My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 390 Went to the Wrong Cave

Chapter 390 Went to the Wrong Cave (Two Chapters in One)
Hearing this, the little beggar rummaged through his body, took out a booklet, flipped through it and said:

"Yes, yes, yes, that's right, the full name is Tianchi Bingdi, Twin Eternal Lotus."

"My God! The world has changed so much, is this kind of thing going to be born?"

Bingdi Twin Lotus Jin Qiaoer has never heard of it, so I guess this may not be the full name.

This thing is a god-level elixir, so she thought of this Tianchi twin stalks, twin immortal lotus.

Originally, I just said that casually, but I didn't expect it to be this thing.

"Qiao'er, what is the effect of the twin pedicles of the Tianchi and the immortal lotus?"

Lei Ling looked at Jin Qiaoer with burning eyes, the things Lan Ling Mu Xue valued were naturally top-level existences.

Now Jin Qiao'er was shocked by this appearance again, which made him more and more curious about the efficacy of this snow lotus.

"Tianchi's twin pedicles, twin immortal lotuses, even in ancient times, only existed in legends!
Legend has it that in the age of mythology, there was a pool in which there was a lotus conceived. In every era, a different species would be born in the lotus, which is the Tianchi with two pedicles, twin immortal lotus.

There are two flowers on one stem of this lotus, each flower has a stalk, and the stalks are connected together on the stem. Rooted in the snow-capped mountains.

There are many legends about its efficacy, but I only know one that is credible.

It is said that taking this lotus can condense an incarnation outside the body, of course it is not an ordinary incarnation outside the body, it is an immortal body!
At the same time, it and the main body will have the attribute of twin immortality. As long as one of them is immortal, even if the other is beaten to ashes, it will be reborn in the lotus. Of course, there is a limit to the number of times. I don't know how many times. . "

Jin Qiaoer uttered everything she knew, and she didn't know much about such things that only existed in myths and legends.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp when they heard this!

Not to mention whether it has other effects, the one mentioned by Jin Qiaoer alone is enough to drive anyone crazy.

Lei Ling rubbed his chin, wondering if Lan Ling and Mu Xue wanted to use the double lotus to drive Qing Hongyu out of his body?
With such a fairy body, Qing Hongyu would not refuse even if she wanted to.

After all, she didn't have much time to come out from Lanling Muxue's body.

How can it be cool to have your own body?

And this is still a fairy body!
This is a win-win for them.

"From this point of view, Mu Xue is determined to win the twin lotuses!"

Lei Ling couldn't help but feel a little pity, he really wanted this thing!
With this external avatar, he has no worries at all. As long as he hides the external avatar well, he can be resurrected many times.

If possible, he is willing to exchange all his current treasures, even the Eternal Shenzhou, for this thing.

It's a pity that Lanling and Muxue won't trade with him.

As for robbing, he wouldn't dare to borrow his guts!

After a long silence, Lei Ling said to the little beggar:
"Little beggar, please prepare me a map with twin lotuses marked on them, as well as a list of Tianjiao who have arrived and are about to arrive there, as well as their specific information."

Hearing this, Shi Yu took out a bag of Lingjing and put it on the table in front of the little beggar.

The little beggar's eyes lit up, and when he opened it, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Master Ling is still so generous! Just wait a moment, and I will do it for you."

He carefully put away the spirit crystal, and ran out quickly.

Seeing his leaving figure, Jin Qiaoer frowned slightly, and reminded Lei Ling:

"Lei Ling, are you just letting him go? Don't let people follow? What if he takes the money and runs away?"

She clearly remembered how she was left penniless by this little beggar when she first arrived in Los Angeles.

She had a very bad impression of this little beggar.

"He won't run."

Lei Ling smiled and shook his head, his tone extremely firm.

Jin Qiaoer looked at him in surprise, Lei Ling was suspicious by nature, she couldn't figure out what made him trust this little beggar so much.

As if seeing through the doubts in her heart, Lei Ling reached out and pinched her little face:
"He still has one more bounty left! How could he escape?"

Jin Qiaoer was taken aback for a moment, then rolled her eyes at him.

Only then did I realize that my original intention was wrong.

Lei Ling is a prodigal son, so he often does things like rewarding people.

When he was in Los Angeles back then, the little beggars followed him around, and he took a group of children with him, Lei Ling felt pity for him, so he gave him a lot of rewards.

What Lei Ling wants is not so secret.

Even if the little beggar doesn't know everything, he can buy it from some intelligence organizations for a small amount of money.

Spend a little money to get a big bounty from Lei Ling.

