My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 402 Failed to Install Waves

Chapter 402 Failed to install waves (two chapters in one)
The northern wilderness human race gathering place.

Lei Ling walked in with Shi Yu, Shi Xue, Shi Ying, Jin Qiaoer, and a team of personal guards.

Lei Ling has a bad habit, he loves to pretend.

His golden body, his sculptures, and his longevity ranks are all worshiped by countless people every day.

But he himself has never been worshiped by believers!

When he was in Nanzhou, he usually stayed in Wushuang Jiange, and had no contact with ordinary people.

After going to Xizhou, I met a lot of civilians.

But his followers didn't develop much there, let alone fanatics.

So I didn't enjoy it either.

As for Beizhou, let alone.

Originally, Lei Ling could send any bodyguard at random, and he could call anyone in the Four Kingdoms at will.

But he still came by himself.

Just to pretend to be aggressive, just to make everyone worship him.

This is the first starting point of his upcoming road of pretense!

It's a warm up for him.

Afterwards, he would still walk in the major cities of the Four Kingdoms, where all the people would bow down and worship him.

How spectacular is this?What kind of prestige is this?

Lei Ling felt like he was about to fly.

He felt that he was about to surpass Lan Ling and Mu Xue and regain his title of King of Kings.

However, when he walked into this gathering place, his face became more and more ugly.

This gathering place is full of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and he doesn't think it's a big deal when he casually glances at the high altitude.

But when I walked in, it was really miserable.

There are many houses in this gathering place, but there are more people.

On the side of the road, there are many straw mats, and one after another white-haired old man is lying on the straw mats.

These old people are male and female, tall and short.

But without exception, they are all skinny.

They yelled over and over again.

"Hungry! Hungry!"

There will be refugees in any country, and Lei Ling has no mercy for these old, weak, sick and disabled.

Not only was there no mercy, but extreme disgust.

poor person must have something mean.

When they get to this point, they can only blame themselves for not trying hard enough.

The reason why Lei Ling was angry was because these people clearly saw him, but they didn't behave as he imagined.

Immediately, his face changed, and then his eyes showed ecstasy, and then he jumped up like a spring, offering their knees.

These people didn't even look at Lei Ling.

How is this going?

He, Lei Ling, is a descendant of a god!

There are countless believers in Nanzhou.

But in his own Four Kingdoms Dynasty, there are people who don't believe in him?
And these people are still the lowest level civilians?
How is this possible?
"Damn it, what did Anbu eat? Did Jin Dabao eat shit?"

Lei Ling was so angry that he was about to explode.

Perhaps many people will feel that this is very incomprehensible.

It's just some garbage refugees, maybe they just fled to the Four Kingdoms and were placed here.

Even those who are not his believers can understand.

Originally, Lei Ling would not be so angry.

But don't forget, he came here on a whim!
He did a lot of preparation.

When I came down, I not only washed and dressed specially, but also changed into new clothes.

Even the walking posture, the expression on the face, and the size of the steps are all rehearsed.

Strive to push his compulsion to the peak.

This is a starting point on his way of pretending to be aggressive!

It should have been flawless.

The results of it?
Just this shape?

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Come in good times, and come back in defeat.

It can no longer be used to describe his embarrassment now.

He even heard Jin Qiaoer snickering.

Lei Ling is shameless and has no lower limit.

He can use any force, even let Lan Ling Muxue help him kill someone.

He will not have any psychological burden.

But he is not the kind of dog who really licks dogs, Lei Ling wants to eat soft food and hard food.

He walked all the way, although he was cautious, but he pretended to slap his face and did whatever he wanted.

He is very face-saving.

And he doesn't have much hobbies, so he's just pretending.

Now that he has not even started to pretend to be aggressive, he has been slapped in the face madly. How can he not be angry?
Just when he was about to give the order to kill these old, weak, sick and disabled, a group of people came up to him.

These people are younger, but they are all missing arms and legs.

Seeing Lei Ling, they were taken aback for a moment, then knelt down and said, "Greetings, Young Master Ling."

Although these people bowed down, they didn't have the slightest admiration in their eyes, let alone fanaticism, or even fear.

They are like the walking dead.

Live or die, it doesn't seem to matter to them.

Two sharp rays of light shot out from Lei Ling's eyes.

These people actually called him Young Master Ling!

What a long-standing name it is!

Are these people from Longyue Empire?

Then his eyes froze again, and he asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? The orcs didn't do your injuries, did they?"

These people's cultivation is below innate, and they are the real low-level people. Their injuries cannot be caused by orcs.

It looks like someone deliberately chopped it down!

Because apart from missing arms and legs, they had no other obvious injuries on their bodies.

And it's very neat.

"Master Huiling, we are from Biliu County of the Longyue Empire, and we offended the members of the Yue family."

