My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 350 Jin Dabao Gives His Wife Away

Chapter 350 Jin Dabao Gives His Wife Away (Chapter [-] in [-])
While Lei Ling was interrogating Ding Er, Nangong Jian and the others also dug out a lot of secrets from Dang Wuya and the others.

It is true that Ding Er practiced one qi to transform the three cleans.

But they only know that his demon body is a peerless arrogance of Zhongzhou Yinyang Tianzong, and they don't know the rest.

The attack on Wushuang Jiange this time was also ordered by Ding Er to cooperate with the orc army under the order of Yin Yang Tianzong.

As the number one sect in Nanzhou, Wushuang Jiange is the totem in the hearts of the Nanzhou people.

Once the Wushuang Jiange is breached, it will greatly damage the morale of the Nanzhou coalition forces.

Lei Ling simply read the interrogation record and put it aside.

He is about to run away, so he doesn't want to take care of these things in Nanzhou, and he can't take care of them.

As for Ding Er, let Anbu investigate slowly. Anyway, he is not going to Zhongzhou, so there is no need to worry too much.

Lei Ling has been chasing Cai Mi's news for the past two days, but this fat man is a very chicken thief, when he saw the masters of Tian Xiao Ling Feng's sect besieging and killing Ding Er's lurking men, he took his girl and sneaked away .

He is also worthy of being a master of intelligence. Lei Ling ordered Anbu to investigate with all his strength, but he did not find any clues about this guy.

On the Eternal Shenzhou.

Lei Ling hugged Jin Qiaoer, pinched her little face gently, and asked with a smile:

"Qiaoer, I'm going to Dongzhou soon, do you want to come with me or go home?"

He has almost dealt with the affairs on the Nanzhou side, and on the Four Kingdoms side, he also asked a few elders to go over to guard the place.

Jin Dabao didn't think the problem was serious, so he planned to leave for Dongzhou in the near future.

Maid Yu and the other maids are his maids, so they will naturally go wherever Lei Ling goes.

But Jin Qiaoer was not, so Lei Ling still wanted to ask for her opinion.

After all, this is leaving home!

Lei Ling himself didn't know when they would return to Nanzhou.

"Hmph! If I say I won't follow you, will you let me go?"

Jin Qiaoer snorted softly, smacked her lips and said, "There should be a lot of delicious food in Dongzhou, and you have to buy them for me when the time comes."

Lei Ling smiled slightly, and did not deny it, but continued to ask: "Then why don't you go home and have a look, and say goodbye to your family?"

Counting that Jin Qiaoer has been with him for many years, Lei Ling still felt a little sorry for not letting her go home for such a long time.

After all, unlike Shi Yu and Shi Xue, Jin Qiaoer is not very popular with her family. This guy is the treasure of the Jin family.

But Jin Qiaoer shook her head, and said old-fashionedly: "Let's forget it! They will definitely not let me come out again when I get home, maybe they will arrange another marriage for me!"

Since she said there was no need for it, Lei Ling was happy to save trouble, and he himself had no one to meet.

Lei Han's whereabouts are still unknown.

Princess Peach Blossom is still retreating.

Lei Ningxue went overseas, and there is no news until now, even Elder Tianjian is fighting outside.

He can't see Lei Ling's relatives anymore.
Just when Lei Ling was feeling melancholy and wanted to take out a bottle of wine for a drink, a personal guard ran over and said, "Master, Jin Dabao and Wu Qingcheng are asking to see you."

"Jin Dabao?"

Lei Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Please invite him in, forget it, I will pick him up in person."

When Jin Qiaoer heard that her elder brother and sister-in-law were coming, she jumped out of Lei Ling's embrace and rushed out first.

Ling Tianfeng, in the living room.

Lei Ling looked at Jin Dabao whose face was swollen, shook his head helplessly, and asked with a smile:

"Brother Jin, you and your sister-in-law came to see me in person, did something happen?"

Originally, Jin Qiaoer was quite happy knowing that her eldest brother was coming.

But as soon as the fat man saw her, he rushed up to hug her, but Jin Qiaoer slapped her directly to the ground.

Jin Qiao'er's current cultivation is at the Tribulation Crossing Realm, while Jin Dabao hasn't even reached the Purple Mansion Realm.

If it wasn't for Jin Qiaoer's mercy, Jin Dabao might be able to return with just this one blow.

Jin Dabao covered his swollen fat face, and said vaguely:
"Nothing happened. I heard that Young Master Ling is going to Dongzhou, so I want you to take Qingcheng with you."