Even a fool would not choose to take money and run away, let alone a little beggar who is smarter than a monkey.

Sure enough, after about half an hour, the little beggar came back.

He placed the two jade slips in front of Lei Ling's desk, and said with a smile:
"Master Ling, everything you want is inside, are you satisfied after looking at it?"

Lei Ling picked up the jade slip and put his soul power into it. After looking at it for a while, he nodded in satisfaction:
"Not bad! The information is complete."

As he said that, he winked at Shi Yu, and Shi Yu quickly took out a bag that was much bigger than the previous one, and put it in the hand that the little beggar had stretched out earlier.

"Hey, Master Ling is generous!"

The little beggar opened the bag and took a look, then burst into laughter.

Obviously, he didn't expect Lei Ling to give so much.

"Little beggar, do you want to follow me?"

Lei Ling looked at the little beggar and said suddenly.

Now he felt more and more that this little beggar was not easy, and he was moved to accept him.

Although Lei Ling didn't know what secret the little beggar was hiding, his method of gathering information was enough.

No matter how bad it is, he can set up a dark branch alone, specializing in the development of beggar intelligence or something.

Everyone thought that the little beggar would agree straight away, but they didn't expect him to refuse without hesitation:

"Hey, Master Ling, I'm used to being a beggar and I can't do anything else. Thank you for your kindness."

Lei Ling nodded, without forcing, and said to Shi Yu:

"Shi Yu, give him some spirit crystals."

"It's the young master!"

"Thank you, Young Master Ling. If there is nothing else, then I will leave first. See you in Daxue Mountain."

Before Lei Ling could answer, the little beggar carried two bags of spiritual crystals and left contentedly.

When the little beggar went downstairs, Shi Yu leaned into Lei Ling's ear and whispered:

"Master, do you want to send someone to follow him?"

"No more."

Lei Ling waved his hand and sighed: "We have no foundation in Beizhou, the little beggar and chicken thief are ruthless, even if we send someone to follow us, he will get rid of us.

Let him go, who doesn't have a few secrets in this era? "


Lei Ling didn't stay longer in this city. After having a meal, he took everyone back to the Eternal Shenzhou, and headed to the Snow Mountain according to the map provided by the little beggar.

Although regarding this twin lotus, he no longer had any unreasonable thoughts.

But still have to go.

This time I went to a lot of Taoists!
There are plenty of good things about them, too, if you're lucky.

Maybe you can get something better from them than the Bingdi twin lotus.

And he also wanted to take this opportunity to join Lan Ling Mu Xue.

The world has changed drastically, and there are many crises, it would be the best if he could stay by Lan Ling Mu Xue's side.

Lei Ling Study Room
After Lei Ling handed Xiao Taotao to Shi Yu and the others to take care of them, he began to study the information provided by the little beggar.

This time is different from the Profound Sky Secret Realm. After the news of the twin lotus leaked out, a large number of Tianjiao rushed to the Great Snow Mountain.

There are even the arrogance of foreigners.

Although Lei Ling had absolute confidence in Lan Ling Mu Xue, he secretly broke into a cold sweat for her.

Two fists are no match for four hands, no matter how powerful Lan Ling and Mu Xue are, how many can they fight?

The temptation of the Bingdi twin lotus was too great, several Super Daozi went there, and he didn't even want to go.

Beizhou, the nameless snow mountain
It has been several months since the news of the twin lotuses spread, and the previously inaccessible Daxue Mountain has become very lively.

Many people dig caves here, divide the territory, and wait quietly.

Everyone is saying that the world is about to change, but no one knows when it will start.

So many people are ready to fight a protracted war.

The double lotus is worthy of them.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Soon these people were divided into three, six, and nine classes. The closer they lived to the Bingdi Twin Lotus, the stronger their strength and the more noble their status.

There are many strongmen who don't dig caves themselves, but directly grab others'.

Therefore, on the Daxue Mountain, people are fighting every day, and people are dying every day.

As the first to arrive here and occupy the best position, Lanling Muxue naturally couldn't avoid being challenged.

But after she made a strong move and instantly killed three or four well-known Tianjiao, no one dared to challenge her.

Everyone is smart, and no one wants to court death.

Lei Ling's Eternal Shenzhou was extremely fast and arrived at Daxue Mountain in less than three days.

In order not to attract attention, he parked the Eternal Shenzhou at a high altitude, and sneaked in quietly with his shadow.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they kept teleporting in Daxue Mountain, looking for Lanling Muxue.

Now Daxue Mountain has changed, so Xiao Taotao can only point out a general direction.

