Chapter 105

"I said, will you let me go? If so, I might as well not say; and don't think that I will believe you if you say that, last time you said that if I can escape from you , you let me go, but not only did you not keep your promise, you even made it worse and fabricated those evidences to come to my door; Shangguan Jueshi, do you think I am a fool, and it is fun to be fooled by you!"

Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face, she was almost fooled just now, Shangguan Jueshi is a bastard, he doesn't talk, if she believes her again, she will be a fool.

Because of her anger, Ye Qingxin was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, and her emotions were a little extreme.

Every sentence of her accusation turned into countless knives stabbing his heart continuously, never in such pain, and his face showed pain. Could it be that in her heart, he is such a person?
There were bursts of soreness in his eyes, and the pain in his eyes was inadvertently cast aside, Ye Qingxin quickly withdrew her gaze, and suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

Why did she still not feel happy when she said that to him, instead she felt sour, bitter, mixed taste, very unpleasant.

"Why can't you figure out why I won't let you go?"

His voice was full of melancholy, staring at her blankly, Ye Qingxin had no choice but to stare into his eyes.

Wanting her to see through his intentions, this is the first time he has shown his sincerity, and he only wants her to understand, and only she is qualified to understand.

Through his eyes, one can actually see layers of sorrow, helplessness, distress, and an incomprehensible affection, but why?
Shouldn't he be very happy to tease her?Why is there such an expression.

Especially the indiscernible affection in his eyes, like a layer of paper placed in front of her, she could easily pierce it, but she didn't dare, she flinched in fear.

"Isn't it because you only have a crush on me? Do you want me to carry on your family?" Ye Qingxin lowered her eyes and said in a nasty way. When she said this, she was more dissatisfied and melancholy.

After saying this, she suddenly realized that she was very concerned about this question and his answer.

Isn't that why he tried so hard to catch her?
She vaguely remembered that when they met for the first time, he asked this question as soon as he opened his mouth, and grabbed her back again and again for this purpose, and he didn't really want to marry her at all.

Thinking of this reason, Ye Qingxin felt indescribably sad.

"I admit that when I first met you, I had such a purpose, but it's not anymore!"

Shangguan Jueshi said seriously, he admitted that when he saw her for the first time, he reacted to her and wanted to capture her home to make her pregnant, but the process of capture, this purpose is not very important anymore.

"No? Then why are you arresting me now? Why can't you let me go." Ye Qingxin was puzzled.

Hearing this answer, she was unexpectedly jumping for joy. The answer in her heart was about to come out, and she was a little nervous.

"You know why."

Shangguan Jueshi stared at her, and said with certainty that she was so smart, and he said it so clearly, she should understand it very well, but she just didn't want to believe it from the bottom of her heart.

His affectionate eyes have been following her closely, insisting on making her speak the answer in her heart.

"I don't know, you're such a bastard, how can I know what you're thinking." Ye Qingxin denies with her head shrunk, with a confused look on her face.

Watching her retreat, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes showed a trace of loss, which was fleeting.

"You don't know, then I'll tell you in person now!"

Shangguan Jueshi came over, put his hands lightly on her shoulders, with a serious expression, Ye Qingxin looked at him with a dazed expression.

His touch made her body tense involuntarily, and Ye Qingxin held her breath, feeling uneasy all the time.

Because of the tense relationship, the hand underneath kept holding on to the quilt, subconsciously biting his lip.

"Ye Qingxin, I..."

Shangguan Jueshi's stern face showed a bit of jerky, his evil blue eyes were full of smiles, he finally mustered up the courage to confess, the answer was about to be revealed, but was abruptly interrupted.

"Qingxin, we'll buy you your favorite lean meat and fresh shrimp porridge. It tastes delicious. You haven't eaten all morning. You must be hungry!"

Liu Silian was holding a bag in her hand, which contained a box, she opened the curtain and said excitedly.

But when she saw Shangguan Jueshi present, she stood there in a daze with her mouth wide open, she was so frightened that she lost her soul, Shangguan Jueshi still hasn't left?
Shangguan Jueshi's eyes were cold, and he glanced at Liu Silian coldly, is this fool again?

