My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 413 Looking for Lei Ningxue

Chapter 413 Looking for Lei Ningxue (two chapters in one)
There are five major ethnic groups in the seabed dragon clan, east, west, north, south, and middle.

The sea emperor lives in the middle, and the four dragon kings live on one side, ruling the entire seabed.

In the central sea area, in an underwater palace, a dragonman gleaming with golden light sat cross-legged, comprehending the inheritance of the dragonman family in the palace.

This person is the famous Long Aotian during this time, also known as Lei Ling.

He has been careful to hide his dragon transformation supernatural power, in order to come to the sea dragon clan to bluff and deceive.

The supernatural power of dragon transformation is just a foundation, allowing physical training to transform into a dragon.

Want to really unleash its power.

It is also necessary to learn the supernatural powers of the dragon race.

It is also necessary to enter the Dragon Transformation Dragon Pool to activate the power of blood.

You also need to enter the Dragon Holy Land to condense the Dragon Balls.

Etc., etc.

The genes of dragons are very powerful, so the dragon people are different from many demihumans, they are more like dragons.

Even if they don't change into fighting form, they still have dragon horns on their heads and dragon scales on their bodies.

The more noble the dragon people are, the more obvious the dragon-like nature is.

According to Lei Ling's aesthetics, he doesn't like himself very much.

Although very mighty and domineering, he still likes himself like a little boy.

Especially those noble princesses of the Dragon Race, he originally wanted to try them out, but seeing them, he gave up.

On the contrary, those scumbag dragon girls with low bloodlines can become more human-like, which makes him a little ready to move.

But according to the aesthetics of the Sea Clan, he is so handsome and cool now.

Of course, only they know what the specific situation is.

Now almost every day, many ethnic groups send beautiful women from the clan for him to enjoy.

He didn't refuse at all, favored several of them, but after that he practiced with peace of mind.

With Lei Ling's current status in Nanzhou, do you want any beautiful women?
Each of his personal guards is a top beauty.

Fortunately, those little beauties from the Sea Clan are just trying to make something new.

He came to the Sea Dragon Clan mainly to understand the unique knowledge of the Dragon Clan.

Enter Hualongchi to open the power of blood.

Enter the holy land of the dragon clan and condense the dragon balls.

Let your strength grow rapidly.

He had made this plan a long time ago, but it has not been implemented.

He didn't make up his mind until he returned to the Shikoku Dynasty.

He really wanted to develop insignificantly under the protection of the Wild God Tree and Princess Peach Blossom.

It's just that he really doesn't want to pin his fate on others.

With the opening of the great era, Tianjiao's strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

Soon there will be a state where there are as many supreme beings as dogs, and great saints are walking all over the ground.

At that time, I am afraid that even the wild sacred tree may not be able to protect him.

As for Lanling Muxue, this woman who has lost her head does not know where she is.

After the Great Snow Mountain battle, she completely disappeared from the eyes of the world.

So after thinking twice, Lei Ling still decided to carry out this plan to enhance his own strength.

At the same time, he came here with another very important purpose, which was to find Lei Ningxue.

The bottom of the endless sea belongs to the sea people, and the islands belong to the ten thousand people.

The forces here are very complex.

It's that hodgepodge state.

The people here are very strong, the seabed is rich in resources, and the aura is abundant.

The various forces abide by the ancient contract, rarely wage wars, and do not interfere with the Sea Clan, so they have developed rapidly.

They didn't take part in the Great War of the Ancients, and they didn't welcome all the land races.

So Lei Ling needs the identity of the sea dragon race.

The dragon people are very noble, and the forces on the island will give them a certain amount of respect and will not offend them.

After all, the Sea Clan is the real master of the sea.

During this period of time, he once again showed his lifelike eyes, and was adopted as a adopted son by the Emperor of the Sea, and obtained a fief of a small sea area.

There are also a large number of sea people under his command for his help.

No way, his pedigree is too high.

If he was an ordinary five-clawed golden dragon, it would definitely not be so smooth.

But he got the blood essence of a real dragon.

Even without opening the power of the bloodline and condensing the dragon balls, the power of his bloodline is no less than that of the Dragon Prince.

If everything is done, it must be above Prince Long.

Of course, if he is a real dragon.

In fact, he is not that awesome, after all, he is not a real dragon man after all.

During this period of time, in addition to comprehending the profound meaning of the dragon clan, he was collecting information from all parties.

In order to avoid being suspected, it was impossible for him to collect information on Lei Ningxue alone.