Lei Ling didn't dare to find anyone casually, he was knocked out and forced to ask Lan Ling Mu Xue's residence.

After all, here are all masters, it doesn't mean that you can be knocked out just by being knocked out.

If he accidentally attacked a super Taoist, he would be an idiot.

So Lei Ling could only search one by one in the area Xiao Taotao pointed out.

"Hey! This cave looks a bit like it!"

Lei Ling touched the entrance of a cave again, and seeing a big snow character engraved on the ice door, his eyes lit up.

Isn't there a snow in Lanling Muxue's name?
He asked Shi Ying to hide outside the door and not move, while he shrank into an inch and dodged in.

After entering the cave, Lei Ling felt a little more confident.

Because the layout inside looks like a woman's residence.

But when he turned around, he suddenly saw a woman wrapped in a big bath towel.

This woman is fair-skinned, tall and tall, with extremely delicate features.

Her hair was wet, she was steaming, and she had obviously just showered and was getting ready for bed!
The bath towel girl was staring at him viciously at this moment, as if she wanted to swallow him alive.

Although this woman is very beautiful, she is not Lan Ling Mu Xue.

Lei Ling couldn't help but gasp!

He knew that he might have found the wrong cave.

Fortunately, just to be on the safe side, he is now wearing night clothes and covering his face. After a short shock, he regained his composure, and called out with a simulated female voice: "Xue'er."

The bath towel girl was slightly taken aback, the killing intent in her eyes disappeared immediately, she frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Knowing that the other party is a woman, and being able to call her own name, the bath towel girl is determined.

"Can't you guess?"

Lei Ling took a step forward, with some dissatisfaction in his voice.

The bath towel girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then said with some uncertainty:
"You're not Aunt Thirteen, are you?"

"I'm still Huang Feihong!"

Lei Ling cursed angrily in his heart, his voice was clearly that of a girl, okay?

Why did Aunt Thirteen come out?
Huh?Why am I bothering with this?

Lei Ling was sweating profusely, wondering if he had some kind of mental illness.

"Isn't it Thirteenth Aunt?"

Seeing that Lei Ling didn't speak, the bath towel girl knew that she had guessed wrong, so she smiled awkwardly.

After carefully looking Lei Ling up and down, her eyes suddenly lit up, she took a step forward, and suddenly realized:
"I see. You are the daughter of the father-in-law's son of the brother-in-law's brother-in-law's son of the cousin of the ninth aunt's family, right?"

Lei Ling was dizzy from what she said, opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

At this moment, the towel girl's eyes flickered fiercely.

Lei Ling stretched out his hand suddenly, and ripped off the bath towel girl's bath towel.

At the same time, the bath towel girl also made a move.

The bath towel girl lives in the same area as Lanling Muxue, and she is already a top existence among this group of arrogance.

How could she be a silly girl?

Just now, she cooperated with Lei Ling just to let Lei Ling relax his vigilance, approach him slowly, and take him down in one fell swoop.

And Lei Ling also wanted to take the opportunity to get close to her, and then tear off her towel to buy himself time to escape.

The two of them slowly shortened the distance between each other with their own plans.

But in the end, Lei Ling was slightly better.

"Ah——the pervert!"

As soon as the bath towel girl made a move, the towel was ripped off by Lei Ling, but she didn't care at all, after all, Lei Ling was a woman, so she just looked at it, and confronted Lei Ling naked.

Lei Ling didn't want to get entangled with her, so he imitated a male voice and made teasing words.

In order not to believe her, he tore off the clothes on his chest, revealing his strong chest muscles.

Seeing that he turned out to be a man, the bath towel girl turned pale with fright, and squatted on the ground with her chest in her arms.

Screams resounded throughout the cave.

"Hey, little girl, are you trying to trick me into taking the opportunity to fight back? I'm not that stupid."

Lei Ling looked at the bath towel woman who was squatting there, shouting, her eyes were full of disdain.

This girl's acting skills are really too clumsy.

In life and death, who cares about whether to wear clothes or not?

It's better to be stared at than dead, right?
"Call it slowly here. Master Ben is going to take a step first. This is the money for whoring. You take care of it. Next time I have a chance, I will order your platform again."

Lei Ling's goal had been achieved, after throwing down a gold coin, he flashed out, dragged Shi Ying along and ran away.

Even if the bath towel girl was shameless, she wouldn't be running after him naked on the snow mountain.

By the time she got dressed, Lei Ling had already run away and disappeared.

The bath towel girl stared blankly at the gold coin that rolled down in front of her, and her scream was even more miserable than before:

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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