My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 406 The Change of Princess Peach Blossom

Chapter 406 The Change of Princess Peach (two chapters in one)
Time is like water, time is like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

The Shikoku Dynasty underwent earth-shaking changes.

Everyone is very busy.

The establishment of the Celestial Sect symbolized that Lei Ling's followers had completely found an organization.

There are advantages to doing so, but there are also disadvantages.

The advantage is naturally that believers can be systematized, and they can grow rapidly, and they can also control believers, let them do various things, and so on.

But there are also many disadvantages. The emergence of organizations represents the emergence of classes and factions.

A lot of ugly things will happen.

With power in your hands, you will seek personal gain, money, women, and so on.

No one can prevent this kind of thing.

In particular, this kind of religious organization is simply a paradise for evil people.

Brainwashing believers with faith can make them willing to do anything for you.

At the same time, the power of faith will not be as pure as before.

So Lei Ling has never established an organization, but keeps building temples and sculpting golden bodies. He wants to maintain the equality of believers.

But things are a little different now.

Lei Ling not only needs the power of faith and the willingness of all beings to overcome the catastrophe, but also needs to use these to strengthen his power.

So in the end he did it anyway.

In order to avoid those ugly things as much as possible, he established various canons.

He asked Anbu to monitor every temple and every missionary.

And set up discipline inspection offices in each city to accept reports from believers.

If one person violates the rules, the whole family will be thoroughly investigated, and all those who violate the rules will be executed.

Although innocent members of the clan will not be killed, unless they have made great contributions, these people will not be able to hold any position for life.

This is also a helpless move. According to Lei Ling's personality, if one person makes a mistake, the whole family will be killed.

But if he wanted to do this, it wouldn't take long for him to kill all his followers.

No one dared to join his god religion.

At the same time, ordinary believers of the Tenjin Sect are absolutely free, and the Tenjin Sect will not force them to do anything.

The salaries of the staff and stewards who work in the temple, as well as the establishment and maintenance of the temple, part of it is paid by the city and county where it is located, and the other part is paid by the dark department.

There are also various rules and regulations, all of which were brought by Jin Dabao.

Lei Ling took out a few bottles of the spiritual liquid of twin lotuses, diluted it on a large scale, added some auxiliary medicinal materials, and distributed it to all believers for free.

Everyone can get one with their own ID card.

This is something that even the wild god tree is vertical!
Even if it is diluted to a great extent, it still has terrible medicinal effects.

Of course, if it is not diluted, ordinary people will not be able to take it, let alone unbearable, it will damage the luck.

After taking the holy water, everyone feels refreshed, all diseases disappear, a large number of impurities in the body are removed, the body is improved, and it can beautify the skin, rejuvenate and other magical effects.

Bai Qi's army, officially named the Heavenly Guard Army, became independent from the Four Kingdoms and became Lei Ling's exclusive army.

With this name, coupled with all kinds of exaggerated treatment, many Tianjiao enthusiastically signed up.

At the same time, Beihuang has also carried out large-scale development.

Over the years, Bai Qi fought in the barbaric continent and laid down a large amount of land. Although the northern wilderness is barren, it can still be used to build cities.

In the battle of Daxue Mountain, Lei Ling gained a huge amount of wealth, and developing the Northern Wilderness was simply a drop in the bucket for him.

Of course, it is impossible for him to do these things himself. He is a decision maker, and he can provide enough gold coins for the people of the Four Kingdoms to implement.

Of course, even if he is asked to do it, he can't do it well, after all, there is a specialization in the art industry.

Even if he is smarter now, it is impossible for him to know everything.

Hmm. If he is a young master of the system, he can do everything by himself.

It's a pity that he is not. He can only provide a general direction based on his own memory. For example, the model of the Tenjin Sect is a copy of the Holy See to a certain extent.

The specifics need to be handed over to a specialized person.

After dealing with the affairs of the Four Kingdoms.

Lei Ling is about to start his grand scheme of unification next.

There are many empires and dynasties in Nanzhou.

Of course, the empire is nothing. In front of the Bai Qi army, they are all chickens and dogs. Not allowing the existence of the strong in the spiritual realm is to protect them, but this makes the Bai Qi army a nightmare for them.

Lei Ling sent a large number of envoys to the major empires to ask them to pledge their allegiance, and many empires readily agreed.

