Chapter 103

"Eh! I want a drink of water!"

The comatose Ye Qingxin opened her mouth and moved, although the sound was very small, but Shangguan Jueshi could hear it right away.

His heart shrank, his eyes glowed with joy, and he took the water from the side with one hand, and quickly covered up the sadness just now.

"Don't move!"

Seeing that her hands were always moving around, the tube of the liquid suspension was dangling in the air, very unstable, Shangguan Jueshi restrained her hands in time.

Shangguan Jueshi put the cup on the table beside him, carefully helped her up, let her lean on his chest comfortably, and stretched out his hand to hand over the cup on the table.

"Hey, open your mouth and drink more water!"

Shangguan Jueshi murmured softly, put the rim of the cup to her mouth, his words and deeds were gentle, but the dazed Ye Qingxin heard his words, opened his mouth obediently, and took a sip.

"You have a fever, you need to drink more!" Shangguan Jueshi continued, and Ye Qingxin drank a few sips one after another because she was too thirsty. Soon she wrinkled her face and shook her head, indicating that she didn't want to drink any more. up.

"Okay, don't drink, you will recover soon after sleeping for a while."

Shangguan Jushi's tone was very soft, with a gentle face, he put the cup on the table, put her down carefully and considerately, and covered her with the quilt.

He clasped his hands and sat quietly watching her.

Only when she is sick can he not refuse him, and he can get close to her so close, but if he needs to be close to her in this way, he might as well not, because he doesn't want to see her frowning, with a painful look on her face, She should be smiling, smiling brightly.

Instead of lying here, tormented by illness.

"Little wild cat, don't do things like this to hurt yourself in the future! Apart from letting you go, what do you think of other things, I will never interfere, okay?"

Looking at her quiet little face, Shangguan Jueshi murmured, his misty blue eyes were full of affection, this is his maximum limit, as long as she doesn't leave, then he will do his best to give her what she wants. of.

The only response was the sound of even breathing, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, with an indescribable bitterness on his face.

At this time, Ye Maosheng and the others rushed over one after another, Ye Maosheng walked over anxiously, glanced at Ye Qingxin, "Jess, how is Xin'er?"

"Dad, she's doing better. She just woke up to drink water and fell asleep again."

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi saw Ye Maosheng approaching, he got up and stood aside respectfully.

"Okay, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine!" Ye Maosheng looked relieved, as long as the girl is safe and fine, then thank God, what he fears most is what happens to her body.

"Father, don't worry, Xin'er will get better soon with my care, go and sit on the side and rest first, lest Xin'er will be sad when she wakes up and sees you worrying about her so much. "Ye Haoxuan came over and said, and Ye Maosheng nodded.

"Jade, Haoxuan is here to take care of you, let's go and sit there!" Ye Maosheng looked at Shangguan Jushi, who was beside him, and it could be seen that this kid was very concerned about his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have shown such a look. A worried expression.


Shangguan Jueshi replied in a low voice, and followed Ye Maosheng to the sofa beside him. Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at Ye Qingxin who was on the bed, still very worried.

As soon as they left, Ye Haoxuan hurried to the bedside and helped Ye Qingxin check carefully, "This girl really has a low fever!"

Just now I thought it was the medicine that was taking effect, but I didn't expect that the girl really had a low fever, that's why she fell asleep so drowsily. Fortunately, it's nothing serious, and when the medicine wears off, she will recover.

At this time, Ye Maosheng and the others walked to the side and sat down. Ye Maosheng apologized, "Jason, I'm really sorry! I let you come here for nothing today! I didn't expect that girl Xin'er would suddenly have a fever. When she recovers , I will let her go to register with you again."

Today, I thought that they could get the certificate smoothly, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It will take a few days until the girl Xin'er recovers before letting her go out.

"Dad, it's okay. The most important thing is that she's okay."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, but his eyes showed apology. If he hadn't pushed her too hard, leaving her nowhere to go, she wouldn't have thought of such a way to hurt herself.

"Well, Juzzy, since you can't register today, go and do your work first if you have something to do. We will take care of Xin'er here, and we will come to see her after you finish your work."

Ye Maosheng said, Xin'er is expected to be hospitalized for a few days, and there are people to take care of him here. Jurst Company is busy, so it is better to let him go to work first, and it will not be too late to come back when he is done.

Shangguan Jueshi was silent for a while, thinking that since she had nothing to do for the time being, he would come to see her after he finished his work.

Because he happened to have an important meeting this morning, and his elder brother would come in person this time, so he had to be ready at any time.

"Then uncle, I'll take a step first, and I'll come back after get off work."

"Okay, go, don't worry, we are here."

Ye Maosheng sent him out, and then returned to the ward


At noon, the hospital was quiet.

"Brother Haoxuan, why isn't Qingxin awake? She's been asleep for a long time!"

