Chapter 404 Cleansing (two chapters in one)

The audience was silent, and after a while, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Almost none of them had really seen Lei Ling.

But there was no one who didn't know Lei Ling.

Not to mention that the video of Quannanzhou was played twice.

The statues in the alleys of the people, the temples with high incense, and the portraits enshrined in the home.

Unless you are blind, let alone the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, there are not many people in Nanzhou who don't know Lei Ling.

Everyone in the Yue family was shocked.

They thought that Lei Ling's status was unusual, but they were not afraid.

So what if it's a big shot from Zhongzhou?
As long as they move out of Lei Ling and Lan Ling Mu Xue, they will be cowardly.

Some people might say that even if Lan Ling and Mu Xue are powerful, not everyone will be cowardly, right?

This is true, perhaps there may be many people in the outside world who will not sell her face.

But among the four dynasties, all the arrogances will definitely sell her face.

Because these people are here to make friends with Lei Ling.
To put it more harshly, these people are here to curry favor with Lei Ling.

But they never expected that this person was Lei Ling!
How is this possible?
Why didn't he go to the imperial capital or Nanshan County when he came back, why did he come to Biliu County instead?
Lei Ling is a person with a good face, loves to pretend, and acts in a relatively high-profile way.
Even if he comes, he should be notified in advance, and then let Wanmin welcome him!
"Yue Xiangsong from the Yue Clan, together with members of the Yue Clan, pay homage to Lord Lei Ling, the God of Heaven."

Yue Xiangsong was also a treacherous and cunning person, after a short moment of astonishment, he led everyone to bow down.

In a word, it turned the siege of Lei Ling into a welcome of Lei Ling, giving both sides a step.

Lei Ling's appearance made him startled, but he wasn't too scared.

His Yue family has been operating in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty for many years, not only had large-scale marriages with the major families of the Longyue Empire, even the other three kingdoms had marriages.

There are interests in collusion with the major families, and it will affect the whole body.

Although they offended Lei Ling, those who didn't know were not to blame, and Lei Ling didn't suffer.

Not only did he not suffer, he also blinded Yue Shishi and killed many of their masters.

Even if they haven't vented their anger yet, they'll just have to pay some price later.

After all, Lei Ling is the true master of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, he will not, and dare not, do things absolutely.

Even for the sake of the wishes of all beings, he will show his favor to the Yue family.

After all, not only did they control Biliu County, but they could also indirectly influence the entire Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

The Yue family has a large number of people, and their shouts are loud.

The ordinary people around were stunned for a moment, then knelt down and shouted:
"Greetings to Lord Lei Ling, the god of heaven."

The voices came and went, spreading crazily, and wherever they passed, the people all bowed down.

Lei Ling stared at Yue Xiangsong with ice-cold eyes, and only when the sound disappeared, did he speak slowly:
"Old man, I think you must be thinking that although my Yue family controls Biliu County, although there are small mistakes, they are not serious.

My Yue family has great influence in the Longyue Empire and even the Four Kingdoms. Lei Ling would not dare to move, and would even take the initiative to show his favor, right? "

"I dare not."

Yue Xiangsong trembled all over, but still didn't have much fear.

"Well! By the way, maybe you still think that my Yue family belongs to a foreign family.

In the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, there are many foreign families. If you, Lei Ling, dare to deal with my Yue family, the other foreign families will be in danger.

At that time, the Four Kingdoms Dynasty will be in chaos, so your Yue family is as stable as Mount Tai. "

As soon as Lei Ling said this, Yue Xiangsong panicked, he is not a fool!

If Lei Ling points out all of these, it is tantamount to tearing his face apart!
What does he want to do?

Why did he do this?

Are you angry?
Yue Xiangsong sighed in his heart, he was still a boy after all!

Can he afford to make things big?


Lei Ling sighed softly, walked up to the already stunned Yue Shishi, kicked her to the ground, and then sat on her plump buttocks:
"You guys seem very smart, while adhering to my bottom line, cooperating with Anbu to gather the power of faith for me, while marrying a local family, and even marrying my Lei family.

You colluded with each other and quickly gained a foothold in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, intertwined and gradually eroded.

I believe that in a few decades, you will be able to completely encroach on our Four Kingdoms Dynasty, control the major families, and crazily grab the resources I brought.

With Wushuang Jiange as your backing, you can expand outward without restraint.

Even better now, Lanling Muxue showed her invincible power.

Not only Nanzhou, but the entire Human Emperor Continent, as well as many forces in other continents, will show friendship to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and the benefits you will gain will be even greater.

Hmm. As long as I don't fall, as long as Lanling and Muxue don't fall, maybe a hundred years later, the Four Kingdoms Dynasty will become the first dynasty in Nanzhou.