The highest cultivation level of an empire can only be Zhenhai Realm, and their weak strength makes them even more ignorant, so for Lei Ling's belief, these empires are very, very deep.

The reason why some empires did not agree was because they were subordinate empires under the dynasty, and their emperors had no right to submit to Lei Ling.

There is still a very small part that is unwilling to surrender. The emperors of these empires all have great talents and plans, and they want to take advantage of this great change in the world to rise and establish immortal achievements.

However, when Bai Qi's army flattened the royal capitals of several empires and wiped out all the royal families and families who resisted, those empires also surrendered one after another to express their submission.

Originally, even if Bai Qi's army was strong, it was impossible to break through several empires so quickly and easily.

But they are Lei Ling's god guards!

Under the banner of Lei Ling, they chanted the slogan of eradicating heresy, often before they attacked the city, Lei Ling's believers would open the city gate for them.

What's even more frightening is that some city lords directly led the crowd to kneel down to welcome their arrival, and the imperial army fled before the battle started, and some surrendered.

Some even killed the coach directly, and the whole army surrendered.

In their hearts, Bai Qi's army did not come to invade them, but to rescue them.

This is the horror of faith, and this is the horror of people's hearts.

The empire is all in Lei Ling's pocket, and the real difficulty is the dynasty.

Many powerful dynasties are equivalent to a first-class sect. The four dynasties that assisted Lei Ling before, as well as the Qianjun Dynasty and the Fujitama Dynasty are all very powerful dynasties.

Maybe their masters are not as many and as strong as the first-class forces, but they have many people and many troops.

As long as you are willing to spare, filling you with crowd tactics can also fill you to death.

With the current strength of the four dynasties, it is impossible to destroy a dynasty.

Even if the high-end combat power of these dynasties is not used, it will be difficult for Bai Qi's army to win.

These ancient dynasties that have existed for countless years have accumulated too much strength.

In addition to the massive army, the major families are also masters like clouds, and the Bai Qi army has just been established.

Of course, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as Lei Ling can control one or two dynasties, he can immediately get their troops.

At that time, under the command of Bai Qi, the major dynasties can be swept away.

By the way, this still needs the help of various sects.

If possible, Lei Ling would like to unify Nanzhou peacefully. After all, starting a war in Nanzhou would do him no good at all.

So Lei Ling asked Elder Tianjian to help him hold the Nanzhou Conference.

And he himself went to the Fujitama Dynasty.

Princess Peach Blossom has been in seclusion for many years, and she still hasn't left her seclusion until now.

She has already backfired on the ghost king Zong Taishang elder who planted the devil seed for her back then. According to common sense, she should have broken through the barrier long ago.

But she didn't.

And these years, she is still crazily absorbing the dragon vein aura of the Fujitama Dynasty.

Even the mighty Fujitama Dynasty couldn't bear that kind of consumption.

If Lei Ling hadn't asked Anbu to continuously send resource compensation to the Fujitama Dynasty, the Fujitama Dynasty would have cut off her spiritual energy supply long ago.

Lei Ling made a time difference and came to see if his grandma was in any trouble.

Ivy Dynasty Holy Land.

Lei Ling stood alone in front of a cave.

This is where Princess Peach retreats.

Originally, outsiders were not allowed to enter the Holy Land.

But Lei Ling gave the Ivy Dynasty a large sum of spirit crystals.

In addition, the blood of the Ivy Royal Family also flowed in his body, so he came in.

There are various enchantment formations outside the cave, and if they are broken, it may affect the people who retreat in the cave.

However, Lei Ling has the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and can ignore these things and shuttle in freely.

After letting out a breath, Lei Ling stepped out and entered the cave.

"I rely on!"

As soon as he stepped into the cave, Lei Ling cursed subconsciously.

A mirror appeared above his head in an instant, and the power of yin and yang spilled over the mirror, protecting him in it.

Lei Ling was stunned.

There was a terrible coercion in this cave, he almost knelt down just now.

How is this possible?
He has already opened four acupoints!

And he also has bastard spirit to protect himself.

What kind of coercion can suppress him?

His heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Although the strong man from the Ghost King Sect that Princess Peach Blossom devoured has stepped into the holy realm, he is only a three-star holy king.

Even if she becomes a holy king, it is impossible for her to have such a terrifying coercion.

