Chapter 380
Headquarters of the Zhantian Mercenary Group, the top of the training tower

A shirtless boy held a wine jar and drank against the moon.


When Lei Ling appeared beside him, he wasn't surprised at all, and even smiled at him.

"You knew I was coming?"

Lei Ling looked at the man in front of him with great interest, this muscular boy might be Zhan Tian.

Different from Wu Jing's general figure, this muscular boy has the figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a standard muscular man and a bodybuilder.

The whole body is full of explosive power.

Lei Ling couldn't help feeling envious!
With this figure, if you put it in the gym, how many big girls and young wives will you be fascinated by?

Zhan Tian laughed and said: "Hehe! I was also thinking of giving it a try, but since you are here, it proves that my guess is right, you are not Zhong Li."

Lei Ling sat beside him, took out a jug of wine and some snacks:

"I didn't expect that you are still a smart person, but I underestimated you."

"Are you here to fight me? Unfortunately, I don't want to fight you. I just need to wait a little longer, and you will die without a place to die."

After Zhan Tian gulped and gulped, he looked at Lei Ling, with the light of wisdom shining in his eyes:
"I did participate in Ye Yu's matter, that little girl Linglong has a very good relationship with Ye Yu, do you want to cooperate with her?
You stay here for a long time, just waiting for me to come back to fight with me, so you can kill me?
It's just that you didn't expect me to guess that you were a fake and spread the news. Now that the entire king is blocked, it is impossible for you to get out.

Of course, with Linglong's energy, it is possible to send you away

But if you don't kill me, she won't help you. Interesting and interesting, boy, you are in a dead end, and I want to see how you break it. "

"Clap clap clap!"

Lei Ling applauded and praised: "Amazing, I never thought you would think of this step.

Yes, that's right, I stayed here for you, and I can tell you another secret, my real name is Lei Ling. "


Hearing the word Lei Ling, Zhan Tian's originally calm face finally changed. He looked at Lei Ling with burning eyes, and said a little excitedly:

"You are the Lei Ling who won the treasure of the dragon clan in the swamp? Do you have the blood essence of the dragon clan in your body?"

Zhan Tian exhausted his energy for the Four Gods and Hundred Apertures Climbing to Heaven Liquid. The news about the Swamp Dragon Clan was basically spread in Nanzhou. He would naturally collect such important information. How could the blood essence of the Dragon Clan be compared to the real Dragon Clan?
So he sent people to Nanzhou before, hoping to find an opportunity to attack and kill Lei Ling and obtain the blood essence of the dragon clan.

It's a pity that Lei Ling is the disciple of the elder Tianjian of Wushuang Jiange. He has a noble status and is not a cat or a dog.

In addition, Zhan Tian is not sure whether he has dragon essence blood on his body, so this matter has been put aside for the time being.

I thought I would wait for other things to come together, and then go there in person.

But he didn't expect that the person in front of him who stirred up the situation in the capital was Lei Ling, whom he had always been thinking about.


Lei Ling flicked his hand, and a crystal jar appeared in his hand, inside the jar was a jar of blood.

"Red with gold, this is the dragon blood of the five-clawed golden dragon level. The blood energy is condensed into the dragon shape, and there is a hidden sound of dragon chant. My God, this dragon blood is directly chasing the blood of the dragon ancestor."

Zhan Tian stretched out his hand and wanted to snatch it, Lei Ling moved his hand and put the dragon blood back into the storage ring, he laughed and said, "I don't know if this thing is worth fighting brother Zhan with me to the death?"


Zhan Tian let out a long breath, and the excitement on his face gradually calmed down:

"You really offered something that I couldn't refuse!
Now I know why you took the risk to stay in the capital, you and I are both physical practitioners, you are probably also planning on my Four Gods Hundred Apertures Climbing Heaven Liquid, right? "

"That's right! Originally, I just wanted to gamble with you, but now it seems that we are going to fight to the death."

After pondering for a moment, Lei Ling continued: "Since it is a battle of life and death, then our bet must be increased by one.

I hold the Yin-Yang Mirror, the Wanlian Ding, and the Qilin Pearl. These three treasures are Daozi's golden fingers.

I believe you are very clear about the function of the yin and yang mirror, so I won't go into details.

The Wanlian Ding and the Qilin Pearl are both treasures of body refining. With these two things, your Zhan family can create two devouring body cultivators.

Of course, I still have a lot of good things, if you want to continue to raise, I can continue to call. "

"Two body-refining treasures? Or Daozi-level?"

Zhan Tian's eyes flickered, he nodded and said: "I also have some good things, such as the Bailian ointment that the body has dreamed of, and two magical weapons.

Hmm. There are still some things at home that I can use, but I can't bring them out. However, I carry a supernatural power with me. This supernatural power is extremely powerful, and I need to enter the Hundred Apertures Realm to learn it.

The bet between us is like this, if you die in battle today, I will use my strength to escort your women away. "

Lei Ling was stunned for a moment, now that Zhan Tian has the right time, place and people, if he dies in battle, he should imprison Shi Yu and other women, and squeeze out his wealth as much as possible.

This Zhantian is not a good man and a believer, why is he willing to do this?
But soon Lei Ling figured it out, Zhan Tian had investigated him because of the Dragon Blood matter, and knew no less than Ye Linglong.

The reason why he was willing to do this was probably because of Lan Ling Mu Xue.

He fought to the death with Zhan Tian, ​​and if he died, he would die. It was because his own skills were inferior to others, and Lan Ling Muxue would definitely not stand up for him.

But if Shi Yu and the others were implicated and Lei Ling's treasure was taken away, Lan Ling Mu Xue would have an excuse.

In view of past love, she might avenge him.

No one would be willing to provoke a super Taoist casually.

Especially Lanling Muxue who is probably a top existence among the super Taoists.

Having formed an enmity with her, when she grows up in the future, the Lihuo Dynasty, and even Xizhou, may be wiped out.

So Zhan Tian is willing to do this favor.

"If you die in battle, as long as your Zhan family doesn't provoke me in the future, I won't touch your Zhan family."

Lei Ling clapped his hands and said, "Okay! You know, I'm pressed for time, so if you have nothing to do, I hope we can duel now.

But my identity can’t be revealed yet, so.”

"Don't worry, we will go to the platform of life and death immediately, sign a contract, and open the realm of life and death. I don't want others to see my cards."

Zhan Tian got up, threw the wine jar in his hand, and headed directly towards the stage of life and death, Lei Ling followed closely behind, inevitably a little excited in his heart.

He always likes to use tricks when dealing with enemies, and the number of real battles is not many, and the real battle is probably only when he followed Feng Xinghan.

But that time also relied on the crushing of the realm. Now Zhan Tian is also at the peak of tempering the five internal organs, and he is also at the peak of tempering the five internal organs. The two have similar realms, and they are both physical.

This is the best chance to test his strength!

In the same rank, can he defeat a powerful Daozi?

Can the villain defeat the protagonist by his own strength?
Today he will get the answer.

If he wins, then he will establish an invincible heart, and he will not be so timid when he meets a Taoist Tianjiao in the future.

If he loses, he will not regret it. Now that all the Taoists have begun to rise, and there are powerful forces behind them to protect him, it is difficult for him to use his previous methods.

Most of the time, he has to do it himself. Even if he doesn't fight today, he will have to fight other Taoists in the future.

If he is destined to fail, he will die sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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