My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 403 Moon Poetry

Chapter 403 Moon Poetry Poetry (two in one chapter)
Four Kingdoms, Biliu County
Today's Biliu County is not what it used to be. The cities in the county have been expanded, and even many adjacent cities are directly adjacent to each other. There are sufficient city walls, crazy development, and extremely prosperous.

Lei Ling was suspicious by nature, even if Anbu of Hero City affirmed what those old, weak, sick and disabled said.

He still came, and at the same time, some of his personal guards also dispersed to various places in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and jointly investigated through their families and Anbu.

He wants to carry out a big cleansing, but he can't be used as a gun.

Is it possible that this is a bureau made by the indigenous family?
Is it possible that this is the sowing of alienation by external forces?
Even Anbu might be corrupted!
So it's better to investigate clearly.

After all, this is his Four Kingdoms dynasty and the birthplace of his beliefs.

This time he was not too high-profile, he only brought Shi Yu Jin Qiaoer, Xiao Taotao and Zhan Tian.

Shi Yu cast illusions on them to make them look ordinary.

In Biliu County, there are many temples of Lei Ling, and his statues stand in various bustling streets.

When pedestrians pass by, they will bow and salute with a very pious expression.

This made Lei Ling feel a little better.

In any case, these foreign families still knew the rules and did not touch his bottom line.

Lei Ling briefly learned about the Yue family's information from Anbu.

This family is very powerful, and it was also the first family to enter the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

There are three holy ancestors in the family, and of course they are all saints.

Perhaps it can only be regarded as a third-rate family among other powerful dynasties.

But when they come to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, they are the top family.

After the Yue family entered the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, they entered Biliu County immediately, and their family was soon named the sheriff of Biliu County.

Became the master of Biliu County.

At the same time, the outstanding children of their clan married into the four major families of the Longyue Empire, and even married into the imperial palace, becoming princesses.

The power is monstrous.

Some people may say, just occupying a county, how awesome can it be?
Why didn't he go to the capital if he was so awesome?
Normally speaking, occupying one county, or even two or three, is nothing special.

But no more, Biliu County is next to Lanshan County.

And Los Angeles belongs to Lanshan County.

Los Angeles is the place where Lei Ling has lived for more than ten years.

So Nanshan County is now the holy land of the Longyue Empire and the entire Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

No one dared to touch Nanshan County, it was Lei Ling's territory.

But Biliu County can be touched!
The Yue family enjoys the biggest dividend in occupying Biliu County.

Earned a lot of money, and the family grew rapidly.

In the battle of Daxue Mountain, with the help of Lanling Muxue, Lei Ling completely became the focus of the original world.

The four kingdoms will rise completely.

And the status of the Yue family has also risen.

During this period of time, there have been many big families that are stronger than them, and the sect sent people to establish diplomatic relations with them.

Even willing to marry.

This is something that the Yue family didn't even dare to think about before.

Lei Ling walked along the street with Jin Qiaoer and his group, his eyes gradually became a little cold.

Although the world looks peaceful and prosperous here, the Yue family did not destroy his plan.

But many people here are not natives of the Longyue Empire.

Although everyone is a human race, but because of the different cultures and living environments.

Everyone's clothing, skin color, and even appearance will have some differences.

still distinguishable.

What does it mean?
Do you want doves to occupy the magpie's nest?

"Go away, go away."

Just as he was thinking, a group of cavalry galloped forward, and the people on the street retreated one after another.

Some even knelt down in prostration.

Lei Ling and his party instantly became extremely conspicuous.

Because everyone dispersed, only they were still standing in the middle of the road.

"court death!"

Seeing that Lei Ling and the others didn't hide, a few of the cavalry suddenly accelerated. They held long spears and stabbed straight at Lei Ling and the others.

These people's cultivation bases are not weak, the lowest ones are all in the Purple Mansion Realm, and their spears have powerful spiritual power attached, obviously they want to kill Lei Ling and others.

This is a bit overbearing!
Even Lei Ling had never done this before.

Before Lei Ling could speak, Zhan Tian's figure flashed and stood in front of them.

Then he rubbed his nose and sneezed at the cavalry.

What kind of cultivation is Zhan Tian?

Having entered the Hundred Apertures Realm, three acupoints have been successfully opened during this period.

Even a sneeze is powerful!
In an instant, there was a strong wind on the street, and the group of people were blown upside down.

Xiao Taotao looked at it and clapped her little hands, shouting: "Brother Zhantian is so amazing."

Zhan Tian looked at Xiao Taotao fondly, for he also loved this little child very much.

"Damn it, damn it, are you looking for death? How dare you offend this girl."

