My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 405 1 Unification of Nanzhou

Chapter 405 Unifying Nanzhou (two chapters in one)
City of Heroes, City Lord's Mansion.

Lei Ling hugged Xiao Taotao, sat on the throne, and looked down at hundreds of middle-aged men and women below.

These people are the patriarchs of the strongest local families of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, as well as the emperor, parliamentarians and so on.

After Bai Qi's army swept the Four Kingdoms, these people can be said to be the real decision-makers of the Four Kingdoms.

Within ten days after Lei Ling gave the order, they had already gathered in Hero City.

But Lei Ling never saw them.

It wasn't until Bai Qi's army wiped out those disobedient families and city guards that they were summoned.

During this time, almost everyone is in danger!
Even Fatty Jin and Lei Ling's hair Xiao Luofeng felt terrified.

They didn't understand why Lei Ling was so furious.

During this period of time, the number of people killed by the four major legions was almost astronomical.

Not only foreign forces, even the natives were killed a lot.

Even many members of their family were dragged out and killed.

These families are more or less allied with foreign forces.

These married people will die, their wives or husbands will die too, and if their sons die, their daughters will die too.

Parents-in-law and mother-in-law are all going to die.

This is simply insane.

Of course, Lei Ling still cares about love.

He didn't touch Luo Feng's concubines and Jin Dabao's women.

However, the two of them still killed everyone who should be killed by themselves.

A full quarter of an hour passed, Lei Ling kept teasing Xiao Taotao in his arms, and ignored everyone at all.

Jin Dabao scratched his head, bit the bullet and asked:

"Ling, Young Master Ling, what exactly do you want to do?"

He is not considered a member of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, he is just helping Lei Ling.

In addition, he has a close relationship with Lei Ling, so it is most appropriate for him to break this weird situation.

And based on his understanding of Lei Ling, he could see that Lei Ling must have a purpose in doing these things.

Otherwise, he couldn't have made such a big fuss.

"Everyone here is considered my own, so I won't beat around the bush."

Lei Ling put Xiao Taotao aside, looked at everyone, and said the wonderful plan he thought of when he was in Biliu County:

"Now that the great changes in the world have begun, the next step is the real bloody battle. I am not willing to take risks, so I returned to the Four Kingdoms Dynasty and prepared to develop insignificantly.

But not long ago, I suddenly thought of a wonderful plan with a big goal. "

Jin Dabao's eyes lit up suddenly, and his face showed excitement:
"Oh? Could it be that you want to expand and annex the surrounding dynasties?"

I have to say that every fat person is not simple!

Although Jin Dabao's cultivation talent is extremely poor, he has a very good brain. He has been practicing in the Four Kingdoms for these years, and dealing with the old foxes of the major dynasties is even more extraordinary.

Lei Ling just said such a sentence, and he guessed some of Lei Ling's thoughts.

Lei Ling glanced at him admiringly, nodded and said:
"Brother Jin is really smart! But my goal is not just to annex the surrounding dynasties, I want to unify Nanzhou."


Everyone was stunned, and their scalps were numb.

Before Jin Dabao said that Lei Ling would annex several neighboring dynasties, they already thought it was incredible.

After all, although the four dynasties are protected by major forces, others dare not invade them, but in terms of strength alone, any dynasty can beat them!
Once they make a move, others will fight back, even Wushuang Jiange will not help.

After all, they did it themselves.

What Lei Ling said was even more unbelievable.

Unify Nanzhou?
How is this possible?
They all sighed in their hearts.

I think Lei Ling might be crazy.

Did he think that with Lanling Muxue as his backer, he could do whatever he wanted?

Even if Lanling and Muxue were willing to risk their lives for him, it would be impossible to unify the entire Nanzhou, right?

In fact, unifying the entire Nanzhou is just a small goal of Lei Ling. He also has big goals, bigger goals, super goals, and he hasn't mentioned them yet.

If he said it, [-]% of these people would be scared to death by him.

"Shao Ling Ling, isn't your goal a little too big?"

Jin Dabao said timidly.

"Actually, it's not as difficult as you think."

Lei Ling shook his head with a smile. Although Jin Dabao is smart, but he is trapped in the Four Kingdoms, his vision is still too small after all:
"The world has changed drastically, strange treasures have been born, Taoists are fighting for the top, and the world is in chaos.

Right now, the geniuses of various factions are frantically looking for and robbing all kinds of opportunities.

After all, our Nanzhou is just a remote place, and the area is too small compared to other states.

