My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 459 Face Blind Patient?

Chapter 459 Face Blind Patient? (three or three more)

"Brother, why don't you panic! You haven't lost your virginity, so you can just treat it as constipation?"

While covering his head with his hands, Lei Ling yelled loudly.

I was a little depressed in my heart, I was an old driver anyway, why did I get drunk and overturned?
Now he didn't plan to fight back, so he just protected his handsome face and let her beat him violently.

Although Qian Baobao seemed to fight fiercely, he didn't kill him.

After all, this matter was his fault, and after that, he asked Qian Baobao for help.

Just hit her once and let her vent her anger.

If she punches herself now, she will sleep with her once in the future.

The harder she beats, the harder she sleeps in the future.

This hatred can be repaid in the end.

Qian Baobao beat and scolded at the same time.

After playing for more than half an hour, it stopped.

Sitting on the side, panting heavily.

She had experienced a battle before, and her physical strength had been greatly exhausted.

It's amazing to be able to play for so long.

Lei Ling used his divine power to defend, and it was not insignificant, and he even suffered a little injury.

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he used the supernatural power of returning to life, healed his injuries, lay on the ground and gasped:

"Sister Baobao, you hit and scolded, did you vent your anger? Shall we make up?"

Qian Baobao sneered again and again: "Get angry? Reconcile? Go and live your big spring and autumn dream.

The old lady just took a breath from being tired, and later on, the old lady will definitely click you, and then find hundreds of strong men to come over and let you taste the taste of anal fissure. "

"I'll code it for you."

Lei Ling suddenly kicked Qian Baobao in the face. Qian Baobao was panting and recovering. He was kicked hard and flew out immediately.

"I beat you to death."

Lei Ling was so angry that his hair stood on end on end, why did he suffer this beating for nothing?
He, Young Master Lei, came out to mess around, how had he ever been beaten like this?
He gave in like this, and this girl didn't know what to do and wanted to slap him.

And let him have an anal fissure?

Naturally, Lei Ling couldn't bear it.

He flashed his figure and chased after him, and greeted Qian Baobao directly with his golden fist wrapped in divine power.

Of course, this is not Lei Ling's perversion, wanting to break the beautiful woman's appearance.

It was because Baby Qian's armor was too strong.

It's hard to beat.

Qian Baobao blocked two punches with her arms, and her brows frowned slightly.

This time Lei Ling's fist was obviously much stronger than before, a strange force hit her body through the armor.

"Did this brat keep his hand before? Hmph, you still have a conscience."

She punched Lei Ling, and with the help of the recoil force, she quickly opened the distance from Lei Ling, and said coldly:
"Xiao Zai, I have never suffered such a big loss since I grew up, and you dare to attack my mother, hmph! Today I will let you see how powerful my aunt is."

"Come on, bitch, I'm going to beat you out of shit today."

Lei Ling clenched his casserole-sized fist and yelled.

After this period of fighting, he already felt that Qian Baobao's strength had weakened a lot.

After all, she had experienced a big battle before.

Maybe he can take advantage of it and capture her.

Then sleep with her for three days and three nights to see if she accepts it.

"Extraordinary, I will kill you."

As soon as he heard the shit come out, Qian Baobao instantly tightened his ass, thinking of many unbearable things.

Burning with rage, he raised his hand and shot out a golden light.

The golden light was as fast as lightning and shot directly at Lei Ling.

Lei Ling sneered in disdain, and used the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and his figure disappeared instantly, avoiding the attack of the golden light.

Unexpectedly, the golden light actually has the function of automatic tracking.

As soon as he appeared, Jin Guang chased after him, turning into a big golden net in the air towards him.

Lei Ling raised his hand and shot four throwing knives, cutting the space.

Want to tear up that golden net.

But when the flying knife approached the big golden net, the big net opened several holes automatically, allowing the flying knife to pass through directly.

Lei Ling sneered in his heart, held a flying knife in his hand, and waved out a thousand air blades.

Instantly tore the golden net to shreds.


At this moment, Qian Baobao's voice rang in Lei Ling's ear.

The next moment, he felt his whole body tense, and he was actually tied up with a rope.

The power in his body was instantly sealed, and he fell headfirst to the ground.

"Damn, what is this shit?"

Lei Ling looked at the golden rope on his body in horror, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

How was he tied up?
And why is this thing so fierce?

It actually locked the strength of his whole body.

He couldn't even use his soul power.

Qian Baobao landed beside him, squatted down, patted his face, and was about to say something, when suddenly he frowned, and let out a light sigh:
"Huh? You little bastard! Did my old lady beat you too hard, why do you look different from before?"


Lei Ling's eyes widened, and he had a very outrageous idea in his mind.

"Sister, you are not so face-blind, are you?"

"Ah? Yes! What's wrong?"

With a gloomy expression on Qian Baobao's face, he stretched out his hand and pinched Lei Ling's face, and said angrily:

"You dragon people all look like his grandma, with horns and scales, so my old lady beat and killed several people because she recognized the wrong person.

Damn bad luck. "

"My day!"

Lei Ling raised his head to the sky and roared.

Tang Xuening, who was hiding aside, was dumbfounded.

Now that Qian Baobao had exposed his identity by mistake, Lei Ling did not hide any more, and was going to tell Qian Baobao everything about himself.

Tang Xuening piled up the corpses of the Xuanyuan family members, and sealed Tianjiao who was still alive.

Especially the existence of the two evildoers, Lei Ling specially instructed that they must be optimistic.

If he absorbs so many people, his chaotic body will be greatly enhanced, and his strength will also increase sharply.

It was a little imprudent to tell Qian Baobao everything.

After all, Lei Ling and Qian Baobao only met once.

He is betting!
But people, sometimes you have to take a gamble after all.

Although Lei Ling doesn't like to gamble, but now he has to gamble.

For one thing, the rope that bound him was so strong that he couldn't break free for a while.

Secondly, Qian Baobao had killed many "Long Aotian" because of admitting to the wrong person before, and his anger has almost dissipated.

Later, she got the news of Long Aotian's death, and that feeling made her very upset.

Qian Baobao was born domineering and carefree, and had never been in a relationship.

So he took this strange feeling as love.

However, this is not really love.

Just like Xiao Longnv and Zhen Zhibing, when they were in Quanzhen Sect, someone wanted to deal with Quanzhen Sect and wanted to kill Zhen Zhibing.

Xiaolongnv also helped him, but when he died, Xiaolongnv was very sad.

It's a very complicated feeling.

It is a flaw in human nature.

He thinks that the people he has slept with are his relatives.

This is also the reason why many women were insulted in the past and would marry a man who forcibly insulted her.

Even in modern times, the relationship between the two parties will quickly heat up after falling asleep in a relationship.

Especially when the woman is an emotional novice and has no experience in personnel affairs.

It's even more obvious, even obedient to you, from a tigress to a lamb.

Of course, some female drivers will not, because they have experienced too much and are used to it.

Anyway, no matter what, Qian Baobao has special feelings for Lei Ling now.

Therefore, she did not kill in the previous battle.

So it's worth the gamble.

(End of this chapter)

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