My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 461 The Invincible Money Baby

Chapter 461 The Invincible Money Baby
"Hehe, it's really crazy."

Standing in mid-air, Ji Wuming smiled sweetly, extremely charming.

With a wave of his hand, a large number of masters behind him lined up in a half-moon shape.

There are more than 50 people.

Tang Xuening's information was incomplete, and Qian Baobao killed all directions that day, showing extremely strong strength.

So this time the Xuanyuan family not only sent the Tianjiao of the Xuanyuan family, but also mobilized a large number of Tianjiao from their relatives.

She only knew how many people came to Xuanyuan's family, but she didn't know that there were still a large number of foreign relatives, Tianjiao.

These people formed a super luxurious lineup under the leadership of two monstrous geniuses.

She vowed to arrest Qian Baobao and save the Xuanyuan family's face.

"Do it."

Ji Wuming gave an order.

More than fifty people took out their natal spiritual weapons one after another, including knives, guns, swords, axes, hooks and forks, everything that one expects to find.

In the sky, the holy power is everywhere, suppressing the world.

These fifty or so people had already poured enough spiritual power into them before, completely aroused the power of the spiritual soldiers, and manifested the strongest power.

The phoenix bathed in fire, the tiger roared, the magic soldiers split the sky, and the sky was full of hype, which was extremely gorgeous.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, even a monster-level existence cannot retreat completely.


In the face of more than 50 strong men attacking with all their strength, Qian Baobao burst out laughing:
"Pearls of rice grains dare to compete with Haoyue? Today, I will let you see my aunt's methods."

A copper coin with a round square hole appeared in her hand, with wings on the left and right sides of the coin.

She turned towards the sky and threw it casually.

Copper coins flap their wings, one into two, two into three, and three into thousands.

In an instant, copper coins were all over the sky, accompanied by the sound of clanging and colliding.

The faces of the 50 or so Tianjiao changed drastically, and they realized that they had lost contact with their natal spirit soldiers.

Those spiritual soldiers were instantly dissipated by the power of the copper coins colliding with them, and they fell one after another.

Even the supreme spirit weapon they secretly sacrificed was not spared.

"This is?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

What's up with this Nima?
What is this copper coin?

Qian Baobao snorted coldly, grabbed the void with his big hand, and took away all the falling spirit soldiers.

Everyone's faces became extremely ugly, as if they had eaten a lump of poop.

"Could this be the legendary, falling treasure money?"

A Tianjiao asked tremblingly.

This person came from the Xuanyuan family's family of relatives. This family is dedicated to studying ancient history, looking for clues about the strong man's cave from ancient books.

Then look for and excavate them. In the previous life, they are all extremely powerful historians and archaeologists.

This Tianjiao once saw the record of falling treasure money in an ancient book.

Didn't expect this thing to actually exist.

"What is drop treasure money?"

Ji Wuming frowned and asked.

"Luobao money is the most precious treasure of the multi-treasure gods in the age of mythology. It can drop the magic soldiers of the world, and can instantly erase the connection between the magic soldiers and their masters, making them ownerless.

Legend has it that the Lord of Many Treasures possesses infinite treasures, a large part of which was snatched from this treasure drop. "

That Tianjiao's voice trembled, and his eyes were fixed on the treasure money in Qian Baobao's hands, filled with endless greed.

When Ji Wuming and the others heard this, their eyes became extremely greedy.

"Ha ha!"

Qian Baobao laughed and said triumphantly:
"You guys are quite knowledgeable, and you actually know my Luobao money, not bad."

"Use spiritual attacks."

After Ji Wuming was briefly shocked, he came back to his senses.

What about falling treasure money?
Just don't use the spirit weapon.

Everyone took orders, quickly formed seals with their hands, and cast a series of powerful spiritual spells.

Multiple strands of spiritual arts converged into a torrent of spiritual arts, and the mighty force killed Qian Baobao.

Qian Baobao didn't dodge either, she just stood there with a hint of disdain on the corner of her mouth.

Golden light shone all over her body, and golden armor covered her whole body.

On the armor, the stars and gods burst into incomparable light, and the vast divine power set off layer after layer of ripples.

The next moment, all the shocking scenes happened.

Around Qian Baobao, a sea of ​​stars and stars actually manifested.

The sky is full of stars, the sea is majestic, and it is shocking.