Stupid Liu stuck his hands together and kept staring at Ye Qingxin on the bed. Qingxin was always firm, so why didn't she wake up after lying down for so long this time.

"Hurry up! Si Lian, don't worry!"

Ye Haoxuan looked at the hanging droplets, it was almost over, and Qingxin's fever had almost subsided, she should be waking up soon.

"Qingxin, wake up quickly, if you go back to sleep, you will become an idiot if you have a high fever."

Liu Silian stayed aside, muttering non-stop.

Maybe it was because she was about to wake up, hearing the chirping voice of idiot Liu, Ye Qingxin's brows on the bed were frowned, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Idiot Liu, you are making a lot of noise!"

Because the body is too dehydrated, the voice is a little hoarse, like the voice of a male duck.

"Qingxin, you're awake, great, great!"

As soon as idiot Liu heard Ye Qingxin's voice, he stood up abruptly. Seeing Ye Qingxin's eyes open, he bent down and hugged her tightly when he saw Ye Qingxin's eyes opened. Such a pressure, even more dizzy.

"Idiot Liu, don't let go quickly, I am dizzy from you." Ye Qingxin said with difficulty, and his spirit began to recover slowly.

"Oh! Oh!" Afraid that something would happen to Ye Qingxin, Liu Silian quickly let go of her.

"Brother Haoxuan, Qingxin is awake, come and have a look."

Liu Silian opened the curtain and said loudly to Ye Haoxuan outside.

"Xin'er, you're finally awake!" Ye Haoxuan hurried over after finishing the work in hand, when he heard that Ye Qingxin woke up, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the pill would have side effects on Xin'er's body.

"Brother, what's the matter with your medicine? Didn't it mean that there is only a little dizziness and fever? Why do I feel dizzy and weak all over? Could it be that you made a mistake."

Ye Qingxin shook her head, feeling that she still couldn't do what she wanted, what happened to the pill, why did she look like this after taking it last night.

Dizzy and weak, how could she run!

"You girl, I told you before that you need to drink plenty of water to drink this medicine, and you really have a fever. Add this medicine and all the heat will come up for a while, and you will feel dizzy and weak. Wait for this The effect of the medicine wears off slowly, and you will feel much better."

Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, it can be seen that this girl wanted to escape this time and suffered a lot.

"Brother, you are still in the mood to laugh, look at what I have become." Ye Qingxin complained with her mouth pouted, and Ye Haoxuan walked over, helped her up, and let her lean on the pillow.

"Fortunately, it's only a low-grade fever this time, otherwise you will suffer better. Let's see if you dare to think of such bad ideas in the future. Do you know that Dad is worried. I will deceive him together with you, and I feel very sorry."

Ye Haoxuan opened his mouth and said, he didn't agree with this method before, but if he doesn't help her, this girl will only think of a worse method, and can only choose a method that will hurt her less.

"What about dad!"

Ye Qingxin pursed her lips and looked apologetic. She didn't do it on purpose, but her father always forced her, and she had no choice but to do this. She didn't mean to make him worry.

It seems that she didn't think carefully this time, and she will not choose such a worrying method in the future.

"Dad has been here to see you all morning, I told him to go back to eat first, Xin'er, don't do anything to hurt yourself in the future, we will all be worried."

Ye Haoxuan said with a distressed face, this time he knew about it in advance, otherwise, he might be as worried as his father.

"Brother, I'm sorry! This time I made you worry too, and let you cheat Dad out of conscience."

Realizing her mistake, Ye Qingxin admits it in time.

At that time, she was forced to come up with such a method because she was forced to have no other way. She didn't expect that she really had a low fever.

"Silly girl, the most important thing is that you are safe and well."

"What medicine?"

Liu Silian was listening in a daze, what did brother Haoxuan and Qingxin say, why couldn't she hear a word clearly.

I always feel that what they talk about is weird.

"You should take medicine for your brain."

Ye Qingxin teased and said, but after talking so much, I feel very thirsty.

"Qingxin, you are the one who is sick, and you should take the medicine." Liu Silian said seriously, while Ye Qingxin and Ye Haoxuan looked at each other and smiled, only they knew.

"By the way, brother, dad didn't say when to let me register and get the certificate today, did he?"

She is so sick now, she should not talk about it anymore.

"Wait until you recover!"

"Then I'd better not get better."

Ye Qingxin joked, dragging her for a while so that she could try to escape.

"Brother, when will my medicine wear off?"

Just as Ye Haoxuan was about to answer, when he heard the sound of steady footsteps, he pointed his hand and hissed, motioning Ye Qingxin to stop talking.

 The heroine said with all her heart, "It's easy for me to escape! I don't see everyone rewarding, voting, and commenting, and the Yin family is sick."

(End of this chapter)

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