My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 378 The Powerful Ye Linglong

Chapter 378 The Powerful Ye Linglong (two chapters in one)
The moon is like water, the breeze is blowing

Lei Ling and Ye Linglong were boating on the lake.

Having the aura of the protagonist is nothing more than Lei Ling's lust.

Ye Linglong's strange behavior made him very puzzled. Now that he found something suspicious, he had to figure it out.

In order not to be sold, but also to help count the money.

"Linglong, with your intelligence, you should be able to tell that I really like you, but of course not that kind of liking. I treat you as my younger sister."

Lei Ling leaned on the table and looked at Ye Linglong who was cooking tea:

"If you want me to help you with anything, just say it straight, I'm the most upright person, and I don't like to make so many twists and turns.

If you play tricks on me, I will be angry. "

Ye Linglong paused for a moment, then continued to play with the tea set.

She didn't speak, Lei Ling didn't urge her, just looked at her quietly, he thought this Ye Linglong was unusual before.

Looking back now, it seems that she was the one who told herself about the ancient Hundred Apertures Climbing to Heaven Liquid, and then brought out Zhan Tian's Four Gods and Hundred Apertures Climbing to Heaven Liquid.

This woman seems to have planned to make herself an enemy of Zhan Tian from the very beginning!
After Ye Linglong cooked the tea, she brewed a cup for Lei Ling. At this moment, her face lost its previous expression and was filled with deep sadness.

She looked up at Lei Ling, and said word by word: "Ye Yu is also my elder brother."


Lei Ling's eyes instantly turned sharp, Ye Yu was probably talking about Young Master Yu.

He didn't expect that Ye Linglong knew Ye Yu, and she seemed to know many things.

Ye Linglong sighed and said, "Your vigilance is really high, that's okay, since you noticed it, then I'll tell you everything."

Lei Ling picked up the teacup and signaled Ye Linglong to continue with his eyes. Although he already had some guesses in his mind, Ye Linglong needed to talk about the details.

"Ye Yu, that is, Mr. Yu, he and I, Ye Wuque, are half brothers and sisters.

Ye Wuque's mother is the eldest lady, my mother can be considered the second wife, and Ye Yu's mother is a slave.

The aunt came from a famous family, and her methods are cruel, but my mother's status is even more noble than her. She can be the eldest wife only because my mother is devoted to cultivation and did not compete with her for power.

She is a smart person, she has always respected my mother very much, and has always put herself after my mother.

And Ye Yu's mother is just a maid, not even a concubine. It would be better if she is not pregnant, but since she is pregnant, the aunt will definitely not let her go.

My mother once told me about Ye Yu accidentally, and thought he was so pitiful, so she saved his life. "

"Oh~~ So that's how it is."

Lei Ling nodded, and finally figured out the doubts in his heart before. Mr. Yu is time-traveling and not reincarnated. How could it be possible for him to live so long with Mrs. Ye's method?

If no one protects him, it is estimated that he will be killed when he was just born.

But the second wife of the Ye family probably only saved his life, and she didn't care about other things, so Ye Yu had a hard time.

Ye Linglong took a sip of tea and continued, "When I was a child, I was curious, so I went to see him.

I like this brother quite a lot, but in order not to attract the attention of my aunt, I can only help him secretly.

Afterwards, he suddenly became enlightened, and I also grew up a bit. With my secret help, he and Qin Xiuxiu were able to develop so quickly. "

Lei Ling nodded, and another doubt in his heart was solved. Although Young Master Yu has a system and knowledge of previous lives, he and Qin Xiuxiu were just two little kids at first, with no roots and no roots. How could it be so soon? Rise?

Not to mention anything else, if there is no one to cover them, their shop will be blocked or even slaughtered by people as soon as it becomes prosperous.

Starting capital is also a big problem.

It's hard to start everything!
Lei Ling couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion in his heart, he deserves to be a system bastard!It also comes standard with such a good sister.

"With my help, they developed rapidly, and later, they no longer needed my help.

I often go to Qin Xiuxiu's place because of him. He also dotes on me very much. Every time he comes back, he will tell me interesting things and bring me small gifts. He usually takes time to teach me and tell me stories. "

Having said that, Ye Linglong's face showed a little sweetness.

However, at this moment, Lei Ling was already scolding her mother in his heart. Ye Linglong was so filthy, was it cultivated by Ye Yu's son-in-law?
Is this motherfucker trying to mess with ghosts?
It really is a fat house poisoned by harem animation!

"Qin Xiuxiu is a very powerful woman. Although Ye Yu and I helped her, it is amazing that she can get to where she is now. Even Ye Wuque is obsessed with her.

I originally wanted to wait for Ye Yu to rise completely, and I would arrange for him to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, so as to resolve this enmity, but I didn't expect that he would die after I came back from a trip for a year.

