My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 389 Little Beggar

Chapter 389 Little Beggar

Lei Ling hugged Xiao Taotao and walked to Shi Yu's side, followed Shi Yu's fingers to look at the little beggar who was squatting on the ground, his brows frowned first, then his face changed slightly, and then he was extremely shocked.

The beggar was a little dazed when he saw Shi Yu before, but when he saw Lei Ling, he was also shocked.

"Ah! It's you!"

Jin Qiao'er and the others also followed curiously. At this moment, the beggar was looking up at Lei Ling!

Jin Qiaoer exclaimed directly.

She is a wise spirit, with a photographic memory, she recognized the beggar on the ground at a glance, isn't this the little beggar who deceived her back then?

The little beggar reacted quickly. After a brief shock, he came back to his senses. He grinned at Lei Ling and said:
"Master Ling, are you also coming to Beizhou to compete for the twin lotus?"

"Damn it, it's really you! Why did you come here?"

The reason why the little beggar came back to his senses so quickly was because Lei Ling was a powerful practitioner. In addition, a rare treasure was born in Beizhou recently, so it was very normal for him to appear in Beizhou.

But Lei Ling was not as calm as he was, he thought the little beggar was staying in Los Angeles all the time!

This shit can beg for food and come to Beizhou?

Is this going to continentalize his career?

In the future, rush out of Human Sovereign Continent and head towards the whole original world?

Of course, if that was the case, Lei Ling wouldn't be so surprised.

After all, he is no longer the prodigal son of Los Angeles.

He has experienced too many storms and waves in these years, and the city is extremely deep. The reason why he lost his composure is because after so many years, this little beggar has not changed at all! ! !
"Hey, come out and see the world, we eat a lot of food, so we should go all over the place!"

The little beggar laughed.


Lei Ling gave him a thumbs up, then frowned and said: "This is not a place to talk, lead the way ahead, find the best restaurant for this young master, let's talk slowly."

"Good Le!"

The little beggar got up immediately, his face beaming with joy, meeting such a rich guy as Lei Ling, he probably wouldn't have to come out to beg for food this year.

The little beggar had obviously been in this city for a long time. Many guards outside the teleportation formation knew him, and greeted him with a smile when they saw him coming.

Obviously this kid is doing well here.

Under his guidance, Lei Ling and others passed through several teleportation arrays and entered a luxurious restaurant.

"After so many years, you haven't changed at all?"

Lei Ling looked at the little beggar with complicated eyes.

The little beggar was still the little beggar back then, nothing had changed, and the years didn't seem to have left traces on him.

Although this kind of thing is not very common in the practice world, it is not uncommon.

But it's a little strange to appear on a little beggar with little cultivation.

"Hey, I have been cast with a growth arrest technique, just to get more money, it's nothing."

The little beggar smiled and explained why he hadn't changed.

Everyone was a little dazed when they heard the growth arrest technique, and Qiqi turned his attention to Jin Qiaoer.

Jin Qiaoer frowned, took a deep look at the little beggar, and then explained:

"The growth stagnation technique is a sorcery. It is said that this technique was created by a famous prostitute. It is only effective for people below the innate level. It can stop the growth of one's body and thus stabilize the appearance. It was once all the rage.

However, this technique has a lot of side effects. Those who have been subjected to this technique will be unable to have children for life, their lifespan will be halved, and they will not be able to practice for the rest of their lives.

But even so, this technique is still widely used by many flower houses.

Later, the daughter of a peerless strong man was kidnapped by the enemy and sold into Hualou.

Although he searched hard for more than ten years and finally found his daughter, but his daughter had already been subjected to this growth arrest operation.

Tens of years later, his daughter went mad and died. The strong man was heartbroken, sacrificed himself, and cast a terrible curse. The fragrance disappears and the jade dies.

The strong man's family and his friends also joined forces to eliminate this technique, almost destroying nearly [-]% of Hualou at that time.

Slowly, this growth stagnation technique disappeared in the long river of history. "

"So cruel?"

Lei Ling swallowed, and then his eyes gradually became cold:
"Little beggar, who cast this vicious spell on you?"

The little beggar is a man, so the strong man's curse will not work. To use such a sorcery on a child is simply insane!

If it was a stranger, Lei Ling might not care.

But this little beggar was familiar with him, and he also liked this little boy very much, so Lei Ling was moved to kill him.

"Hey, Master Lei, don't worry about this matter, I can handle it myself."

The little beggar didn't show a trace of pain on his face, he buried his head and stuffed himself with nonsense.

Lei Ling nodded, since the little beggar didn't want him to help, then he wouldn't be so mean as to insist on helping him.

He drank a glass of wine, breathed a sigh of relief, and began to ask the business:
"What is the twin lotus you mentioned just now? Are there many people fighting for it?"

"Ah? You didn't come here for the twin lotus, did you?"

The little beggar looked at him suspiciously, but then withdrew his gaze.

Although he is small, he knows the rules very well. Their job in this line of work is to answer questions for employers, not to ask questions of employers:

"I don't know the specific function of this double-pedicled twin lotus, I only know that it is a miracle medicine, and it is the top existence among the miracle medicines.

It is said that it has existed since ancient times, and now the world is about to undergo a major change, all kinds of natural materials and treasures, and even the caves of ancient gods are about to be born, and this magic medicine is the same.

During this period of time, many arrogances rushed to Beizhou from all over the world, wanting to compete for the twin lotus. "

"The world has changed!"

Lei Ling clenched his fists, the prelude to the great era is finally about to begin!
Once the Great Change of Heaven and Earth starts, the arrogants of that day will fully show their sharpness. At that time, the aura will increase sharply, and various magical medicines, ancient, ancient and even mythical relics will appear one after another.

Everyone's realm will rise rapidly, and they will soon be able to catch up with the older generation of powerhouses.

The price of the older generation's powerhouse attacking the young Tianjiao will also increase, which will damage their own luck and be punished.

The greater the difference between the two realms, the stronger the effect. If they are killed directly, they will attract a powerful catastrophe on the spot, and they will almost die.

Of course, this is limited to active shots. If you counterattack passively, then there is no big problem.

The reason why Lei Ling accepted Zhan Tian so urgently was to prepare for the next big change in the world.

"Double Twin Lotuses!"

Jin Qiaoer frowned, and said several times in her mouth, suddenly her complexion changed suddenly, and she exclaimed:
"Could it be Tianchi with two pedicles, twin immortal lotus?"

(End of this chapter)

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