My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 462 The Invincible Money Baby 2

Chapter 462 The Invincible Money Baby 2
Unlike Ji Wuming, Xuanyuan Mad Lion's blood is boiling with excitement now.

He likes to challenge the strong, the stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.


Finally, he could no longer suppress the fighting spirit in his heart.

With a loud shout, he rushed directly to Qian Baobao.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qian Baobao's mouth, but he didn't take out any more treasures.

Instead, he squeezed his fist and greeted him.

The two fists faced each other, causing ripples.

Then there was a fight between dragons and tigers.

Xuanyuan Mad Lion used an extremely mysterious fighting technique.

Both offensive and defensive, airtight.

As for Qian Baobao, his whole body was shrouded in phantom, beating Xuanyuan Mad Lion back steadily.

What she uses is the age of mythology, the unique skill of the gods, the Taiyi Four Elephant Boxing.

It can manifest the phantom of the four images and perform various blessings on oneself.

Qian Baobao used the Azure Dragon Fist from time to time, and with one punch, the dragon soared and swept across all directions.

From time to time, he used the White Tiger Fist, like a tiger descending a mountain, tearing everything apart with great speed.

From time to time, he uses the Suzaku Divine Fist, wrapping around his body with the Suzaku Divine Fire, and flies into the sky, like a meteor falling, destroying the world.

From time to time, he uses Xuanwu Shenquan, and his whole body is shrouded in a phantom in the shape of a turtle, which not only greatly increases his defense power, but also rebounds damage.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Baobao fought against the Xuanyuan Mad Lion.

But Xuanyuan Mad Lion was physically strong, even though Qian Baobao had blown him away more than a dozen times, he was still alive and well.

"Haha! Happy, happy."

Xuanyuan Mad Lion laughed out loud, even though Qian Baobao was like a sandbag.

Hit from the sky to the ground, kicked from the ground to the sky, beaten until the nose was bruised and the face was swollen.But very excited.

What he cultivates is the method of thousands of exercises, which is to exercise the body continuously.

Stimulate the potential of the body and make the body stronger and stronger.

Qian Baobao's strength was already enough to cause him harm.

This is a great opportunity to improve his strength!

On the other hand, Ji Wuming swallowed the healing elixir and suppressed the injury.

Seeing Xuanyuan Mad Lion act like a masochist, getting beaten up by Qian Baobao is also very satisfying.

Rolling his eyes in anger:

"Xuanyuan Mad Lion, use all your strength to take her down as soon as possible, lest things change later."

In the realm of life and death, there are not only people from Beizhou, but also people from the Hai clan.

Qian Baobao should be the strongest of the Sea Clan here.

If it is known that she is trapped, the Hai Clan Tianjiao will definitely come to rescue her.

At that time, they will be out of luck.


Xuanyuan Mad Lion snorted dissatisfiedly, but he wasn't really stupid, he knew the priorities of the matter.

He grinned at Qian Baobao and said, "Beauty, I can't be beaten anymore. When you go to Xuanyuan's house with us, I will let you beat me well."

"I'll go to your uncle."

Qian Baobao kicked him in the face with a roundabout kick, and directly sent him flying.

Xuanyuan Mad Lion flipped and moved in the air, and after losing its strength, it landed easily.

He chuckled, and took out a black ball the size of a basketball from the storage ring.

Then, under Qian Baobao's shocked eyes, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed it alive.

In an instant, there was a terrifying fluctuation in Xuanyuan Mad Lion's body, and his body actually started to grow bigger.

He has grown up more than three times, and turned into a super muscular man like the Hulk.

At the same time, Ji Wuming also moved.

He took out a jade flute.

Play softly.

A mysterious magic circle appeared under his feet, the magic circle rotated, and the sound waves rippling.

Xuanyuan Mad Lion's eyes gradually turned crimson.

A red light flickered all over his body, and the surrounding ground couldn't bear his strength, and began to shatter inch by inch.


