Chapter 349 One gas transforms three cleanses (two chapters in one)
Wushuang Jiange, Sword Prison Death Prison

This is the place where the Wushuang Jiange detains serious offenders.

In the Jianxinyuan battle, Lei Ling won a complete victory.

Tianxiao Lingfeng faction and other foreign aid left a few people as guests in the Wushuang Jiange, and the rest of them returned with the holy soldiers from the sect.

After all, it is eventful now.

Dang Wuya and those masters were imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison.

They were interrogated together by Nangong Jian and other senior officials of Wushuang Jiange.

As for Ding Er, the meridians of his whole body were destroyed by Lei Ling, and all five limbs were cut off, soaked in a wine jar, and he handled it himself.

Originally, this was against the rules. After all, Ding Er was the mastermind of this matter, and should be handed over to the sect for interrogation.

But this incident was handled by Lei Ling, and he had sent a lot of good things to the elders before. Under his repeated request, everyone agreed.

Of course, it was mainly because he was too dazzling. Nangong Jian and others had already trained him as a real leader.

That's why he pampered him so much.

"Why is your storage ring full of rubbish? Where is the prototype of the doubling glove? What's the matter with your weird devouring power? You fucking tell me quickly."

It has been a whole day since Lei Ling interrogated Ding Er. He thought that there would be something extraordinary in Ding Er's storage ring, at least there should be a prototype of the doubling glove before!
He had wanted that thing for a long time.

But he even searched Ding Er's cultivation peak, but he didn't find any good things.

Even when he tortured Ding Er for a whole day, the guy didn't make a sound, and Lei Ling lost his composure for the first time.

His habit is to torture others in various ways, forcing them to say what he wants to know.

But this Ding Er didn't seem to feel it, after using all kinds of torture, he can still ask you for a drink with a smile.

Young Master Lei had nothing to do with him for a while.

"Hehe! What? You can't hold your breath anymore?"

Ding Er chuckled, he sighed slightly, and said with a light smile: "For the sake of you beating me, let me tell you something.

Anyway, if I don't say it, Dang Wuya and they will say that, in fact, this is not my true deity, it should be one of my avatars!So I don't feel it. "

"Are you bluffing me? Treat me like a sand sculpture?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes angrily: "You have a complete soul and you tell me that you are a clone?"

In this world, there are some secret techniques that can create a clone, but a clone is a clone after all, no matter what, its soul cannot be faked.

Generally, there is only one spirit power. Lei Ling possesses the soul-cleaning mantra, so he is most sensitive to spirit power.

He also imposed punishment on Ding Er's soul before, it is obviously a complete soul, it is absolutely impossible to be a clone!

"Nothing is absolute."

A look of arrogance flashed in Ding Er's eyes, and he asked softly, "Have you ever heard of one gas transforming three cleans?"


Hearing the words "one qi transforms three cleanses", Lei Ling felt as if struck by lightning. No matter in his previous life or in this life, this one qi transforms three cleanses into his ears like thunder!

"What I practice is transforming the three cleans into one qi! I have a spirit body, a demon body and a physical body!
Although these are avatars, they can also be used as deities. I am the third cultivator of the immortal and demon body.

Remember, it is the real three cultivators, not your nondescript spiritual body cultivator. "

Ding Er looked at Lei Ling playfully. Although he is now a prisoner, the way he looked at Lei Ling was like a high-ranking emperor looking down on a beggar.

Lei Ling's whole body is not well!
Now he doesn't care about devouring power, treasures, or even golden fingers, what he worries about is Ding Er!

There is no doubt that Ding Er is a formidable opponent. In his previous life, his cultivation was astonishing, his wisdom is extraordinary, and he is also a genuine Daoist, with aptitude against the sky.

This kind of person is simply the best of Taoism, the best of Taoism!
The reason why he lost this round was not because of his resourcefulness, but because he met Lei Ling, a Brain Budi who could scare him to death.

When Lei Ling guessed that Ding Erbu was in the middle of the game, Lei Ling regarded Ding Er as the enemy in life.

So he used all the power he could.

The purpose was to kill Ding Er completely, but no matter how cautious Ren Lei Ling was, no matter how smart he was, he would never have imagined that this guy would be like this!

He even practiced the legendary "one qi transforming three cleansing"!

The so-called resignation, gain a wisdom, if Lei Ling meets Ding Er in the future, Lei Ling has no certainty of victory, even!Lei Ling felt that he would kill him alive.

