time traveler!

And he was an extremely awesome existence during his lifetime.

The most frightening thing is that he is not as arrogant as the idiot Venerable Sword, who is trying to die in every way.

He knows how to forbear, know how to develop wretchedly.

"I know this is unbelievable, but this is indeed what I saw with my own eyes, and I can swear an oath to heaven."

Lei Ling was very satisfied with Yuexi's performance, and at the same time believed it. After all, Yuexi was not a fool, so he would be more reliable when he made up nonsense: "Aside from serving Xue, what other plans does he have?"

"The position of the pavilion master."

Lei Ling was just asking casually, and didn't report any hope. After all, Yuexi was just a small person. She didn't expect that she would know:
"That time I was quickly discovered by them, so they took me into the water and let me participate in this matter.

Ding Er said that there is a big secret hidden in the Wushuang Jiange, which can only be known by becoming the owner of the pavilion.

Lanling Muxue, Huangfu Yunfei and others will definitely go to the wider sky in the future, and they have no intention of being the Pavilion Master.

So his biggest enemy is you, as long as you are destroyed, the suzerain position will be his. "

"Huh? Is that so?"

Lei Ling frowned, at first he thought that Ding Er was planning to attack his power, but he did not expect that he coveted the position of Pavilion Master.

This guy is a real traveler, so he knows a lot of things.

He should have realized that he is not a Daoist, so he might not leave Nanzhou to fight against more powerful masters like Lan Ling and Mu Xue did.

With Elder Tianjian and other connections, plus his own strength and brains, if Lei Ling stayed in the Wushuang Jiange, it would not be difficult for him to become the Pavilion Master.

If this is the case, then plans must be changed.

"Uncle Lei Ling, I have told you everything I know, I beg you to let me out, I don't want to stay here anymore."

Yuexi's voice was already crying, she begged bitterly, at this time she was like a helpless girl, not a direct disciple of Wushuang Jiange.

"Yeah! Well done, don't worry, I won't tell you what happened today, you can go back to your Yuexi Peak, and of course you can go to Bingyu Peak, it's all your freedom."

Lei Ling explained a few words to the guard, and then left. When he walked to the door, he took a meaningful look at the iron box that Yuexi was in.
Back on the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling overthrew all the previous plans. The biggest obstacle for Ding Er to become the pavilion master was not him, but Nangong Jian.

If there is no accident, Nangong Jian can still be the Pavilion Master for at least another 100 years. It is impossible for Ding Er to wait so long.

He is a Taoist, just like Lan Ling and Mu Xue, he cannot be trapped in the Wushuang Jiange.

All he needs is the great secret of Wushuang Jiange.

Now in the Nanzhou battle, Elder Tianjian was seriously injured, with Dang Wuya's help, it is still possible to kill Nangongjian.

For a genius like Huangfu Yunfei, who has a solid accumulation, it is very easy to step into the holy realm in a short period of time. Lei Ling believes that Ding Er can do it too.

Once Nangong Jian died, Ding Er stepped into the holy realm, Huangfu Yunfei and the others would not fight, and if Lei Ling was killed, then the pavilion master would belong to Ding Er, and so would the big secret.

Of course, Nangong Jian doesn't mean that he can be killed if he is killed, it will take a lot of time and energy.

Lei Ling just took advantage of the time when they were plotting against Nangong Jian, and planned well!
Of course, it is impossible for him to save Nangong Jian, he wants to be an oriole!

It must be something extraordinary that can make Ding Er, a traveler like Ding Er, spend so much time planning.

Lei Ling would never miss this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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