Chapter 355 Ye Wuque

In the evening, surrounded by a group of ladies and gentlemen, Lei Ling arrived at the Lord's Mansion of Binglu City.

Ice Condensation is owned by Ice Dew City, so the auction location is set in the City Lord's Mansion.

In addition to the ice condensation, there are some other items that are in the collection of the City Lord's Mansion.

Of course, participants can also take out their treasures for consignment, and the City Lord's Mansion will charge [-]% of the handling fee.

Although the handling fee is a bit high, there are still many people who are willing to sell their treasures.

After all, anyone who can come to take pictures of Ice Condensation is not short of money.

If you put things up for auction here, you can get a good price.

The auction of the City Lord's Mansion is held in the big square, and there are no private rooms, and everyone sits together.

After all, this is not a professional auction house, and it's over after the auction is over.

Lei Ling sat on the roof of the City Lord's Mansion, set up a tea table, and drank tea there alone.

He has seen all the auction items in the City Lord's Mansion, and there is nothing he wants. When Bing Zhiying shows up, he can just go out and take a picture.

"This brother is very elegant, isn't he?"

Suddenly a figure fell beside Lei Ling. This person was dressed in white, holding a folding fan, and his hair was casually scattered behind him. He turned out to be another handsome man.

Lei Ling had seen this person before, and it was one of his targets, Ye Wuque.


Lei Ling smiled and stretched out his hand, motioning for him to sit down.

Ye Wuque was also polite. After sitting down, he poured himself a cup of tea:

"Hmm~ Good tea is actually boiled with water from the Cold Moon Lake. It's really rare!"

"Under Zhong Li!"

"Ye Wuque!"

Lei Ling smiled slightly and said, "Young Master Wu Que came here this time to make me give up the auction of Ice Condensation?"

He was very ostentatious in Binglu City during this time, and even Ye Wuque would pay attention to the Tianjiao of the Yinyang Tianzong.

Lei Ling reckoned that this guy probably knew that he also wanted Ice Condensation, so he came over to discuss it.

After all, even Ye Wuque would not want to offend Tianjiao of the Yinyang Tianzong.

He is a coward in Xizhou, but they are still going to Zhongzhou, the holy land of the human race, after all.

At that time, there will be no good fruit for him, not to mention, Yinyang Tianzong also has many vassals in Xizhou.

Ye Wuque saw that Lei Ling made the matter straightforward, and he didn't bother to beat around the bush, so he laughed and said:

"Brother Li really understands people, since you are so straightforward, then I will say it straight, I only need two bottles of this ice condensate, and the rest is all yours.

And this time, how about I pay all the expenses for taking the ice dew? "

Lei Ling was slightly taken aback, and asked with a half-smile: "Is it so cheap for me?"

"Let's make friends! Brother Li, the majestic Tianjiao of Yinyang Tianzong, there is no one in Xizhou who would not want to befriend you."

After Ye Wuque poured a cup of tea for Lei Ling himself, he continued, "My Ye family and Tianyang Mountain are allies, and Tianyang Mountain belongs to Yinyang Tianzong, so we should be friends rather than enemies."

When Lei Ling reached out to grab his teacup, he clearly felt a strong spiritual power contained in the teacup, obviously it was Ye Wuque who was testing him.

Lei Ling is not the only one who can act cautiously, nor is Lei Ling the only smart person in the world.

If he said he was Zhong Li, would others believe him?
It won't do if you don't come up with some evidence.

Lei Ling even guessed that Ye Wuque was entrusted by Tianyang Mountain and the forces belonging to Yinyang Tianzong in Xizhou to test him.

But it doesn't bother him, Zhong Li has told him many ways to use the yin and yang mirror before.

After many years of retreat, Lei Ling has been able to skillfully use the yin and yang mirror.

With the help of the yin-yang mirror, it is very simple to stimulate some yin-yang qi.

"Brother Li is a good idea."

Seeing that the spiritual power left by him was swallowed up by the yin and yang in an instant, Ye Wuque hugged Lei Ling, believing it.

This time Lei Ling was a little suspicious.

If this Ye Wuque is Young Master Yu, then he should recognize himself!
Although it has been many years since he left the Four Kingdoms, and he has grown up, he has not changed his face and had plastic surgery, so he should be able to recognize some of them.

And since Mr. Yu made a move on him, he would definitely send someone to keep collecting his information.

If Ye Wuque is Mr. Yu, there is no reason not to recognize him.

From the moment Ye Wuque first appeared, Lei Ling had been paying close attention to him and did not find any problems.

From this point of view, Ye Wuque should not be Mr. Yu.

Then he can become a springboard for him, this guy is Qin Xiuxiu's guest of honor.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lei Ling's face became more sincere, and after he drank the tea in his hand, he nodded and said: "Since Brother Ye has said so, then I will naturally not refuse.

But in the end, I will be the one to take the photo. Momo is more face-saving, you know. "

"Ha ha!"

Ye Wuque laughed. Although he didn't understand why Lei Ling would like a woman like Qiu Momo, he didn't want to ask more about such things:

"Brother Li's purpose in coming to Xizhou this time, I won't ask, but if you need help, I, Ye Wuque, will definitely help.

If Brother Li is free, I would like to invite you to visit the capital. You must have heard of Qin Xiuxiu, the number one talented woman in Xizhou. "

"Of course I've heard that Miss Qin's name is extremely resounding even in Zhongzhou.

My business is not in a hurry, since brother Ye invited me, I would rather obey than be respectful. "

Now Lei Ling has Qiu Momo by his side, and those young ladies and sons, so he is not afraid of Ye Wuque plotting against him.

Originally, he wanted to take Qiu Momo to the capital to trouble Qin Xiuxiu after filming the film of Ice Condensation.

Since Ye Wuque invited him, let's take this opportunity to trick him and see what tricks he wants to play.

Ye Wuque originally invited Lei Ling with the intention of giving it a try, but he didn't expect him to agree without hesitation. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Then I'll pick you up from the Dao Mansion in person tomorrow?"

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

Lei Ling took out two jugs of top-quality ice wine from the storage ring, stuffed one bottle into Ye Wuque's hand, and said boldly: "Brother Ye and I hit it off right away, we will not get drunk tonight, and we will go on the road together tomorrow."

"Okay! Since brother Li has such a good mood, then I, Ye Wuque, will accompany you to the end."

Ye Wuque was not hypocritical, he wanted to make friends with Lei Ling, so he immediately picked up the jug and gurgled down it.

"Drink, drink, and I will let you taste the power of Fragmented Wine in the future."

Lei Ling originally wanted to give him a piece of wine directly, but he thought that he would need his help later.

Giving him a drink now would be a shock, so he gave up this idea, and prepared to play with them after he went to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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