My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 356 Vicious female supporting role also has spring

Chapter 356 Vicious female supporting role also has spring (two chapters in one)
Although Lei Ling had a good relationship with Ye Wuque, he did not abandon Qu Ting and others.

After all, he and Ye Wuque would turn against each other at any time, and these people would be needed as cannon fodder.

Qiu Momo was so excited these days that she screamed. At the auction, Lei Ling directly bought twelve bottles of Ice Condensation at the reserve price. There are so many young talents, but none of them raised the price with him. How big is this? face?

Many arrogances who had disdained to make friends with her before all showed their courtesy to her one after another, and even gave her a lot of gifts.

Qiu Momo didn't care about gifts.

But she has never enjoyed the flattery of the arrogances, and most of the people around her are just useless ladies like her.

After staying in Binglu City for a day, Lei Ling took Qiu Momo and Ye Wuque together on a yacht to the capital.

Qu Ting and the others naturally followed, they are not fools, who would let go of the thighs that they hugged so hard?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lei Ling had just fallen asleep under the care of Shi Yu when there was a soft knock on the door.


Lei Ling was slightly taken aback, wondering if it was Qiu Momo who wanted to attack at night?
"It's me, Zhang Xuewei."

Looking at Zhang Xuewei who walked in, Lei Ling stretched out his hand to signal her to sit down, and asked with a smile:

"Why did Miss Zhang come here late at night?"

Zhang Xuewei didn't speak, just sat quietly and looked at Lei Ling quietly.

She didn't speak to Lei Ling and didn't ask any further questions. She got a cup of tea for herself and drank it on her own.

The two of them just stayed there quietly. After an entire hour passed, Zhang Xuewei said:

"I'm prettier than Qiu Momo, and I'm much more talented than her."

Lei Ling was still drinking tea on his own, without speaking.

"I can mobilize much more power than Qiu Momo. If you need it, please let me know."

After saying this, Zhang Xuewei didn't stay any longer, she got up and left without looking back.


A gleam flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, but he never expected that there was such a powerful woman hidden among the group of cannon fodder.

Zhang Xuewei dressed very seductively this time, and the meaning was already very obvious.

But Lei Ling didn't say anything, he didn't even close the door.

In the end, she couldn't help but say that sentence, and seeing that Lei Ling still didn't speak, she immediately understood that it wasn't Qiu Momo that Lei Ling was looking for, but her family background.

Hence the later sentence.

Although Zhang Xuewei's family background is not as good as that of Qiu Momo, but who can let her be beautiful and know how to confuse men?
Nine times out of ten, their group of young masters are all interested in Zhang Xuewei. If you count them, they are indeed stronger than Qiu Momo.

"Little girl! You are too young to negotiate a deal with me. Be careful not to get the benefits, and burn yourself clean."

Lei Ling shook his head slightly, put down his teacup and went to sleep.

But not long after he fell asleep, there was another quarrel outside: "Is there no end to the fuck? Shi Ying went out to see what's going on."

The shadow waiter who had been waiting invisible all this time responded and hurried out.

The yacht that Lei Ling was on was the top class, very huge, and the passengers were either rich or expensive.

On the deck of the flying boat, Qiu Momo's group had already quarreled with another group.

Qu Ting pointed at a gentle girl opposite her with her hips crossed and scolded: "Qiu Lingyu, don't think it's a big deal if you find a man, if you don't give me the room today, I will let you nice."

"Yo~ Qu Ting, what are you so arrogant about? If you have the guts, try it yourself?"

An older woman stood in front of Qiu Lingyu, and slammed the saber on her back on the deck, making a loud bang:
"Come on, let's go together! Sister, I will challenge you one by one."

Seeing this woman standing up, Qu Ting and the others subconsciously took a step back.

But thinking that there are experts on her side, Qu Ting raised her head and said with a sneer, "Zhan Yue, I'm standing here, if you have the guts, try to hit me?"

"Sister Yue, let them leave it to them, it's the same wherever I live."

Qiu Lingyu tugged on the corner of Zhanyue's clothes and persuaded her in a low voice.

The whole thing started because of a first-class room. This kind of yacht has a fixed route. There are not many first-class rooms at the station of Binglu City. Qu Ting and others live in second-class rooms.

Originally, it was nothing, since it was only a few days anyway, besides, those who can live in a superior room are not ordinary people, and Qu Ting and the others were unwilling to offend.

But by chance they ran into Qiu Lingyu, who was also the daughter of the Qiu family, and was born to a maid when Qiu Momo's father was drunk.

Qiu Lingyu grew up being bullied by Qiu Momo and Qu Ting.