It is even more impossible to mobilize the Sea Clan to find Lei Ningxue's whereabouts.

He can only choose from the vast amount of information by himself.

Fortunately, Lei Ningxue is unparalleled, so it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

This time he didn't bring Shi Yu, Jin Qiaoer and others, not even the Eternal Shenzhou.

Just brought Xiao Taotao and Lilith.

Xiao Taotao was placed in the Tower of Storms by him, and Lilith was hidden in his clothes.

Xiao Taotao felt a little wronged by this.

But there was no way, Lei Ling couldn't let her leave his side.

It's too dangerous outside, especially in this endless sea.

He must bring Xiao Taotao.

"My great master, you are really the smartest person in the world. The humble Lilith was stunned by the foolish tricks you played around."

Lilith's voice sounded in Lei Ling's mind.

Lei Ling still likes this sycophant very much.

If it were Jin Qiaoer, that silly girl, I would definitely say that you are the most shameless liar in the world.

"Lilith, it's okay for you to go into the Tower of Storms to play with Taotao! It's boring for her to be inside alone."

"Oh! My great master, the humble Lilith is not worthy, I don't even have the qualifications to look at that adult, I will be smashed to pieces, I will be wiped out."

"Okay, okay, stop talking."

Lei Ling was very impatient, this goblin was really too wordy.

"What shall we do now?"

Lei Ling fell into hesitation. During this time, he had found some clues.

For example, when the world changed drastically, a woman named Bai Ruoxue was born in Endless Haitianlan Palace.

After snatching several big opportunities, his strength increased dramatically.

This origin is very mysterious, there are rumors that she came from land.

Could this person be Lei Ningxue?
Another example is that not long ago, a woman in a purple shirt wiped out three or four sects by herself with a single sword. She used the thunder spirit technique.

She has been hunted down by a big sect, but she has not been caught so far.

When the world changed drastically, she also appeared and snatched an opportunity.

This woman could also be Lei Ningxue.

There are many more suspects.

This is a great era of Taoism.

Tianjiao came out in large numbers, and the world was turned upside down.

Now whenever Lei Ling sees the female Tianjiao, he thinks she is Lei Ningxue.

It has even developed to the point where after seeing the deeds of some male geniuses, they think he is Lei Ningxue. After all, Lei Ningxue can disguise herself as a man.

In order to avoid being suspected, he could not send someone to investigate.

You can only go by yourself.

But now he still has to comprehend the profound meaning of the Dragon Clan, and there are still so many things to do in the future.

He doesn't know when his identity will be revealed.

His time is very precious.

But if he didn't go, what if the person who was hunted down was Lei Ningxue?
After all, when she left, she seemed to want revenge or something.

What if she was hacked to death?
After hesitating for a long time, Lei Ling slowly stood up and left the underwater ruins.

In the end, he decided to look for Lei Ningxue first.

Endless Sea, Tianyue Islands.

This place belongs to Tianlan Palace.

The island is relatively prosperous, except for the disciples of Tianlan Palace, there are other ethnic groups.

Now in terms of physique and talent, the human race is inferior to many races.

But in terms of mind, the human race can definitely crush most races.

In terms of creation and enjoyment, almost no race can compare with the human race.

The Endless Sea is no different than the land. All the races here are more harmonious and not so hostile.

All ethnic groups like to come to the human city to consume, relax, and trade.

Lei Ling's first stop was Tianlan Palace, to see if this was his little aunt.

Lei Ling is now the adopted son of the Emperor of the Sea, that is, the prince of the Dragon Clan.

Traveling is naturally full of pomp.

He was sitting on the extremely luxurious dragon, carried by dozens of sea clan masters, and guarded by hundreds of personal guards.

On the left and right are dozens of beautiful girls of various ethnic groups.

A group of people rushed out of the sea arrogantly and entered the Tianyue Islands.

When the city guard saw his dragon rushing towards him, he didn't stop him or interrogate him, but he didn't show much respect either.

After all, this is above the surface of the sea, not the bottom of the sea.

And there are too many great people here.

They are used to it.

Entering the city, Lei Ling took a look at the city while the team was marching.

Sure enough, it is very prosperous, and there are many different races.

He even discovered the Tianxian Building.

It really shocked him.

Has the Tianxian Tower developed to this point?

How powerful is this force?

Lei Ling didn't go directly to Tianlan Palace, although in his capacity, entering Tianlan Palace, or even letting him come to see him directly is enough.