After the strong wind passed, a girl in red armor, with a whip in her hand, rode a red horse and stopped in front of Zhan Tian.

There are four female knights beside her, all of them are masters of Zhenhai Realm.

This woman is not only very beautiful, but also has a devil figure.

In terms of appearance alone, she has already reached Zhang Xuewei's level.

Lei Ling kept staring at her butt, this butt is really big!
He, Lei Ling, has countless women, except for Wu Qingguo, this woman should be regarded as the king of buttocks.

The so-called butt that is bigger than shoulders is better than living gods.

Just such a big butt is enough to make many people fascinated by her.

"Shameless untouchables, how dare you blaspheme this girl?"

Sensing Lei Ling's presumptuous gaze, the girl was furious instantly, and regardless of the guard's previous reminder, she whipped towards Lei Ling.

Zhan Tian grabbed the whip casually, and directly grabbed the whip in his hand, and then pulled it a little harder, the girl screamed, and he pulled it off the horse abruptly, and fell to the ground.

The four guards were shocked and were about to shoot.

Zhan Tian snorted coldly.

The four guards felt as if a thunder had exploded in their ears. They were so dizzy from the shock that they fell off the horse, bleeding to death from their seven orifices.

Everyone was stunned.

Even the girl with the big ass turned pale.

These four people are the masters of Zhenhai Realm!
just die?
Also, this is Biliu County!
Someone dared to attack her, someone dared to kill her?
"I am the Yue family, Yue Shishi, who are you, how dare you attack me."

After a brief shock, Yue Shishi calmed down.

Although she is domineering, she is not without brains. She has already guessed that Lei Ling and his party are outsiders.

So she reported herself.

After the Great Snow Mountain World War I, all major forces from all sides sent people to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

There are also many young talents here in Biliu County.

However, those who were once aloof in her eyes, now they are all polite when they see her, even trying their best to please her.

So although Zhan Tian's strength is astonishing, she is not afraid.

She is absolutely confident that after knowing her identity, this group of people will definitely release her immediately and apologize to her.

"Knock out her teeth."

Lei Ling glanced at Yue Shishi and said calmly.

Without saying a word, Zhan Tian grabbed Yue Shishi's mouth with his big hand, and pinched it a little harder.


Yue Shishi's shrill screams immediately resounded through the entire street, and all her teeth were crushed.

The people were all scared out of their wits.

How dare these people do such a murderous thing to Yue Shishi?

And it was after Yue Shishi declared her family.

Don't they want to live?
"You are dead, you are dead, I will tear your corpses into pieces."

Yue Shishi screamed like crazy, and at this moment, another large group of people roared in.

Hundreds of people surrounded Lei Ling and the others in an instant.

These people are all wearing standard armor, and they should be guards.

They looked at everything in front of them, and their hearts were trembling. In the past few days, many talents from various major forces have entered Biliu County.

But those people are all well-behaved, even those with extremely noble status, they will be notified in advance, and then the Yue family will receive them.

Thinking about the existence of this group of green-headed people in front of me, there used to be, but they haven't appeared since the Great Snow Mountain World War.

Now who dares to come to the Four Kingdoms to make trouble?

"The city guard is ten thousand yuan. I don't know what to call this young master?"

Wan Wan walked up to Lei Ling and bowed in salute, not daring to be presumptuous in the slightest.

He is just a small person, he doesn't want to, and dare not cause trouble.

These Tianjiao who came to visit the Four Kingdoms Dynasty have extremely high identities.

He can't afford it.

Before Lei Ling could speak, Yue Shishi yelled loudly: "Wan Wan, you surround him, I have summoned the family, and soon my family's masters will come over, I will smash these people into thousands of pieces .”

Lei Ling frowned, and Zhan Tian rushed to remove Yue Shishi's chin.

Wan Wan was so shocked that he was out of his wits!

He swallowed, and bowed to Lei Ling again: "Master, Yue Shishi is the prostitute of the Yue family and the daughter-in-law of the Lei family. Please don't hurt her."

"Lei's family? Which Lei's family?"

Lei Ling couldn't help being stunned.

"Of course it's the Lei family of the god Lei Ling, the Lei family of Luocheng."


Lei Ling was dumbfounded, and Shi Yu and the girls also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Los Angeles Thunder family?

Could it be Lei Han's woman?

Lei Ling's whole body was cold and his scalp was numb.

Could it be that this woman is his own little mother?

But this is wrong!
If Lei Han returns to the Four Kingdoms, it is impossible for Anbu not to inform him.

"Whose woman is he?"

Lei Ling asked in a trembling voice.

