My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 499 Cai Mi's Ability

Chapter 499 Cai Mi's Ability (two chapters in one)
Time is like water, time is like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, March has passed, the energy spar mine camp was shaken, and the surrounding energy dissipated.

Dozens of embarrassed figures rushed out of it, flying in all directions.

In the next few days, changes occurred in many gathering places in Dream Forest.

Some people who had been exploring for a long time returned to the camp, and then someone came to attack.

All the means arranged in the gathering place were destroyed.

A large number of Tianjiao were captured.

The Tianjiao who escaped began to retaliate against the forces that attacked them.

The entire dream forest was directly smashed into a pot of porridge.

The movement generated by the fight attracted the dinosaurs, and this time, it became even more chaotic
The bloody fight started in full swing.

In the underground energy pool.

Under the guidance of Lanling Muxue, a massive amount of energy poured into the Eight Diagrams Furnace.

Terrible fluctuations came out of the gossip furnace.

Lei Ling's Chaos Artifact is about to be released.

However, at this moment, Lan Ling Mu Xue stopped moving.

She frowned slightly, and looked up to the east.

Her covered eyes seemed to be able to see through the ground.

"No, the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth are still strong, even in the fantasy forest, this weapon cannot be born now.

Otherwise, it will be noticed by the Dao of Heaven and will be obliterated. "

"Well, I also have a very bad premonition. This thing is a terrible thing. Once it is born, it will be punished by heaven and earth."

Baby Qian nodded in agreement.

Chaos artifacts should never have appeared in this world.

Coupled with Lei Ling's madness, he smelted many golden finger-level treasures.

This is much worse than refining the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

These are used by heaven to raise children!
"Oh? Then what should we do?"

Lei Ling was stunned.

"Sink the gossip furnace into the energy pool, use the energy pool to nourish it, and use time to precipitate it.

Let it become perfect, and when the great decline of the world begins and the laws of the world collapse, it will be the time when it is born. "

Lanling Muxue said softly.

Lei Ling nodded without objecting.

He can't eat hot tofu with scheming, he still understands such a simple truth.

It's not yet time for a complete battle, and he himself doesn't like to take action himself.

Just wait.

With Lei Ling's permission.

Lanling Muxue and Qian Baobao nodded to each other.

Sink the gossip furnace into the energy pool.

And set up multiple magic circles to let them absorb the energy in the energy pool.

"I will leave the three divine swords here to guard, you don't have to worry."

After doing all this, Lan Ling and Mu Xue saw that Lei Ling was constipated, with a troubled expression on her face, she said very caringly.

This time, Lei Ling's face softened.

Qian Baobao couldn't help rolling his eyes again, it was Lanling Muxue, if it was her, she would have stopped serving her a long time ago.

There's so much going on with this baby.

However, thinking that he had teased her past life before, Qian Baobao felt relieved.

After finishing everything, Lanling Muxue took Xiao Taotao and left through the portal.

Looking at the slowly closing portal.

Lei Ling was very disappointed.

He still wants to play with Qing Hongyu.

"Baby, let's go too, there are still many things to deal with."

Sighing lightly, Lei Ling also left with Qian Baobao.

Lanling Muxue has something to do.

And he has his own things to do.

Not falling into the city, the eternal Shenzhou torture room.

Cai Mi has been tortured beyond human form.

It's been more than three months!

Most people will collapse after staying for a day or two.

"Yo! Master Jiang is still alive?
Not bad, not bad, but I didn't lose Fatty's face. "

After sitting down, Lei Ling waved his hands, signaling the torturers to go down.

"What the hell do you want to know. I say I say it all, why do you keep torturing me?"

Cai Mi wailed and broke down.

He was brought back by Lei Ling, and he was ready to tell everything at that time.

He's a smart guy and knows he's dead.

I just beg Lei Ling to give him a good time.

He has no backbone or anything.

But Lei Ling threw him into the torture room directly, and was greeted by others, and he was beaten to death.

He yelled over and over again that he said everything.

However, his voice was hoarse.

The group of cute little mushroom girls pretended not to hear.

While talking, you can't say it, you can't say it.

Are you still stubborn?

And so on, and then tortured him.

Simply the devil.

People use torture to bring rest, but they don't.

They work in three shifts 24 hours a day.