Xuanyuan Mad Lion raised its head to the sky and let out an inhuman roar. Using both hands and feet, it rushed towards Qian Baobao.

Qian Baobao was startled, manifested in the form of Suzaku and flew away.

However, although Xuanyuan Mad Lion has become bigger, the speed has not weakened, but has been greatly enhanced.

He quickly approached Qian Baobao's previous position, then leaped forward, caught up with Qian Baobao, and pinched her in his hands.

There was a cracking sound when pinched, but fortunately Qian Baobao's armor was awesome enough.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he would have broken the bone directly.

"I'll go to your uncle."

Qian Baobao cursed, struggled a few times and found that he couldn't break free.

My heart sank involuntarily.

The berserk Xuanyuan Wild Lion raised its head to the sky and roared.

Finding that Qian Baobao couldn't be pinched to death, his other hand turned into a fist and hit her head.

Qian Baobao didn't wear a helmet!
If this hit was real, it would definitely blow her head off.

Originally, Xuanyuan Mad Lion wouldn't kill Qian Baobao, he hasn't fought her enough yet.

He still needs her to help him train his body.

But now he has lost his mind and turned into a real fighting beast.

Naturally, I can't control that much.

Ji Wuming didn't stop him either.

Qian Baobao is too strong, if they don't kill him, they will probably die.

Thinking of her treasure money and the armor on her body, Ji Wuming's heart felt hot for a while.

Although it is a pity that this great beauty died, but compared with those treasures, what is this?

And the head exploded, isn't the body still there?

It can be barely used while it is hot.

In the nick of time.

Xuanyuan Wild Lion suddenly let out a scream.

His five fingers exploded directly.

Qian Baobao, who had lost his restraint, stepped on his arm, and with the help of the recoil force, quickly distanced himself from Xuanyuan Mad Lion.


The sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and Ji Wuming was instantly dumbfounded.

The almost indestructible Xuanyuan Mad Lion had his finger blown off?

What kind of international joke is this damn?
"court death!"

Qian Baobao was pinched by someone, his head was almost blown off, and he was really angry.

She squeezed her fist, and above her fist was covered by many small black balls the size of marbles.

Pointing his toes, he jumped up, cast the White Tiger Fist, and smashed the Xuanyuan Mad Lion with one punch.

Xuanyuan Mad Lion felt a terrible danger.

He quickly crossed his arms to cover his head.

Qian Baobao sneered, and punched directly at the place where his arms were crossed.


A loud explosion sounded.

Xuanyuan Wild Lion let out a more miserable scream than before.

His two arms were blown off unexpectedly.

The huge body flew out directly.

"Cough cough!"

This is, the former Tianjiao who said Luobao money and Canglang Xingchen armor faintly woke up.

He was the least injured of all.

Because he is even powerful in the Canglang Star Armor.

Immediately, he hid behind Xuanyuan Wild Lion.

Dodged part of the attack.

"It's the Thunderbolt Thunder Fire Pill of the Protoss, she even has this kind of thing! My God! What kind of monster is this!"

The Tianjiao wailed, clicked, and passed out again.

Afterwards, the scene that Lei Ling saw appeared.

Xuanyuan Mad Lion was beaten to the ground by Qian Baobao, and was trampled under his feet.

Ji Wuming was sealed off by her, and he twitched.

She hates dead shemale the most.

What happened before coming to the valley was dictated by Qian Baobao.

The battle in the valley is Qian Baobao's reproduction of the image with the map of mountains, rivers and land.

Let Lei Ling see for himself.

Lei Ling's scalp felt numb after seeing it!

This Nima is too perverted, too awesome, right?
He directly hugged Qian Baobao's waist, and plunged into her arms.

He wouldn't let go of this big thick leg.

Even if he licked her toes every day, he would not hesitate.

Tang Xuening rolled her eyes, and had a new understanding of Lei Ling's shamelessness.

(End of this chapter)

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