My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 383 Myriad Transformation Spirit Formation

Chapter 383 Ten Thousand Transformations Spiritual Formation (two chapters in one)
life and death
As time passed, the situation of the battle gradually changed. Originally, Zhan Tian suppressed Lei Ling to fight again, but gradually the two fought to a draw. In the end, Lei Ling had already started to suppress Zhan Tian to fight.

Whether it is the God of War body or the God of War, both have practical effects. As time goes by, Zhan Tian's strength will gradually decline.

However, Lei Ling's dragon transformation can be maintained forever, that's why this situation happened.

Although Lei Ling gradually gained the upper hand, he did not attack wildly.

In order to prevent Zhan Tian from deliberately showing weakness to lure him to take action, and from erupting on the verge of death, he continued to use dirty tactics, dragging Zhan Tian, ​​trying to drag him to death.

"You are very strong. I thought you guys used the wheel to fight to seriously injure Ye Yu. Now it seems that you may fight him alone and hurt both!"

Lei Ling now has the upper hand, and while confronting Ye Yu, he asked about that period of the past.

Ye Yu still hated Lei Ling, so he didn't talk about Zhan Tian, ​​nor did he talk about the specifics of how he was injured.

If Lei Ling knew that Zhan Tian was so strong, he might leave the capital first, and then look for an opportunity to kill Zhan Tian.

Seeing that Zhan Tian didn't speak, Lei Ling sneered and said, "What's the matter? I beat you so hard that you don't even have the energy to speak?"

"Hmph! One-on-one, I'm no match for him."

Zhan Tian snorted coldly, and squeezed out such a sentence from his mouth.

By saying this, he admitted that there were indeed other people involved back then, which made Lei Ling feel a little headache!
If possible, he hoped that this matter would end here at Zhan Tian.

Now that someone else is involved, he will have one or several powerful enemies.

Seeing that Qin Xiuxiu and Zhan Tian had died at his hands, those people would definitely regard him as an enemy.

"God of War Heavenly King Fist!"

Just when Lei Ling lost his mind, Zhan Tian suddenly exploded, and a War God's Heavenly King Fist slammed hard on his body.

Like a cannonball, Lei Ling fell from the sky and smashed into the yellow sand, creating a huge bunker.


Zhan Tian let out a loud shout, his whole body surged with divine power, he rushed straight down, finally waited until Lei Ling showed his flaws, how could he let him go.

When Zhan Tian broke out with all his strength, he rushed into the bunker, trying to kill Lei Ling in one fell swoop, but he couldn't find Lei Ling.

"not good!"

He shouted in his heart that it was not good, knowing that he might be tricked, the divine power surged in his body, and he wanted to rush into the sky.

At this moment, the spiritual energy around him rioted, and the pattern appeared, and he was trapped.


Zhan Tian yelled, and repeatedly blasted out the War God's Heavenly King Fist. Although the surrounding light curtains shook for a while, they did not shatter it.

"Forget it! This is the Myriad Transformation Spirit Formation that I set up with the Myriad Alchemy Cauldron, and you won't be able to break it."

Lei Ling's voice rang in Zhan Tian's ears, and he was so angry that he was furious. He has never seen such a shameless person in his age: "Lei Ling, you are cheating, you are so shameless!"

"Cut! This young master is out to mess around, when are you going to show your face?"

Lei Ling snorted disdainfully, and when he entered the realm of life and death and found that the place was full of yellow sand, he had a plan.

In the beginning, he was deliberately beaten into the air by Zhantian's Zhantian Wangquan, so as to put the Eternal Shenzhou into the sea of ​​sand.

Xiao Heng quietly released the spirit veins, and used the Wanhua cauldron to set up the Wanhua spirit refining formation.

This formation is the formation method attached to Wan Lianding Ding, it is extremely powerful, and those who fall into this formation will be refined to death.

Originally, if Zhan Tian paid more attention, he could still find it. After all, arranging the formation will produce some spiritual power fluctuations.

It's a pity that he used the god of war to come to the world. Although his combat effectiveness has been improved, his sanity has been greatly lost.

Afterwards, he was nearly collapsed by Lei Ling's obscene style of play, so he didn't notice the strangeness here.

"Zhantian, Zhantian, you have rich fighting experience and super fighting instinct, but your brain is not very good. What do you think of this young master? Are you a fool?"

Sitting in front of the Wanhua Spirit Refining Formation, Lei Ling made seals with both hands, and put one after another spiritual handprints into the Wanlian Cauldron, and began to refine Zhan Tian:
"Although my young master has no combat experience, do you think a person like me would make the mistake of losing his mind during a battle?"

"Despicable, shameless!"

