My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 381 The Decisive Battle

Chapter 381 Decisive Battle (two chapters in one)
The Terrace of Life and Death has existed since ancient times, the age of mythology, and it is a place where practitioners fight to the death.

Once you step on the stage of life and death, sign the book of life and death, and enter the realm of life and death, it is up to you whether you live or die.

Even if the gods come to this world, it is impossible to interfere with the battle in the stage of life and death.

"The Terrace of Life and Death! This young master has never been here before."

Looking at the ancient altar in front of him, Lei Ling couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There are also many life and death platforms in Nanzhou, but few Tianjiao can use them.

A person like Lei Ling, who is unwilling to make a move even in a normal duel, is even less able to use it.

"Hehe! I am very familiar with this place."

Zhan Tian twisted his neck, a bloodthirsty red light flashed in his eyes.

Lei Ling was secretly shocked!
The so-called quietness is like a virgin, and movement is like a rabbit. Before Zhan Tian, ​​he looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl, but when he arrived at the platform of life and death, his true nature was revealed.

This person is probably a battle mad!
Zhan Tian walked to the side of the altar, picked up a slate and a slate pen, wrote his bet on it, signed his name, and threw it to Lei Ling.

Lei Ling took the slate and slate without hesitation, mobilized his soul power, wrote the bet on it, and signed it.

After the two parties confirmed the bet, Zhan Tian took out some spirit crystals from the storage ring and poured them into the mouth of the sacrifice outside the altar.

At the entrance of the spirit crystal, Ji Ling's eyes shone red, the altar shook, and two beams of light, one red and one blue, rose into the sky.

These two beams of light represent the blood bars of Lei Ling and Zhan Tian.

The life and death environment has extremely high privacy, and outsiders cannot observe the battle inside, in order to let the people who eat melons understand the battle situation.

With this red and blue blood bar, just like playing a game, whoever's blood bar drops to zero will die.

"Someone activated the Life and Death Platform!"

The red and blue blood streaks soaring into the sky quickly attracted the attention of good people.

When he learned that Zhan Tian and Zhong Li were going to fight to the death, the entire Li Huo King was shocked.

A large number of people who eat melons flock here one after another.

Lei Ling and Zhan Tian didn't step onto the stage of life and death immediately and entered the realm of life and death.

Both of them are closing their eyes and adjusting their breath, adjusting themselves to the best state.

But with the effort of half a stick of incense, there are already huge crowds of people outside the stage of life and death.

"Damn it! It's really Zhong Li and Zhan Tian, ​​these two actually started fighting, and they went directly to the stage of life and death."

"Pure man, Zhan Tian is indeed a pure man!"

"After today's battle, the Lihuo Dynasty will be full of excitement. No matter who kills the other of these two people, I'm afraid it will cause a bloodbath."

The melon-eating crowd talked a lot, and big families like the Zhan family, Qiu family, and Ye family all looked sad.

Among them, the Zhan family is the most important, and Zhan Tian is the treasure of the Zhan family!

If Zhan Tian dies!

Then his Zhan family's God of War body will be broken again, and the Zhan family's luck will also disappear due to Zhan Tian's death.

Zhanjia will be submerged in this great era.

But if Zhan Tian killed Zhong Li, how could the Yin Yang Tianzong and the Zhong family give up?

Although they dare not attack Zhanjia directly.

But there are many Tianjiao in the Yinyang Tianzong, and there are even super Daozi.

If one of them comes out and says he wants to avenge Zhong Li, Zhan Tian will die!

The other geniuses of the Zhan family were walking outside, and they were easily targeted by the other geniuses of the Zhong family.

It's no wonder Zhanjia doesn't have a big head.

Originally, at this time, there should be an opening bet on winning or losing.

It's a pity that Emperor Li Huo lost his wife in a betting fight with others back then, and in a fit of anger, gambling was banned across the country, and all casinos in the country were closed down.

All the personnel were executed, although some sons of big families would gamble privately.