"The Yue family?"

Lei Ling frowned, he did not reject this kind of thing.

He did the same thing before, even more ruthless than the Yue family.

But what kind of family is this Yueshi family?
Biliu County is adjacent to Nanshan County where he used to be. Have you ever heard of a family surnamed Yue?
Biliu County is so far away from Beihuang, why did they send these people here?How easy is it to kill directly?
Out of curiosity, Lei Ling still said:
"Tell this young master what happened! If you have any grievances, then this young master will decide for you!"

However, Lei Ling was completely stunned by the replies of these people, and then became furious!
"Master Huiling, there are more than 6000 gathering places in our area, and there are more than [-] people in total!
We are all villagers in the villages and towns of Biliu County. After you pacified Beihuang and established the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, a large number of outsiders entered and developed. It was okay at first, but more and more people entered later.

They began to seize land, build new mansions, and do their best.

They are too powerful, let alone us untouchables, even the big families are not their opponents at all, they can only rely on them.

Those of us were cut off by them because of our resistance. They left behind young women and children, and then drove us all into the Northern Wilderness.

The situation in other counties and counties is similar to ours. Many useless people have been driven to the Northern Wilderness to collect endless vines.

It was better at the beginning, they only attacked the villages near the city!
Later, when the Nanzhou War started, a large number of refugees and many families flooded into the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and they had already begun to attack remote mountain villages.

There are many, many gathering places like ours. "

The villagers kneeling on the ground have not received any education, and their speech has not been adjusted.

But Lei Ling is extremely smart, and he has already understood the matter through their simple words.

The establishment of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty was largely due to Lei Ling's strategy, they did not have this strength.

This presents a huge speculative opportunity.

Some small families did nothing under other dynasties and other forces.

But when it comes to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, it can become a big family in an instant!

Although there are various forces intimidating, and there are Wushuang Jiange powerhouses sitting in the town, they can completely dominate the local area.

Because of Lei Ling's existence, the Four Kingdoms Dynasty will bring them great opportunities.

No one would care about ordinary civilians, let alone the villagers outside the city.

The Northern Wilderness has a vast area, not to mention anything else, but the Endless Vine alone is a fortune.

There is a trace of spiritual power in the endless vine, which can be regarded as a low-level spiritual food.

Although it cannot be eaten directly by humans, it can still be used as food after processing.

So many endless vines need to be collected by people.

Driving these garbage civilians here can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only can they obtain a large number of residences for their people to live in, but also to develop their power.

You can also harvest a large number of endless vines and sell them to get a fortune.

Not to mention that there are many unique treasures in the wild.

Of course, among these people, there should be some people waiting to sin against them, as well as foreign refugees.

Even Lei Ling wouldn't care about this kind of thing, after all his family was engaged in the slave market.

Those of them knew some rules and did not disturb the people in the city.

And if these villagers are driven away, they will definitely fill in their own people in the original village.

As long as they enshrine and worship him, Lei Ling has nothing to lose.

That's why Jin Dabao and Anbu didn't report to him, and didn't take much care of it.

In their view, this is nothing more than a sesame mung bean-sized thing.

But they all missed one point.

That is sincerity! ! !
The local people of the Four Kingdoms must have worshiped Lei Ling from the bottom of their hearts.

Think of him as a god in my heart.

Although those outsiders still worship him and believe in him, their hearts must not be as sincere as those of the local people.

But now, these local people seem to no longer believe in him.


Because their current situation was indirectly caused by Lei Ling.

He wiped out the Northern Wilderness, wiped out the barbarians, and established incomparable feats.

All the people of the Four Kingdoms are naturally grateful to him.

With deliberate promotion, these foolish people will naturally become fanatical believers.

But although foolish people are not smart, they are not fools either.

What Lei Ling did before gave them great benefits, and they were grateful to Dade.

Now they have fallen to such a level because of Lei Ling, they have even become slaves.

Will they still be grateful to Dade?
At the beginning, they might even pray that the god Lei Ling would come down to save them.

But after a long time, I am afraid that love will lead to hatred.

This is also human nature.

It was very rare for them to kneel down to pay respects to Lei Ling.

"Good! Good ruthless!"

Lei Ling gritted his teeth, he was really angry.

It's not just because of the power of faith, and the problem of being forced if you can't do it.

Also because of short-term protection.

For example.

When there is a conflict between your family and your neighbor, you will beat the neighbor into a dog for protecting your family.

But if there are conflicts between people from other villages and your village, most of them must help the people in this village.

Then zoom in to cities, or even countries.

Everyone will instinctively stand on their own side.

Of course, this is under the premise that there is no temptation of interests.

This is a progressive relationship.

A family is greater than a village than a city is greater than a country
Of course, the emotions will become weaker and weaker.