Before Lei Ling could speak, Jin Qiaoer jumped up and screamed.

Jin Dabao frowned, and asked with a puzzled face, "Why?"

Jin Qiaoer anxiously said: "Anyway, it's not okay, sister-in-law is staying well in Nanzhou, why do you want to go to Dongzhou with us, and she is your wife, do you want to have a long-distance relationship with her?"

She couldn't say that there was an affair between Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ling, could she?
If Wu Qingcheng was allowed to board Lei Ling's boat, she might have to sleep in his bed one day.

Put a big green hat on her big fat brother!

Jin Dabao sighed for a long time, and said helplessly: "I don't want to either! But because of the Tianxuan Secret Realm, Qingcheng was excluded from the Tianxiao Lingfeng sect.

If Huangfu Yunfei and the others hadn't taken care of this Nanzhou war, Qingcheng would have become cannon fodder. I let her go with you because I want her to go out to avoid the limelight! "

"It's my negligence."

Lei Ling said with some guilt: "After the battle in the Profound Sky Secret Realm, I retreated, but I forgot about my sister-in-law.

How about this, you go to Dongzhou with me, there are so many rooms on this Eternal Shenzhou. "

"Thank you, Shao Ling, but there are many things on the side of the Four Kingdoms, and I can't leave.

And just because of my three-legged cat, I ran outside and got killed by accident. It would be safer for me to stay in the Four Kingdoms. "

Jin Dabao got up and bowed to Lei Ling, and even refused to go to Dongzhou with Lei Ling, and gave up his honeymoon trip with Wu Qingcheng.

But what he said is also very reasonable. Nanzhou is just a small place, and there are many strong people outside.

Jin Dabao didn't even reach the Purple Mansion Realm, and he couldn't survive in Nanzhou. If he went outside, he would have to stay in the Eternal Shenzhou. strong?
Jin Qiaoer was so anxious that she was about to cry. She didn't understand, her elder brother usually looked very clever, how could he be so stupid today?
Isn't this obviously looking for green?
After Lei Ling nodded to Jin Dabao, he turned his gaze to Wu Qingcheng, and asked with a smile, "What do you think, sister-in-law?"

Wu Qingcheng smiled slightly and said: "If Young Master Ling doesn't dislike it, I am willing to be your helper.

With the opening of the great era, I naturally can't trap Nanzhou. Soon, Huangfu Yunfei, Wan Tu and others will leave Nanzhou to seek opportunities, opponents, and breakthroughs.

In a journey of practice, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. I don’t want to be wiped out among all living beings. "

"Okay! Since there is no objection, then sister-in-law can stay. I will ask Shi Yu to arrange a room for you later. I have a lot of cultivation resources here, and you can use them as you like."

Lei Ling nodded, and it was considered a decision.

Wu Qingcheng can be regarded as a spiritual girl at any rate, and she is probably a Taoist-level figure. With her by his side, she is also a good helper.

Lei Ling even moved his mind to accept her as the captain of his personal guard.

On the top of the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling and Jin Dabao were lying on the top of the boat, enjoying the wind, drinking wine, and chatting.

The two can be regarded as like-minded, they haven't seen each other for a long time, and they chatted quite a lot.

For Jin Dabao, Lei Ling still prefers it.

Although this fat man has very poor aptitude, he has a good brain and can make all kinds of weird potions.

And unlike Cai Mi's white-eyed wolf, he is still loyal to himself.

Helped him a lot.

Jin Dabao gulped down a few sips of wine, exhaled foul breath, and said seriously: "Young Master Ling, I want to ask you one more thing."

"What's the matter? Brother, you don't have to be so polite. Just say anything, as long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

Lei Ling hiccupped, patted his shoulder, and said drunkenly.

"If Qingcheng gets married with some man in the future, don't stop her, let alone stand up for me."

Jin Dabao's words instantly sobered Lei Ling up. He looked at Jin Dabao as if he was insane, and even reached out to touch his forehead:
"I said Brother Jin, did you take the wrong medicine? Or did you not take the medicine at all? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Oh, Young Master Ling! I can't help it either!"

Jin Dabao raised his head and took another few sips of wine, sighed a long time and said: "I and Qingcheng were a mistake, she is the girl of heaven, and I am a waste fat pig!
We have no common language at all, and barely being together is nothing more than a dream in the same bed.

Back then, I was young and energetic, and I did that ridiculous thing. Although I was relieved, it really hurt her.

I just want her to be happier now, and I don't want to delay her by letting her go with you this time.

The road to cultivation is long, if she can find a suitable man, let her do it.

