My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 401 Negotiations

Chapter 401 Negotiations
Northern Wilderness, under the Wild God Tree.

A transparent figure is looming.

After spending a full month, Lei Ling finally returned to Nanzhou, back to his Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

He didn't go home immediately, but came under the barbaric sacred tree immediately.

Of course, this figure is just a soul projection he made through the Eternal Shenzhou.

He has a deep hatred with this old tree.

I almost killed him before.

He absolutely did not dare to face himself to die.

With the strength of the Wild God Tree, if his head gets hot and a branch is pulled over, it is estimated that he will be beaten to death.

"Lei Ling pays homage to Lord Shenshu."

When he came to the Wild Sacred Tree, Lei Ling respectfully saluted it.

Counting it, it was the first time he had face-to-face communication with this sacred tree.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing him, the Wild God Tree was not angry, as if it had forgotten the previous incident.

His voice sounded in Lei Ling's mind, desolate and ancient.

This is similar to Lei Ling's imagination, after all, this old tree has existed for an unknown number of years.

"Lord Shenshu, we had different positions before, so we had some misunderstandings. Now we are considered our own people, so I hope that Lord Shenshu can settle down with me!

Of course, you have lived for countless years, and you are naturally broad-minded. Thinking about it, you will definitely not care about me.

But I'm a person with a lot of suspicion, and what I want to do is to be safe, so although it's superfluous, I still want to ask for peace of mind. "

As soon as Lei Ling said this, the sacred tree visibly trembled.

But it was only for a moment, and then calm was restored:

"As long as you don't harm me in the future, the previous things will be written off."

"Hey, I may stay by your side for a long time and be your neighbor.

Since we are our own people, I believe Lord Shenshu will not refuse!

If someone wants to deal with me, I believe Lord Shenshu will also help me, right? "

Lei Ling chuckled and continued.

The sacred tree kept shaking, obviously angry.

He has lived for so long, and has never seen such a brazen person.

You almost killed me and wiped out my believers. Seeing you as an enemy, I didn't slap you to death. It's kind enough.

You actually want to move to my side and let me protect you?

Are you really an old tree and I have no temper?
Are you really an old tree and I won't kill people?

"Lord Shenshu, don't get excited!"

Lei Ling felt contemptuous in his heart, this old tree has lived for so long, yet it is still so impatient:

"The world has changed drastically, and if you think about it, you have gained a lot of benefits, and even made a qualitative leap. This is a magical era with countless possibilities.

It is not impossible for you to prove the Tao with the body of a tree, but your path is too heaven-defying and full of difficulties, and you need help. "

"You can help me too?"

Shen Shu's tone was a little disdainful.

"Of course!"

Lei Ling held his head high, stood with his hands behind his back, and put on a confident look:

"I believe you have also seen the battle of Daxue Mountain, Lanling and Muxue are in the air every second, looking at this original world, how many people can compare with her?

Don't tell me she can't help you!

She is my woman, she is me, and I am her. As long as you protect me well, I will definitely let her give you a hand in the future. "

The Wild Sacred Tree was silent, it felt that it had underestimated Lei Ling's shamelessness too much.

Your soft food is really thorough enough.

It doesn't matter if you rely on your wife, and you still use the name of your wife to bluff and deceive everywhere, and ask your wife to help you pay back the favor.

The most frightening thing is that what he said was so righteous and impassioned.

No red face, no heartbeat, no panting.

The Wild God Tree almost couldn't hold back and slapped him to death.

Sure enough, the most humble person is invincible!

After a long time, the Wild God Tree calmed down and said:
"Lanling Muxue is amazingly talented, if she is willing to help me, I will be half successful.

Just how can you guarantee that she will help me?You humans are the most cunning, and you are even more shameless, I don't believe you. "

"Oh my god, you look like a loyal and honest old tree. I didn't expect your mouth to be so poisonous! In the future, I will let Mu Xue cut you down and use it as firewood."

Lei Ling sneered in his heart, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. He thought for a while and said:
"Then let's talk about something practical, I think you also need resources, right?
I can plant three spiritual veins around you for your cultivation, and I can also provide you with massive resources, how about it? "

"I didn't need those before, but now that the world has changed drastically, I don't need them anymore, I"

Just halfway through the words of the Wild God Tree, it suddenly stopped.

In an instant, the aura in this area began to riot.

Even the ground began to tremble.

There was a faint smile on Lei Ling's face, and there was a drop of milky white liquid in front of him, which was transformed by the medicinal power of the twin lotus.

In terms of age, the Bingdi Twin Lotus will definitely not lose to the Wild God Tree!
If it is about the level of grade, it may not lose.

It's just that this barbaric sacred tree has received some great good fortune, opened up its spiritual wisdom, and blazed an unprecedented path.

It may not care about other things.

But with the existence of the level of twin lotus, he definitely needs the medicinal liquid transformed by the medicinal gas.

Not only to nourish himself, he can also use this psychic liquid to transform.

Many useful things can even be analyzed from this psychic liquid.

The Wild God Tree said in a trembling voice, "I need ten drops of this spiritual liquid."

"Okay! What about my conditions?"

Lei Ling agreed without hesitation. Although the spirit liquid was precious, he got a full pool of it.

Ten drops is just a drizzle to him.

The Wild God Tree said calmly:
"Of course I agreed, but you need to live on the ground, not in the sky, otherwise I can't guarantee that I can protect you."

"Tch, I didn't expect that you are also a pretender."

Lei Ling complained disdainfully in his heart, this is what the wild god tree meant.

As long as you are by my side, then I can definitely protect you!

Do you think you are invincible?
Do you think that the world has changed drastically, and you can underestimate the heroes of the world after you have transformed?

When my Mu Xue comes, I will let her cut off half of your branches, and see if you still dare to act aggressive in front of my king!
After talking with the Wild Sacred Tree, Lei Ling planned to park the Eternal Shenzhou directly next to the Wild Sacred Tree!
Or order people to build a mansion near the wild sacred tree.

Although Eternal Shenzhou is good, it has its limitations after all.

After all, it is just a car. Although it has many functions and is luxurious enough, it is only so big and has so many rooms.

Lei Ling is planning to live there for a long time, at least for hundreds of years, right?

What is his identity as Young Master Lei?
How could dozens of maid guards set off his aggressive style?

Not to mention tens of thousands, at least thousands of them!

So Lei Ling quickly made a decision.

He wants people to build a luxurious mansion here.

I wanted to go back to Hero City first, and then draw people from other countries.

But he inadvertently saw from the sky that there are many gathering places of human races in the Northern Wilderness.

With a thought in his mind, Lei Ling prepared to take some people nearby to clean up.

Back then, when the barren sacred tree passed through the thunder calamity, it was too embarrassing to make this place.

Let people clean it up first, and then go to the Four Kingdoms to draw the best craftsmen to build it.

This saves a lot of time.

No one expected that just because of his glance, the heads of the entire Four Kingdoms dynasties would be rolled out and blood flowed like rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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