Seeing Lei Ling's pale face, bead-sized beads of sweat dripping down, and he looked dumbfounded, Ding Er sneered proudly, "You're not bad, you're not bad, although you're not a Taoist, ordinary Taoists are not yours." opponent.

Even I fell into your hands. I am the most talented person. If you are willing to join me, I guarantee that you will get unimaginable benefits. How about it?Do you want to think about it? "

"What benefits? Money? Status? Beauty? Or longevity?"

Lei Ling gave a cold snort of disdain, took a sip of tea to subdue his shock, and sneered, "Are these young masters missing? Besides, I'm willing to join, do you dare to accept it?"

Lei Ling now wants money and status, and there is no shortage of beautiful women, and his lifespan is almost tens of thousands.

Even if Ding Er still has two clones, plus his main body, it is only equivalent to three Taoists at most.

What can he come up with to make a hero like Lei Ling submit to him?
"After all, you are just a frog in a well."

Ding Er shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Aren't you surprised? Why are some Taoists so powerful? For example, Huangfu Yunfei and Wantu.

But why are some Taoists so weak?Such as Qiu Yuting and Zhou Mingyang.

Of course, there are also reasons why the weak chicken Daozi hasn't grown up yet, but do you think it's just because of this? "

Lei Ling's brows gradually knit together. He was not surprised that Ding Er knew about Qiu Yuting and Zhou Mingyang. What he cared about was what Ding Er said:
"It's normal for Daozi to be strong and weak. The way of heaven is just giving all Daozi the opportunity to study in the same academy. The so-called master leads the door, and practice depends on the individual. Is there any problem?"

"How can it be that simple?"

Ding Er took a deep look at Lei Ling: "What you said can be regarded as a reason!

According to your analogy, if all Daozi enter a college to study, then this college will divide into classes of different grades, some Daozi will enter the elite class, and some will enter the ordinary class.

Just like reincarnation, some people were born into the emperor's family, while others were born into the beggar's den.

Some daozi are naturally stronger than others, and those who stand at the top are called super daozi, monster-level characters.

What these people are pursuing is no longer proving the Tao, so there will be many Tianjiao, and even Taoists will follow us.

Once we get what we want, then our followers can attain enlightenment. "

Lei Ling was dumbfounded, and subconsciously asked: "You won't tell me that you are this super Taoist?"

"That's natural, this spiritual body is just my weakest clone.

If you are willing to follow me, I can give you a place to prove the Tao. You are not a Taoist, and it is hard to reach the sky if you want to prove the Tao, but with my help, you can directly prove the Tao, how about it? "

Ding Er's tongue was full of lotus flowers, and Lei Ling was dizzy when he spoke, and his heart was already moved.

Apart from those super daoists mentioned by Ding Er, who can resist the temptation of directly proving the truth?

No wonder Dang Wuya is willing to kneel and lick him!

Seeing Lei Ling's bloodshot eyes and shortness of breath, Ding Er was overjoyed, and just about to increase his strength, Lei Ling suddenly asked: "Then do you think Lan Ling Muxue is considered a super Taoist?"

Ding Er pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "From her performance, it should be counted."


Lei Ling rolled his eyes, and then said with a smile: "I'm a person, I don't like empty talk, let's do something practical! How about passing on your strange devouring ability to me?"

"It's easy to say, I can even give you the doubling gloves, but you have to heal me first."

Ding Er is obviously also a master who does not see the rabbit and does not scatter the eagle. Although he agrees to Lei Ling, the premise is that Lei Ling can heal him.

"You don't want my phoenix true blood, do you?"

Lei Ling was immediately overwhelmed by this bastard's anger. Now that Ding Er's five limbs have been severed, and his internal meridians have also been destroyed, it's not easy to heal him?
Perhaps only the true blood of the Phoenix can bring him back from the ashes, Lei Ling couldn't help but sneered and said, "Your abacus is really clinking!"

"It's just the true blood of the phoenix, what is it compared to proving the way?
As long as you heal me and do things for me, I will never treat you badly. "

Ding Er continued to seduce Lei Ling, but he didn't expect Lei Ling to raise his hand and slap him across the face.

Ding Er was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red with anger. Although he didn't feel any pain, slapping his face was an insult to him: "Do you know what you're doing?"

"What are you doing? Just whipping you."

Lei Ling raised his hand and slapped Ding Er fiercely again, and soon turned Ding Er into Toothless Er:

"Do you think it's my first day out? You just don't want to part with this spiritual body. If I surrender to you, let alone the number of places to prove the Dao, I'm afraid I will be killed by you in a few minutes.