Zhan Tian sat cross-legged, propped up a barrier of divine power, and resisted the refining power of the formation:
"Lei Ling, there's something wrong with you fighting me openly and aboveboard. I don't agree with you acting like this!"

"Cut! Winners and losers, as long as you can win, I don't care if you accept it or not?"

Lei Ling gave a disdainful cut, looked at the ferocious Zhan Tian in the formation, and sneered:
"Actually, even if you didn't enter the Ten Thousand Transformation Spirit Formation, you still have to lose today, and I can drag you to death if I delay.

And I have prepared other means. I, Lei Ling, seek to be foolproof when doing things. Do you think I will come to fight you to the death without any preparation? "

After finishing speaking, he activated the Tower of Storms and the Yin-Yang Mirror, and with the help of these two treasures, strengthened the Wanhua Spirit Formation to prevent Zhan Tian from breaking the formation.

Zhan Tian's eyes were red with anger, but he had no other choice.

In the realm of life and death, the use of external force is prohibited. Although he has the life-saving means given to him by the ancestors of the Zhan family, he cannot use it.

Feeling the constant weakening of his strength, he was burning with anxiety.

Beyond Life and Death, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhan Tian's blood bar.

Both his and Lei Ling's health bars were dropping before, but gradually Lei Ling's health bars dropped slower than Zhan Tian's.

Now that Zhan Tian is in the Ten Thousand Transformation Spirit Formation, his blood bar is slowly decreasing, while Lei Ling's is unchanged.

Even a fool can see that Lei Ling has completely gained the upper hand.

"Zhong Li is indeed the pride of the Yin Yang Tianzong! Zhan Tian is no match for him in the end."

"It's a pity, this Zhan Tian is the God of War body of the Zhan family, and it is easy to give birth to offspring with the God of war body. If it dies, the inheritance of the God of war body of the Zhan family will be broken again."

"This battle is over, and the Zhan family will probably also fall."

The people eating melons talked a lot, and many ancestors of the Zhan family stood up.

As those who eat melons said, Zhan Tian is not just as simple as Daozi, but also related to the inheritance of Zhan family's God of War body.

Zhan Tian has not left any descendants so far. If he really died in battle, the consequences would be beyond their ability to bear.

But Zhan Tian is now in a state of life and death, even if they want to save him, they can't do it!
In order to prevent the Zhan family from losing their minds and harming Lei Ling, the Qiu family, the backer king, Tianyang mountain and other forces began to secretly mobilize experts to prevent accidents.

With the passage of time, Zhan Tian's God of War came to the world, and his body of God of War was released. Under the double pressure of backlash and Wanhua Spirit Formation, he fell into a situation of mortal death.

"You are refining my soul."

Zhan Tian propped up the ground with a blood spear, half kneeling on the ground, when his amplification method failed, he couldn't resist the refining of Wanhua Spiritual Formation.

At this time, he discovered to his horror that Lei Ling was not refining his body, but refining his soul.

"Your body is very good, I want to keep it."

Lei Ling nodded, and did not deny that Zhan Tian's body was not only strong, but also contained many secrets.

Lei Ling still had some resistance to swallowing human pills, so it would be good if he wanted to keep his physical body and refine it into a puppet in the future.

Suddenly Lei Ling frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts: "Do you still have a second soul body inside your body?"

He has been refining Zhan Tian's soul for so long, logically speaking Zhan Tian should be finished long ago, after all he is only a body cultivator, not a soul cultivator, how could he have so much soul power?

Lei Ling practiced the Mantra of Purifying Mind and was very sensitive to soul power. After careful inspection, he found that the extracted soul power did not come from the same person.

"What a great kid."

A strange voice sounded slowly, that voice was desolate and ancient.

However, Lei Ling didn't feel the slightest surprise. He changed his handprints, and a black light shot out from the yin and yang mirror, covering the Ten Thousand Transformation Spirit Formation, greatly increasing the speed of refining soul power.


Accompanied by a long sigh, the voice sounded again: "Little friend, can you spare Tian'er's life?"

Lei Ling rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Of course not, he knows too many secrets about me, so he must die.

Besides, in the realm of life and death, if you die for a lifetime, spare his life. Do you want me to die? "

The man said helplessly: "In the realm of life and death, as long as one dies, Tian'er can live if I die.

Little friend, if you are willing to let Tian'er go, I can let Tian'er recognize you as the master, become your subordinate, and help you conquer the world, what do you think? "


Zhan Tian was so anxious that his eyes were red, and he didn't know if it was because the ancestor wanted to die for him, or because the ancestor wanted him to recognize Lei Ling as the master.

"Well, it's okay."