Seeing his expression, a look of disdain flashed in the eyes of the guards, no matter how awesome you are, if you hear about Luocheng Lei's family and the god of heaven Lei Ling, don't you want to be cowardly?
"It's Lord Lei Gang's woman."

After saying Lei Gang's name, Wan Wan explained very thoughtfully: "Lei Gang is the son of the God of Heaven, Master Lei Ling, who is the housekeeper, and he is highly regarded by Lord Lei Ling."

"Ha ha!"

Lei Ling sneered, and instantly understood everything.

This is someone pretending to be aggressive under his banner.

If it was before, let alone the son of the housekeeper of the Lei family, even the housekeeper of the Lei family would be fine.

After all, they are just servants, they are only responsible for managing Lei Mansion, they have no rights at all.

Even if they want to marry, everyone will marry with the Lei family in the imperial capital.

After all, they were Lei Ling's blood relatives.

But things are different now.

After the Great Snow Mountain battle, Lei Ling was completely irritated.

The status of the people around Lei Ling was directly raised.

Los Angeles is Lei Ling's home after all.

What if he comes back to stay for two days someday?
At this time, the housekeeper of Lei Mansion would definitely be able to talk to him.

At that time, when the various forces come to visit, the role of the housekeeper will be even greater.

Now many big forces should start to win over this steward and various stewards in Leifu.

Marrying with him is much more useful than marrying with the Lei family in the imperial capital.

Yue Shishi glared at Lei Ling viciously, which means that you are dead, you are absolutely dead.

If Lei Ling was just the arrogant of an ordinary big family, then he would be dead if he messed with Yue Shishi at this time.

As long as today's events spread, there is no need for the butler to speak.

All the great talents will stand up for him and come to beat Lei Ling to death.

It's a pity that Lei Ling is not the arrogance of an ordinary family!
"Pull out her eyeballs for me."

Lei Ling smiled faintly at Yue Shishi, and said a creepy sentence.

Zhan Tian didn't hesitate at all, as soon as Lei Ling's words fell, he directly buckled up, and shut Yue Shishi's eyeballs alive.

At this moment, everyone was stunned again.

Yue Shishi even forgot to shout.

How is this going?

Is this person in front of you a lunatic?
After learning that she is the daughter-in-law of the housekeeper's son, how dare you hurt her?

How is this possible?
This is hitting Lei Ling in the face!
Even the arrogance of the top power, it is impossible to offend Lei Ling at this time, right?

Isn't he afraid of Lan Ling Mu Xue?

Lei Ling looked up at the sky, and in the distant sky, there were black dots shooting towards him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The members of the Yue family finally arrived.

"Zhan Tian, ​​kill them all."


When the battle was ordered, the whole person greeted him like a cannonball.

Without giving those people a chance to speak, the fight started immediately.

Although the Yue family has Saint Realm experts, they are all Saint Realm experts.

In front of Zhan Tian, ​​they are all chickens and dogs.

Not to mention that these people are not strong in the holy realm.

It took only five or six breaths for Zhan Tian to tear to pieces the seven or eight spirit realm powerhouses that flew over.

This is like poking a hornet's nest.

The Yue family went into a rage.

The people ran away without a trace, and so did the ten thousand yuan.

A large number of masters of the Yue family rushed here frantically.

In just one stick of incense, Lei Ling was surrounded by layers of layers, and the holy power of Taoism hung from the sky, sealing off the world.

"Young master, you are so majestic!"

Accompanied by a slightly majestic voice, an old man walked slowly in front of Lei Ling. He was supposed to stand in the air and talk to Lei Ling condescendingly.

But Zhan Tian's strength is too strong.

He didn't dare to be so presumptuous: "Although you are powerful, don't forget that this is the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and it is the territory of Lord Lei Ling, the god of heaven. Aren't you afraid of offending Lord Lei Ling by acting like this?"

"Can you represent Lei Ling?"

Lei Ling looked at the old man with some amusement, and said with disdain: "Old man, you are quite old, can we show some face?"


The old man was so angry that he was so angry that he said coldly: "We are married to the Lei family in the imperial capital, and Shi Shi will soon marry into the Lei Mansion in Luocheng. Do you think we can represent Master Lei Ling? If you hurt Shi Shi, you will be beaten Lord Lei Ling's face, you"

Lei Ling waved his hand and interrupted the old man's words: "If the god Lei Ling you are talking about knows that your Yue family, in his Four Kingdoms Dynasty, ran amok, harmed believers, made huge profits, and bluffed and cheated under his banner, what do you say? Will he kill you?"

The old man's complexion changed slightly, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart. Spiritual power surged all over his body, and holy power fell down one after another.

With the sound of glass breaking, Shi Yu's illusion was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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