Chapter 346 Captured (two chapters in one)
In the Wushuang Jiange, there is a mountain range, because its shape resembles a sword, so it is named the Excalibur Mountain Range.

Jianxinyuan is located in the center of the mountain range.

Under Cai Mi's guidance, Lei Ling quickly entered Jianxinyuan.

He is the closed disciple of Elder Tianjian, and he has a close relationship with Lanling Muxue. Although he can't enter the sword mound, Nangongjian will still give him face when he thinks of visiting Jianxinyuan.

There is a large formation in Jianxinyuan, and the spiritual energy here is condensed into a transparent spirit sword, flying around as if it has life.

Lei Ling waved away the flying spirit sword and asked a little strangely: "Isn't Jianxinyuan's defense too weak? After all, this is the ancestral hall of the sect, right? Aren't they afraid that someone will sneak in and destroy it?" ?"

He originally thought that Jian Xinyuan should be well-defended, so he rushed to find Nangong Jian and asked for a warrant.

Unexpectedly, there were two handyman disciples guarding the door. When they saw him, they didn't even dare to look at the warrant, so they let him in directly.

"It is the sword mound that needs to be protected, not Jianxinyuan. The guardian power of the sword mound is very powerful, and its location will often change.

No one can enter it except the pavilion master, so Jian Xinyuan is just a symbolic guard to prevent some disciples from accidentally breaking in. "

Cai Mi smiled and led Lei Ling to visit Jianxinyuan, with a pair of small eyes rolling around, and asked in a low voice: "Little uncle! What are you doing here at this time?"

Lei Ling smiled slightly, but did not answer his words, but asked aloud, "Do you know the exact location of the Sword Tomb?"


Cai Mi's face turned pale immediately, and his head shook like a rattle: "I don't know, how would I know such a secret?"

"You must know!"

Two sharp gazes shot out from Lei Ling's eyes, and then he chuckled and said, "With your ability, I believe you will be able to find out, right?"

"Little uncle, don't hurt me!"

Cai Mi took several steps back. Just for a moment, he felt a terrifying murderous aura from Lei Ling. It was Lei Ling who was warning him.

He said with a sad face: "Even if I tell you, it's useless! There is a powerful protective barrier on it, and there are sword arrays and so on.

Not to mention that it is impossible to break in with your current strength, even if you have the strength to force your way in, once the formation is activated, the elders in the sect will come, please stop making trouble, okay? "

"Don't worry, I won't force my way in. Don't you know who I am?"

Lei Ling walked up to Cai Mi and patted him on the shoulder: "Quickly point out the place to me, don't waste my precious time!"


Cai Mi sighed for a long time, at such a short distance, he didn't even have a chance to escape:

"Okay, come with me, but this is a big deal, you have to pay more."

"The price is up to you, lead the way."

Lei Ling laughed, urging Cai Mi to lead the way quickly, now is the time when every second counts.

Along the way, Cai Mi kept making small moves.

Sometimes lying on the ground, it seems to be listening to something.

Sometimes I look up at the sky, as if watching something.

Sometimes he crossed his legs and closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Lei Ling didn't bother him either, and just stood beside him quietly, watching his performance.

Time flies by, when the night falls and the stars fall.

Cai Mi finally pointed to the top of a lake, wiped his sweat and said, "It should be hidden above that lake."


Lei Ling frowned. He stretched out two fingers and flicked lightly, and the space immediately rippled in circles: "There seems to be something. Is this a space spirit array?"

"I'll go, little uncle, you have this ability."

Cai Mi was obviously taken aback by Lei Ling's methods, but he soon realized that he had lost his composure, and it's best to ignore such things:
"It's a kind of space partition technique, which is equivalent to adding another layer outside Jianxinyuan, and then Jianzhong will move in the interlayer space. Can you understand me?"

"Well! Got it."

Lei Ling nodded. In fact, Cai Mi didn't need to say anything, he could also feel that during the ten years of retreat, he also developed the power of shock.

He has mastered a lot of little tricks, such as the previous trick, sending out a weak and long shock wave, causing the surrounding space to vibrate slightly. Through the feedback of the shock wave, he can find enemies or things hidden in the dark.

"Little uncle, let's go! If the elders find out, you may be fine, but I will be in trouble."

Cai Mi's face was filled with pleading, and he almost knelt down for Lei Ling.