The torrent of spiritual art penetrated into it, and it was instantly swallowed up.

The Tianjiao all showed horror in their eyes.

What the hell is this?
"Shoot with all your strength, at any cost, and kill me."

Ji Wuming's face sank like water, and he ordered in a cold voice.

Although the Tianjiao were unwilling, they did not dare to disobey their orders.

One after another, they used the two-injury secret technique, burned their lifespan, damaged their original source, and played the strongest spiritual technique again.

In the sky, the holy power is mighty, and the space is torn apart.

The incomparably gorgeous spiritual art rendered the entire valley colorful, making the sun and the moon dull, and the heaven and earth eclipsed.

Qian Baobao snorted coldly in disdain, and made a cumbersome handprint on her hands.

An ancient mantra was chanted in his mouth.

The sea of ​​stars, the stars are shining brightly, turbulent and churning, setting off huge waves, submerging everything, and sweeping the four directions.

"It's the Canghai Xingchen Divine Armor, which ranks ninth among the 24 Divine Armors of the Protoss!
This armor integrates attack and defense, and its power is infinite. Run! "

The Tianjiao who told the origin of Luobao's money before exclaimed.

However, this valley has been completely sealed off by them. Qian Baobao's monstrous waves covered the entire audience and swept everything. Where did they hide?
"A bunch of rubbish, you want to ambush me just because you want to ambush me? My baby Qian is super powerful and invincible. Let me die."

Amidst the huge waves, Qian Baobao laughed wantonly.

Ji Wuming and Xuanyuan Mad Lion looked at each other. They are both monster-level arrogances and extremely powerful. Naturally, they can withstand this wave of attacks.

But it's not necessarily the case for other people. They lost their spiritual weapons, their spiritual power was greatly damaged, and they also suffered from the backlash of two wounded secret techniques. Should they take their heads?
Qian Baobao's attack was extremely powerful, they could protect themselves, but if they tried to protect so many people, they would definitely consume a lot of spiritual power.

Even suffered minor injuries.

When the time comes, what will they use to compete with Qian Baobao?
In the blink of an eye, the two have already made a choice.

They gave up that group of Tianjiao!
The huge waves flooded the sky in an instant, and they slammed Chao Ji Wuming and the others fiercely.


There were shrill screams one after another.

When everything is at peace.

Only Ji Wuming and Xuanyuan Kuangshi were left in the sky.

The two of them were also very embarrassed.

Xuanyuan Wild Lion is okay, he is a refined body cultivator, and his physical body is close to the state of indestructible vajra.

It's just that a lot of spiritual power was consumed, and he was slightly injured, and his head was slapped.

Ji Wuming is about to suffer a lot.

He doesn't have the perverted body of Xuanyuan Wild Lion.

Qian Baobao's sea of ​​stars is not only the sea, but also the power of the stars.

She seemed to hate Ji Wuming very much, so she threw all the power of the stars at him.

Ever since, Ji Wuming was tragic.

It doesn't count that a few protective spirit treasures were smashed, and the whole body of clothes was torn to shreds.

Half-kneeling in mid-air, spitting out blood.

Needless to say the other Tianjiao.

They were all shot down to the ground, and more than half of them hung up.

Those who survived were also seriously injured and passed out.

"Hmph! There is no one who can fight."

Qian Baobao twisted his neck, and his face turned slightly pale.

Obviously, releasing such a big move will consume a lot of money on her.

"I didn't expect that he is so powerful, the information is wrong, the information is wrong!"

Ji Wuming screamed like a woman.

It is not the Xuanyuan family's fault that the information is wrong.

Qian Baobao is one of the twelve divine bodies of the protoss, and the prototype of the devouring body.

Her body is extremely strong, and her physical strength alone is enough to blow up countless arrogance.

So she rarely uses her own treasure.

The map of mountains, rivers and land is often used.

But that was just something she used to tease others.

How cool it is to punch someone!

Not only Xuanyuan's family, but few people in the whole origin world know that Qian Baobao is so fierce.

On the surface, she is very similar to Lan Ling Mu Xue.

Even compared to Lanling Muxue, her treasures are much more powerful.

It's just that Lanling Muxue's true strength does not lie in those ten thousand divine swords.

It's the soul obsession on it.

They have the same spiritual power as Lanling Muxue.

But Qian Baobao can only rely on her to drive many treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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