My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 457 Tang Xuening's Ability

Chapter 457 Tang Xuening's Ability
The realm of life and death, the nameless cave.

Lei Ling lay on the big soft bed, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Tang Xuening was giving him a massage with a face of reluctance, her pouting lips could hang oil bottles.

She finally signed the contract.

No way, if you don't sign, you will die!

And he will definitely die extremely miserable.

Lei Ling was notoriously ruthless.

The human emperor's contract is not as perverted as the god-devil contract.

Although Tang Xuening could not resist Lei Ling's order.

But still have their own thinking.

This is also one of the reasons why Tang Xuening was willing to sign.

"Tang Xiaoniu, do you know how to read minds? And what is your secret treasure?
My breath should have changed, how can you still recognize me? "

Lei Ling yawned and asked casually.

"It's not mind reading, it's just the ability to perceive other people's good and evil and emotional changes.

That treasure is called Wanbianqianji.

It can break the illusion of the world, and can go directly to the origin of things. Master, the breath I collect does not come from your body, but from your soul.

Hmm. Although I don't know how you did it, your soul power has also changed attributes, but the essence of your soul will not change. If it changes, you will not be you. "

"Huh? Is this easy to tell?"

Lei Ling was startled, if others can tell the difference, then it's all right?
Tang Xuening snorted proudly:
"Of course it's not easy, even in this great era where Taoists are fighting for the top, few people can tell the difference.

In fact, I'm not too sure, um. Originally, there were only four levels of confidence, but didn't you make a move at that time, not only for physical training, but also for being so strong.

I was [-]% sure, and after sensing your emotional changes, I was [-]% sure.

Then I tried it out, you."

Speaking of this, the smart Tang Xuening stuck out her tongue, and dared not speak any more.

Because she clearly felt that Lei Ling seemed a little unhappy.

This is also normal, who would be happy if someone plotted against them?

Especially Lei Ling is still cautious.

She is now in Lei Ling's hands. If this guy is unhappy, his animal nature is still light. If he plays with her perverted things, she will be miserable.

Lei Ling yawned: "Miss Tang, stay at my side at ease, don't have any wrong thoughts.

Although this young master doesn't mind forcing others to sleep with me.

But it is generally not forced on the people around you.

Of course, if you have a different heart, you must have understood the methods of this young master. "

"How could it be, master, you are so handsome, so fierce, so awesome, how dare I betray you!"

Tang Xuening hurriedly complimented him, but she was already scolding her in her heart.

Do not force?Don't force you to touch my mother's ass?

And you can just touch it, what are you pinching?
If it weren't for the constraints of the contract, she would have beaten this shameless bastard to death with a hammer.

After listening to Tang Xuening's words.

Lei Ling felt more and more how wise it was to accept Tang Xuening.

He has even moved to upgrade Tang Xuening from the captain of the personal guard to a personal maid.

This is equivalent to an upgraded version of the lie detector!
For Lei Ling who was extremely insecure, this was really too precious.

Thinking of this, Lei Ling suddenly turned over.

Tang Xuening yelled, but before she could react, she was hugged by Lei Ling and rolled on the bed a few times.

Tang Xuening was cursing her mother again in her heart, secretly calling Lei Ling a deadly liar.

But not only did she not dare to show it, she even had to act shy.

To be hard-nosed is to seek abuse.

Lei Ling was merciless when he hit her before.

Forget it, what should come will always come, this princess will be bitten by a dog.

She closed her eyes and waited for a long time, only to find that Lei Ling hadn't made any further moves.

Just hug her quietly.

Tang Xuening opened her eyes curiously, and saw Lei Ling looking at him with a smile.

Her heart couldn't help trembling slightly.

Mom, isn't this smile too gentle?

Take a closer look, this kid looks quite handsome.

Hmm. Belongs to the good-looking type.

As expected of a man Lan Ling Mu Xue valued.

"Tang Xiaoniu, has Baby Qian entered the Realm of Life and Death?"


Tang Xuening was thinking wildly, when Lei Ling said this out of the blue.

She was taken aback for a moment, then her pretty face blushed, and she hurriedly said:

"Come in, come in, Baby Qian has killed quite a few members of the Xuanyuan family during this time.

In addition, she made a big fuss about Xuanyuan's family before, which has already angered Xuanyuan's family.

This time the Xuanyuan family came with two monstrous masters, leading more than a dozen core members, secretly sneaked into the realm of life and death, and wanted to capture Qian Baobao and send him to Xuanyuan's family to apologize. "

"Which two?"

Lei Ling asked in a deep voice.

"Ji Wuming, Xuanyuan Wild Lion."

"It's them?"

Lei Ling frowned even tighter.

Ji Wuming is Ji Wuchang's younger brother, comparable in strength to Ji Wuchang, and also a super Taoist.

This person has no intention of power and is extremely lustful. He is a person who loves beauty and does not love country.

He has been wandering outside for many years, and even joined a Shuangxiu Demon Sect, the Wanhua Sect.

He hangs out with the female cultivators all day long, and occasionally kidnaps some arrogant daughters to play with.

Live a life that Lei Ling envies and hates.

This person is a person who doesn't even return home very often!

Now the Ji family and the Xuanyuan family are one.

This stuff doesn't matter anymore.

So, why did he want to stand up for the Xuanyuan family this time?
Thinking of this, a flash of anger flashed in Lei Ling's eyes.

I'm afraid this guy has taken a fancy to Qian Baobao.

Qian Baobao is a peerless beauty, not even inferior to Lanling Muxue.

If Qian Baobao falls into this guy's hands, will it still be worth it?

As for the Xuanyuan Wild Lion, Lei Ling also had a detailed understanding of it.

This guy is a real martial idiot, refining physical fitness.

The physical body has almost reached the state of indestructible diamond, and he is the master who dares to pick up the Xuanyuan sword with his bare hands.

An absolute human tank.

You can become the richest man in the world by going to the streets to be a human sandbag.

So Lei Ling excluded him from the very beginning. Even if he could defeat him with this kind of hanging hair, it would be very difficult to kill him.

"Master, do you know Baby Qian? You"

Tang Xuening hesitated to speak.

Lei Ling smiled softly at her: "Xiao Tang, you will stay by my side for a while from now on.

You will gradually know about me, but the more you know, the harder it is for you to get rid of me.

you know. "

"Oh, how could I possibly want to get rid of the master? People are born to be the master's person and die to be the master's dead person. They will never leave the master in this life."

Tang Xuening expressed her loyalty cracklingly, but did not continue to ask:

"Master, are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. My cooking skills are pretty good."

"Well! Good! After eating, go find someone."

Lei Ling smiled and let go of her, and didn't eat her tofu anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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