Qin Xiuxiu told me that he was killed by the enemy's sneak attack after he was seriously injured in a martial arts competition in the Purple Fire Secret Realm.

But I don't believe it, Ye Yu is a very powerful Daoist, there are not many people who can hurt him in Xizhou, and those few people didn't go to the Purple Fire Secret Realm at that time.

Besides, even if he was seriously injured, but Ye Yu had so many means to save his life and kept them hidden behind his back, where did he come from as an enemy?How could he be killed by the enemy's sneak attack?
It's just that although I don't believe it, I can't find evidence for a while, so I can only believe it on the surface, and then investigate secretly.

Later, although some clues were found, Qin Xiuxiu was already full-fledged, and it was difficult for me to do anything to her, after all, she never hurt me!

And if she made a rash move, she would definitely kill Ye Yu and destroy his body.

So I can only continue to pretend to believe, and then secretly investigate, but Qin Xiuxiu's defensive measures are really good.

I didn't even know where Ye Yu was being held, let alone rescued him, until you came. "

Ye Linglong stared at Lei Ling with straight eyes, and opened her small mouth slightly to spit out the word Lei Ling.

Lei Ling smiled slightly, but he didn't panic, because from the very beginning, his breath had locked onto Ye Linglong, and he could kill her anytime.

She knew her identity, and Lei Ling had guessed it before, and Ye Yu must have talked about himself with her because of his big mouth.

When Ye Yu disappeared, Ye Linglong would definitely suspect her. With her energy, sending some people to Nanzhou to inquire about her situation was nothing more than a matter of effort.

Sure enough, Ye Linglong poured herself a cup of tea, moistened her throat, and smiled sweetly at Lei Ling:
"I've heard Ye Yu tell me about you before. You made him half disabled, and he has great resentment towards you. Later, he started to deal with you and asked me for some manpower and resources.

So when he had an accident, I immediately suspected that you and Qin Xiuxiu did it, but after investigation, I found out that it was not.

As information about you continues to come in, I really admire you more and more.

In your terms, Ye Yu is just a slut and a dog. Although he has some brains, he mainly relies on his golden fingers and luck.

And you are the real king, so I have been waiting for you. People like you will definitely come to Xizhou to find Ye Yu to make a deal. "

"Oh~~ No wonder you cooperate with me so much."

Lei Ling wanted to give Ye Linglong a thumbs up now, this girl's acting skills are so good that she even fooled him.

He picked up the teapot and poured tea for himself while saying: "Ye Yu is indeed imprisoned, but now he is dead, I killed him!"

Even if Lei Ling didn't mention this kind of thing, Ye Linglong might have already guessed it, so it's better to point it out!

Ye Linglong has never exposed him, and now that she tells him so much, she presumably doesn't want to make him an enemy.

"I know!"

Ye Linglong sighed long, shrugged her shoulders and said, "Actually, I prepared a manpower before. At that time, the Tianxian Building was in chaos. When you found Ye Yu, I could have people rush into Qin Xiuxiu Manor to rescue him, but later I gave up."

Lei Ling raised his eyebrows, and asked a little strangely: "Oh? Why?"

"For one thing, with your strength and character, you will definitely kill Ye Yu the moment we rush in, and then not only will no one be able to save you, but you will also become an enemy. I don't want to be your enemy.

Secondly, when Ye Yu was exchanging magic weapons for you, he also used the authority of the self-destruct system to send me a message directly!
He said, even saving him is useless, death may be a kind of relief for him, let me leave him alone and not be your enemy.

So I changed rescue to revenge. "

Ye Linglong got up and saluted Lei Ling, her big watery eyes blinked at him:
"Brother Ling, for the sake of keeping the secret for you and helping you so much, can you stop being angry with me?
I really want to avenge Ye Yu, he is my brother no matter what!Can you help me kill Zhan Tian again? "

Seeing that Lei Ling didn't speak, but just looked at her with a smile, Ye Linglong could only purse her lips and say:

"How about I sleep with you? I'm still a virgin. Of course, if possible, I hope you wait for another two years. After all, he is still young and not suitable for doing that kind of thing."


Lei Ling was dumbfounded, this girl is too hot, isn't she?

He really wanted to know what this guy went through, how did Ye Yu's fat man teach her?

"How can you be sure that it was Ye Yu who was injured by Zhan Tian? Although Zhan Tian is in physical training, Ye Yu is not given for nothing. Even if he loses, he won't be seriously injured, right?"

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, Zhan Tian is a way of the system, not a cat or a dog, there must be something hidden in it.

"According to my investigation, Zhan Tian also went to the Purple Fire Secret Realm back then, and he also suffered some injuries, which were caused by ice-type injuries, and Ye Yu is an ice-type spiritual cultivator.

Because of the special environment in Xizhou, most people are fire-type, and there are even fewer ice-type people as opposed to fire-type.

