My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 345 Falling into the Trap

Chapter 345 Falling into the Trap (Two Chapters in One)
Yuexi Peak, Yuexi boudoir.

Yue Xi, with a pretty pale face, curled up on the bed, trembling all over.

Lei Ling didn't lie to her, after answering the question, he really let her go.

Of course, this is what everyone expected.

No matter what, Yuexi is a direct disciple of Wushuang Jiange.

She bumped into Lei Ling, and Lei Ling taught her some lessons, but everyone didn't say anything because of Elder Tianjian's face.

But if Lei Ling punished her severely, or killed her directly, that sect would definitely not sit idly by.

Lei Ling is not a fool, it is impossible for him to get himself involved for the sake of one month's eve.

This is the tacit understanding between the superiors, and it can also be said to be an unspoken rule. Everyone doesn't talk about it but they all know what to do.

"Are you okay?"

Suddenly a voice slowly sounded in Yuexi's ear, and accompanied by a burst of space fluctuations, a young man appeared in front of Yuexi out of thin air.

This person is Ding Er.

For Ding Er's sudden appearance, Yue Xi wasn't surprised at all. Seeing Ding Er's pale face regained some color: "Fortunately, nothing major happened."

Ding Er nodded, and asked again: "Did he believe it?"

"I should believe it."

Yuexi exhaled lightly, and told Ding Er everything he had experienced before.

Ding Er sat in front of Yue Xi's bed, gently hugged her into his arms, gently stroked her jade back, and said softly: "Thank you, Lei Ling is suspicious by nature, if not, He won't believe it."

"It's not hard, as long as it can help you, it doesn't matter if I die?"

After Yuexi shook her head, doubts flashed across her face: "I just don't understand, why did you waste such a big setback, now that Elder Tianjian is down, Lei Ling is just a piece of trash, is he worth your trouble to make arrangements? "

"Don't underestimate this man."

A look of seriousness flashed in Ding Er's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Although he is not a Taoist, there must be many Taoists who died in his hands.

Not to mention Zhong Li, the treasure of his physical training is probably also obtained from a Taoist, the ice lotus stand in Shi Xue's hand, and the small silver pagoda he used before are all Taoist's treasures.

He is definitely a Daozi hunter. It is terrifying that a person who is not Daozi can kill so many Daozi.

I have been planning a sloppy elder for a long time, and I have never found a chance, but he managed it in minutes.

Playing against this kind of person, you must be more cautious, otherwise, I may be killed by him. "

"Impossible? With his bum, can he kill you?"

Yuexi had an unbelievable expression on her face, in order to win Lei Ling's trust, she did not lie about Ding Er's background.

Ding Er was indeed a big man who came here through time travel. He casually pointed out a few words to Dang Wuya, which made Dang Wuya break through the shackles of many years.

In Yuexi's eyes, Ding Er is an invincible existence, even Lanling Muxue may not be his opponent.

How could he be killed by Lei Ling, the second generation ancestor?

"Ha ha!"

Ding Er chuckled, and explained very patiently: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people! It's better to be careful.

Now Lanling Muxue is not in Nanzhou, Elder Tianjian and Huangfu Yunfei are fighting outside again, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.

If I can't kill him this time, when he becomes alert and those masters come back, let alone kill him, I will run away first.

So I have to be careful and careful. "

"Yes! As long as you make a move, Lei Ling will die."

Yuexi nodded, her hand had already touched Ding Er's body.

Ding Er laughed, and threw her directly on the bed. For a moment, the whole room was full of joy.

On the other hand, Lei Ling, who learned that Ding Er wanted to seize the position of Pavilion Master, also started a new plan.

He personally found a few Supreme Elders who were on the side of Elder Tianjian, sent a large amount of supplies, and obtained their support.

This is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

Those who have reached the level of the Supreme Elder have few things that can impress them.

Fortunately, Lei Ling had Cai Mi as his agent, and from him, he got a list of what the elders needed urgently.

If there is something in Lei Ling's treasure house, take it out and send it over.

If not, buy it at any cost.

Afterwards, he used his three-inch tongue and tried every means to gain the support of several Supreme Elders.

Of course, he will not let go of the other elders in the door.

The Supreme Elder is mainly used to restrain Dang Wuya.

