My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 456 Receive a little princess

Chapter 456 Receive a little princess (two chapters in one)
The realm of life and death, to put it bluntly, is a secret realm.

The strong men of the human race and the sea race each opened a temporary passage, made some arrangements in it, and then let their respective talents enter it to fight.

Tang Xuening pretended to follow Lei Ling and entered the transmission channel smoothly.

The location of each transmission of the channel is random.

Two individuals form a unit.

The two of Lei Ling were teleported to a lake.

The lake water is clear and transparent, exuding a trace of aura.

"This place is very good. It is full of spiritual energy and the environment is beautiful. It is a good place for practice."

Lei Ling peeked at Tang Xuening from the corner of his eye, thinking whether he should capture her now.

"Little villain, don't make bad ideas, it's dangerous here, don't say that you may not be able to do anything to me, even if you can, without me, you will be unable to move a single step."

Tang Xuening gave him a white look, walked lightly with lotus steps, and walked to the lake, took off her shoes to reveal a pair of white and tender feet, and put them in the water to play.

Lei Ling was speechless for a while, thinking that there might be something wrong with this girl's mind.

"Little girl, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

Lei Ling walked to her side, sat down with her back to back, leaned on her jade back and sighed:
"You are a very interesting woman, I don't want to do anything to you, I have hurt a girl before, and I regret it.

Can you stop pushing me? "

"Hehe, does my body look good?"

Tang Xuening chuckled.

Lei Ling's whole body trembled, his scalp went numb, and his hair stood on end.

This girl actually recognized him?

How is this possible?

Maybe she wasn't referring to the previous incident, but the matter of looking at her herself?

He tried to stay calm, waiting for Tang Xuening's next words.

However, just when Tang Xuening opened her mouth to continue.

The surrounding aura suddenly rioted.

In the sky, Taoist majesty hangs down, blocking the space and suppressing the world.

"Yo, it's really little princess Xue Ning! I didn't expect you to come here."

A slightly obscene voice came over.

Lei Ling looked around looking for his reputation, and couldn't help but feel a shudder in his heart.

At some point, there were already more than a dozen people in the sky.

They sacrificed their natal spiritual soldiers and sealed off this space.

And these people are all human, judging from their clothes, they are all from Beizhou.

Lei Ling narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that things might not be as simple as they appeared on the surface.

He might have been tricked by Tang Xuening.

"Hmph, it's really lingering, and there are people of yours here."

Tang Xuening's face was frosty, she stood up, and looked coldly at the group of people in the sky:

"Qin Feng, do you think you can deal with me with just a few of you?"

The man named Qin Feng laughed and said:
"We are not cats or dogs, Princess Xue Ning, you can try it, it will make you want to die."

"Then what, I have nothing to do with this girl, you hit you, my mother told me to go home for dinner."

Lei Ling turned around and wanted to leave, he didn't want to play some kind of hero to save the beauty.

Judging by the current situation, something must have happened to Beizhou.

He's not interested in meddling.

Now quickly find a place where no one is around, turn into the appearance of the Dragon Prince, and find Qian Baobao and the others.

"Boy, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave. We want to keep this matter a secret, so we can only trouble you to save your life."

Qin Feng and others surrounded the two of them and sneered.

"Lei Ling, help me, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Tang Xuening's voice also rang in Lei Ling's mind.

Lei Ling was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Tang Xuening in astonishment.

This girl actually recognized him.

What's up with this Nima?
"Do it."

With Qin Feng's order, the seventeen Tianjiao made their moves one after another, performing many spiritual spells.

Tang Xuening took out an umbrella, the umbrella spun gently, snowflakes fell, enveloping Lei Ling and her.

Those spirit spells hit it without causing any damage.

Lei Ling's eyes were cold, and he scolded his mother in his heart. In this situation, he could only kill this group of people first, and then interrogate Tang Xuening.

He used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and instantly appeared behind a female cultivator. His hands turned into dragon claws, tore apart her armor, and grabbed her heart out.

The dragon clan's unique skill, grab the milk dragon's hand!No, it's the heart-drawing dragon's gripper.


Everyone's complexion changed drastically. No one expected that Tang Xuening's little follower was actually a dragonman, and a very powerful dragonman at that.

"Since you are looking for death, then die for me."

Lei Ling's body turned into a dragon and soared into the sky.

The Shenlong was extremely ferocious, and spit out the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Flame at the group of people.


Qin Feng and the others cursed inwardly, and took out their defensive shields one after another, resisting and dodging at the same time.

Tang Xuening was also unambiguous.

The big umbrella in his hand turned into a long sword, and he used mysterious sword tactics to attack and kill everyone.

"Tang Xuening, you actually cheated on the Dragon Clan, good, good, good, you are dead, you are dead."

Qin Feng laughed loudly, and he sacrificed the ice tower in his hand to attack Lei Ling.

