My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 348 Unimaginably Cautious

Chapter 348 Unimaginable Prudence (two chapters in one)
"Surrender? Just rely on you?"

Nangongjian looked at Ding Er with disdain, like looking at an idiot.

No matter how you say it, Wushuang Jiange is also the top sect in Nanzhou, with a long heritage, countless masters in the sect, and endless heritage.

Even in Zhongzhou, he can be ranked high. There are many arrogances in the sect, and he surrenders to a young boy?

Even if they agree, Huangfu Yunfei and his group of geniuses will not agree, and there will definitely be a large number of geniuses leaving the sect.

Many elders will also leave. By then, Wushuang Jiange will not only fall from the altar, but also become the laughing stock of the entire Nanzhou.

Even if Nangongjian died, he would not be able to submit to Ding Er.

Dang Wuya snorted coldly and said: "Nangongjian, don't think too highly of yourself, Mr. Ding's energy is beyond what you can imagine.

If it wasn't for Lanling Muxue's sake, do you think he would have taken a fancy to your mere Wushuang Jiange? "

Hearing Dang Wuya mentioned Lanling Muxue, Lei Ling who had been broken suddenly came back to life. He stared at Dang Wuya, and said word by word: "What do you mean?"

"For someone like Mr. Ding, naturally only a woman like Lan Ling Muxue can be worthy of him, why? Are you not convinced?"

Dang Wuya fully played the role of a dog's leg, and the other elders were so angry that they cursed one after another.

"Dang Wuya, are you still shameless?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a shameless villain. Did you live like a dog at your age?"

"You are like a pig or a dog."

Dang Wuya is number two in Wushuang Jiange, with a noble status, no one would have thought that he would be so shameless as to be the dog's leg of a junior.

This is even more infuriating than his betrayal of the sect.

But Dang Wuya was very indifferent, and even sneered at the insults of the elders:

"How much is face worth? In a small place like Nanzhou, you are amazing, but when you go to Zhongzhou, you are a bunch of bums.

When the time comes, when you see those real strong men, don't you all have to kneel obediently?A group of frogs in a well. "

"That makes sense."

Lei Ling clapped his hands, he agreed with what Dang Wuya said.

No matter where you are, there are classes. Maybe you are a big boss in a small situation, but in a big situation, you are just a bum.

How high-spirited was Luo Yuetian when he was in Los Angeles?How about going to Longyue Empire?
Not even a punk.

Those ancestors of the Longyue Empire, the Zhenhai Realm is so powerful!

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are god-like existences, and when the spirit treasure is released, all things surrender.

But here it is nothing more than cannon fodder, Lei Ling can kill several people with one slap.

Do they dare to show off?

The situation of crushing people to death at the top of the official rank is even more serious in the practice world.

If you want to climb up, you have to know how to pretend to be a grandson.

Although it is shameless to act without limit, such people are often the ones who live the longest.

However, there is a premise, that is, don't accidentally provoke someone you can't provoke.

After Lei Ling glanced at Dang Wuya, he turned his gaze back to Ding Er, with a bright smile on his face: "Do you have any thoughts about Lan Ling Mu Xue?"

Ding Er shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "I don't think so, I just want to sleep with her. The road to cultivation is long, so we must have some fun, right?

Don't you think it's very challenging to sleep all over the world and train them to be my slave girls? "

"Damn, this is my dream! I'm going to Nima, do you want to order Bilian?"

Lei Ling didn't expect Ding Er's thoughts to coincide with his own, so he slipped his mouth by accident.

But at this time, no one would spray him anymore, he stared, pointed at Ding Er and cursed angrily:
"Just because you are a poor brat, you are trying to get involved with my spiritual girl? I will cut off your five limbs later."

"What did you say?"

Ding Er's face changed instantly, what kind of character is he?As soon as Lei Ling spoke, he realized that something was wrong:
"You have a backup? No! It's impossible! The top combat power of Wushuang Jiange is here, and everyone else is also fighting. It is impossible to return."

Lei Ling chuckled, and said jokingly: "Who told you that I can only hire people from Wushuang Jiange?

I think when you trapped us, you also sent experts to take the opportunity to raid the Wushuang Jiange, right?

Don't you wonder why there is still no movement outside after so long? "


When the complexions of Ding Er and the others changed dramatically, a grand and loud bell rang, and in the sky, the most holy prestige fell down from the sky.

At this time, Dang Wuya and the others, how could they care about mobilizing the weak water prison!

They quickly rushed to Ding Er's surroundings, set up their spiritual shields, and together resisted the terrifying supreme holy power.

"Clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!"

The bell rang continuously, and wave after wave of sound waves echoed in Jianxinyuan.