If you want to seek the position of Pavilion Master, you need the support of the elders.

However, it is relatively simple to draw together the group of elders, and many of them are from the elders of Tianjian.

In addition to those that Lei Ling had wooed before, it was enough to compete with Ding Er.

Next comes the disciples.

Although ordinary disciples don't have much right to speak, they are powerful in numbers!
More people are also a powerful force.

Lei Ling had established a strong prestige among his disciples before.

Then let the people who were inserted in before cooperate with the team of the sloppy elders to bring the rhythm and so on, and it's almost the same.

At the same time, the investigation on Ding Er has been going on.

This matter is the top priority. In addition to Cai Mi, he also used his own intelligence organization to monitor him in all directions.

Everything is going on in full swing, Lei Ling has not slept for many days.

Fortunately, he is a physical trainer. If he changed to a spiritual trainer, even with the support of medicine, he would probably collapse.

When he spent his energy and time building his own "power".

The conspiracy against him is also proceeding simultaneously.

In Wuya Peak, in a secret room.

Dang Wuya and Ding Er sat facing each other, both of them had a little excitement on their faces.

"Senior Ding is really good at predicting things. That Lei Ling was plotted by you to death. He thought he was an oriole, but he didn't know that his death was imminent."

Dang Wuya poured a cup of tea for Ding Er, and gave him a small flattery.

Ding Er chuckled, nodded and said, "Although Lei Ling is powerful, he is still too young after all.

But if we can spend so much effort and waste so much time calculating him, even if he dies, he should rest in peace. "

"That's natural, but are you really sure that he got the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus?"

Dang Wuya frowned slightly, but still asked with some worry.

If Lei Ling heard this sentence, he would definitely be scared to death.

Someone actually knew that he had obtained the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus. If this leaked out, he would definitely be hunted down by countless strong men.

Ding Er picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said confidently: "That's natural. I discovered Fang Yuan's anomaly in the Profound Sky Secret Realm. Through Lei Ling's series of performances, I guess he is Creating opportunities for Fang Yuan.

Sure enough, Fang Yuan was the first to enter the flame space. Lei Ling seemed to do things as he wanted, but in fact every step was carefully planned. He had spent so much effort to help Fang Yuan, so he must have made perfect preparations.

As expected, Fang Yuan disappeared, and I was still in the flame space, and found Zhou Yaxuan's body!
Someone has manipulated her body, I think it should be Lei Lingdong's hands and feet.

There is also Lanling Muxue, she should have made some kind of deal with Lei Ling, and it is possible that she even had a relationship.

Since the flame space, her attitude towards Lei Ling has changed too much.

I've been observing her for a long time, and it's the first time I've seen her treat someone like this. You must know that she is practicing the Way of Forgetfulness.

So I guess, after Lanling Muxue took Fang Yuan away, Lei Ling might have found them and somehow persuaded Lanling Muxue.

Then they killed Fang Yuan and seized the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus. What might they have experienced after that, or what agreement they had reached.

Anyway, no matter what, there is a [-]% chance that the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus will be on Lei Ling's body. "

If Lei Ling was here, he would definitely give Ding Er a thumbs up!At the same time, it will be very scary.

When he dealt with Fang Yuan, he thought he did it without anyone noticing, but he didn't expect that someone had already seen through all this.

Also secretly tracked.

If it wasn't for Ding Er's lack of strength, I'm afraid that Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus might have been taken first by him.

"Well, this kid does have some skills."

Dang Wuya nodded, and Ding Er's explanation made him relax a little bit.

He sighed slightly, and said with emotion: "This big battle is really timely! If it weren't for this big battle, with Elder Tianjian sitting in charge, no one would be able to touch him."

"This is the manifestation of his lack of luck. After all, he is not a Daoist, without the blessing of heaven's luck.

Although he has a bit of brains, he even wanted to kill Daozi by cheating and change his fate against the sky.

But this is just a mirror image, he will eventually become our stepping stone, and only those of us who have the destiny of heaven can prove the Tao and achieve eternity.

That's the rule!
This is the iron law!
This is the truth! "

A domineering spirit gushed out from Ding Er's body, he stared at Dang Wuya with scorching eyes, and said seriously:
"Wuya, you protect the way for me, I will not treat you badly, after I get what I want, I will refine him into a elixir, which will increase your lifespan by 9000 years, in the future you will return will get more."