It's enough for me to be accompanied by Niuniu, and thanks to you, Ling Shao, I have a lot of women in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, so there is no need to cling to her. "


Lei Ling didn't know what to say for a while, Jin Dabao was right, this is the cruelty of reality!
It's like in the previous life, the woman was the president of a Fortune [-] company, but her husband was a small security guard.

Of course, this is an ordinary little security guard, not the kind of return of the soldier king to pretend to be aggressive, the rebirth of the god of war or something.

It's okay to make a date, but it's probably impossible to live together.

People talk to you about financial reports and performance, and you talk to them about standing guard and sentry?
We can't talk together at all.

If it was in the past, they could still make do with it by force, but now it is a great era when Taoists are fighting for the top, and it is impossible for Wu Qingcheng to live by guarding Jin Dabao.

It is also a wise choice for Jin Dabao to let go and live happily in the Four Kingdoms.

Of course, this also varies from person to person, such as that evildoer Lei Han.

He never gave up, even though he knew that his qualifications and background were not good enough.

He is also working hard and fighting with his own methods.

"Young Master Ling, you don't have to persuade me, I've made up my mind, but I still want Young Master Ling to watch over it.

It's okay for them to be sneaky, but try not to make a fuss.

After all, both the Dancer and the Jin family are big families, they want face, and I don't want others to know that I have been cuckolded. After a hundred years from me, she will still be young, so let her go. "

In Jin Dabao's voice, there was deep helplessness, and when he mentioned the emotional part, two lines of tears were left behind.

Obviously, his heart is far from being as relaxed and free as he said.

After all, a green hat is a taboo for men!
"Brother Jin, you have an extraordinary talent in medicine, you can study more.

Sister-in-law, I will take care of you for you. If one day she is tired, tired, and doesn't want to fight anymore, I will let her go back to you. "

Lei Ling patted Jin Dabao on the shoulder, and then continued: "There are countless talents in every state, as well as other continents and overseas.

In the future, I will find a suitable golden finger for you, so that you can be reborn, enough to be worthy of my sister-in-law. "

Lei Ling really thought about giving Jin Dabao a golden finger, but he didn't have any suitable ones at hand?
The Qilin Pearl might be fine, but he had to use it himself.

As for the source of Tianjiao in Wanlianding, you can give him one.

But this fat man's physique is too poor, and he is old, even if he is given, it is not of much use.

Still, he mentioned it.

Unexpectedly, Jin Dabao waved his hand and refused without even thinking about it: "Young Master Ling, don't bother, I don't want to be here, I just want to live a life of luxury and luxury, and I don't want to retreat all day long.

I don't want to fight with others, and I don't want to explore any secret realm. It's just a secret realm of Tianxuan. How many talents have died in Nanzhou?

Even in the great era, how many people can prove the Tao?Many people may not live as long as me. "

"There is some truth to what you said. Forget it, let's not talk about these troublesome things, and come to drink."

Lei Ling put his arms around Jin Dabao and began to eat and drink. He still had some admiration for Jin Dabao in his heart. He saw clearly, stronger than Elder Tianjian. Is he really happy?

If you have nothing to do, you can practice in seclusion in the holy place of the sect, and if you have something to do in Nanzhou, you have to go out to fight with people.

And that Sang Wuya, in order to climb up, to break through, directly shameless, and acted like a dog's leg to a junior.

Not to mention those ordinary Tianjiao, who know how to practice hard all day long, and if they go out to find an opportunity, they can lose their lives if they are not careful.

People will step on them even if they have nothing to do, the practice world has always been cruel.

Ding Er is still a super Taoist!Wasn't he killed by Lei Ling?

No one can guarantee that they will not die!
Rather than living like this, it is indeed better to be happy in the world.

With Lei Ling as Jin Dabao's backer and the Jin family, Jin Dabao was like a patriarch in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

As long as he doesn't kill himself, he can live a lifetime in style.

A thought suddenly popped up in Lei Ling's mind, since Jin Dabao doesn't mind, can he
The so-called delicious dumplings are not as good as dumplings, and fun is not as good as sister-in-law.

He was very interested in a superb young woman like Wu Qingcheng.

While Lei Ling was thinking wildly.

Jin Dabao said dizzily: "By the way, Young Master Ling, I have developed a lot of new medicines, and I put them in Qingcheng.

Later, you asked her for it, and you gave me a lot of supplies. I got a lot of precious materials and made a lot of powerful potions.

Some of them are useful to the strong in the holy realm, hehe. I am still very powerful. I am not a waste."

(End of this chapter)

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