My villain's way of counterattack

Chapter 500 The real big shot

Chapter 500 The real big shot

Dream forest, in the nameless cave.

Seven or eight Tianjiao, cross-legged to adjust their breath.

Young Master Tian Yao, sitting by the side, his face was gloomy.

This time, he was tricked by Lei Ling.

His big leagues were all but wiped out.

Only a few of his cronies and masters came out.

None of his think tanks came out.

Those women he left in Buluo City.

They all became Lei Ling's slaves and were given to his subordinates to play with.

Young Master Tian Yao, you are already going crazy.

It's a total mess outside now.

Large numbers of dinosaurs were alarmed.

Those who escaped, even if they wanted to expose Lei Ling's evil deeds, it would be very difficult for them to do so.

Even if the news can be spread, it is estimated that no one will believe them.

As for gathering troops and fighting again, it is also impossible.

In the previous major alliance, he had already gathered all the allies he could muster.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

A tall orc walked up to Master Tian Yao and asked with a frown.

He is the right-hand man of Lord Tian Yao, and he comes from the Bimon royal family.

"Let's dodge for now, with our current strength, we can't deal with Lei Ling anymore.

After going out, besides, the top priority is to improve yourself as soon as possible.

Although we were ambushed this time, we also obtained a large amount of energy spars.

There are still many resources, enough for us to strengthen our strength. "

Young Master Tian Yao, although he is unwilling, he will not go to Lei Ling to kill him in a feverish manner.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great, especially Lei Ling is still shameless.

He is a Jedi who will not fight alone, and he will directly fight in groups.

"When we recover, try to contact Chi Yangzi and the others.

Their strength is indeed good. After they go out, we will reorganize the major leagues and flatten Nanzhou. "

Another orc spoke.

"Well, I will handle this matter myself, so you can retreat with peace of mind."

Master Tian Yao nodded, this time he had lost too many followers.

The remaining few are his good brothers, and they can't lose any more.

On the other hand, Chi Yangzi and several other human masters also went into hiding.

It's about the same as the Sky Demon Young Master and the others.

They all chose to retreat and digest the gains.

There is no aura in the energy shield.

A full three months of non-stop fighting has consumed a huge amount of spirit crystals.

So the situation of looting supplies quickly appeared.

Being in a desperate situation, the ugliness of human nature has been greatly released.

Those who come out, if they can digest what they get.

That strength must be further improved.

In Tianjiao, when fighting frantically with energy bodies and dinosaurs wearing Tianjiao skin.

Some people ran out of food and started eating dinosaur carcasses.

These people found something from the body of the dinosaur.

These things are very extraordinary.

Especially those mighty dinosaurs.

There is a storage space in the body, which contains all kinds of treasures, energy stones, and their belongings for killing Tianjiao.

Some alchemists tried to sacrifice the corpses of dinosaurs, and they actually extracted extremely pure energy crystals from their flesh and blood essence.

This kind of energy crystal is purer than the highest grade energy spar.

Of course, this has been discovered before.

It's just that everyone is thinking of making a fortune in silence, and it's a bit difficult to transmit information here.

So it didn't spread.

Now that more and more people know about it, naturally they can't hide it.

This completely intensified the battle.

Originally, everyone tried to avoid dinosaurs as much as possible, even in battle they were passive.

But now many people are actively looking for dinosaurs to hunt.

The battle intensified.

The forest has been extensively destroyed.

Now those flowers and trees are not calm anymore.

There are terrible man-eating giant flowers in the world, devouring monks in large numbers, and dinosaurs.

There are ancient trees trembling, countless branches, frantically attacking the monks passing by.

There are all kinds of exotic flowers and herbs that emit toxins, and all kinds of toxins mix to form a poisonous miasma, poisoning all creatures that stray into it.

There are also some trees with scattered leaves, like hidden weapons, flying in all directions, tearing the creatures within the attack range to pieces.

There are even trees that have grown legs directly, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, chasing and killing those forest destroyers.

All the flowers, plants and trees in the dream forest went crazy.

The dinosaurs that originally dominated this place were beaten into a daze.

Now everyone knows who is the real boss here.

These trees carry out indiscriminate attacks, whether they are energy bodies, monks, or dinosaurs.

Kill them all.