Lei Ling glanced at him meaningfully, and said with a half-smile, "You don't come here, I know how many backers Fatty Cai has in the door."

He ordered people to investigate Cai Mi before, after all, this guy might become his enemy, and this investigation really found out a lot.

Don't look at this fat man's doormat appearance, he has a lot of backstage!

But this is not surprising!
Intelligence is very important no matter where it is.

Cai Mi's news is well-informed!

It is estimated that there is a fight with Tianjizong.

Even Lei Ling valued him very much, let alone the elders in the door.

In addition, this kid is very tactful, and has been in the sect for many years, and many elders owe him favors.

Leaving Elder Tianjian aside, Lei Ling's backing is probably not as strong as him.

"Hey! I don't want to waste favors!"

Cai Mi changed his expression in an instant, rubbed his hands together and said, "Little uncle, to be honest, there is really nothing interesting here, or we should go back! If there is a commotion, it will be very troublesome."

Lei Ling stood there, staring at where the Sword Tomb was, as if hesitating about something.

After a few breaths, he suddenly asked: "Cai Mi, do you know what secrets are hidden in this sword mound?"


Cai Mi shuddered all over, and after hesitating for a long time, he whispered:
"There are some rumors, but they are all made up by others, so they are not credible."

"What's there? Let's hear it."

"You know, this man likes to guess about unknown things.

Only the past pavilion masters can enter this sword mound, so many legends will naturally arise.

Some people say that the entire Excalibur Mountain Range was transformed from the sword of the ancient great god, and there is a way to revive it hidden in the sword mound.

Some people also said that our Wushuang Jiange is using the sword heart remnant soul of the master to temper some great treasure.

Some people even said that the body of the Patriarch was preserved in the sword mound, and he had planted a heaven-defying means in it to revive him. "

Cai Mi spread his hands, casually said a few rumors, his face was full of helplessness.

What he said is correct, unknown things often attract all kinds of conjectures, and after word of mouth, they will eventually evolve into various legends.

But not all the rumors are made up by others.

Many legends are just exaggerated facts, but there is still such a thing.

"You wait for me here, I'll go and have a look."

After Lei Ling instructed Cai Mi, before Cai Mi could speak, his body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment he had already entered the gap in the space.

The moment Lei Ling stepped into the space crack, he knew something was wrong, because his body was actually imprisoned.

"You finally came."

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came into his ears, and Lei Ling's face darkened immediately: "Ding Er!"

"Hehe! After all, you have been fooled by me!"

The surrounding space was lit up at once, and Ding Er appeared outside the formation with Yuexi in his arms, and said very proudly:
"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Lei Ling looked at Ding Er sharply, and said sharply, "What formation is this, what do you want to do?"

This formation is really too powerful, in the formation, he can't mobilize any power, and feels like he has become an ordinary person.

"This is the fierce formation in the world I live in, you don't need to know its name, you just need to know that you will be drained of all your strength by this formation in a while.

Even the true blood of the phoenix cannot bring you back to life, everything about you will be swallowed by me in the end, this is the meaning of your existence. "

A look of madness flashed in Ding Er's eyes, he rubbed the beauty in his arms vigorously, and jokingly said:

"I think you must be full of questions right now? For example, how did I know that you would definitely come to Jianzhong! How did I know that you could enter here.

Don't worry, I will let you die to understand. "

"Please start your show."

Lei Ling couldn't resist at all now, Ding Er offered to delay the time, so naturally he wouldn't refuse.

It's not just villains who die from talking too much, but anyone who talks too much is easy to die.

"Actually! I don't want to be the Pavilion Master, let alone enter the Sword Tomb to find some big secrets. From the beginning, my goal was you."

Ding Er looked at Lei Ling at this time, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty, still naked.

He said with fiery eyes: "Originally, I paid attention to you, but I just wanted to get your Eternal Shenzhou, and the treasure on your body to help you cultivate.

But as time went by, I became more and more interested in you, and even in the end, I directly regarded you as my primary goal.

But you are too careful, you seldom leave your sect, even your Ling Tianfeng, you often retreat, or die.

I have no chance to deal with you at all, so I put my hope on the Profound Sky Secret Realm.

In the Profound Sky Secret Realm, I have been following you secretly. When you were saving Wu Qingcheng, I wanted to attack you, but the strength you showed is too strong.

If Wu Qingcheng is added, even if I win, I will be seriously injured. The Profound Sky Secret Realm is too dangerous, and I dare not take this risk. "

"You said you've been following me?"