"Thank you."

Dang Wuya bowed his hands to Ding Er, but there was some strange light in his eyes.

This time he went all out for Shouyuan.

If Ding Er can fulfill his promise to him, that's all.

Otherwise, he will definitely kill him, no matter what kind of time traveler he is, no matter what way he is, no matter how good he was before, no matter whether he can prove the way in the future.

He is just a sea-suppressing realm master now, and if he wants to kill him, it's just a matter of raising his hand.

Ding Er can naturally see a thing or two about wandering thoughts, but he doesn't care, people don't kill themselves for themselves!
As long as he shows a value worthy of being followed by Dang Wuya, then Dang Wuya will definitely follow him.

"I'll ask you to handle the matter over there in secret. I have to move and confuse Lei Ling, otherwise he will definitely become suspicious."

Although Ding Er looked down on Lei Ling, he still feared him very much.

Lei Ling was suspicious by nature, since he asked Yuexi to tell him that he wanted to plot against Nangong Jian and seek to win the position of Wushuan Jiange Pavilion Master, so he had to act and put on a show.

It also needs to be done properly so that Lei Ling can believe it.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

On the Eternal Shenzhou, a steady stream of information about Ding Er was sent over.

For these information, Lei Ling must have personally read it.

I have to say that Cai Mi is really good at it, he can be called the paparazzi king of another world, and he has a clear picture of Ding Er's whereabouts.

"Qiaoer, do you know where Jianxinyuan is?"

Lei Ling looked at the piece of information in his hand, Cai Mi and his intelligence organization found out that Ding Er seemed to be very concerned about Jian Xinyuan.

He even asked Dang Wuya to sneak him in a few times.

"Of course I know, what doesn't Miss Ben know?"

Jin Qiaoer was lying on the table, spitting bubbles and playing boredly. Hearing Lei Ling's question, she hurriedly explained:

"This Jianxinyuan is an extremely sacred place of Wushuang Jiange.

According to legend, there is a sword mound inside, and the remnant soul of the sword heart of the masters of Wushuang Jiange is hidden in the sword mound.

However, only the past pavilion masters can enter the Sword Tomb, and no one else is allowed to enter. It is said that there may be some big secret hidden in it. "

"Big secret?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, and he wondered, did Ding Er go for Jianzhong?

If you follow the routine, there is really a possibility. Generally, in a school with a long history like Wushuang Jiange, there will always be opportunities for the protagonist.

The remnant soul of the master of the past?
This sounds very tall, does it matter?

The most important thing is that only the owner of the sword mound can enter this sword mound.

Very much in line with Yuexi's description

It's just too easy to know, right?

Such an important matter, just let yourself know so simply?
Lei Ling felt that this might be a trap.

But only the past pavilion masters can enter this sword mound!Why did Ding Er set up an ambush inside?
"Well, no matter what, let's find a way to go in and take a look, it would be best if there is really some big secret inside.

After all, Nangong Jian is still my father-in-law, if he can save his life, I still have to save his life, otherwise, when Mu Xue comes back, I won't be able to explain it! "

Lei Ling thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to go to the Sword Tomb to have a look. If not, come out again. It just took some effort: "Looks like I'm going to look for Nangong Sword."

"I advise you to take it easy!"

When Jin Qiaoer heard that he was looking for Nangong Jian, she guessed what he wanted to do, rolled her eyes and said:
"Except for the pavilion master, even the elders of Tianjian cannot enter the sword mound. If it is something else, the pavilion master may agree to you, but only this sword mound, he will definitely not allow you to enter."

"Is it so strict?"

Lei Ling asked in surprise.

Jin Qiao'er nodded and said: "Of course, even the pavilion master can only enter when sending the remnant soul. If he takes you in, then he, the pavilion master, can't do it."

"He won't take me in, so I'll sneak in by myself."

Lei Ling shrugged indifferently, as if he was saying that I would add a salted duck egg to my meal tomorrow.

Jin Qiaoer had a look of disdain at first, then suddenly thought of something, her little face was pale with fright, and she opened her mouth to speak.

But Lei Ling made a booing gesture to her, and said softly: "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

(End of this chapter)

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