Dang Wuya and the others couldn't hold on anymore after carrying three sound waves. Qiqi spat out a mouthful of blood, lying on the ground like a dead dog, twitching all over.

Ruoshui Sky Prison was also shattered by the terrifying sound waves, and Lei Ling and the others escaped immediately.

"Xiao Tianzhong, you actually invited someone from the Tian Xiao Lingfeng sect?"

Ding Er lay on the ground, raised his head with difficulty, looked at the big silver clock in the sky, and said in disbelief:
"No! That's impossible. You don't have any friendship with Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect. How could they bring the Supreme Saint Soldiers from the sect to help you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have friendship, but people owe me favors! If you owe favors, you have to pay them back."

With an extremely smug smile on Lei Ling's face, he returned the previous sentence to Ding Er again:

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Ding Er spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow, and said through gritted teeth: "You have already seen through my game?"

"Nonsense, I told you before, this young master relies on his acting skills when he comes out to play, and he is foolproof if he asks for it.

When I discovered the flaw in your plan, I wondered if this could be a game in the middle?
Maybe you were afraid that I would be too stupid to discover your flaws, so you prepared later, the flaws that many sand sculptures can see, which made me more firm in my previous guess.

So here comes the question, what do you want to do with this inning?
So I made various deductions, and finally I guessed that you might not only want to devour me, but also want to take the opportunity to send masters to capture me and slowly devour me.

Even, you want to directly destroy my Wushuang Jiange. I originally wanted to contact my master and ask him to bring back experts.

But I guess you will definitely send someone to monitor them, if there is any movement from my master, you will give up the plan.

And my master seems to be injured.

So I thought of my other sects in Nanzhou. In the battle of Tianxuan Secret Realm, I saved Nanzhou Tianjiao in the flame space and captured Zhong Li.

Afterwards, the traitor was dug out, and Sister Muxue wiped out the army of the Black Beast Alliance in one fell swoop, saving the lives of all the Nanzhou Tianjiao.

The factions owe me!You owe me the great favor of Wushuang Jiange, I asked them to come and help, they have no reason to refuse, right? "

"You called so many people just because of a guess?"

Ding Er was already dumbfounded, he knew that Lei Ling was cautious, but isn't this mother too cautious?

You must know that all this is just a conjecture of his!
Just because you thought it might be a game in the middle, you used up the big favor that day?
Not only did he let the masters of the Tianxiao Lingfeng sect bring the supreme holy soldiers in the sect, but he also called many masters from the first-class sect.

Is this what people do?

Lei Ling cut his eyes in disdain, rolled his eyes and said, "Guess what's wrong? I've said it all, what I want is a foolproof.

Even if there is only one percent possibility, I will call them over without hesitation.

It doesn't matter if you guess wrong, anyway, you're going to kill me after all, so it's good to invite them to come over to suppress the battle.

Favors are nothing!If I die, no matter how great the favor is, won't it be wasted? "

As soon as he said this, not only Ding Er, but also Nangong Jian and the others were bewildered. They were also kept in the dark, Nangong Jian said angrily:
"You have doubts, why don't you leave a few people outside? We also have Supreme Saint Soldiers in our pavilion! Are you out of your mind? Call so many people?"

At this moment, all eyes were on Lei Ling.

Even Dang Wuya and the others, who were beaten into dead dogs, raised their heads with difficulty, obviously very puzzled in their hearts, and wanted to hear Lei Ling's reason.

However, Lei Ling actually said: "If you leave a few people outside, he might become suspicious!
What's more, this young master comes out to hang out, all he wants to do is play with heartbeats, and what he pays attention to is ostentation. If he doesn't call more people, how can I pretend to be aggressive? "

Everyone was petrified in an instant, and even the Xiaotian Bell in the sky shook for a while, almost falling down.

Dang Wuya and the others even spat out a mouthful of old blood, and passed out on the spot.

Nangong Jian was so angry that he gritted his teeth, wishing he could strangle him to death.

Wasting this day's favor just to pretend to be coercive?
Which world is this strange thing coming from?

Thousands of words turned into one sentence: "You can die if you don't pretend to be forceful?"

"Of course!"

Lei Ling stood with his hands behind his back, posing at a standard 45-degree angle, his bastard air spewed out, and his spiritual power agitated his clothes flapping, making a sound of hunting, showing the demeanor of a generation of bullying kings.

Everyone was angry and funny, and finally they could only shake their heads helplessly. This is the end of the matter, let him go.


Ding Er suddenly laughed loudly, he struggled to sit up, and sighed:

"You are such a wonderful person. I thought I had studied you thoroughly enough, but now I find that I don't understand you at all."

"What kind of person is this young master? How can a bum like you understand it?"