Lei Ling's dragon claws grabbed it, and the power of the shock surged, breaking the ice tower into pieces.


The natal spirit weapon was destroyed, Qin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, and he looked at Lei Ling in horror.

The whole person was petrified.

Crush a spirit soldier with one claw?
Who is this man!
The others were also dumbfounded.

Feeling withdrawn.

The strength of this dragon man is too cruel.

Tang Xuening's heart was also turned upside down.

She didn't know that Lei Ling could transform into a dragon!

She almost didn't cry directly.

How would she explain it now?

If this gets out, the fact that she colluded with the dragon people may be confirmed.

At that time, her end will definitely be very miserable.

Thinking of this, she directly used the two injury secret techniques.

Sacrifice Shouyuan, no matter how much it costs, she will keep these people here.

"Tang Xuening is already the prince's woman. My Dragon Clan will support her to be the queen of Beizhou in the future. Why don't you wait for the ants to bow down quickly?"

The sound of Lei Ling is like a great bell, shocking people's hearts and coercing all beings.

Tang Xuening almost cried because of him.

This is to force her to die!

"Tang Xuening, you are willing to degenerate yourself. Even if I live or die today, I will expose your crimes to the world."

Seeing that almost all the people on his side had been killed, Qin Feng knew that the general situation was over, so he used the secret technique of two wounds to forcibly increase his strength.

Then he sprinkled out the all over the sky communication talisman, trying to send the things here.

Tang Xuening was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder burst.

The long sword in his hand instantly turned into a big umbrella, sealing off the world. In the sky, heavy snow fell, and the temperature plummeted, freezing all the communication symbols into ice cubes.

Those ice crystals and snowflakes spun rapidly and shuttled through this space at high speed.

Cut everyone into mincemeat.

The snowflakes hit Lei Ling's Shenlong body, which actually made Lei Ling feel pain.

With a cold snort, he regained his human form, and the fire of divine punishment spread all over his body, melting all the snowflakes that shot over.


After solving everything, Tang Xuening let out a long sigh, but she didn't let the matter get worse.

But when she saw Lei Ling, her face paled instantly.

Because Lei Ling was holding a handful of communication symbols in his hand.

"do not want!"

Tang Xuening screamed, but how could Lei Ling listen to her?
He threw the communication talisman in his hand directly.

The communication talisman lost control, and the power on it exploded again, flying in all directions.

Tang Xuening sat down on the ground.

The whole person was stunned.

"It's over, it's over, I'm over, woohoo, I'm over, scoundrel, Lei Ling, you bastard, I was killed by you, you killed me."

Tang Xuening squatted on the ground, breaking down and crying loudly.

While collecting Qin Feng and others' belongings one by one, Lei Ling operated the Wanhua Chaos Art to absorb the free energy around him.

Very comfortable.

Because Tang Xuening was worried that her collusion with the dragon people would leak out, she used the two-injury secret technique and made many big moves.

It is now disabled.

He could kill her anytime.

There is nothing to worry about anymore.

"Hey, don't cry so much, tell me quickly, how did you know my identity?"

After finishing everything, Lei Ling walked up to Tang Xuening and kicked her.

"Woooooo, you bastard, you killed me, get out, I don't want to talk to you."

Princess Tang Xuening lost her temper, she moved her body, and pointed the back of her head at Lei Ling.

Lei Ling became angry instantly.

Who does this girl think she is?

He screwed her up when he went up, sealed her cultivation base, slapped her seven or eight big mouths, and directly beat Tang Xuening into a daze.

Lei Ling grabbed her by the neck and said coldly:
"Little bitch, who the hell do you think you are? Acting like this young master? Believe it or not, I'll strip you naked and throw you into the beggar pile?"


Tang Xuening cried even louder:
"You are shameless, you are shameless, you peek at me in the shower and hit me, you hit me on the mouth, I will fight you."

She kicked and hit Lei Ling, just like a shrew, relentless.

"Damn it, I can't cure you anymore."

Lei Ling crackled and slapped her again, and finally threw her to the ground and kicked her.

The beating made Tang Xuening scream.

In the end, he finally succumbed to Master Lei's lust.

Lei Ling twisted her, found a cave, set up a barrier, and threw her to the ground casually.

"Tell me, how did you recognize me?"

Lei Ling took out a chair and sat in front of Tang Xuening, stepped on her back, and asked in a cold voice.

A woman's tears are worthless, Tang Xuening is a mysterious and eccentric woman.

Lei Ling would not be fooled by her.

If it wasn't for his ability to fight, he might have been killed by this guy.

"Hey, you big villain, you peeked at me taking a shower and gave me a gold coin, I... I have a secret treasure that can identify you through it.

That... I recognized you that day, but you are from Lanling Muxue, so I dare not mess with you.

My secret treasure sensed you when you entered Hero City. I am in big trouble and want to go to your place to hide.