Naturally, you will turn salty fish over, and you can pretend to slap those powerful ancient families in the face, right? "

"I am frightened."

This time, not only Yue Xiangsong, but many members of the Yue family spoke out.

They all have various official positions in Biliu County, including councilors, all of whom are high-ranking and powerful people.

In Biliu County, they can call the wind and call the rain without any scruples, but now they are all panicking.

Why did Lei Ling tell all these things?

What is he going to do?

Now they don't think that Lei Ling is a dumbass, he sees it very clearly!
And it seems to be prepared.

He doesn't really want to attack them, does he?

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of some people.

Now they have surrounded Lei Ling and others.

There is also her maid and a child inside. If they attack directly, they should be able to kill Lei Ling with the crowd tactics.

Should we act first?
But in this way, they can't live by themselves!

This is not something that can be fooled by excuses such as ignorance or manslaughter.

Wushuang Jiange will definitely kill them all.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Lei Ling laughed directly, really laughing out loud, suddenly his smile stopped, his eyes were cold:

"Do you think I care about the turmoil of the Four Kingdoms? Even if the Four Kingdoms are destroyed, I don't care. You really think too much."

"Master Lei Ling, we have not violated your interests!

Shishi offended you unintentionally, we can hand over her, her parents, and even people from her lineage to you, and let you fight and vent your anger, isn't that okay? "

Yue Xiangsong said in a trembling voice with a painful expression on his face.

He is not a fool, so he can understand what Lei Ling means, he wants to destroy his Yue family!

"Hehe, it was possible but not now."

Lei Ling revealed a sinister smile, and said in a cold voice:

"Originally, I was going to kill half of your family members, so that you can remember, don't bully my people, don't hurt my believers.

But just now, I changed my mind. I want to exterminate your Yue family, including the clansmen who stayed in your original ancestral land, all of them will die. "

"Why, where did I offend you!"

Yue Xiangsong was so shocked that Lei Ling was cruel, they had heard about it, but he was also reasonable!

Even before they recognized him, they were still respectful and polite. How could they destroy his whole Yue clan?

"Because you don't believe in me at all."

Lei Ling glanced at those kneeling members of the Yue Clan, and said with a sneer:
"You have occupied a large number of the lands of our Four Kingdoms Dynasty and drove away my pious people. In my Four Kingdoms Dynasty, you enjoy the glory, wealth and benefits I brought, and that's all.

If you can contribute the same power of faith and the power of all sentient beings, I can make an exception.

But you don't, you people seem to respect me a lot, but in fact you don't worship me, let alone have faith.

You are just treating me as a tool for your family to prosper, this is something I cannot bear.

By the way, there is another point, many of you just now have murderous intentions towards me. I am a sensitive person, and I can detect people who are hostile to me in an instant.

I have many enemies, so I don't have any extra energy to waste on you dogs. Just now, I thought of a brilliant plan. "

"What plan."

Yue Xiangsong asked instinctively.

"You don't need to know, because you are going to die soon, and the whole Yue clan will die soon."

At this moment, all the members of the Yue clan stood up, their bodies surging with spiritual power, a young man shouted angrily:
"Lei Ling, don't bully people too much. Do you think our Yue family is made of mud? Believe it or not, I won't let you leave Biliu County today."

Yue Xiangsong also had cold eyes, thinking about what to do after killing Lei Ling.

The Four Kingdoms cannot stay here any longer.

Where can they escape?
Join the Nanzhou Beastmen.

They can enter the territory of the Nanzhou Beastmen through the Northern Wilderness.

Their Yuezhi family and many powerful foreign forces in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty are secretly doing business with the orcs.

The orc clan fought against Nanzhou, captured many dynasties, and plundered a lot of resources, property, and some things they didn't need.

At this time, the human race needs to make deals with them, selling unnecessary things for them, and replacing them with food, weapons and equipment.

The Shikoku Dynasty is undoubtedly the best partner.

They can transport supplies secretly through the Northern Wilderness.

This allowed many forces in the Four Kingdoms Dynasty to earn massive wealth from it.

"Stupid wave."

Lei Ling sneered in his heart, these people were from small families after all, although they looked smart, their vision was too short-sighted after all.

Everyone is a frog in a well.


Following his order, hundreds of figures appeared in the sky.

These people were dressed in black robes, with long swords on their backs, and masks on their faces. Their whole bodies were filled with a terrifying sword intent.

Wushuang Jiange, black-robed swordsman!
These people are the law enforcement team of Wushuang Jiange, who are responsible for killing people.

Kill traitors, kill enemies, and kill all those who endanger the interests of Wushuang Jiange.

