My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 382 Decisive Battle 2

Chapter 382 Decisive Battle II (two chapters in one)
"I'll go to your uncle!"

Lei Ling cursed loudly, and the Tower of Storms appeared, stirring up a huge silver storm.

However, the blood spear still pierced through the Silver Storm, the Tower of Storms, and pierced him again, this time, it pierced Lei Ling's chest.


Lei Ling held the blood-colored spear and spat out a mouthful of blood. If he hadn't dodged in time, the spear might have pierced his heart.

Zhan Tian beckoned, and the bloody spear disappeared again, reappearing in his hand.

Lei Ling knelt down on one knee, desperately mobilizing his life returning supernatural powers to repair his injuries.

not understand!
He didn't understand why this bloody battle spear could penetrate all kinds of attacks and treasures, and attacked him.

Even this product has its own locking function. He uses the magical power of shrinking the ground to dodge, but he will still be hit the moment he reveals himself.

"This nima is a sharpshooter with a hundred hits!"

Lei Ling couldn't help wailing in his heart, suddenly his eyes flashed brightly, speaking of this perfect gun, he thought of a god in his previous life.

The main god Odin in Norse mythology!

He had a gun that seemed to hit the target once it was thrown, and it was sure to hit and penetrate the target.

Outside of life and death, everyone saw Lei Ling's health plummeting, and they were secretly shocked.

Originally, Zhan Tian's blood bar had been dropping steadily, and they all felt that Lei Ling had the upper hand.

Now Lei Ling's health bar is dropping a lot!
This is the rhythm of non-stop eating big moves!

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that Lei Ling will die soon.


The cup in Ye Linglong's hand fell to the ground, she did not expect Lei Ling to be at a disadvantage.

If Lei Ling loses, then she will be in great trouble, not only Zhan Tian wants to trouble him, but Lei Ling's maids will definitely spread the news about her using Lei Ling.

Lei Ling's popularity in Nanzhou is very good, and many Tianjiao owe him favors.

And that terrifying Lan Ling Mu Xue, she will definitely die by then!

Thinking of this, a killing intent flashed in her eyes: "Come here!"

"What's your order, miss?"

"The people who closely monitor Zhong Li, once Zhong Li falls, I will kill them all."



Ye Linglong looked at Lei Ling's blood bar, let out a long breath, and murmured:

"Lei Ling, I hope you don't let me down."

"Lei Ling, stop struggling and be my stepping stone."

Zhan Tian raised the bloody spear again and threw it at Lei Ling.


A cold light flashed in Lei Ling's eyes, he punched out, and the air shattered.

This time, the bloody battle spear didn't penetrate him like before, but was blocked by his fist.

The Scarlet War Spear missed for the first time.


Zhan Tian's complacent expression changed instantly. He stared blankly at the broken space between the fist and spear, not understanding what kind of power it was.

His sure-kill spear, but he has never missed it!
"Sure enough."

Lei Ling breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Zhan Tian's one-shot spear was similar to Odin's one-shot, one-shot, one-shot spear. It possessed the power of cause and effect, and could hit the target directly regardless of obstacles.

And his shocking power can shatter everything. Lan Ling Muxue once said that day, if his shocking power is cultivated to a certain level, even the Blood Tribulation can be directly shattered.

So Lei Ling guessed that his power of shock could counteract the power of cause and effect.

Now it seems that it is indeed possible.

"Zhan Tian, ​​I will drive you crazy!"

Lei Ling withstood the killer spear with one hand, and the other hands were not idle.

Some control the Yin-Yang Mirror, some control the Storm Tower, and some control the Throwing Knife, attacking Zhan Tian frantically.

Zhan Tian could only recall the blood spear and resist it with all his strength.

He has fought all the year round and possesses extremely high fighting instincts. Even in the face of this overwhelming attack, he still handles it with ease.

Lei Ling took out the ever-changing magic gun again, switched to the Gatling state, and poured all kinds of power into it at once.

After 5 minutes, Gatling finally finished charging.

"Boy, face the blast!"

Lifting Gatling, Lei Ling grinned, and pulled the trigger on Zhan Tian.

A large number of fire-type bullets, thunder-type bullets, thunder-fire dual-type bullets, as well as divine power bullets and concussion bullets poured towards Zhan Tian.

"My Nima!"

Zhan Tian had already had a hard time coping with Lei Ling's crazy counterattack, but suddenly he felt a warning sign, he subconsciously took a look, and couldn't help but yell.

Gatling's attack is a bullet-type attack. To Lei Ling's surprise, due to the increase in size, the compression and expansion ability of the Variety Gun is greatly enhanced, and its attack power is not weaker than that of the double-gun form.