However, Qiu Lingyu's aptitude is very high, and the longer she grows, the more beautiful she is. She was even spotted by Zhan Tian, ​​the arrogant of the Zhan family, and was soon picked up by Zhan Tian from the Qiu family, and joined Zhan Tian, ​​​​which Zhan Tian established himself. Mercenary Corps.

With Zhan Tian's protection, Qu Ting and other women naturally did not dare to bully Qiu Lingyu anymore, and they were even humiliated by Zhan family members in various ways.

Seeing Qiu Lingyu now, old and new grudges surged up, and since Zhan Tian was not around, they naturally had to settle accounts with her.

"Lingyu, don't be afraid, the more you tolerate this group of trash, the more arrogant they will be."

Zhan Yue carried the Saber on her shoulder, pointed at Qiu Momo and the others, and said provocatively:
"Come and fight if you have the guts! If Miss Ben loses, let alone give up the room, you can just kneel down and kowtow to you."

Just when Qiu Momo and the others were in a dilemma, Lei Ling led a staff of maids to separate the crowd and walked over in a big way.

He walked up to Qiu Momo, stretched out his hand to touch her small face, and asked softly: "Momo, why are you still awake so late?"

When Qiu Momo saw that Lei Ling finally came, you were overjoyed in your heart, and hurriedly turned black and white and said:

"Brother Li, they bullied me. That Zhanyue asked me to compete with her. She was already at Zhenhai Realm and I was at Purple Mansion Realm. She wanted to beat me to death."

"That's right, this Zhan Yue is too shameless, she will bully the small and bully us, Brother Li, if you don't come, Momo will be bullied to death by her."

Qu Ting also came over to talk nonsense.

Several others joined in.


Lei Ling glanced at Zhan Yue who was carrying the Saber, and said coldly: "This eldest sister, how did Momo offend you? Are you going to bully her like this?"

"No, no"

Qiu Lingyu waved her hands again and again, wanting to explain, but was pulled behind by Zhan Yue. She pointed at Lei Ling with the saber and shouted:
"I'm just bullying her, what can you do? Little boy still wants to stand out? If you have the guts, come and fight!"

"You are not worthy of my shot."

After shaking his finger, Lei Ling said to Shi Xue beside him, "Go and remove one of her arms, and teach her a lesson."


Shi Xue saluted respectfully, stepped forward, and in an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, she bowed to Zhan Yue and said:
"There are a lot of people here, so it hurts the innocent. How about we go to the sky to fight?"

"Just to my liking."

Although Zhan Yue feels that Shi Xue is very strong, but at this age, how strong can Shi Xue be?

She has now reached the middle stage of Zhenhai Realm.

Afraid of a little maid?

With a loud shout, she kicked her foot hard on the ground, and she rushed into the sky.

The yacht also stopped at this time, waiting for the end of the battle between the two Tianjiao.

Lei Ling glanced at Qiu Lingyu, and had to say that this Qiu Lingyu was really pretty, and there was an aura of agility all over her body.

Being a little heroine is enough!

in the sky
Zhan Yue carried a big knife and said boldly: "Little girl! Seeing that you are still young, I will let you make the first move."

"Thank you!"

Shi Xue bowed to her, and the moment she raised her head, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and many tiny ice crystals appeared in the air.

"not good!"

Zhan Yue's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and at this time Shi Xue's spiritual power had fully exploded, and she realized that this beautiful little girl had actually reached the peak of Zhenhai Realm.


Shi Xue let out a soft drink, Zhan Yue didn't even have a chance to react, and was instantly frozen.

Lei Ling recognized this trick, it was used by Qiu Yuting when he was fighting Wu Qingguo back then, but this Zhanyue was obviously not Wu Qingguo, it couldn't be broken after being frozen.


While freezing Zhanyue, Shi Xue slashed out another Crescent Sword Qi, cut off one of Zhanyue's arms, and then slowly brought her back to the airship.

Shi Xue walked to Lei Ling's side and asked in a low voice, "Master! Is this okay?"

"Hmm! Well done."

Lei Ling nodded, signaling her to return to the team.

Until now, the people who eat melons have not recovered from the shock.

Is this the end?
Isn't this Nima too ridiculous?

Zhan Yue is the pride of Zhenhai Realm!
He is also somewhat famous among the younger generation of the Lihuo Dynasty.

Just being beaten by a little girl for a second?
And this little Guliang is a lowly maid!

Even Qiu Momo and the others were stunned, they all knew that Lei Ling was powerful, as long as he made a move, even Zhan Tian might not necessarily be his opponent.

But he actually asked a maid to take action, and they didn't know what to do.

Who knew that his maid was so awesome, she would kill him in an instant!