But such a blatant opening bet, even the five major families, probably don't have the guts.

After about half an hour, Lei Ling and Zhan Tian opened their eyes at the same time, and with a movement of their bodies, they both rushed to the platform of life and death.

After a while, when Lei Ling opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in the realm of life and death.

The Life and Death Realm is a special space with different environments.

Lei Ling and Zhan Tian are now in the desert space, and as far as the eye can see, there are yellow and orange sand everywhere.


As soon as he entered the realm of life and death, Zhan Tian rushed towards Lei Ling like a cannonball.

Lei Ling let out a cold snort, and also punched him forward. His fists collided, creating a terrifying sonic boom.

All the surrounding sand was shaken away, and with this punch, the two were evenly matched.

Both Lei Ling and Zhan Tian were taken aback.

Lei Ling possessed the Qilin Pearl and the Wanlian Ding, which were refined internally and externally, and also fused with various rare treasures such as the blood of the ancestors.

He felt that his physical body could already dominate the five viscera refining realm.

But he didn't expect that Zhan Tian could fight him evenly.

Zhan Tian is the same, he is not only a God of War body, but also has a long history of family education.

Striving to achieve the ultimate in every realm, the Zhan family is cultivating him with the strength of the whole family!
He never expected that he would be on par with someone like Lei Ling who cultivated on his own.

"I do not believe!"

The two shouted in unison, their fists colliding wildly in the air.

"God of War Heavenly King Fist."

After confronting each other for a while, Lei Ling fought more and more courageously, but Zhan Tian became more and more impatient, and even felt that he was slowly going to be at a disadvantage.

With a loud shout, the divine power in his body exploded, and he punched Lei Ling, who was having fun, flying away.

"God of War Heavenly King Fist."

One punch made a difference, and Zhan Tian took advantage of the victory to pursue him. He was surrounded by blood-colored divine power, leaped high, and punched Lei Ling again.

"Kirin Arm!"

Lei Ling was playing well at first, but he didn't expect Zhan Tian to make a big move suddenly. He didn't notice it for a while, and he suffered a disadvantage and was beaten flying by him.

He was so angry that he cursed Zhantian shamelessly in his heart, and his hands were not idle. On his right arm, the unicorn pattern flashed, and a huge unicorn was blasted out with a punch.

The God of War Tianwangquan collided with Qilin in the air, and a violent explosion occurred.

"Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!"

In the sky, the lights of knives flickered, and after Lei Ling blasted out the unicorn, he shot out six more throwing knives.

Although Zhan Tian had a very high fighting instinct, he dodged immediately, but Lei Ling's throwing knife was too fast, and his cheek was scratched a little.

"Good knife!"

Zhan Tian wiped off the blood on his cheek, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

He has reached the state of tempering the five viscera, it is difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt him, and even if he is injured, he can recover quickly.

And this flying knife not only hurt him, but the wound still showed no sign of recovery, which shows how extraordinary this knife is.

"Come again!"

Lei Ling let out a loud shout, divine power surged in his body, and rushed towards Zhan Tian!

In the sky, two light groups, one gold and one red, clashed crazily. This was a confrontation of divine power.

"Supernatural powers, three heads and six arms!"

Lei Ling, who suffered a loss once, became obedient, and displayed supernatural powers, beating Zhan Tian violently.

Zhan Tian was already showing signs of being at a disadvantage in the duel, now that Lei Ling suddenly has four more hands, how can he fight well?
Lei Ling hit him from the sky all the way to the ground, and didn't give up, four hands firmly held down his limbs, and the other two hands hit him violently with a hammer.

Beyond Life and Death, the melon-eating crowd exclaimed in unison.

They saw that the red blood bar belonging to Zhan Tian began to drop.

"This Zhong Li really deserves to be the peerless arrogance of the Yin-Yang Tianzong! He actually gained the upper hand so quickly."