To put it simply, it is eccentricity, and people are selfish.

When two opposing groups are in front of them, people will definitely instinctively lean towards the one they are close to.

The same is true for Lei Ling, and he is extremely defensive and saves face, so he is even more extreme in this respect.

When he was in Los Angeles, he could bully men and women, and kill the whole family if he disagreed.

But if the outer city dared to bully the Los Angeles people, he would definitely beat those people into dead dogs.

He welcomes outsiders to the Four Kingdoms, after all, these people are also his believers and his tribe.

But if he bullied the aborigines of his Four Kingdoms, then he couldn't bear it.

He originally thought that the people living in the Northern Wilderness were refugees from outside!

But I didn't expect that there were so many natives of the Four Kingdoms.

This is no longer a question of enslaving these foolish people, it is an outsider bullying his people.

This is a small microcosm. During the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, those outsiders must still be oppressing the natives in various ways.

Shi Yu, Jin Qiaoer and other women were not very angry.

After all, compared with those people, Lei Ling is much more ruthless.

They are basically immune to this kind of thing, and they are not from the Four Kingdoms.

There is no sense of national honor, and even Shi Yu is not a human race.

Unless Lei Ling's people are being bullied, they won't be angry.

But those guards were different.

They are all natives of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty. Seeing their own citizens being bullied like this, their eyes turned red.

"Servant Rain!"


"You take people to visit various gathering places, gather them together, and investigate to me the forces that enslave them. I will keep Zhan Tian and the Supreme Elder by your side and let them protect your safety."

"It's the young master."

City of Heroes, Dark Division.

Lei Ling sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression, and a trembling middle-aged man knelt below him.

Anbu knew about the Northern Wilderness, but he just turned a blind eye.

After all, it's really not a big deal.

Naturally, they wouldn't bother Lei Ling with such trivial matters.

But he didn't expect Lei Ling to be so angry.

"I'm angry, not just because of these civilians. Since this kind of thing has happened, I think those foreign forces have turned against the guests in our Four Kingdoms dynasty, right?"

There was a faint killing intent in Lei Ling's voice.

"Returning to Young Master, yes, the strength of the foreign forces is very strong, and the indigenous families are naturally incomparable.

But please rest assured, young master, there are masters from the Wushuang Jiange sitting in command, and there are threats from various forces, they dare not destroy the young master's plan. "

The middle-aged man hurriedly replied.

"If they do this, the hearts of the people will be chilled. The embankment of a thousand miles will be destroyed by an ant's nest. What I want is not hypocritical worship, but something from the heart."

Lei Ling sneered, he decided to use the most direct and cruel way to solve this matter.

He still needs to cultivate, pretend to be aggressive, and enjoy life, and he doesn't want to waste too much time and energy on it.

Of course, there is another important reason, because of that group of people, his way of pretending to be aggressive has become extremely imperfect.

He would even be ridiculed by the silly girl Jin Qiao'er afterwards, if it accidentally got out, where would he put Lei Ling's face?
The superposition of multiple reasons made Lei Ling want to kill him. This time, he wanted to kill him completely.

While venting his anger, he must also push his reputation to the peak to meet the next bloody catastrophe.

"Order Bai Qi to lead the troops back to the city!"

The middle-aged man trembled all over. He wanted to persuade him, but he didn't dare. After saying yes, he left.

Lei Ling then contacted Wushuang Jiange and his master, Elder Tianjian.

Ask Elder Tianjian to bring a group of masters to help him.

In fact, this is completely unnecessary, there is a Supreme Elder, and a master who was in charge before.

It's more than enough.

But his personality is like this, killing a chicken requires a sledgehammer! ! !

Originally, Elder Tianjian would not agree to such a request.

Even if Lei Ling is his closed disciple, it won't work.

But Lanling Muxue showed her supernatural power before, and the relationship between Lei Ling and her was extremely ambiguous, so Elder Tianjian agreed after hesitating for a while.

At this time, in the Wushuang Jiange, a large number of powerful people from all sides are visiting to build relationships.

When they heard that Elder Tianjian was leaving, they were a little unhappy at first, but when they heard that he was going to help Lei Ling, they all followed him.

Lei Ling is a big celebrity beside Lan Ling Mu Xue!
Lanling Muxue practiced too much in the Way of Forgetfulness, so she couldn't please her.

Although Nangongjian is Lanling Muxue's father, he is the owner of Wushuang Jiange after all.

Move the whole body with one hair!
In this way, Lei Ling became the best candidate.

These people are all human beings, and they have also learned about the situation of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty before.

Naturally, he guessed what Lei Ling wanted to do right away.

A little effort can be exchanged for a big favor, which is too cost-effective.

(End of this chapter)

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