My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 414 The Duel Begins

Chapter 414 The Duel Begins (Chapter [-] in [-])
the next day, early morning

After Lei Ling finished washing up under the service of the maid, he entered Tianlan Palace, and then went directly to the martial arts arena.

When he arrived, there were already many people outside the arena.

Both Bai Ruoxue and Wang Jing were well-known and stunningly beautiful, so they attracted many talented people to watch the battle.

Lei Ling's status was distinguished, so he was assigned to a VIP table.

There are two people in this kind of VIP seat, and I don't know what the hell is going on in Tianlan Palace.

When Lei Ling arrived at his VIP seat under the guidance of Tianlan Palace to receive his disciples, he unexpectedly saw Xu Pengyun.

"His Royal Highness, we meet again."

Xu Pengyun cupped his hands at him with a smile on his face.

Lei Ling's eyes turned cold, and then he smiled slightly:
"Yeah, brother Pengyun and I have some sort of fate."

He didn't ask to change seats, but sat down directly.

Although Lei Ling didn't really want to provoke Xu Pengyun, he wasn't afraid of him either.

Since he provoked him again and again, Lei Ling would not be polite anymore.

He had already started to think about how to kill this guy.

Lei Ling didn't care if he planned to devour him or not, as long as there was a possibility, he would act first.

Nip all danger in the cradle.

But now he has more important things to do.

The woman he met in Tianxian Tower yesterday.

Although she was wearing a veil, she was very far away from Lei Ling.

But Lei Ling felt a very familiar aura from her.

It was a trembling from the depths of the soul.

Bai Xian'er or Bai Bing.

Since she escaped with Feng Xingyu, Lei Ling has been asking Anbu's people to track her down with all her strength.

But it has not been found.

Unexpectedly, she actually entered the endless sea.

No wonder he couldn't find it no matter how much he spent.

Then why Lei Ling was so sure when he saw her?
Bai Bing said before that Bai Xian'er injected a huge amount of divine and soul power into his body.

At that time, he was still very weak, and the power of the soul seemed to be exhausted, so he didn't feel it.

Now he is very powerful, and his comprehension of the mind-purifying mantra has reached a not low level.

So I found some traces of Bai Xian'er left in his body, and even some free soul power.

These soul powers include Bai Xian'er's, Bai Bing's, and two other types.

Lei Ling had a guess before.

That sword venerable might have been wiped out by the power of the soul that Bai Xian'er left in his body.

Back then when he was plotted against, Bai Xian'er extracted Bai Bing's massive soul power to save himself.

Perhaps there is still a guardian left in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It is even possible that Bai Xian'er did not wipe out the soul attack of the person who plotted against him at that time.

Instead it was sealed, or some sort of stalemate was formed.

Then Venerable Sword wanted to take him away, but the three parties died together.

As for why he was not eliminated when he crossed over, the reason is also very simple.

Lei Ling in this world is his clone. Theoretically speaking, the two have the same root and origin, and they are basically the same person.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between them is not a seizing relationship, but a fusion.

That's why Lei Ling said at that time, if this matter is true, then he owes Bai Xian'er a huge favor.

Fortunately, he discovered these remaining soul powers and sealed them to protect them, otherwise Bai Bing would have discovered him.

If his identity was revealed at this time, no one would be able to save him.

The Sea Clan will definitely beat them to pieces, then beat them to death.

It has to be said that Lei Ling's caution saved him once again.

As for the possibility that Bai Xian'er took control of her body, it can basically be ruled out.

Because if Bai Xian'er came out, she would definitely go back to Lei Ling.

Instead of hiding in the endless sea like now.

"I don't know what level Bai Bing's current strength has reached?

She is a crippled Daozi, and that body is not hers, so she shouldn't be too strong after all, right? "

Lei Ling thought in his heart that his status is very embarrassing now.

Everything he owns now is based on his dragon identity.

So you can't just find someone to arrest Bai Bing, after all, they have never met.

Everyone is not a fool. Once this matter spreads, someone will definitely investigate from Bai Bing.

It will be found on him later.

It was found that he was a physical trainer.

It was found that he had eaten Hualong fruit.

It was found that he had entered the swamp dragon clan.

Then his identity may be exposed soon.