The head of the Qiu family looked at the dark-faced head of the Zhan family with great satisfaction.

The Zhan family and the Qiu family have always been at odds. Over the years, the Zhan family has been dominating the Qiu family.

If Zhong Li wins this time, then his Qiu family will feel proud.

At that time, the Zhan family will have no Zhan Tian, ​​and his Qiu family will have Ye Wuque and Zhong Li, and the Qiu family will surely rise on the Zhan family's footsteps.

"Hmph! The battle has just begun, isn't it too early to say this?"

The Patriarch of the Zhan family snorted coldly, his palms were already sweating, no matter who wins or loses in this competition, his Zhan family can't please him.

Other forces are also talking about it, and they are all analyzing the strength of Zhan Tian and Zhong Li based on what they know.

Zhang Xuewei and the others crazily cheered Lei Ling on, their voices were almost hoarse.

Their great future rests with Lei Ling, if Lei Ling dies, not only will they not be able to use Lei Ling's banner to swagger through the market in the future.

People who have been bullied by them during this period will also come to trouble them.

Because they are Zhong Li's people, they will take action against them even after the war.

This is just a nightmare!

In the realm of life and death, Zhan Tian was firmly pressed on the ground by Lei Ling and beat him up. Although he struggled crazily, he couldn't break free for a while.

"How dare you fucking resist? I will electrocute you and burn you to death."

Seeing Zhan Tian struggling fiercely, Lei Ling suddenly had a brilliant idea in his mind. Pressing on Zhan Tian's two opponents, the Fire of Heaven's Retribution and the Thunder of Heaven's Retribution poured out respectively.


Zhan Tian screamed, his strength suddenly increased, and his powerful divine power was released crazily.

Lei Ling's heart trembled, he quickly let go of the thing, and flashed into the air with the magic power of shrinking the ground to an inch.

"Damn it, does it even bring transformation?"

Lei Ling looked at Zhan Tian below, and couldn't help turning pale. At this moment, Zhan Tian's skin had turned blood red, and many strange runes appeared on his body. Breath spread out.

Lei Ling felt that Zhan Tian's strength had at least doubled.

God of War body!
Zhan Tian was fired, and directly activated the God of War body.


After turning on the God of War body, Zhan Tian's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty red light, he roared, and a bloody spear appeared in his hand.

The moment he grasped the spear, his already strong aura rose again.

"Damn, hang up, right?"

Lei Ling formed seals with his hands, and the power of thunder and fire gushed out, and a huge thunder and fire spirit sword condensed on the top of his head: "One sword breaks the sky, go!"

"Light of Firefly, dare to compete with Haoyue?"

Facing the huge flying sword flying towards him, Zhan Tian gave a cold snort of disdain, and thrust the spear in his hand into the air, piercing through Lei Ling's Thunder Fire Spirit Sword in an instant.

"Lei Ling, today I will let you experience the three forms of the God of War of my Zhan family."

With a spear in Zhan Tianwu's hands, divine power surged all over his body. At this moment, Lei Ling felt a warning sign in his heart.

"The first form, breaking the sky with a spear!"

Zhan Tian raised his spear and threw Lei Leiling directly. The bloody spear pierced the sky and shot towards Lei Ling with terrifying power.

"Dragonscale Shield!"

The dragon scale armor appeared on Lei Ling's body, forming a shield in front of him.


Contradictions collided, sparks flew everywhere, and the powerful impact pushed Lei Ling to a higher altitude.

The bloody spear was like a spinning top, spinning rapidly, trying to break through the dragon scale shield.

But this Dragon Scale Shield is forged from the Dragon's Reversed Scale, so it is extremely strong, especially the one that is so easy to penetrate?

With the passage of time, the power above the blood spear gradually disappeared.

Zhan Tian kicked the ground fiercely, and his whole body flew over like a cannonball, grabbed the bloody spear, turned around and swept away thousands of troops.