Lei Ling changed his fingerprints and slowed down the speed of refining his soul:

"However, how can you guarantee that he truly submits to me? I don't want to be stabbed in the back."

After pondering for a moment, the old ancestor sighed: "I can wash away his memory, and then implant him with an order that you are his master, and let him sign the ancient war god loyalty contract of my Zhan family.

This kind of contract can only be signed by the God of War body. Once signed, he will become your most loyal subordinate, and there will be no possibility of rebellion.

I only hope that you can leave this blood of the God of War, and don't let the God of War body of my Zhan Family disappear from now on. "


Zhan Tian's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared: "It is better to die than to live like this. I will fight him."

"To shut up."

The old ancestor roared angrily, and scolded: "Your life and death are related to the survival of our Zhan family, as long as you don't die, the luck of our Zhan family will still exist.

And without those secular memories, you will become more pure, you will become stronger, which is not a bad thing for you!This is my decision, you have no choice. "


Zhan Tian wailed, but he didn't dare to resist. He looked at Lei Ling with resentment in his eyes, wishing he could rush out and tear him to pieces.

Lei Ling looked at him and showed a faint smile: "If you recognize me as the master, I will not abuse you. When I stand above all races, I will restore your memory. I promise, you Warriors will not fall."

Zhan Tian was slightly taken aback, he thought that after he recognized Lei Ling as his master, he would definitely be humiliated and abused by him in various ways, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

"I'm cruel to my enemies, but I've always been kind to my own people, you should know something about it.

As long as you are loyal to me, I guarantee that what you will get in the future will not be less than what you get by going on by yourself. "

Lei Ling is very happy in his heart now, he has many subordinates, but there are not many real young talents.

Bai Qi is one, but although he is a very powerful Daoist, he is useless after leaving the army!
Qianshang is barely one, but he is good at assassination, and it is impossible to use it against Daozi.

If he can accept Zhan Tian, ​​then he will have a super strong young guard.

From now on, there will be no need for Shi Xue to go out to show her face. Zhan Tian is not only powerful, but also a real Daoist. With a super thug like him around, Lei Ling can save a lot of trouble.

"I hope you remember your promise."

Zhan Tian looked at Lei Ling for a long time, finally heaved a long sigh, gave up resisting, and let his ancestor do what he did.

"Little friend, I will burn up my soul later, and strengthen Tian'er's soul power. After I'm gone, you can go out."

After finishing everything, the old ancestor's tired voice sounded again.

The contract alone could not convince Lei Ling completely, and in the end Lei Ling accepted it, and Zhan Tian's soul origin was removed from the Wanhua Spirit Formation.

Now that Zhan Tian's memory has been washed away, Lei Ling can only ask this ancestor about some things, and hearing that he is going to burn his soul, he hurriedly stopped him:

"Wait a minute I have another question for you."

"what is the problem?"

"What kind of secret is hidden in Qiu Lingyu's body?"

Hearing him ask Qiu Lingyu, the ancestor was silent for a long time, and finally said helplessly:
"Forget it, since things have come to this point, it doesn't hurt to tell you.

Qiu Lingyu has a very special physique, called Yunling Divine Physique, which can only appear in women. This physique has only one function, that is, it can breed a good next generation.

Women with this kind of physique were very rare even in ancient times, and every time they appeared, they would cause many strong men to compete.

Tian'er has a God of War body, if she intercourse with her, it will definitely give birth to an existence beyond the God of War body. "

"I'll go, so awesome?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up, isn't this the world's good mother? : "Is every child born from this pregnant spirit body a super-brilliant person?"

Lei Ling has already started to lust. If every child is so good, then he will raise Qiu Lingyu as the "Four Emperors Aunt".

At that time, she will find outstanding talents from various races for her, and give birth to a bunch of super offspring.

And then concentrate on nurturing these children, who will be afraid of them after ten or twenty years?

The ancestor naturally guessed what Lei Ling was up to, and said in a bad mood:
"Only the first one is! After giving birth to the first child, she will become a normal person."

Speaking of this, he persuaded again: "Although your body is strong, it is not a special physique after all. If possible, I suggest."

"Okay, stop talking, isn't this young master reincarnated from a pervert?"

Lei Ling interrupted the old ancestor's words, shrugged and said: "My young master has a lot of women, so I won't compete with your descendants for this autumn spirit rain.

If Zhan Tian behaves well this time, I will let Qiu Lingyu follow him all the time and be his wife.

Let her regenerate a powerful offspring for your Zhan family, but I'm ugly to say before, this child must be used by me in the future.

By the way, you remember to leave some words for your descendants outside, tell them the situation in Zhantian, so that my identity will not be revealed in time, and they will hunt and kill me all over the world. "

"Don't worry, I've already prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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