Cai Mi is going crazy.

The most frightening thing was that this group of people even gave him good healing pills, and even gave him a few drops of psychic liquid.

Let him suffer so much that he is still alive and well.

Too cruel.

"Well, let's talk about Chi Yangzi first, is he Ding Er's clone?"

Lei Ling took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

Cai Mi's body froze involuntarily, and he sighed in his heart.

Can you guess this?

He guessed it after saying a few words?
"He is the body, and Yinfeng is the demon body."

Cai Mi didn't hide anything and said directly.


Lei Ling took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

It is conceivable that Chiyangzi has a body.

But Yinfeng is a girl?

This mother can still separate out a daughter?

Is he androgynous?

"Yin Phoenix is ​​transformed by Yin Qi, so it is naturally a daughter.

Moreover, she is still the Nine Yin Demon Physique, crowning all beauty and having countless suitors.

Chiyangzi is the Nine Dragons True Yang Physique, while Ding Er is just a defective product.

The essence is in Chiyangzi and Yinfeng. "

Cai Mi explained.

Lei Ling was stunned.

He suddenly had a strange idea.

If he put Yinfeng to sleep.

What will happen to Chi Yangzi?
And what would their deities think?

It seems a little exciting!
Damn, why do I feel like I'm a bit perverted?
Lei Ling quickly shook off the strange thoughts in his mind.

Seriously said: "Who is their deity? Is it the one from the Yin-Yang Tianzong?"

"No, I don't know exactly who their deities are, I only know that he is from the Jiang family.

The status is extremely honorable. "


Lei Ling was taken aback again, and then he couldn't help gasping.

People from the Jiang family?

Extremely distinguished status?

Could it be his sister?
Oh my God!

What is this going to do?
"Male and female?"

Lei Ling asked with the last glimmer of hope.


"Huh~~ It's okay, it's okay."

Hearing that it was a man, Lei Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is not completely sure that the person is not his sister.

But at least most likely not.

"How many people came to the Jiang family this time? Is my sister here?

You should know my identity, don't pretend to be stupid, otherwise I will come to see you again in a few months. "

Lei Ling continued to ask.

Cai Mi trembled when he heard this, and hurriedly said:

"As far as I know, there should be five people, and the lady didn't come.

The detachment forces teamed up to open several secret realms, and they all went there to practice and explore. "

"Better than Dream Forest and Lost Kingdom?"

"Of course! She is detached from power, detached from things, and holds many secrets.

Those secret realms were the places where the Protoss Tianjiao went to practice.

With endless opportunities, as for the energy stone in the fantasy forest, someone will bring them back. "

Lei Ling nodded, and after pondering for a moment, he continued to ask:

"How is the strength of the Tianjiao in the transcendental forces, are there any existences such as Qian Baobao and Tian Yaozi?
Is there anyone who can match Lanling Muxue? "

"I'm not too sure about this, but a leader-level arrogance like Qian Baobao, Tian Yao, is a rare existence in the detachment force.

For me, the proud of my generation, it doesn't mean that the better the family background, the stronger the strength. "

Cai Mi's small eyes rolled straight.

He seemed to see the hope of living.

He had been with Lei Ling for a while.

I have some understanding of Lei Ling.

He knew that Lei Ling was very focused on information.

Lei Ling treated him very well back then.

During the period of being captured.

Cai Mi thought a lot.

He regretted it.

When he betrayed Lei Ling back then, he didn't hesitate.

Not to mention how Lei Ling is, he alone has won the favor of Lanling Muxue.

His future is enough bullshit.

However, returning to the Jiang family has become a knot in his heart.

Add to this the blind worship of detached forces.

And Ding Er's deity who is not weaker than Lan Ling Mu Xue.

He finally chose to betray.

Seeing that Lei Ling still pays great attention to information as before, he summoned up his courage and said:
"Shao Lingling, if you are willing to save my life, I am willing to sign any contract and be your most loyal dog.

You should be very familiar with my intelligence capabilities. With me here, you will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort in doing things in the future. "

"Well! Indeed."

Lei Ling nodded and sighed:

"Cai Mi! This young master was going to train you as a confidant before.

I'm even going to hand over the Anbu's intelligence department to you.

I believe you should have some understanding of my current Anbu.

Backed by my father, the God of Wealth, you may be able to become the leader of the intelligence community.

