Chapter 460

Lei Ling is the son of the big fool Lei Han. Although he is not as perverted as his father, his skills are not low.

He decided to use his sharp tongue to persuade Qian Baobao,

"Sister Baobao, I am actually not a dragon, but a human, and Long Aotian was transformed by me using the dragon transformation magic power.

Do you want to hear my story? "

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Seeing Lei Ling's miserable face, Qian Baobao took advantage of the situation and sat beside him.

Just as Lei Ling guessed, Qian Baobao is very upset now.

I don't know how to deal with him, but I think it's good to listen to the story. This time is just a good time to think about how to deal with him.

"My father is a businessman, very ordinary, from an imperial family, and by chance, he met my mother.

The two soon fell in love.

My mother has a noble status and is the daughter of the Jiang family. Their marriage is not allowed by the Jiang family.

Soon my mother was kidnapped by the Jiang family, but she was pregnant.

twin!The Jiang family valued girls over boys. In order to let my sister get complete energy, they used secret methods to temporarily seal my sister, and then slowly drained my energy.

When I was born, I was already normal. They wanted to kill me at that time, and it was my mother who forced me to die. In the end, they threw me to my father like trash.

It was a small city in the empire, and the Zifu Realm was like a big boss.

In fact, it's nothing. Being able to spend this life in an ordinary way is also a kind of happiness.

But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing, someone wants me to die, the Xuanyuan family is invincible!
He is my mother's suitor, although I have people arranged by my mother to guard me.

But he was assassinated many times by him, and he succeeded several times.

The first time my little girl, Bai Xian'er, saved me by exhausting the soul power of her and the extraterrestrial souls in her body.

By the way, Bai Xian'er is Bai Ruoxue, you should have seen her before.

Another time I also died, but my other soul traveled through and was considered reborn. "

When Lei Ling said this, seeing Qian Baobao listening intently, he began to let himself go completely.

He fabricated many times of assassinations, and even claimed that several of his father's concubines were sent by the Xuanyuan family.

He was abused every day, and the Xuanyuan family also arranged many children of the same age to bully him all day long.

Completely substituting himself into the character of the tragic hero.

Afterwards, he began to bombard Xuanyuan's family continuously based on his own experience, saying that he was forced to leave Los Angeles by Xuanyuan's family.

Described Feng Xinghan as the dark son of the Xuanyuan family.

The Xuanyuan family separated his father and son, and forced him to be homeless, so he could only hide everywhere.

He even described his romanticism as a lack of maternal love.

He was afraid of the cold, and he was afraid of being alone, that's why he had sex after drinking and bullied Qian Baobao.

Under his three-inch tongue, the carefree Qian Baobao was quickly captured, and his motherhood was completely inspired.

I didn't hate him a long time ago, and I was told to cry by him.

What a poor child!
He still hit her like that.

Qian Baobao felt that he was too insignificant.

She hurriedly chanted the spell, untied Lei Ling, then hugged him in her arms and comforted him softly:

"Boy Lei Ling, don't worry, your baby sister will definitely help you tear down Xuanyuan's house and vent this anger on your behalf.

That shit Jiang's family, I will accompany you to visit in the future, and I will seek justice for you. "

Lei Ling was in Qian Baobao's arms, crying and rubbing, his heart was already full of joy.

I have won this bet.

Qian Baobao looks fierce on the surface, but in fact he has a good heart.

No scheming.

As long as he coaxes her well in the future and plays tricks, he should be able to tie her by his side and become his super thug.

The combat power of this guy is too awesome.

Although it may not be as good as Lanling Muxue, she is definitely the top fierce fighter.

The Lanling Muxue Shenlong was always on the lookout, so in comparison, Qian Baobao was more affordable.

After Lei Ling and Qian Baobao got bored with each other for a while, he asked:
"Baby sister, what kind of rope did you tie me up just now! Why is it so powerful?"

"Oh! That's the Immortal Binding Rope, which is considered average among my sister's many treasures."

Qian Baobao said very pretentiously.

"The immortal rope?"

Lei Ling couldn't help gasping when he heard that!

A map of mountains, rivers and land?Bind fairy rope?
This Nima is a treasure in myths and legends!
Is Duobao's divine body so awesome?
"Well, little Lingzi, from now on, I will follow Sister Baobao, and no one will dare to bully you with my old lady around."

Qian Baobao put on the head of a big sister, and slapped Lei Ling's back.

"Sister Baobao, how did you get surrounded by these people? Did you kill all these people?"

Lei Ling continued to ask.

He had to ask this question, he wanted to use it to judge Qian Baobao's strength, so as not to cause a big oolong at that time.

Qian Baobao sneered disdainfully, took out a jug of fine wine from the storage ring, drank a few sips, and then began to tell about his previous experience.

Qian Baobao is face blind.

This matter was quickly discovered during the Xuanyuan family's investigation.

Ji Wuming found someone who was about the same size as Xuanyuan Wentian and dressed in the same clothes as Xuanyuan Wentian, to lure Qian Baobao.

Ma Daha Qian Baobao was immediately fooled, driving her Huolin chariot all the way, chasing madly, and plunged into their trap.

"Hehe, Baby Qian, you are indeed a silly girl as the information said."

After everyone in the Xuanyuan family opened the formation barrier, Ji Wuming walked out of the crowd with a smile.

He was wearing a light pink shirt, with loose hair, holding a folding fan, his face was full of spring, with heavy makeup, extremely coquettish.

"Where did the dead ladyboy come out! Who are you talking about stupid girl?"

Qian Baobao took the Huolin chariot, and even though she was surrounded, she still didn't change her face. She pointed at Ji Wuming's nose and cursed:
"You old monster, you don't want to be a good man, but you want to be a eunuch. Your family's ancestral grave was blown up?"

The smile on Ji Wuming's face froze instantly.

The faces of other people around also became very strange.

"Why is he being a eunuch to close our ancestral grave? Qian Baobao, can you tell him not to take away our ancestors?"

The person who spoke was a two-meter-tall super strong man. He was half naked and his complexion was dark golden, shining brightly under the sunlight.

This person is the martial idiot of the Xuanyuan family, the wild lion of Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Crazy Lion is a body-refinement cultivator. He is naturally endowed with extraordinary talents, and he cultivates the top-level body-refinement formula of ancient times.

He has countless adventures and is extremely powerful. He believes that refining-type body repair is better than devouring-type body repairing, and it is necessary to fight when encountering a devouring-type body repairing.

Qian Baobao is not only a devouring physique, but also a multi-treasure divine physique, so naturally he will not miss it.

"Come on, silly, what's wrong with my old lady taking my ancestors? Not only does my aunt want to take care of my ancestors, but I also want to fuck your ancestors for eighteen generations! If you have the guts, come and bite me!"

Qian Baobao put his hips on his hips, raised his head, and tried his best to be provocative.

There is no consciousness of falling into a tight siege at all.

(End of this chapter)

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