Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 104 Whose tenderness enters whose heart

Chapter 104 Whose tenderness enters whose heart

"Brother, why are you hush, who else will come at this time?" Ye Qingxin said with a nonchalant expression, this place is all her own people, who else will come.

"Ah, I forgot, brother, when Shangguan Jueshi saw that I was sick and hospitalized this morning and couldn't go to get the certificate, didn't he look very ugly! It's a pity that I didn't see his disappointed expression with my own eyes." Ye Qingxin continued, Shangguan Jueshi certainly did not expect her to make such a move at a critical moment, he must be very disappointed.

It's a pity that she didn't see it when she fell asleep.

Ye Haoxuan kept winking at her, signaling her to stop talking, because the pressure in the air suddenly dropped, and a powerful aura swept over him, and he vaguely saw a tall figure standing behind the curtain, Shangguan Jueshi came.

"Brother, are your eyes uncomfortable? Why do you keep blinking?"

Seeing my brother's eyes twitching from time to time, what's wrong with him?
Because her head was not very clear-headed, she didn't react for a while, but Liu Silian at the side shook her body unknowingly.

"Why do I feel so cold all of a sudden? This feeling is like the presence of that iceberg from Shangguan Jueshi?"

Because every time she sees Shangguan Jueshi, she will feel extremely cold, and her heart will be chilled. This feeling is 100% accurate, without a single mistake.

She poked her head forward, but there was no one!

"Your feeling is quite accurate."

A chilly voice came from behind the curtain, and Liu Silian was not yet happy to be praised by others. Hearing this life-threatening voice, he backed away in shock and hid behind Ye Haoxuan.

Shangguan Jueshi lifted the curtain with one hand, looked at each other coldly, and his eyes fell on Ye Qingxin who was on the bed again, becoming softer.

There were streaks of red blood in his eyes, which were clear to the bottom, and his brows were full of exhaustion. Because of the excessive excitement in his heart last night, he caused insomnia, and he woke up too early today, and his sleep quality declined. He was always worried about her body, and rushed over before he had time to eat after finishing everything.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this familiar voice - the serial sound of killing people in the middle of the night, piercing into his ears clearly, Ye Qingxin was startled, and couldn't help pointing at him.

Because of being too emotional, she felt dizzy again. What is he doing here?
"Qingxin, Shangguan Juesh carried you to the hospital this morning. He took care of you for a while and then went to work."

Seeing the stalemate atmosphere, Ye Haoxuan hurriedly said.

In fact, Xin'er was sick this morning, and seeing Shangguan Juesi so worried and nervous about Xin'er, it could be seen that he really cared about Xin'er in his heart, and he didn't just marry because Xin'er could make him respond. Yes, my impression of him has also changed.

It's just that the girl Xin'er's attitude is too hard, and everything that Shangguan Jueshi has done before has hit her hard, and she can't be angry for a while. In fact, she didn't realize that when she faced Shangguan Jueshi, her whole body Very excited, very excited.

At least she didn't see her treat other people like this, which shows that Shangguan Jushi is very different in her heart.

"Really? Would he be so kind?"

Ye Qingxin raised her chin and said with a nonchalant expression, vaguely remembering that when she was very weak, a man spoke softly in her ear, but she didn't know exactly what he said, and he gently hugged her Get up and give her water to drink.

With such a warm chest and gentle voice, could it be Shangguan Jushi?She couldn't connect the two.

But after what the elder brother said, it seemed that it was really him?
"Okay, Si Lian, you haven't eaten yet, I'll take you out to eat, Xin'er, I'll pack it for you later."

Ye Haoxuan said, breaking the stagnant atmosphere at this moment, maybe the two of them should have a good talk.

"Okay! Qingxin, let's go first."

Liu Silian nodded quickly, she could finally find an excuse to leave, otherwise she would feel scared when Shangguan Jueshi was here.

"Brother, idiot Liu, why are you doing this?"

Seeing them leave, leaving her here alone, facing Shangguan Jueshi, Ye Qingxin shouted dissatisfied.

What's the matter with this old man?Knowing that she hated Shangguan Jueshi, she actually left, leaving her to face it alone.

Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth and turned her head away, not wanting to see Shangguan Jueshi.

If he hadn't been so perverted, she wouldn't have suffered here if he had cut off all her escape routes, so the culprit was Shangguan Jueshi.

Regarding Ye Qingxin's deliberate alienation, Shangguan Jueshi behind him was not angry, but had a smile on the corner of his mouth, at least he could see that she had the strength to fight him at this moment, which meant that she was already in much better health.

"Seeing that you still have the strength to get angry, it seems that you are almost in good health. How about we go to get the certificate in the afternoon?"

Shangguan Jueshi sat at the side and spoke casually.