Beauty, you have as much money as you want.

When I sweep the world in the future, what you can get will be beyond your imagination.

I didn't expect you to betray me for a mere surname Jiang. What are you in the Jiang family?

It's just a dog, what have you got all these years?
What a fool. "

"Ling Shao me"

Cai Mi was speechless.

"Hey, tell me, what kind of ability or golden finger do you have.

In the past few months, you have been punished enough.

For the sake of past affection, I can give you a good time. "

Lei Ling waved his hand, those who betrayed him must die.

Especially this Cai Mi.

Being around is a ticking time bomb.

His ever-changing technique can't be exposed yet.

And his Myriad Chaos Art.

He didn't want to be beaten by the crowd like the ruthless emperor.

He doesn't have such a fierce protagonist aura.

Cai Mi was silent for a long time, finally sighed, and said with a wry smile:
"One ability, I can communicate with all ants within a certain range and ask them for information."

"How big is it?"

Lei Ling's eyes lit up and hurriedly asked.

"A radius of one hundred miles."

"Can you control them?"

"A range of two miles! The number is around five hundred."


Lei Ling rubbed his chin. Ants are easily overlooked.

Especially the ants in this world, their digging ability is very strong.

There are many more.

Usually no one cares.

"Tell me, what is your wish?"

Lei Ling twisted his neck, he no longer wanted to talk anymore.

Although Cai Mi may still have a lot of information, those secret departments can also find out.

The real secret is impossible to be detected by ants, and everyone will set up an enchantment to restrict it.

"Young Master Ling should still remember Qiu Ling, I have a son with her, my son's qualifications are not good, and the blood of the Jiang family in my body is already very thin.

He is even rarer, that relative in my family is dead.

If I die again, it is impossible for him to enter the Jiang family.

He doesn't pose any threat to you. I know that Young Master Ling always kills everything he does.

But I hope Ling Shao can let their mother and child live.

Even if they are under your surveillance, they can live through this life.

I have three intelligence storage offices in Zhongzhou, which store a lot of information.

I would like to trade them. "

Cai Mi begged with a face full of begging.

"Yes! Yes."

After pondering for a moment, Lei Ling agreed with a smile.

Cai Mi breathed a sigh of relief. Although Lei Ling had no lower limit, he still kept his promise.

Since he agreed, if there are no major accidents, he will not go back on his word.

He is very clear about his son, let alone Lei Ling, even if he is one of Lei Ling's personal guards, he will not be able to take revenge in the future.

When the personal guard recorded all the addresses dictated by Cai Mi.

Lei Ling walked in front of him, and lightly pressed his hand on his head:

"Cai Mi, don't worry, I actually promised to save your son's life, I won't go back on my word.

I will destroy his dantian meridians, well, the little brother can't keep it, of course.

Your bloodline ends with him!
For the sake of your obedience, I can send him to the palace to be a little eunuch.

Not to mention rich and powerful, but it can still keep him safe for the rest of his life.

Now it is in chaos, if it is placed outside, it will die very quickly.

As for Qiu Ling, I will send her to accompany you, otherwise you will definitely be greener than bastards. "

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Cai Mi to reply.

The Wanhua Chaos Art starts.

Cai Mi's body shriveled slowly amidst his screams, turning into a mummified corpse.

"Finally, a serious problem in my heart has been removed."

Lei Ling waved his hand, shaking Cai Mi's body into powder.

He flicked his hair very chicly.

"Come on!"


"Go and tell Shi Xue to prepare a candlelight dinner for me.

In addition, let Shi Yu take someone to decorate my room.

I'm going to treat the baby to dinner tonight. "


"After working for so long, it's time to enjoy it.

The goodwill with the baby is almost done, it's time to go a step further.

This kind of thing still needs a man to take the initiative! "

Lei Ling chuckled and took out two bottles of fine wine.

This is the top green wine of the elves that he bought from Princess Xingya with a lot of money.

It is said that it has been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

Princess Xingya brought a lot this time.

All of them were bought by the rich and powerful Lei Ling.

Given his relationship with Qian Baobao, Fragmented Wine cannot be used.

This top-notch fine wine is the kingly way.

An alcoholic like Qian Baobao, even if he knew that he had a bad idea, he might not be able to resist its temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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