There are many monks who want to try to communicate with them.

But without exception, they didn't get any response, and they were attacked fiercely.

The entire fantasy forest is in a war.

But there is another place that has not been attacked by flowers, plants and trees.

That is not falling into the city.

The fifteen li radius of Buluo City is a safe zone.

If you enter here, you will not be attacked.

Many people rushed to Buluo City after hearing the news.

What they don't know is that this city is hundreds of times more dangerous to them than those trees.

"It's so cool to sit and wait! Baby, at this speed, we'll be able to go to the Lost Kingdom in a month or two."

Lei Ling was lying on the highest roof in Buluo City, with Qian Baobao's lap pillow on his head, drinking wine happily.

Qian Baobao leaned on the voucher and took a deep breath, feeling a little adoring Lei Ling in his heart:
"Lei Ling, how many backhands have you prepared! Are you able to deal with this?"

Those flowers and trees, the reason why they didn't attack Lei Ling, was thanks to the Wild God Tree.

Lei Ling played the emotional card frantically before, and got a leaf from the Wild God Tree.

Fantasy Forest Riot.

Originally, Lei Ling had already ordered everyone to be alert and prepared to retreat.

I didn't expect the leaves to be so useful.

This makes people more convinced that he is a god descending from the earth.

Even regarded him as the savior.

On that day, a large number of vines surged like a city that never fell.

Lei Ling flew into the air behind him.

Thousands of golden lights roll in red, and thousands of auspicious streaks are sprayed with purple mist.

A huge portal first came into view.

It is made of bishen and Shenliuli, and it is made up of Mingbao Baoyu.

Dozens of field marshals were placed on both sides, and one of them supported the pillars and held mills;
There are more than a dozen golden armored gods in the four ranks, each with a halberd and a whip, and a knife and sword.

Then the heavenly palaces appeared one after another.

Magnificent and sacred, many people knelt down, worshiped, and chanted the gods.

Wearing golden armor, Lei Ling was full of vigor and roared:
"I am the Supreme God of Chaos, and you will retreat quickly."

It was such a simple roar.

Those vines actually stopped moving, and then really faded away quickly.

The people in the city were stunned first.

Then it went completely crazy.

Not only those logistics personnel, but even some Tianjiao knelt down and kowtowed reverently.

Qian Baobao and Princess Helen were also stunned.

They can also do the vision that Lei Ling manifested.

But they didn't have the ability to drink back the vines.

"Is he really some Chaos Supreme God?"

Such a strange idea emerged in the hearts of the two girls.

After that, things are simple.

Lei Ling recalled all the energy bodies, and then began to sit on the sidelines. If he knew him, he would save his life.

If you don't know it, throw it all to the energy body.

Things went unimaginably smoothly.

"This time I really want to thank the Wild God Tree, I didn't expect him to have such a big face."

Lei Ling chuckled.

These flowers, plants and trees are different from people, they are all controlled by several big bosses.

So before, they were so damaged that they didn't attack.

It wasn't until those people went too far and angered those big bosses that they began to retaliate wildly.

Lei Ling got in touch with a big boss through the leaves.

After communicating for a while, the other party not only agreed to send him, but also expressed their willingness to cooperate and help him as much as possible.

Lei Ling's mouth was crooked at that time.

So there was the pretentious scene before.

They also sent Lei Ling a lot of captured Tianjiao.

Simply the best support.

In the past few days, Lei Ling would wake up with a smile in his dreams.

"Can you enter the Lost Kingdom through here?"

Qian Baobao asked a little strangely.

"Of course, Mu Xue came from the Lost Kingdom.

There are space domain gates in Fantasy Forest and Lost Kingdom. "

Lei Ling sat up and leaned against Qian Baobao:

"Baby, what do you think we will do after we go out?

Do you want to use the identity of Dragon Prince to play a wave?
Hold the Sea Clan in your hands? "

"Yes, yes, but I suggest you go to Jiang's house first.

Young Master Tian Yao and the others, at least Young Master Tian Yao will not die here.

When he goes back, he will definitely lead the army to attack Nanzhou. On the human side, the Xuanyuan family, the Yinyang Tianzong, and even the Jiang family have all been offended by you.

With their background, flattening Nanzhou is as simple as crushing an ant.