Lei Ling looked at Ding Er suspiciously, it was hard for him to imagine that Ding Er could hide under his nose without being noticed by him.

"Hmph, my means are beyond your imagination? I'm not afraid to tell you, except for Lan Ling Mu Xue, I don't pay attention to any of the proud talents of Nanzhou."

Ding Er snorted coldly, his face full of arrogance: "Later, because I wanted to capture Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, and because you joined Huangfu Yunfei and the others, I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​dealing with you.

Fang Yuan, I also noticed it. I have to say that your methods are really powerful, and you have deceived almost everyone.

If I didn't know that you were planning on him, maybe I would be cheated too!
I followed Fang Yuan secretly, and I wanted to kill him before you and snatch the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus.

It's a pity that Lanling and Muxue appeared, so I had no choice but to leave. I didn't expect you to get this magic medicine in the end.

But instead of being disappointed, I am very happy. Since you have obtained the Phoenix Nine Leaf Lotus, then I just need to concentrate on dealing with you, and I don’t need to be distracted to plot against Fang Yuan anymore. "


Lei Ling was so frightened that he was so frightened that he would never have imagined that besides Lan Ling Mu Xue, there would be someone else who would see everything he planned.

"Why? Surprised? What surprises you even more is yet to come."

Ding Er smiled triumphantly, he moved out a stool, put his arms around the well-behaved Yue Xi and continued:
"Aren't you surprised why I counted on you to come here? Elder Sloppy, I believe you haven't forgotten, right?"

Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Do you know that supernatural power?"

"It's more than knowing that I gave him the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch."

Ding Er sneered, and said disdainfully: "Sloppy old man, that trash, I'm sure he can't be your opponent, so I took him as part of my plan and gave him the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch.

Whether he gave it to you, or you found it yourself after capturing him, this supernatural power will fall into your hands. After you got it, you must be crazy with excitement, right? "

"Amazing, you are really amazing."

Lei Ling nodded, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that you plotted against Shi Xue, let Yuexi be caught by me, you clashed with me on the top of Bingyu Peak, and then I tortured Yuexi, it was all your scheme all right?
You have done so much to let me know about Jian Xinyuan and that there is a big secret in the sword mound!
I have the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, I can teleport, ignore the enchantment, and go directly into the sword mound to grab what you want.

In order to convince me that you are really targeting the Pavilion Master, you have exhausted all your tricks just to lure me here and kill me without anyone noticing.

It's just how much benefit you have given Cai Mi, how dare he risk his life to help you plot against me? "

"Hehe, Cai Mi is originally my person. I know you so well. I got a lot of news from him. Of course, the news he gave you during this period is also what I want you to see."

Ding Er chuckled, anyway, Lei Ling is already a dead person now, there is no need for him to hide anything.

Lei Ling sighed for a long time, he didn't expect that Ding Er had such great energy.

Even Cai Mi is his subordinate: "This fat man's acting skills are really good, he fooled me.

By the way, why doesn't he come in?Now that you are sure of winning, won't he come out to show off to me, or humiliate me? "

"Fatty Cai is the most timid, and after all, you are kind to him. He feels ashamed and has already left."

Ding Er clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said, are you ready to go on the road?"

Seeing that he was going to make a move, Lei Ling turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked: "Aren't you afraid that Lan Ling and Mu Xue will come back to trouble you if you make a move against me?

Although you did it very covertly, I believe that if she wants to know, she will definitely know!Let me tell you, my relationship with her is not what you can imagine.

And what are you going to do with my women? "

"Hehe, you have no chance of turning the tables, so there's no need to delay any longer, right?
This is too ugly!Don't let me underestimate you! "

Ding Er pushed Yue Xi away, hesitated for a while, and said:

"Forget it! I'm happy today, so I'll let you live a little longer! I'm very afraid of Lan Ling Mu Xue now, but after killing you and taking everything from you, even if I can't beat her and want to run away, it's okay.

As for your women...

Jin Qiaoer is useful to me, and she is from the Jin family, so I will use some means to make her mine.

I will try my best to subdue Shi Xue, and I will reward Cai Mi for the rest. He said that he is very interested in that little fox girl, okay!That's enough nonsense, you should be on your way. "

At this time Lei Ling suddenly showed a slightly evil smile on his face: "It's time for you to go on the road."


(End of this chapter)

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