You know this is Zhan Yue!
"Brother Li, you are awesome."

Qiu Momo suddenly screamed excitedly, put her arms around Lei Ling's neck, and kissed him on the cheek.

She was also humiliated by Zhan Tian in the capital, forcing her to live in her grandfather's house, this time she finally found her place.

Not to mention Qu Ting and the others, jumping and screaming excitedly, Qu Ting even ignored Qiu Momo's murderous eyes, and kissed Lei Ling on the cheek.

Some people are happy and some people are sad.

They are happy here, but the people on Zhanyue's side will quit.

Zhan Yue was not only frozen, but also had her hands chopped off. How could they explain to Zhan Tian after they went back?

"Sister Yue, sister Yue, are you okay?"

Qiu Lingyu was crying like pear blossoms and rain, but this chick was a bit skilled, a ball of flame appeared in her hand, and quickly lifted Zhan Yue's ice seal.

"It hurts."

Zhan Yue clutched her left arm with a pained expression on her face.

The regiment members around her hurriedly fed her the healing elixir. I have to say that Shi Xue's heart is still very kind.

She cut off Zhan Yue's left arm, not the right arm, so that the impact on Zhan Yue's combat power would not be too great.

"Who the hell are you? Do you know what you're doing?"

Zhan Yue stared at Lei Ling, and asked word by word.

It is very common for children of their family to have conflicts and fights.

However, there is an unwritten rule, that is, no physical injury or death is allowed.

If you can't fight, even if your leg is broken, it means you are not as good as others, and you will fight again next time.

But if people are disabled or killed, then they are making trouble.

Cut hands and fight back, kill for life!
The Tianjiao of the Zhan family will definitely come to seek justice for Zhan Yue.

At this time, Qiu Momo also recovered from the excitement, with a look of worry on her face.

But Lei Ling patted her head, indicating that she was fine, then turned to Zhan Yue and said:

"At Xiayinyang Tianzong Zhongli, because you are a woman, I will only cut off your arm. If you don't feel satisfied, I can take your life."

"So it's the pride of the Yin-Yang Tianzong!"

"No wonder you acted so recklessly."

"Yin Yang Tianzong really deserves to be a big sect in Zhongzhou! Even one of Tianjiao's maids is so powerful."

"Now that there is a good show, I don't know if Zhan Tian of the Zhan family dares to challenge the arrogance of the Yin-Yang Tianzong."

The melon-eaters were talking about it, Zhan Yue and the others were all pale, Yin Yang Tianzong is a giant!

Not to mention that they are just a war family, I am afraid that even the entire Lihuo Dynasty is no match for them.

This Zhong Li is so powerful as a maid, so how strong is he himself?
Zhan Yue wanted to leave, but Qu Ting and the others refused to agree. Qu Ting said in a strange way:
"Hey! Just now someone said that if you lose, you will kowtow to apologize. I don't think people from the Zhan family don't count their words?"

She didn't care whether Lei Ling was offending or not, it was obvious that watching the excitement was not a big deal.


Zhan Yue was so angry that she blushed and had a thick neck, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Don't bully people too much."

All the members of the Zhantian Mercenary Group stood up, took out their spiritual weapons one after another, and stood in front of Zhan Yue.

"What? You still want to bully the few with more? Brother Li, hit them."

Qu Ting's little face was flushed with excitement, but the next moment, she was hit by a big mouth on the face, which stunned her all at once.

Of course, it wasn't Lei Ling who whipped her, but Qiu Momo.

When Qu Ting kissed Lei Ling before, Qiu Momo became angry, but she kept holding back and planned to deal with her later.

But this girl is so aggressive, she snorted coldly: "My man, can you order it? Get the hell out of here."

"I'm sorry, Sister Momo."

Qu Ting covered her small face, knowing that she was getting carried away, she hurriedly apologized, and obediently stood aside with her head down.

In desperation, Qiu Momo exposed her true nature, and regretted it after fanning, because Lei Ling was still there after all.

She looked at Lei Ling with some embarrassment. Seeing that Lei Ling didn't seem to mind, she felt relieved.

Lei Ling patted Qiu Momo's head, then turned around, gushing out a bastard's air, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Kneel down."

Under the amplification of the Yin-Yang Mirror, the voice of the Heavenly Demon Soul spread out.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Not only the people from the Zhantian Mercenary Corps, but even the melon-eaters fell to their knees.

At first Zhan Yue could hold on, but with Lei Ling's cold snort, she also fell to her knees with a bang.

Lei Ling was like an emperor, standing there, looking down on the world, the moonlight fell on him, raising his aura to another level.

(End of this chapter)

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