Besides, these are just your one-sided words. I will believe what you say?

What is one qi transforming into three cleansing, it is so mysterious, maybe you are talking nonsense, this is your real deity.

Do you want to be a white wolf with empty hands and save yourself by talking about it?

Crazy you!

Take ten thousand steps back, even if what you said is true, I might as well assist Lan Ling Muxue if I submit to you, anyway, she is also my wife, no more reliable than a bum like you! "

"What you!"

When Ding Er heard that Lei Ling called Lan Ling Mu Xue's wife, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Although he had guessed that Lei Ling had a close relationship with Lan Ling Muxue before, he never expected it to be this close.

"Cut! What a fuss, if she hadn't gone out for something, I guess both of our babies would be soy sauce."

Lei Ling gave a disdainful cut, and before Ding Er could speak, he pulled out the watermelon knife from his waist, and split his head in half with one blow.

Ding Er is not an idiot, it is too difficult to get words out of his mouth, Lei Ling is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he will not stop doing anything, kill him first and then talk.

After all, this guy is a Taoist, if time drags on for a long time, accidents will inevitably happen.

"Let me see what's hiding in your body."

Lei Ling shot out a ray of divine punishment fire and began to burn Ding Er's body, but until it was burned to ashes, there was still nothing.

"It shouldn't be! Even if it's a clone, you won't have nothing, right?"

Lei Ling was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. After working on it for a long time, he got nothing. It was a loss to his grandma.

Suddenly, with a thought in his mind, he stretched out his finger and flicked the space in front of him lightly.

In the entire prison, ripples rippled round and round immediately.

Ripples rippling back and forth in the prison, suddenly Lei Ling's eyes froze, he punched out, the space shattered, and a ball of light was held in his hand.

He looked down, couldn't help gasping, and said in disbelief, "Is this Nascent Soul?"

In the ball of light in his hand, there is actually a child without clothes, who is writhing and struggling in his hands at this time, very much like the Nascent Soul described in the novel of Immortal Cultivation.

Just when Lei Ling didn't know what to do with it, the unicorn bead in his body suddenly vibrated crazily.

Streams of pure power from the child began to flow into his body.

Lei Ling was frightened out of his wits, how could he casually absorb such a thing of unknown origin?

If something happens to seize the house, then it's okay?
He hastily suppressed the Qilin Pearl forcibly, almost at the same time, his eyes popped fiercely.

He felt a miraculous power flowing in his body, which was not spiritual power, nor magic power, nor divine power.

This power didn't increase his cultivation a little bit, but it made him feel that his strength had increased a lot.

"Cool! Comfortable!"

Lei Ling felt that the pores of his whole body were extremely refreshed. This feeling was even more intoxicating than his intimacy with Lan Ling Mu Xue.

He couldn't help but withdraw the force that suppressed the Qilin Bead, and the Qilin Bead rioted again, crazily absorbing the power from the child.

The child was struggling frantically, but Lei Ling held him firmly in his hands. No matter how hard he struggled, it was futile, and he could only be obediently absorbed by the Qilin Bead.


Lei Ling couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan, fell to the ground and writhed crazily, convulsing and foaming.

Originally, with Lei Ling's character, he would never absorb such unknown power.

But this feeling was simply irresistible to him, even using the Purifying Mantra was useless, it was a kind of extreme happiness.

Lei Ling was even willing to sink forever in this feeling.

After an unknown amount of time, Lei Ling sat up slowly from the ground, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, looked at his empty right hand, and murmured:
"Is it over? What the hell is this?"

He used the power of the mind-purifying mantra to repeatedly wash his body dozens of times, and after making sure that nothing had mixed in, he relaxed a little and began to check his body.

As he felt before, his strength has not increased, and his realm has not improved.

But his strength has indeed increased, and even his mind has become much clearer.

Many things that I didn't understand before, I suddenly understand now.

Some spiritual arts that cannot be comprehended can be realized directly now.

It is even more powerful than eating Wudao tea.

The changes were not limited to that, he found that his mobilization of power was much faster than before.

"It seems that the qualifications have been greatly improved?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Lei Ling came to the conclusion that his aptitude has been greatly improved, and his brain has also become much smarter: "If you want to know the answer, I'm afraid you can only wait for Mu Xue to come back."

Lei Ling had already ignored Jin Qiaoer, she definitely didn't know about this kind of thing now, and only the omniscient Lan Ling Mu Xue could give him the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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