The corresponding opportunities are naturally very few, and even the concentration of spiritual energy here is not as good as that of other states.

According to my calculations, in a maximum of two years, all the talents in Nanzhou will go out to other states to compete for opportunities, and they will take away a large number of top experts as guardians.

In this way, Nanzhou, which was already weak, became even weaker.

In addition, the major sects don't really pay much attention to secular forces. As long as they operate according to the law, it is not too difficult to unify Nanzhou. "

Hearing what he said, although everyone still felt that it was impossible, their faces softened a little.

What Lei Ling said was somewhat reasonable.

Those big forces actually don't care much about the secular forces.

Just like Wushuang City in Wushuang Jiange.

Although it is huge, it is just the Wushuang Jiange used to vent and relax the disciples in the sect.

Although the gold coins earned there are astronomical figures, they are nothing to Wushuang Jiange.

Now that the great era is coming, all major forces will do their best to help Tianjiao get the opportunity and snatch luck.

They don't even care about secular forces.

Of course, this does not mean that if you go and tell someone, they will give it to you directly.

You need to come up with conditions that satisfy them, not only can't damage their interests, but also allow them to get more benefits.

Otherwise don't even think about it.

This is not just a simple question of interests, but also involves face and prestige.

It was actually a helpless move for Lei Ling to do so.

He didn't want to risk his life with those Taoists, nor did he really want to sit and wait for death.

After all, it is the stupidest thing to pin your hopes on others.

Lanling Muxue is strong, but she also said that she is also in trouble.

Who can guarantee that she will not lose or die?

Not to mention Lei Ningxue, whose whereabouts are still unknown, and may be dead.

Taking a step back, even if they will not die, and they are strong enough.

But I'm afraid it's impossible to risk your life for him, right?
First of all, Lanling Muxue definitely couldn't.

Lei Ningxue might have been able to do it before, but now it is probably difficult.

As for his father, Lei Han, he will definitely not die, and will fully support him.

Moreover, Lei Ling had a hunch that his father would definitely be a great help to him in the future.

But Lei Han's strength is too weak, although it is of great help to him, it has huge limitations.

Not to mention her mother.

Maybe she has a noble status, but she has never come to see him for so many years, and he has been assassinated several times.

Not to mention helping, he would be thankful not because his mother was hacked to death.

So Lei Ling still decided to rely on himself.

You can rely on the strength of others, but you must not place all your future on others.

When there was a conflict with the Yue family in Biliu County, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his head.

Came up with such a plan.

He doesn't need to completely occupy the major dynasties, he just needs these people to respect him as master.

Usually he will not interfere in other people's internal affairs.

But these men must obey his orders when he needs them.

Although this is also very difficult, it is still possible for the current Lei Ling.

In addition to the relationship between Lan Ling and Mu Xue, he also has a big killer. He feels that through negotiation, some big forces can agree.

After that, gather strength and sweep away several dynasties with the force of thunder, forming a powerful deterrent to other dynasties.

At that time, we can carry out secret operations and get some dynasties again.

As long as half of the secular forces recognize him as the master, the rest will be meat on the cutting board.

Of course, there is a key figure in this.

Bai Qi!

This military god-like existence.

The performance of Bai Qi's army this time was very astonishing, the four major armies did not give the masters he invited a chance to make a move.

Under the terrifying battle formation, all the masters of the resistance forces were killed.

In the end, the masters invited by Lei Ling went into the deep mountains and old forests to hunt down those strong men who were hiding.

If you give him higher quality soldiers and enough resources to expand the army, will he be able to sweep the world?
Lei Ling thought it was very possible.

After all, in ancient times, the human race relied on terrifying battle formations to sweep the world and dominate the original world.

He even felt that, in a sense, Bai Qi's potential was not much weaker than Lan Ling Mu Xue's.

After all, his strength will increase as the soldiers become stronger and the army expands.

If Lanling Muxue is an enhanced version of Jin Glittering.

Then Bai Qi is equivalent to the King of Conquerors who can be strengthened infinitely.

"We will unconditionally obey all the orders of Lord Lei Ling."

Jin Dabao was the first to bow down.

Luo Feng followed closely behind.

Everyone else bowed down and shouted in unison.

Even though they were unwilling in every possible way, they still had to obey Lei Ling's orders.

Otherwise, the decisive Lei Ling would definitely kill them all.

Even the Lei family dared not raise any objections.

Maybe Lei Ling won't touch people of his lineage, but he will definitely not show mercy to others.

He even went crazy, even killing people of his lineage.