In other words, there may be a top expert in this cave.

Who is he?

What does he want to do?
"Could it be the flower picker?"

Such a terrible idea popped up in Lei Ling's mind.

Princess Peach Blossom is the most beautiful princess in the world. It is normal for someone in the Fujitama Dynasty to have her idea.

In this way, everything can be explained.

An old pervert from the Fujitama Dynasty sneaked into Princess Peach Blossom's cave.

Then he controlled her for his own lust.

And practice with the help of the dragon vein aura here.

Both wealth and sex.

The more Lei Ling thought about it, the more creepy he felt, and his entire body trembled with anger.

He blamed himself immensely.

Why not come and see his grandma sooner?

After so many years, what kind of torture has her grandma become?

"Damn you bastard, no matter who you are, I will kill you and kill your entire family."

Lei Ling clenched his fists and walked towards the inner room step by step.

He is not afraid of that person, after all, this is the holy land of the Fujitama Dynasty, although that person is strong, but he has many means, at worst he can fight for several hours.

As long as there is a fight here, the masters in the Holy Land will be alarmed.

So he was sure that the man didn't dare to make a move.

At best, they would hold Princess Peach Blossom hostage and blackmail Lei Ling.

However, when he stepped into the inner room, he was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is a sea of ​​peach blossoms, and there are peach blossom petals everywhere.

In the center of the sea of ​​flowers, there is a peach blossom tree. Under the tree, a beautiful woman sits cross-legged, with her hands in a handprint, motionless, like a statue.

Circle after circle of pink ripples spread out from her body.

It hit the yin-yang barrier of the yin-yang mirror, causing ripples circle after circle.

"Oh my God, what's going on with this shit?"

Lei Ling stared blankly at all of this, this is not an illusion, he has a body protected by the Purifying Mantra, if it is an illusion, it is impossible for him not to see through it.

What is it here?

Lei Ling thought of a terrible answer.


When a person's cultivation reaches a certain level.

Her spiritual power will have an impact on the surrounding environment.

Over time, a realm that belongs to him can be formed.

The stronger the strength, the larger the boundary will be. When the strength reaches a peak, a small world can be formed.

As the master of the realm, you can change the rules to a certain extent.

Of course, he must abide by these rules himself.

But how is this possible?
In order to form a boundary, the minimum requirement is to achieve half-step supremacy!

The woman under the peach tree is undoubtedly Princess Peach, although she looks younger and more beautiful than before.

But Lei Ling is sure and sure, this is Princess Peach Blossom.

But how long is this!

How did Princess Peach Blossom step into the Supreme Realm?
Even if the world has changed drastically, it is impossible for the cultivation base to rise so fast, right?
Lei Ling was not overjoyed because of the skyrocketing cultivation of Princess Peach Blossom.

Instead, his expression became extremely serious.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!
Lei Ling's lips moved slightly, and he recited the Mantra of Purifying Mind.

His eyes were shining with a milky white light.

After half a quarter of an hour, his brows relaxed a little.

There is no other soul body in Princess Peach Blossom, and she has not been taken away.

But her soul seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Lei Ling closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, then his complexion changed violently again.

The aura that Princess Peach Blossom absorbed was really terrifying.

Before, because of the Fujitama Dynasty crying for poverty, he scolded him for being petty and shameless, and took the opportunity to blackmail him.

But now he knows that he has wrongly blamed the Fujitama Dynasty.

If such a huge spiritual energy consumption continues, even the Fujitama Dynasty will not be able to bear it.

Although he sent a lot of resources before, I'm afraid it can't make up for one-fifth.

"Do you want to go back and ask Qiaoer?"

As soon as this idea appeared in Lei Ling's mind, he was stifled. Jin Qiao'er definitely didn't know about such a bizarre thing.

Perhaps only Lan Ling Muxue, who has been reincarnated forever, knows.

But Lanling Muxue still doesn't know where Gada is.

an hour later
Lei Ling decided to leave first, and went to ask Jin Qiaoer, Elder Tianjian and others.

But just when he got up, he was about to use the magic power of shrinking the ground to an inch and leave this place.

His soul suddenly trembled fiercely, and the blood in his whole body boiled.

Lei Ling's eyes shot out fiercely, and his whole body was icy cold.

"Is this a blood request for help?"

(End of this chapter)

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