After all, you are from Lanling Muxue, and you are still so powerful in Nanzhou. I will come back when the matter here is resolved.

I really didn't want to hurt you, but now I was killed by you.

You are heartless, I have shown you all, and you still hurt me, woo woo. "

As she spoke, Tang Xuening began to cry again.

Lei Ling frowned and thought for a while.

The doubts in my heart were solved.

No wonder Tang Xuening kept pestering her, it turned out that she recognized her and wanted to take refuge with her!

He retracted a little embarrassed, and stepped on Tang Xuening's body.

I feel like I'm going too far.

Tang Xuening treated him pretty well.

She is the little princess of Beizhou, the number one beauty in Beizhou.

There are many forces at play.

If you want to deal with him, you can.

The North State is much stronger than the South State.

However, instead of dealing with herself, she didn't even embarrass Nanzhou.

This time, he ran to her place alone.

She didn't do anything to herself either.

He also had a little ambiguity with himself.

And he not only beat her into a pig's head, but also wounded her all over.

This is a little embarrassing.

"Okay, don't cry, get up, I won't beat you, tell me, what kind of trouble did you encounter?"

Lei Ling pulled her up and used his life returning supernatural powers to heal her injuries.

Tang Xuening was overjoyed, and thought:

"Hmph! Have you been hooked? Men are all virtuous, and when they see a crying, pitiful and beautiful little girl, their hearts soften."

If Lei Ling knew what this guy was thinking right now, he would have kicked her flying, and beat her until her mother didn't even recognize her.

"The Dragon Clan invaded, my Northern State was in chaos, and some people put pressure on our royal family and wanted to marry me, so my father naturally disagreed.

But that person has a powerful force behind him, and he has supported the third prince, Tang Xiong, who is about to seize power.

Now that someone has set off to catch me, I want to hide in the realm of life and death first.

I was planning to pull Tang Yuan together, oh!Tang Yuan is the idiot you killed.

When I met you later, I didn't expect Qin Feng to know about it. It seems that he has received a secret message. "

Tang Xuening spoke intermittently.

Lei Ling discerned in his heart whether what she said was true or not.

I think it should be true, but there must be something hidden.

I'm afraid it's not just as simple as forcing a marriage, but Qin Feng wants her life!
Of course, Lei Ling didn't care about these things either.

"Okay, since this is the case, then I will kill you and it will be over."

Lei Ling pulled out a shiny watermelon knife and said with a smile:

"Of course, if you're still a virgin, I can open a package for you so that you can taste what it's like to be a woman before you die.

It's not in vain for us to get to know each other. "


Tang Xuening was dumbfounded again, isn't it good not to talk?

Why are you going to kill her?
Are you kidding me?
Do not!no!

Although Lei Ling didn't have a murderous look on him right now.

But Tang Xuening knew that he really wanted to kill herself.

"No, Brother Ling."

Tang Xuening immediately started acting coquettishly, she sat on Lei Ling's lap, put her arms around his neck, exhaled like blue and said:
"You've seen them all. I'll be your woman, okay? Don't kill me, okay?"

"I don't want to kill you either! But who made you see through my identity?"

Lei Ling stretched out his hand and pinched Tang Xuening's tender and fair cheeks, laughing so hard that her heart trembled.

"Hmph! Scoundrel, tell me, how can I spare my life, anyway, I have become a traitor who colluded with the dragon people now, and I am homeless."

Tang Xuening snorted softly, and left Lei Ling's embrace.

"Well, I can save your life, but you will be my slave girl."

Lei Ling took out a light golden contract from the storage ring:

"Sign it and you'll live, my SS needs a captain and I'll let you do it if you do well.

It's easy to talk about resources. "

"Is this the Emperor's contract? I... I won't sign it, and I won't sign it even if I die."

Tang Xuening recognized the contract at a glance.

Frightened Huarong pale.

The so-called Renhuang contract is the contract used by the Yellow Emperor.

The legend is handed down from the age of mythology.

It is extremely restrictive.

Although in the great era.

This kind of contract is not unbreakable by force.

But it's hard!Very difficult!

And after signing, she will be obedient to Lei Ling.

As long as Lei Ling ordered, she would immediately execute it.

Is this still available?

By the time she can forcibly break the contract, the girl will have already become a sister-in-law.

Maybe the baby will know how to make soy sauce.

If Lei Ling has any perverted hobbies, then
Tang Xuening didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I only have two of this contract, don't be ignorant of good and bad."

Lei Ling snorted coldly, he found this Emperor's Contract in Xuanyuan Wentian's treasure.

It needs the blood of the five elements spirit body to activate.

Tang Xuening's strength is not weak, and when Beizhou calms down, he will be able to mobilize a lot of Beizhou's strength in the future.

That's why Lei Ling gave her one.

Otherwise, her fate would be to be picked up by Lei Ling, and then sucked and fucked.

(End of this chapter)

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