So Lei Ling had to do it himself, and he had to hit it with one blow.

"Your Highness Aotian, do you have any troubles with your frowning face?

You might as well say it, maybe Pengyun can share your worries for you. "

Xu Pengyun suddenly said with a smile.

"I'm wondering which one should I marry, Bai Ruoxue or Wang Jing."


Xu Pengyun was stunned by what Lei Ling said directly, and many people also cast their eyes on Lei Ling. They were all people with advanced cultivation.

Although Lei Ling didn't speak loudly, he could hear everything clearly.

Lei Ling frowned, and asked with displeasure:

"What? Is my majestic dragon prince not good enough for them?"

Everyone looked away resentfully, with contempt in their hearts.

Everyone knows that dragons are inherently obscene.

But is it not enough for you to play with so many beauties of the Sea Clan?
He even got the idea of ​​the arrogant beauty on the sea.

And he said it so arrogantly.

Where did your self-cultivation as a dragonman royal family go?

Where did your integrity go?

"Sure enough, a country bumpkin."

"Hmph, I don't know how he entered the endless sea alive."

"A shameless person like him should be skinned and boned, and used to refine alchemy,"

Everyone cursed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out, after all, this is the prince of the Dragon Clan.

Although he is only a adopted son, he cannot be offended.

After Xu Pengyun's brief astonishment, he chuckled:
"His Highness Aotian is really a man of temperament. If you have to choose one, I suggest you choose Bai Ruoxue."

Lei Ling subconsciously asked, "Oh? Why?"

"Bai Ruoxue is still a virgin, pure and flawless. Although Wang Jing is beautiful, she is not. Mmm. And her private life is relatively rampant."

Xu Pengyun said wretchedly.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has an affair with Wang Jing.

Lei Ling rolled his eyes and said with disdain:
"Oh? Unexpectedly, His Highness Aotian is also a fellow!"

Xu Pengyun's eyes lit up, and his previous image of a muddled young man was instantly shattered.

It was replaced by a libertine look, even with some wretchedness:
"Damn, buddy, you work in Tianxian Tower, right?"

Lei Ling was overwhelmed by this guy, but the hostility towards him in his heart had subsided a lot.

Judging by this guy's posture, it doesn't seem like he wants to be his enemy.

"clang clang"

Before Xu Pengyun could speak, a bell rang.

The decisive battle is about to begin.

I don't agree with Lei Ling and Zhan Tian, ​​they are deciding the outcome as well as life and death, so they entered the stage of life and death.

But Bai Ruoxue and Wang Jing are not.

The two of them haven't reached that point yet. If they are top talents like them, even if they die, they will die on the way of looking for opportunities and fighting for opportunities.

Instead of dying on the stage of life and death.

Of course, although it is not a life-and-death fight, the two sides also have a bet.

If Bai Ruoxue lost, then Wang Jing's younger brother would have to be clothed in mourning and guard the mausoleum for three years.

But if Wang Jing lost, she would have to kneel outside Canglan Palace for three days and three nights.

It has to be said that these two people are ruthless people.

"Huh! Huh!"

Two figures, one red and one white, flew into the arena from two different directions.

Lei Ling's eyes shrank sharply, that white figure had a graceful figure, skin as white as snow, and a veil on his face.

It was the woman he met in Tianxian Tower yesterday.

Bai Xianer!
"It turned out to be her?"

Lei Ling's heart trembled slightly. Although he had guessed this before, he couldn't help being a little surprised after confirming it.

I didn't expect Bai Bing to mix so well.

It seems that she has also had adventures in these years.

Bai Ruoxue seemed to have noticed something, she frowned slightly, and glanced at Lei Ling, but she retracted it instantly.

Xu Pengyun took a panoramic view of all this and said with a light smile:
"It seems that His Highness Aotian still likes to be pure and flawless."

"This is a man, this is life."

Lei Ling leaned back on the chair, and pulled a maid beside him into his arms.

The maid's face was reddish and she was a little shy, but she still fed him fruit very obediently.


Almost everyone cursed these two words secretly in their hearts.

After calming down the agitation in his heart, Lei Ling took a look at Wang Jing.

This woman is very beautiful, and gives people a very coquettish feeling.

Her clothes are very hot, small leather pants, small bust.