Among these hundreds of people, there are three strong people in the holy realm, one hundred strong people in the spiritual realm, and the rest are all powerful in the Zhenhai realm.

Following Lei Ling's order, they cut through the blockade of the holy soldiers with one sword, and rushed in directly.

"Little Lei Ling, you are courting death."

Yue Xiangsong was so frightened that he was out of his wits, he didn't expect Lei Ling to come prepared.

The Peerless Jiange is not comparable to rubbish like them.

Even if it is an ordinary disciple, there is no pressure to kill them beyond two small realms.

He wanted to attack Lei Ling, but the next moment, Zhan Tian appeared in front of him.

With just one punch, his body exploded and he died.

The blood aroused Zhan Tian's ferocity, his eyes gleamed red, and he began to massacre the members of the Yue clan.

After Lei Ling stomped Yue Shishi to death, he brought Mai Yu and other girls back to the Eternal Shenzhou.

For this kind of low-level massacre, he has no interest at all.

These families are really too weak.

If it wasn't for this group of people preventing him from pretending to be aggressive, he wouldn't even have the energy to kill.

For example, the Yue family is like a group of ants in front of Lei Ling.

Even if they had a good time and occasionally removed a few grains of rice from the house, Lei Ling didn't bother to trample to death.

But if there are guests at home, and they see a group of ants moving things, they say, why are there so many ants in your home?
After that, Lei Ling must have scalded them to death with boiling water, after all the ants made him feel ashamed.

Now Lei Ling has this kind of mentality.

Back on the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling perfected the plan in his heart and issued a series of orders.

The first order was that all outside forces and common people, within half a month, all go to Beihuang to listen to Lei Ling's orders.

The second order, the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, all the defenders of the city were disarmed and opened the city gate.

In the third order, all the management of the major local families of the Four Kingdoms entered the Hero City for a meeting.

As soon as the three orders came out, the entire Four Kingdoms Dynasty was shaken.

At the same time, the borders of the Four Kingdoms were closed, and Anbu and Wushuang Jiange masters set up heavy blockades, which completely closed the Four Kingdoms.

The news of the Yue family's demise quickly spread all over the country, and everyone from outside forces was in danger.

Half a month later, a large number of people gathered in Beihuang. They each brought tents and dry food and stationed there, waiting for Lei Ling's arrangement.

However, more forces chose not to stick to it. They used all their connections to seek rescue.

In half a month, Bai Qi's army rushed back smoothly.

Lei Ling ordered that the Qilin Legion, White Tiger Legion, Azure Dragon Legion, and Phoenix Legion be divided into four groups and enter the Four Great Empires.

The Wushuang Jiange and the masters sent by all parties scattered to cooperate with Bai Qi's army to sweep the entire Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

Wherever they went, Wanmin knelt down and shouted long live the god of heaven, Lord Lei Ling.

Many oppressed people of the Four Kingdoms wailed loudly and worshiped the statue of Lei Ling even more crazily.

It wasn't until this moment that Lei Ling realized how miserable the people of the Four Kingdoms were being bullied.

Lei Ling is not an emperor, he doesn't care about the loss of national power, nor the turmoil in the country.

He only knew that he was the master of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and whoever dared to disobey his orders would die, not only him but also his whole family.

The four major legions swept across the Four Kingdoms dynasties, foreign forces and families, whether they resisted or gave up resistance and surrendered, all were killed, whether it was the gray-haired old man or the baby who was still in its infancy.

The killings were head-on, blood flowed like rivers, and the death toll exceeded tens of millions.

But the strange thing is that the people of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, and even the believers in Nanzhou, not only did not feel terrified by Lei Ling's brutality, but worshiped him even more.

Many people even united with each other and sent representatives with petitions, requesting to become subjects of the four kingdoms.

This is difficult to understand at first glance, even seems incredible.

But if you taste it carefully, it is very reasonable.

You must know that Lei Ling is not an ordinary king, he is a god descending from the earth!

His words are the will of the gods, and those families who keep ordering are violating the might of the gods and the might of the gods, and they will deserve death.

Lei Ling killed them all, showing his incomparable power to the world.

In an instant, the believers climaxed.

Why should the world believe in you?
Why should I worship you?

Isn't it because you're powerful, you're different enough that you can do them good?
If someone disobeys God’s will and you don’t punish them, but chat with them, and even subdue them, then you still play ball?
I'd rather worship a dog than you.

Of course, there is still some propaganda work to be done, and these are all done by Anbu.

It is probably to guide the direction of public opinion, define these people as demons, harm the people, offend the gods, and then impose divine punishment on them.

(End of this chapter)

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