If there are one or two Zhantians, I wouldn't be afraid, but there are thousands of them!

He was beaten so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms, Lei Ling was almost crying when he stabbed him one after another before, how could he let him go now that he had the upper hand?
Carrying Gatling and chasing after him to shoot, the rest of the two heads and four arms were not idle, and each controlled the Tower of Storms and the Yin-Yang Mirror to launch attacks.

After attacking frantically for more than three minutes, Gatling's bullets were exhausted.

Looking at Zhan Tian again, he had already turned into a blood man at this time, his protective divine power was covered by Lei Ling's ferocious firepower, and it exploded after supporting it for half a minute.

Although his bloody battle spear could withstand attacks, it was just a spear after all, not a shield.

Under such intensive attacks, he still missed a lot of bullets after all, and was directly beaten into a bloody man.

Zhan Tian was covered in blood, his blood-red eyes fixed on Gatlin in Lei Ling's hand.

His hands holding the blood spear trembled slightly. Although he was a physical trainer, it was no wonder his hands didn't shake after blocking so many bullets.

Now Lei Ling deeply realized the benefits of fighting against others.

No wonder the protagonists in the previous life novels were constantly fighting.

Only by fighting can you skillfully use your power!
Only by fighting can you discover your own shortcomings!
Only by fighting can you improve yourself!

If he had rich combat experience, he would never have been stabbed so many times.

If he had rich combat experience, Zhan Tian would have been beaten by him from the very beginning.

Lei Ling is better than Zhan Tian in terms of physical body and divine power, but his combat experience is too little, and there are almost no evenly matched battles.

He can't use his power perfectly at all.

There is also the ever-changing magic gun. He has always followed Mr. Yu's thinking, thinking that he can only use two guns to fight against people.

But I don't know that everyone's situation is different.

He has supernatural powers with three heads and six arms, and he can use other attacks while charging the ever-changing magic gun. He can use all four forms.

This is what he discovered from the battle just now.

"It's really a strange weapon. I'm afraid it was given to you by that idiot Ye Yu?"

Zhan Tian slowly looked away from Gatlin, took out some healing pills and took them.

Lei Ling nodded, and said with a faint smile: "That's right, although he is stupid, the things he took out are still very powerful. If you admit defeat, I may make your death more comfortable."


Zhan Tian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, as if he had heard some big joke, he pointed at Lei Ling with the bloody spear in his hand:

"Do you think you can defeat me with just this thing? It's ridiculous. Today I want to let you know what true despair is. The third form of the God of War, the God of War is coming."

Zhan Tian suddenly turned the blood spear upside down and pierced into his body.

Lei Ling was dumbfounded, he thought Zhan Tian was going to use some awesome big move!

But he didn't expect that he committed suicide directly and won by himself?

But the next moment, he knew that he had guessed wrong.

Because Zhan Tian's divine power suddenly erupted, his whole body was surrounded by bloody divine power, and the powerful aura spread outward wave after wave.

Zhan Tian's blood spear is a divine weapon handed down from generation to generation by the Zhan family, and it contains the power and will of the war gods of the Zhan family.

When the God of War came into the world, he used himself as the carrier and the blood spear as the medium to receive the power of the God of War that he could bear.

It's just that doing so will cause a lot of damage to the caster's body, and the power of the God of War is limited, and every point used is one point less.

So unless it is absolutely necessary, Zhan Tian will not use it.


After about three or four breaths, Zhan Tian tore the red light ball and broke it out.

Looking at Zhan Tian now, Lei Ling couldn't help swallowing, and took a few steps back.

At this time, Zhan Tian's body was twice as big as before, and the whole person changed from the previous Arnold Schwarzenegger to the Hulk.

Although the bloody battle spear disappeared, there was an extra set of protective gear on his body.

Knee pads, armor, and shoulder pads are just like the bears in Lei Ling's previous life playing LOL.

Not to mention his combat prowess, the visual impact alone is enough to scare many people to death.


Because of receiving the huge power of the God of War and being eroded by the will of the God of War, Zhan Tian has lost his mind and turned into a fighting machine. He roared and rushed towards Lei Ling.

How dare Lei Ling confront this lunatic head-on?

You can only use the tower of the storm and the yin and yang mirror for long-range output while using the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch to widen the distance.

Zhan Tian, ​​who had absorbed the power of the God of War, had a surge in strength, and the protective gear on his body was also extraordinary. Facing Lei Ling's attack, he just waved his arm indiscriminately, and easily blocked it.

"Try your grandpa's Gatling."

Lei Ling was chased by Zhan Tian and ran around, constantly using the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, which greatly consumed his divine power. Fortunately, his Gatling was finally fully charged at this time.

