Chapter 379 Suspicion
Lihuo Dynasty, Zhantian Mercenary Headquarters
A shirtless muscular man sat on the throne. His body was riddled with grooves and scars, and his whole body exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

This person is the young master of the Zhan family, the head of the Zhantian mercenary regiment, Zhantian.

Below are the core members of Zhantian Mercenary Corps, these people are the arrogance of the younger generation.

Zhan Tian formed this Zhan Tian mercenary group for the purpose of recruiting Tianjiao, growing up with him, and laying a solid team for his future conquest of the world.

The Xue Hui that Lei Ling met in Qin Xiuxiu Manor before was also a member of his mercenary regiment and one of several deputy regiment leaders.

"Xiaoyue, how is your injury?"

Zhan Tian looked at Zhan Yue who was standing aside, and asked softly.

Zhan Yue shook her head: "I'm fine, Zhong Li's maid has shown mercy.

Brother, you don't come back this time because you want to fight Zhong Li, right?He is the arrogance of the Yin Yang Tianzong, why don't we forget it? "

"Count? How is it possible?"

Xue Hui snorted coldly, cupped his fists at Zhantian and said: "Captain, Zhong Li first ordered someone to cut off Zhanyue's arm, then humiliated Lingyu, and now he killed Qin Xiuxiu, if you don't do it, I will be a Zhantian mercenary in the future." Regiment, how do you still gain a foothold in Xizhou? Ask the regiment leader to go out and fight Zhong Li."

"Leader, please go out and make an appointment to fight Zhong Li."

All the members clasped their fists in agreement.

These people are young and vigorous, and behind each of them is a powerful force.

Has Zhantian Mercenary Group ever been bullied in Xizhou?
Now their leader's sister had her arm cut off, the woman was humiliated with her mouth slapped, and her confidante was killed directly.

If they don't make a move, how will their Zhantian mercenary group hang around in Xizhou in the future?

Zhan Tian ignored Xue Hui and the others, but looked at Zhan Yue and continued to ask, "Where is Ling Yu?"

"The breakthrough of Lingyu's cultivation base is imminent, and he is retreating."

Zhan Yue sighed slightly, Qiu Lingyu looked silly and sweet on the surface, but she was actually extremely smart.

She understood Zhan Tian's character, and knew that he would definitely fight Lei Ling when he returned to the capital.

Her identity is a bit embarrassing, in order to prevent Lei Ling from using her to deal with Zhan Tian through the Qiu family, she chose to retreat early.

Zhan Tian nodded, he naturally guessed Qiu Lingyu's intentions: "As for what Zhong Li has done recently, I have read it on the way back.

This person seems to have come for Xiuxiu from the very beginning, and Qiu Momo is probably just a pawn of his.

This whole matter may be a game from beginning to end, and this Zhong Li may not be the real Zhong Li. "


Everyone was stunned. They looked at me and I looked at you with a look of horror.

They are all young arrogance, and many of them are smart people. After Zhan Tian said this, he felt that there was indeed a possibility.

It was very unreasonable for Lei Ling to fall in love with Qiu Momo at first sight, and then to avenge her at any cost, which is even more incomprehensible.

It's just that if Zhong Li is not the real Zhong Li, they don't agree.

A group member clasped his fists and said: "Head, you said that all of this is a bureau set up by Zhong Li, I agree.

But he is wearing a yin and yang Taoist robe, has a yin and yang mirror, and also has a Tai Chi order, and he uses yin and yang two qi, so it can't be fake, right? "

"I'm just guessing. The major forces should have sent people to Zhongzhou to verify his identity long ago, and the truth should be revealed soon."

Zhan Tian's eyes shone with wisdom, and he sneered, "What we have to do now is to wait for the person who went to verify his identity to come back.

If he is not the real Zhong Li, then people from the Qiu Family, Tianyang Mountain, and even the Yinyang Tianzong will tear him apart without us doing anything.

If he is Zhong Li, I will fight him again at that time. Although Zhong Li is a member of the Yin-Yang Tianzong, his ranking in the Yin-Yang Tianzong is not too high, so I am sure of victory. "

"The leader is wise."

Everyone clasped their fists in salute, and Zhan Tian gave the impression that he was a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

But only they know how smart Zhan Tian is.

Those who were deceived by his appearance didn't even know how they died.

That's why these people will follow him wholeheartedly.

Zhan Tian nodded, and ordered: "Well, you are all staying at home recently, try not to go out, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, you all go down."


Into the night
Holding the information sent by Ye Linglong in his hand, Lei Ling almost knit his brows together.

It says, Zhantian returns, and what the Zhantian mercenary group talked about.

At the same time, Zhan Tian also spread the fact that Lei Ling was a fake Zhong Li.

Now that the rumors are spreading throughout the capital, the Qiu family's eyes on Lei Ling have changed a bit.

Lei Ling suddenly became very passive.

Now it is almost impossible for him to leave the capital without making a sound.


Lei Ling secretly sighed, he ignored a very important thing, that is Zhan Tian might know about Young Master Yu.

If he knew Young Master Yu, it would be easy to think of the reason why he dealt with Qin Xiuxiu, and guess that he might be Young Master Yu's friend.

In this way, all kinds of unreasonable things can be connected in series, and it is found that this matter is a game set up by him from beginning to end.

This is much more reasonable than the reason why he fell in love with Qiu Momo at first sight and was an infatuated person.

The Qiu family are not fools, they probably thought of this too.

It's just that Qiu Momo is not important, as long as he can get close to the Yin Yang Tianzong, it doesn't matter how many more he dies.

What made them care was that Lei Ling was not Zhong Li!

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Lei Ling burned the letter and ordered: "Shi Yu! You use an illusion to fake the illusion that I'm still in the mansion, Shi Ying, come with me."


Now Lei Ling could only rely on Ye Linglong's power to leave the capital.

This girl has been operating in the capital for many years, and has absorbed Qin Xiuxiu's remaining forces, and she has a big backer behind her.

It's still very easy to help him leave without anyone noticing.

But Ye Linglong, a woman who looks cute on the surface, has no intentions.

In fact, he has a stomach full of bad water, and he is also a master who does not see the rabbit or scatter the eagle.

If Lei Ling didn't help her kill Zhan Tian, ​​then she would definitely not help Lei Ling leave.

So now Lei Ling can only take the risk to find Zhan Tian.

Otherwise, once those people who went to Zhongzhou to inquire about the news spread the news back, he would definitely die without a place to bury him.

Ye Linglong should have thought of this too. In the letter to him, she wrote the words Zhan Tian in the Zhan Tian Mercenary Corps in red pen, and prepared a detailed map for him.

Instead, it saved Lei Ling some unnecessary trouble.

But Lei Ling felt a little uncomfortable after all, this was tantamount to forcing him.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lei Ling took Shi Ying by his hand, used her innate secret technique to hide her figure, and then used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and rushed to the Zhantian Mercenary Group.

(End of this chapter)

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