Ye Yu is probably the only ice-type spiritual cultivator that is strong enough to hurt him.

In addition, he has a close relationship with Qin Xiuxiu, so Zhan Tian should be involved in this matter. "

Ye Linglong frowned, took a sip of tea and continued: "When I found out that it might be Zhan Tian, ​​I was also very puzzled. With Ye Yu's strength, even three Zhan Tian may not be able to seriously injure him.

Until later I met the Sky Demon Lord!I guess, the Sky Demon Lord probably also went to the Battle of the Purple Fire Secret Realm back then.

Even Qin Xiuxiu might have invited other Tianjiao to fight with him, which hurt Ye Yu severely.

After Ye Yu escaped from the Purple Fire Secret Realm, he was unprepared against Qin Xiuxiu, and the guardians were not around, so Qin Xiuxiu plotted against her. "

Lei Ling pondered for a long time before saying: "Well, I can help you kill Zhan Tian, ​​and I can also help you find out who else was involved in that incident back then.

It's just that you have to pay the corresponding rewards. Of course, don't mention sleeping or anything else. I'm afraid you'll poison me to death in Biri. "


Ye Linglong snorted Lei Ling angrily, but she was always thick-skinned, so she didn't get angry:
"You also know my identity. With Ye Yu's help, I have also established my own intelligence organization and my own business. Although I am not as good as Qin Xiuxiu, I am not weak either.

I also know Ye Yu's secret words, those secret words are very complicated, and they are very easy to use!
In addition, in order not to arouse suspicion, I think Qin Xiuxiu should not modify it.

Now that Qin Xiuxiu is dead, I can use secret words to control those hidden forces. As long as you agree to avenge me, I will assist you with all my strength. "

"Very tempting."

Lei Ling looked at Ye Linglong with a smile, and was not dazzled by the huge benefits:
"Little girl, don't you want to use this to infiltrate me, wait for me to avenge you, and then kill me?"

"How dare I, I know exactly who you are."

Ye Linglong poured Lei Ling a cup of tea, and said with a smile: "The reason why I am willing to help you is actually my own selfishness.

Now is the great era when the great talents are competing for power. Although my identity background is good, but in this era, the entire Human Sovereign Continent may be destroyed.

Originally, I had Ye Yu and Ye Wuque, two Daozi-level elder brothers, so I didn't panic too much.

But now that Ye Yu is dead, although Ye Wuque is a Daoist, he is not strong, so I must find a strong person to attach to. "

Regarding Ye Linglong's nonsense, Lei Ling didn't believe it at all: "Attach me? I'm not even a Daoist, and a person like me has a Tianjiao attractor!

If you take one wrong step, you will be doomed. Are you looking for death by attaching to me? "

Ye Linglong smiled and shook her head and said, "You underestimate yourself too much, so let's not talk about other things. Just because Lanling Muxue prefers you, you are worthy of my attachment."

"Oh? You know quite a lot, don't you?"

At this moment, Lei Ling understood that Ye Linglong was not only afraid of him, but also Lan Ling Muxue.

If there is no Lanling Muxue, even with Ye Yu's voice transmission, she will give it a go in Qin Xiuxiu Manor.

"Of course! But let me tell you first, although I am attached to you, I am not your dog.

I can help you with ordinary things, but those ultra-dangerous things that will endanger my family and my life don't come to me. "

Seeing that Lei Ling seemed to believe it, Ye Linglong gave him a sweet smile and reminded him.

"Okay! I agree to this matter, I will help you kill Zhan Tian, ​​and I will help you kill Master Tian Yao in the future."

Lei Ling reached out and pinched Ye Linglong's small face: "Little girl, you are very smart, you are also good at hiding yourself, you know how to plan for rainy days, I think Ye Yu has indeed taught you a lot.

I don't impose any restrictions on you, let alone make you fight with others at every turn.

If there is no accident, you will provide me with information in the future, and then cooperate with my Anbu to build a temple for me in Xizhou and spread the faith. "

Ye Linglong rolled her small eyes, and asked treacherously: "Then do you want me to sleep with you? You must know that what you eat is yours."

"Okay! Come on then!"

Lei Ling's eyes flickered lewdly, and he reached out to tear Ye Linglong's clothes.

Ye Linglong's pretty face immediately turned pale, and she subconsciously shrank back, dodging Lei Ling's big hand:

"Then what, my aunt is here, we can't do it today, let's fight another day!"

"It's okay! Anyway, I like running red lights, here I come~~"

Lei Ling waved his hand and wanted to jump at Ye Linglong. Ye Linglong screamed in fright, and jumped into the lake and ran away without even having time to raise her spiritual power.

"A little girl, what kind of female hooligan are you pretending to be?"

Lei Ling sat down again, took out a jug of fine wine, and poured himself a drink.

(End of this chapter)

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