He aimed his gun at Zhantian and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A large number of bullets poured down.

Lei Ling originally thought that the fierce firepower could cause some damage to Zhan Tian, ​​but he didn't expect Zhan Tian to shrink into a ball and roll towards him.

There is a thick barrier around Zhan Tian, ​​and when the bullet hits it, a circle of small ripples is formed, which greatly weakens the power of the bullet.

After hitting his protective gear, a large number of bullets exploded on his body, without causing him any damage.

Facing the violent bullet rain, the meat ball quickly rolled towards Lei Ling.


Lei Ling couldn't help but gasped!

Is this a joke?
He dodged the meatball attack with a dodge, and there was a little bit of coldness in his eyes. Now that things have happened, he can no longer hide.

"Did you fucking think you're the only one who can transform? My young master will too!"

The divine power surged in Lei Ling's body, and he unleashed the dragon transformation supernatural power that he had been hiding all along, and instantly transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon-level dragonman.

All of a sudden, there was a storm, thunder and lightning.

Lei Ling's dragon transformation was originally a dragon transformation of the five-claw golden dragon level, and then he got the help of the patriarch of the swamp dragon clan, and then survived the blood tribulation.

Even the prince of the dragon race is probably not as good as him.

Zhan Tian released the meat ball form, looked at Lei Ling, and in the bloodthirsty and crazy eyes, a clear light flashed:
"Dragon man? No, it's the supernatural power of dragon transformation. You really have a lot of hidden cards!"

"This young master is such an unfathomable man."

Lei Ling snorted coldly, and took the lead in attacking Zhan Tian, ​​his fist wrapped in a milky white ball of light.

The supernatural power of dragon transformation is something that Lei Ling has been trying his best to hide, and it involves a big plan of his.

Now that it is used, it is necessary to kill Zhan Tian as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Lei Ling had been relying on the supernatural power of shrinking the ground to an inch before, dodging Zhan Tian, ​​and he didn't want him to fight head-on.

Zhan Tianxun was already full of anger, and now seeing him rushing over, he roared excitedly and punched him.

The air shattered when the two fists collided.

Then there was a fierce confrontation. Although Zhan Tian activated the God of War body and absorbed the power of God of War, he was extremely powerful.

But Lei Ling also used the supernatural power of dragon transformation, and activated the power of the shock. Although he was slightly below, relying on the supernatural power of returning to life, he could barely hold it.

Zhan Tian's God of War's advent is time-sensitive, and when his God of War's advent is lifted, he will definitely suffer backlash.

So as long as Lei Ling can hold on, the final victory will belong to him.


Zhan Tian naturally also knows this truth, he has already displayed several magical skills.

But Lei Ling was very wretched, he started a fierce attack and saw that he couldn't fight Zhan Tian, ​​so he switched from attack to defense.

The gap between the two sides is not very big, and Zhan Tian can't help him at all for a while.

"Burn my essence and blood, burn my lifespan, bloody secret technique, bless you!"

In desperation, Zhan Tian could only use the two-injury secret technique to greatly increase his strength again, trying to kill Lei Ling in a short time.

He used the two-injury secret technique, and Lei Ling also used the two-injury secret technique to sacrifice longevity and improve his strength.

After obtaining the Phoenix Nine-leaf Lotus, Lei Ling's lifespan increased greatly, and he, who has always spared his life, also found some secret techniques for double injuries.

Of course, he will not use it indiscriminately unless it is absolutely necessary. Although he has a lot of lifespan, it is not eternal life.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

If one accidentally runs out of life energy, then he would be an idiot.

"My grass!"

The two fought each other for less than half an hour, and Zhan Tian was furious. He used secret techniques, and Lei Ling also used secret techniques.

Although his Zhan family's secret art of bloody battles was passed down from ancient times, it was far from what Lei Ling's secret art of two wounds could match.

But the quality is not enough, so the quantity is enough. He burns ten years of life yuan, Lei Ling burns for 30 years, he burns for 30 years, and Lei Ling burns for 100 years.

And this guy doesn't take the initiative to attack, just keeps using dirty tactics, dragging him, trying to drag him to death.

It made Zhan Tian want to scold his mother.

"Shouyuan is not very important to my Tianjiao, but if the consumption is too large, there will be trouble.

Lei Ling, if you burn your life essence like this, aren't you afraid of dying if your life essence runs out?Instead, why don't you have a good fight with me? "

In desperation, Zhan Tian could only speak out to persuade him.

"Tch, my young master has a lot of longevity, so burn it if you have it! Grandpa, I will accompany you to the end."

Lei Ling snorted disdainfully, Zhan Tian was willing to chat with him, it was his wish!

Now he just wants to drag this dog to death.

(End of this chapter)

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