"Ahem! I'm so dizzy and I have no strength."

She is so sick, and he still has to ask her to get a certificate. Does he have a conscience?

Ye Qingxin originally wanted to scold him, but if she behaved too normally, maybe Shangguan Jueshi would really drag her to register by force.

Seeing her performance, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help laughing, and only when he provoked her at this time, would she be willing to say a word to him.

"Shangguan Jueshi, let me tell you, I'm very weak now and I can't be stimulated any more. Don't provoke me, do you hear me?"

Ye Qingxin pointed at him with a finger and said, stroking her forehead with one hand, pretending to be weak.

"Don't do this kind of thing again!"

Shangguan Jueshi faced her and said with a deep expression.

What does he mean by that?Why did she feel that there was something in his words, facing those deep blue eyes, extremely sharp, she shrank, could it be that Shangguan Jueshi knew that she was deliberately pretending to be sick?
It shouldn't be possible, right?They didn't say anything just now, he couldn't possibly know, and according to his temperament, if he knew that she deliberately made him sick, he might have dragged him to register regardless of her life or death.

But he didn't do that, he still might not know, but why she looked at his enigmatic eyes, she felt very uncertain.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Ye Qingxin pretended to be stupid, she would not admit it anyway, and if the old man knew what she was doing, he would have to beat her to death.

"You know!" Shangguan Jueshi said with a half-smile, and Ye Qingxin became more and more nervous when he said that.

"I don't know, I'm thirsty, I don't want to talk to you anymore." Ye Qingxin said shamelessly, and Shangguan Jueshi looked at her dry lips, so he didn't talk to her anymore, instead he stood up and walked aside , and handed her the water.

"You have a fever, drink more water, and you will get better sooner." Shangguan Jueshi spoke softly, and put the water to her mouth, intending to feed her.

This kind of gentle tone directly hits the door of my heart, and I can't help but think of it when I was in a coma in the morning, it was this kind of tone of speech, patiently taking care of her, I didn't expect it was really him!

The psychological impact was too great, and her eyes were full of contradictions, Ye Qingxin felt a little hard to accept it for a while.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Ye Qingxin said awkwardly, reached out to take the cup, and accidentally touched those big hands, she shrank back in fright, pretending that nothing happened, and lowered her head I drank the water with my head, feeling very uncomfortable in my heart, it was indescribably strange, waves of warm currents shuttled back and forth in the atrium.

Shangguan Jueshi sat aside, looking at her quietly, his attitude was extremely soft, Ye Qingxin was very uncomfortable being stared at by him, especially felt that Shangguan Jueshi was very different today, when she saw those gentle blue eyes , she couldn't say a word of anger.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't stare at me all the time! Staring at me makes me dizzy and hot."

Ye Qingxin raised her head and said with a puffy face.

Being stared at by him like this, her body, which had managed to cool down, rose again, but this kind of heat was different from that of a fever, it felt strange and soft, but she couldn't understand this feeling.

"En!" Shangguan Jueshi nodded in response, then looked elsewhere, but turned back after a while.

"Do you want another drink?"

Shangguan Jueshi stood up, asked carefully, and stretched out his hand to wait for her response.

"Okay!" Ye Qingxin said with a blushing face, and Shangguan Jueshi took the cup and poured another for her.

Ye Qingxin drank several glasses of water one after another. The ambiguous atmosphere at this moment made her breathless, especially this kind of Shangguan Jueshi made her unable to see through.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you have something to say!" Ye Qingxin took the initiative to say, she was almost depressed to death, troubled by her own strange feeling, it must be because of Shangguan Jueshi's sudden change of attitude that she had this strange behavior Feel.

Shangguan Jueshi was stunned, why did she have such a nervous expression?Although he was angry in his heart, he didn't scold her at all!

"Stop making fun of your body in the future, you will make the people you love worry about you."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, of course, the one who loves her also includes him, but he didn't say it out loud.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Ye Qing refused to admit it.

"Will someone pack up their luggage first if they predict that they will be sick tomorrow?" Shangguan Jueshi looked at her and said in denial.

If he hadn't accidentally seen her packed luggage, he would have been concealed. In order not to get the certificate with him, she treated herself like this.

Shangguan Jueshi really couldn't bear her hurting himself like this.

"It's not because of you, if it wasn't for you, I would have made such a bad plan!" As soon as Ye Qingxin mentioned this, she became angry, and she simply said that if it wasn't for his perverted methods, she wouldn't be making fun of her body. , Let the old man and the old brother worry about her.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked at him expectantly, with a sincere expression on his face.

And Ye Qingxin didn't expect him to ask such a question, and for a while, she really didn't know how to ask.

 Xiao Wu wants rewards, votes, and comments.

(End of this chapter)

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