In Lei Ling's mind, Lei Han, Princess Peach Blossom, and his missing grandfather are the only real relatives.

"very good!"

Lei Ling nodded in satisfaction, and his voice became dignified: "I order that from today onwards, the Tenjin Sect will be established, and my followers will become the Tenjin Sect followers.

For the specific job arrangement, I will draw up a detailed plan later.

Tenjin Sect will become the state religion of the Four Kingdoms Dynasty. In our Four Kingdoms Dynasty, all those who hold official positions must be members of our Tenjin Sect, and the emperor must be canonized and crowned by the Tenjin Sect Pope.

In the second order, the Four Kingdoms will conduct a census three days later, and at the same time make an identity jade badge with a unique number.

Jade badges are divided into red, blue, green, and cyan. For citizens of the four levels, they can be promoted according to their contributions.

For the specific division and detailed rules, you will discuss it later, and report the drafted plan to me for final revision and finalization.

Remember that only believers can get jade cards, only believers can be called citizens, and the rest are untouchables.

The third order is to vigorously develop the Northern Wilderness, and all foreign forces, whether they are believers or not, will all enter the Northern Wilderness.

After that, the assessment will be carried out, and jade cards will be issued according to their talents, loyalty, etc., and they will enter the Four Kingdoms Dynasty.

The fourth order is to carry out large-scale conscription in the entire dynasty in my name and fill it into the Baiqi Army.

Remember that what I want is elite soldiers, only those with excellent qualifications can enter, and the military expenditure of the Baiqi Army will be greatly increased.


Lei Ling issued orders one after another, and everyone was stunned.

Lei Ling is going to turn the Four Kingdoms upside down!
But none of them dared to raise an objection.

Even if they collectively disagree, Lei Ling will directly kill them all, and then select a group of obedient ones to continue the execution.

In the Four Kingdoms Dynasty, he is the sky, he can destroy whoever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants.

Of course, even if Lei Ling didn't move them, they wouldn't raise any objections.

Although Lei Ling's orders harmed their interests quite a bit.

But if you take a long-term view, this benefit is nothing at all.

After all, Lei Ling is planning to sweep Nanzhou.

At that time, as Lei Ling's true direct descendant, what will they get?
They can't even think about it.

On the Eternal Shenzhou, Lei Ling sat in the study, writing and drawing non-stop, formulating a plan to unify Nanzhou.

He didn't catch up with Luo Feng, nor did he summon Jin Dabao alone.

First, after the meeting, they need to be busy carrying out his various orders.

Second, now is not the right time to reminisce about the past with them.

He now needs to maintain the highest majesty, and must let the Four Kingdoms do their best to complete his orders.

If we talk about old times with Luo Feng and Jin Dabao at this time, it will weaken his deterrent power to a certain extent.

Bai Qi killed so many people, but he couldn't kill in vain.

On the second night, Bai Qi appeared on Lei Ling's Eternal Shenzhou.

His silver armor was stained with blood, and his murderous aura was awe-inspiring.

Shi Yu and other personal guards did not dare to approach him when they saw him, and Zhan Tian was responsible for leading him in.

He had killed too many people during this time, and his whole body gathered a terrifying aura, Shi Yu's group of little girls couldn't bear it at all.

"Bai Qi greets the master."

Seeing Lei Ling, Bai Qi bowed down on his knees, extremely loyal.

"Well! Sit!"


"Bai Qi! You have done a good job these years. I am going to expand your army. How many troops do you think you can lead?"

While writing and drawing, Lei Ling asked casually.

"The more the better."

"Okay, next I'm going to unify Nanzhou. There are some secular forces that can be subdued at the negotiating table, but there are still a large part that need to be subdued by force.

And the unification of Nanzhou is just a small goal, and there are bigger plans in the future. Next, I will fully support your military expansion. I will give you as many resources as you want.

You need to train as many outstanding generals as possible, and we may fight on multiple fronts in the future. "

Lei Ling continued.

Bai Qi's eyes gleamed brightly, he stood up, and bowed down again: "Bai Qi is willing to sweep the world down for the master, and he will do his best before he dies!"

"Well! I will send someone to assist you. Tell him if you have any needs. Remember that if you need anything, the Four Kingdoms will fully cooperate with you. If they can't solve it, I will solve it for you."

"Thank you, master."

After being silent for a moment, Lei Ling ordered again: "For the next half a month, you can stay with me, and accompany me to formulate an attack plan. In addition, I still have some important things for you to do."

"It's the master!"

(End of this chapter)

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