Large expanses of snow-white skin were exposed outside.

There is not a little bit of fat on the belly, and the small waist is almost at the level of a water snake.

A pair of big white legs can almost blind people's eyes.

Of course, Lei Ling wasn't very interested in such a coquettish woman.

Can this woman be more enchanting than Qing Ruby?
Seemingly aware of Lei Ling's disdainful gaze, Wang Jing's face became even more gloomy.

She stared at Bai Ruoxue fiercely, and said coldly:
"Bai Ruoxue, let everyone see if you are really as flawless as the legends say."

Bai Ruoxue still stood there quietly and did not reply.

This made Wang Jing even more angry. She took out a red flute and blew it gently.

The sound of the flute is melodious and pleasant, but it makes people feel creepy.

In an instant, a large number of snakes emerged from her body. These snakes were red all over and had fleshy wings, which was very strange.

As the sound of the flute continued to sound, there were more and more snakes.

"I'll go! This nima is a snake girl? No wonder her waist is so thin."

Lei Ling couldn't help swallowing, he felt that he was about to suffer from trypophobia.

"These snakes are ancient flying fire meteor snakes. They are fast, have high attacks, and are highly poisonous. They can also use fire and thunder attacks.

It was obtained by Wang Jing from an ancient relic, and it is very powerful. "

Xu Pengyun explained with a smile.

"A mere little snake, dare to pretend to be a wave in front of my Dragon Clan?"

Lei Ling snorted softly, and the bodies of those Flying Fire Meteor Snakes trembled so violently that they all fell to the ground.

Wang Jing was so angry that she almost vomited blood. I know you like Bai Ruoxue, but you can't be so shameless, right?

The elders of Tianlan Palace also looked very ugly, and said:
"Your Highness Aotian, please don't interfere with the duel."

"What are you doing? My prince has just come to the Endless Sea. Recently, he has practiced a lot of the unique skills of the dragon clan. He has taken the treasures of heaven and earth, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. What happened if he couldn't control his breath in a moment of excitement?"

Lei Ling said forcefully.

There is nothing wrong with what he said, it is more troublesome to hide the breath.

Even top experts will reveal their breath when they are emotional.

Especially after breaking through the realm, it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.

In fact, it was nothing at all, the main purpose of hiding the aura was to prevent others from discovering him.

But it's different now, Lei Ling is a dragonman, and a five-clawed golden dragon-level dragonman of noble blood.

These snakes felt his breath, so they would naturally be afraid.

And just now he obviously did it on purpose, if not for his aloof identity, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

The elder of Tianlan Palace sighed helplessly, made a handprint with both hands, and opened a barrier.

Bai Ruoxue glanced at Lei Ling in disgust, not only did she not appreciate Lei Ling, but she felt disgusted in her heart.

She turned her wrist, and a snow-white long sword appeared in her hand.

In an instant, the temperature in the arena dropped rapidly.

The ground, centered on her, began to freeze.

"Humph! A little trick of carving insects."

Wang Jing snorted coldly, and continued to play the jade flute in her hand.

Thousands of snakes swam around and quickly surrounded Bai Ruoxue. They spewed out flames from their mouths, rapidly raising the temperature inside.

The ice on the ground is no longer spreading.

A large number of flying fire meteor snakes flew into the air, and spit out terrifying lightning bolts at Bai Ruoxue.

Bai Ruoxue swung the long sword in her hand to block the lightning attack.

At this moment, the flying snake on the ground also attacked her.

Some spit fire, some sprayed poison, and some even rushed towards Bai Ruoxue directly.

These snakes are extremely fast, even faster than the lightning they spit out.

Bai Ruoxue's brows were almost knit together.

She displayed a set of beautiful sword formulas, forming a defensive zone five feet around her.

Although she defended against this intensive attack, everyone could see that she was struggling very hard.

"Hey! This seems to be a kind of snake array!"

Although Lei Ling appeared calm on the surface, he was still very worried in his heart.

Whether it's Bai Bing or Bai Xian'er, he doesn't want to see her get hurt.

"Your Highness has good eyesight. This is what Wang Jing got from the ruins. It's interesting."

Xu Pengyun smiled slightly. In his eyes, this powerful ancient snake formation was just interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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