After Lei Ling glanced at him very disdainfully, he turned around and bowed to the masters of the Tianxiao Lingfeng School in the sky and said:

"Thank you for your help, seniors. I wonder what happened to those thieves who wanted to attack my Wushuang Jiange?"

"Most of them were killed, and some were captured. Wushuang Jiange was not damaged at all."

The old man in the sky smiled kindly at Lei Ling, although Lei Ling acted like a sand sculpture.

But smart people know that this is just an appearance.

The person who can lay out such a shocking situation is a sand sculpture?
In addition, Lei Ling's various arrangements and arrangements for them, including the attack routes and action trajectories of the Ding Erma hidden in the Wushuang Jiange, can be regarded as rigid.

Not a single brick or tile of the Peerless Jiange was damaged.

Even he wouldn't dare to offend this kind of person, don't talk about his weak strength, is Dang Wu Ya powerful?Are you still lying there?
"This time I am really convinced of you, and I admit it."

Ding Er let out a breath, stretched out his hand, and tore off a pendant from his neck. In an instant, a terrifying power rippled.

"It's the breath of the Supreme."

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, Nangong Jian and others hurriedly stood in front of Lei Ling and protected him.

Now Lei Ling's status in their hearts has far surpassed that of Huangfu Yunfei, no matter what, they can't let him have an accident.

In the sky, the Supreme Elders of Tian Xiao Ling Feng Sect also had solemn expressions, and began to urge the Xiao Tian Bell with all their strength.

"Lei Ling! You are a good opponent, take care of yourself! The next time we fight, I won't lose again."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ding Er's mouth, and he didn't even look at Dang Wuya and others lying on the ground.

The golden light surrounded him and turned into a huge golden light arrow, leading him straight into the sky.

"Stop him!"

The elders of Tianxiao Lingfeng Sect's eyes turned cold, and a silver energy barrier immediately rose in the sky.

The golden light arrow hit the silver barrier, making a series of creaking sounds.

After persisting for about seven or eight breaths, a crack appeared on the silver barrier, and then a hole was knocked out by Ding Ersheng.

"Hahahahaha! Lei Ling, there will be a date later."

Suddenly, Ding Er's laughter stopped abruptly, because he bumped into another barrier, which was a purple barrier.

Ding Er's face turned dark immediately, he didn't expect that there was a second Supreme Saint Weapon!
Although the golden light had dimmed a lot at this time, he didn't panic.

After the golden light arrow was in a stalemate with the purple barrier for twenty breaths, it punched a hole again and flew away.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the golden light arrow hit another barrier, which was a black barrier.

Ding Er felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured over his head, and it was cold from his head to the soles of his feet.

Having broken through two barriers constructed by the Supreme Saint Soldiers one after another, eighty to ninety percent of the light arrow's power has been consumed.

He knew that this last barrier, he broke!No!up!


Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, the golden light wrapped around Ding Er exploded directly.

Without the protection of the golden light, a powerful gust of supreme power immediately pressed down on him.

Ding Er spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew down like a cannonball, and hit the space barrier fiercely, making a loud bang.


Ding Er spewed out a big mouthful of blood mist, raised his head with difficulty to look at the three Supreme Saint Soldiers in the sky, and roared in a broken voice:
"Three supreme holy soldiers, you fucking invited three top sects, you are crazy——"

Every top sect possesses two supreme holy weapons. In this Nanzhou war, each of the four major sects took out one piece and left one to protect the sect.

The masters of Wushuang Jiange are all here, and their supreme holy soldiers cannot be revived.

Then the remaining two items can only be from the top two schools of magic.

It has to be said that Ding Er has been very cautious. He has the Supreme Token that the Supreme Power consumes and refines in his hand.

Even if things were revealed, he was besieged by the masters of the Wushuang Jiange, and even faced with the Supreme God Soldiers, he could still escape safely.

Even if the two supreme weapons of Wushuang Jiange arrived together, he would not panic and could still escape.

But even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that he would face the blockade of three supreme divine weapons!
This is the supreme holy soldier, not Chinese cabbage!

Lei Ling glanced at him, and sneered with disdain: "Just three Supreme Saint Soldiers frightened you?

This young master tells you that there are various sects and sects outside, using the top-level holy soldiers in the sect to jointly arrange the sky-locking formation!

This young master came out to mess around, and what he wanted was foolproof, how many times do you want me to say that? "

"I love you poof."

Ding Er hadn't finished cursing a sentence, he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and passed out on the spot.

He couldn't imagine that there would be such a prudent person in the world.

In order to deal with him, Lei Ling almost brought in half the strength of Nanzhou!
He even suspected that if Nanzhou hadn't fought the orcs, Lei Ling would have been able to call all the masters in Nanzhou! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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