Lei Ling's figure flashed, barely dodging, he looked down at his dragon scale armor, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

Even though he withstood the sky-breaking spear just now, the dragon scale armor was finally damaged, and many defensive formations inside were broken.

"What a tough dragon scale."

Zhan Tian looked greedily at Lei Ling's dragon scale armor, he knew best how powerful the Sky Breaking Spear was.

The dragon scale armor was able to block it without being damaged, which shows how extraordinary it is.

If he can get this dragon scale armor, then he can have both offensive and defensive capabilities.

"Did you just use a magic skill?"

Lei Ling looked at Zhan Tian with some envy. Spiritual cultivation has spiritual skills and spiritual skills, and physical cultivation also has supernatural powers and magical skills.

It's just that this magical skill is even rarer than magical powers. It is all created by the body cultivators according to their own conditions, and it must be used with the corresponding magical weapons.

If you want to learn, you also need to be taught by the person who masters the magic skill, or passed down through blood.

So even in ancient times, most of the magical skills were passed down between families.

Lei Ling didn't expect that this Zhantian could even master divine skills.

"I am the body of the God of War, so I naturally have a bloodline inheritance. My Zhan Family's Zhantian Three Styles are well-known even in ancient times. Let me open your eyes today!
Take my second move and kill with one spear. "

Zhan Tian held a bloody spear, and his whole body was covered with bloody divine power, like a god of killing.

He raised his body up again, and threw the spear in his hand at Lei Ling.

Lei Ling urged the dragon scale armor to form a dragon scale shield again for defense, but the next moment, something that terrified him happened.

The bloody spear penetrated the dragon scale shield without hindrance.


Lei Ling only felt a sharp pain coming from above his body, his body was pierced through.

He stared blankly at his dragon scale shield, the shield was not damaged, but the spear actually pierced him.

"Hehe! Surprised, isn't it?"

At some point, Zhan Tian had already grasped the spear in his hand, and directly picked Lei Ling up.

He licked Lei Ling's dripping blood, and let out a moan of enjoyment: "It's really delicious!"

"My grass!"

Lei Ling yelled, endured the severe pain, and pulled himself out of the blood spear. While retreating in a flash, he activated his life returning supernatural power to repair the injury.

"A must-kill spear!"

Zhan Tian sneered, raised his body again, and threw the bloody spear in his hand towards Lei Ling.

"Why are you still here?"

Lei Ling repeatedly used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and hid far away, thinking that if he can't be provoked, can dad still hide?


However, there was another sharp pain in his body, and he was impaled again.

Zhan Tian made a move with his big hand, and the bloody spear disappeared, and returned to his hand the next moment. He jumped high and continued to throw.

"What the hell is going on?"

Lei Ling sacrificed the Yin-Yang Mirror to resist, but the bloody spear penetrated the Yin-Yang Mirror without hindrance, and pierced through his right arm with a puff.

Lei Ling felt like he was about to collapse. Although he had the life-returning supernatural power to protect his body, he could recover from his injuries.

But this bloody spear is a real magic weapon!
Moreover, the grade was extremely high, and it contained ancient power. Inspired by Zhan Tian's divine power, it was constantly destroying his body. Every time Lei Ling repaired an injury, Lei Ling had to consume a lot of divine power.

If this continues, he will be squeezed dry sooner or later.

What's more, the pain is real, and he, Young Master Lei, is the most afraid of pain.

"Do you have the supernatural powers of life return? Unexpectedly, you know a lot of things. It's a pity that you don't even understand the simple truth that you can't eat as much as you want. One trick, you can eat it all over the world, Lei Ling, die!"

Zhan Tian raised the bloody spear again, and this time Lei Ling clearly felt that the divine power Zhan Tian used had increased significantly.

If this shot came over, wouldn't it have cost him half his life?

"Brother, if you have something to say, don't kill me!"

Lei Ling couldn't help screaming, Zhan Tian naturally ignored his begging for mercy, raised his body, and threw another spear.

(End of this chapter)

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