But that would be too abrupt.

would arouse suspicion.

According to the information, not long ago, when fighting for a chance, Bai Ruoxue killed a Tianjiao from Beidou Palace.

This Tianjiao's sister gave her a challenge.

Calculating the time, tomorrow he will come to fight her.

This woman is also a remarkable woman.

The name is Wang Jing, although the name is a bit common, but she is the peerless arrogance of Beidou Palace.

Moreover, this woman has long sleeves, is good at dancing, has a beautiful appearance, and has many suitors.

It was precisely after receiving this news that Lei Ling rushed over.

It's just that I didn't expect these people to be so fast, and they came a day early.

In Tianxian Tower, Lei Ling sat in a private room, watching the performance below.

Beside him, several stunning maids accompanied him.

These are all beauties sent by various ethnic groups, and each of them is one in a million.

And they are some of the best.

It made Tianxianlou's mother, Sang, dare not show up to introduce the girl to Lei Ling.

There was a burst of cursing in my heart, are you here to mess things up?
You still bring your own girls when you go shopping in Hualou!
"This person must be His Highness Long Aotian."

A voice came slowly, and Lei Ling looked for his reputation, only to see a young man in the opposite private room offering him a glass of wine from the air.

Lei Ling nodded, drank the wine handed over by the maid and asked aloud:

"I don't know if you are"

"I am a disciple of Biyou Palace, Xu Pengyun, and I have met His Highness Long Aotian."

Xu Pengyun stood up and saluted Lei Ling slightly, showing great respect.

Hearing the words Bi You Gong, Lei Ling couldn't help but tremble all over!
This is the giant in the list of gods!

He also has some understanding of this force, although it cannot be the Biyou Palace in the list of gods.

But it is also very powerful in the endless sea.

It is already a top power.

And this Xu Pengyun is also very good.

Legend has it that he belongs to the Kunpeng family and has the blood of Kunpeng in his body.

From heaven to earth, omnipotent.

This is a super Daozi-level character.

There was a record: "Kunpeng soared nine days, looking for fine nectar to drink, and chasing dragons to eat."

Of course, this does not mean that Kunpeng is the nemesis of dragons.

In real terms, the Kunpeng clan cannot defeat the Dragon clan.

It's just that if Kunpeng devours the dragon, then he will transform.

This situation is also the same among demihumans.

So the Kunpeng people were almost wiped out by the sea dragon people.

Only a very small portion remains.

So this Xu Pengyun should be Lei Ling's enemy.

Lei Ling couldn't help feeling horrified, he felt that Xu Pengyun looked at him as if he was watching a delicious meal.

He is a five-clawed golden dragon-level dragonman with noble blood, and he is still the one who stands on the top of the pyramid.

If this Xu Pengyun can hunt him down.

Then he will definitely undergo some kind of terrible transformation, and his strength will increase dramatically.

As if guessing what Lei Ling was thinking, Xu Pengyun smiled slightly:
"Your Highness, don't worry, the dragon people dominate the bottom of the sea, even if I lend my courage, I wouldn't dare to do anything to you."

This is true.

A long time ago, the Kunpeng people and the Dragon people had a non-harm treaty.

Later, a Kunpeng tribe broke the treaty and secretly preyed on the dragonmen.

After the incident, the dragon people were furious, and then they wiped out the Kunpeng people.

The few remaining survivors naturally did not dare to attack the dragon people anymore, otherwise their Kunpeng race would be completely extinct.

But now is the great era for Daozi to fight for the top.

Just because I didn't dare before, doesn't mean I don't dare now.

Lei Ling didn't believe his nonsense.

With a sneer, he ignored him.

Xu Pengyun was not angry either, and after sitting down again, he was still drinking fine wine glass by glass.

His gaze fell on Lei Ling vaguely.

Seeing Lei Ling's hair standing on end.

If he wasn't worried that he couldn't beat this bastard, he would have shot him to death.

"Hmph! The next time you meet Mu Xue, you must file a complaint and let her come over and chop you to pieces."

Lei Ling thought shamelessly in his heart.

Suddenly, a masked woman in white appeared in front of his eyes.

This woman's skin was like snow, and her figure was graceful. An incomparably familiar feeling hit Lei Ling's heart.

His whole body was like being struck by five thunderbolts.

He didn't move, just watched the woman leave.

Even his complexion quickly returned to normal.

But my heart is still overwhelmed.

"Could it be her? Did she run to the endless sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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