So you have to go to the Jiang family. Only with the support of the Jiang family can Nanzhou take a breather.

At that time, if you secretly control the Sea Clan, I will try my best to help you gain enough power of the Endless Sea.

Princess Helen will mobilize troops to go there. Only then will Nanzhou be safe and sound. "

As Qian Baobao talked, it was a little dishonest to send Lei Ling down. It was fine to just dawdle before, but now he actually started directly.

She raised her fist and knocked Lei Ling away with one punch.

"Damn it, can't you play it lightly? I'm the Supreme God of Chaos now. If I've been seen by others, should I lose face?"

After half a minute, Lei Ling climbed up depressed, and complained angrily.

He felt that he should hire a psychiatrist for Qian Baobao.

If you don't agree with one word, you will be beaten up, who can bear it?

Thanks to him being a physical trainer, otherwise he would have to be beaten to death!
"Cut! Who made you mess around?"

Seeing Lei Ling's disheveled look, Qian Baobao felt a little distressed again, recalling it, the punch he just hit seemed a little hard.

After all, I drank alcohol!There is no measure under the hands.

"It's not that you haven't touched it before, why are you so hypocritical?"

Lei Ling sat down angrily, and continued to say without getting angry:

"How about this, in a few days you will take a group of people to the Lost Kingdom, and the energy body there is also moving.

You go to subdue them, and when the time comes, go directly to the endless sea to develop. "

"Are you so worried about me?"

Qian Baobao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lei Ling playfully.

I have been with Lei Ling for so long.

Qian Baobao was deeply touched by his paranoia.

"Baby, can't you feel how much I trust you?"

Lei Ling looked at Qian Baobao tenderly, and said sincerely:
"You have done so much for it, and I am not blind.

If you betray me, I am also willing to let you betray. "

"Oh my god, can you be more nasty? The goosebumps of my old lady are all over the floor."

Qian Baobao folded his arms and his whole body trembled.

Although she was very disdainful.

But how could the inadvertent smile on her mouth be hidden from Lei Ling?

Women are such strange creatures.

The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

Lei Ling was very relieved of Qian Baobao.

She has no ambitions.

And also want to break free from the shackles of fate.

He seems to be in love with himself.

Lei Ling's trust in her was even higher than that of Shi Yu and the others.

Of course, he will definitely keep the eyeliner.

It's not to prevent Qian Baobao from betraying, but to fear that she will be taken away by others.

Long distance relationships are scary.

"Baby, do you think Mu Xue will cheat on me?"

Lei Ling took a sip of his wine and said this out of the blue.

Qian Baobao was taken aback for a moment, almost turning his head.

This thinking jump is too big, right?

: "You don't trust her?"

"Hmm! She's different from you. You have big breasts and no brains. Oh no, you should be eating and waiting to die. That's not right either. Forget it.

She is the kind of person with great perseverance, great perseverance, and great ambition. She has lived for too long.

I don't think she will give up on me just because of a few physical relationships.

Not to mention that she has also practiced the Way of Forgetfulness.

Do you think I'm just a pawn in her hand?
Just part of her plan?

She said everything about Zhan Tian. I don't even know what her plan is, or even her specific plan.

Even if it's all true, will she end up killing the donkey? "

Lei Ling said via voice transmission.

Qian Baobao frowned and nodded, she felt that what Lei Ling said seemed to make sense.

Who is Lanling Muxue?
She hadn't felt that way before.

But after meeting before, she deeply felt the gap with her.

This kind of woman, how can it be impossible for others to succeed?
"Be careful, don't worry, if she wants to kill you, I will fight her with my life, although she is powerful.

But the old lady is not jealous. "

Qian Baobao patted Lei Ling on the shoulder, and put on the head of a big sister.

Lei Ling couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Open your arms and ask for a hug.

Look at his scumbag.

Surprisingly, Qian Baobao didn't kick him.

She could feel the helplessness and fear in Lei Ling's heart.

He was forced to go this way.

It's really pitiful.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I won't let you have trouble, Lanling Muxue's Burial Sword Domain is very powerful, but if I risk my life, I will be able to fight."

Qian Baobao hugged Lei Ling and whispered this sentence in his ear.

Lei Ling was shocked, he could tell that Qian Baobao was not bragging.

(End of this chapter)

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