Thinking that the sincerity that he was about to reveal with great difficulty was disturbed by a fool, Shangguan Jueshi's body became more and more chilled, his sharp eyes swept over her, and he put on an expression that wanted to kill.

Seeing Liu Silian's timely arrival, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and her hands that were holding the quilt loosened, with a look of rejoicing, but she still felt a little bit disappointed in her heart.

Liu Silian was so frightened that her feet softened, but fortunately Ye Haoxuan behind her arrived in time and supported her.

"what happened?"

Ye Haoxuan also found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at this time, why did Shangguan Jueshi have the expression of wanting to kill Si Lian, and then looked at Xin'er's blushing face, what happened.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you are not allowed to treat idiot Liu with such eyes. She is my friend. If you are rude to her, you are rude to me." It's gone.

After what Ye Qingxin said, Shangguan Jueshi withdrew his sharp gaze. If it wasn't for her sake, he really wanted to send this idiot to Africa.

"Idiot Liu, I'm hungry, hurry up and bring the porridge."

Ye Qingxin said to Liu Silian who was stunned by the side, she didn't eat this morning, she was really hungry, she was so hungry that she was dizzy.

Liu Silian regained his composure, walked past Shangguan Jueshi with trembling feet, with a frightened expression on his face, "Qingxin, this porridge is delicious."

Liu Silian swallowed, and said weakly, even if Shangguan Jueshi's eyes did not fall on her, she still felt his chill.

"Shangguan Jueshi, this is for you."

Ye Haoxuan held a lunch box in his hand and handed it to him. Shangguan Jueshi casually glanced at it, then took it, glanced at Ye Qingxin who was on the bed, then opened the curtain and walked out.

"Qingxin, this Shangguan Jueshi is so scary! I feel like he wants to kill me."

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi walked away, Liu Silian's speech was complete.

Normally, she only felt the coldness, but she clearly felt the killing intent just now!Did she do something wrong again.

"It's okay, I'll protect you! He doesn't dare to do anything to you." Ye Qingxin smiled, but fortunately idiot Liu rushed over in time, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

In fact, she already has the answer in her heart, but she has been unwilling to admit that answer in her heart.

Because the hatred for Shangguan Jueshi suddenly turned into love, she couldn't accept it for a while, and the purpose of Shangguan Jueshi's arrest several times was to let her have a baby, she was always concerned about it.

"Oh! Qingxin, this porridge is delicious, eat it quickly." Liu Silian helped her open the lid, and handed it to her.

For a while, a burst of fragrance permeated the entire ward, blocking the unique smell of disinfectant in the ward.

Ye Qingxin swallowed her saliva, took a sip and began to eat, "Well, it's delicious!"

After lying in bed all morning without eating anything, I was really starving to death, but I was still a little weak and dizzy, but I felt much better already.

At this time, Ye Haoxuan saw that she had such a good appetite, so he walked out with confidence, and saw Shangguan Jueshi sitting beside him eating a boxed lunch.

Shangguan Jueshi raised his head and glanced at him, and said in a cold voice, "You know that she will treat you in this way, but you still allow her to do it?"

Shangguan Jueshi's attitude towards Ye Haoxuan was very unfriendly, and it was fine for her to mess around, but this Ye Haoxuan didn't stop him and let her mess around.

"If you hadn't forced her so hard, Xin'er wouldn't have used such a method. Shangguan Jueshi, the person who has the least right to question you is you." Ye Haoxuan said with a blunt face, he thought he was willing to let Xin'er be confused like this Come.

Ye Haoxuan's words made Shangguan Jueshi hang his head sadly, he clenched his hands into fists, Ye Haoxuan was right, this matter was indeed his fault.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you feel comfortable when you force others to be difficult? I don't think this is what you want! Let me remind you that love is not possession, but giving the other party enough freedom to let her stay willingly."

After Ye Haoxuan finished speaking, he walked out.

In fact, Shangguan Jueshi used the wrong method from the beginning, which would only make Xin'er hate her more, he had already reminded him, and the next thing is to see if he can figure it out.

"Love is not possession, but giving her freedom." Shangguan Jueshi murmured at the corner of his mouth, repeating what Ye Haoxuan said before he left.

He frowned, his face was unclear, he only knew that he had to work hard to get what he wanted, and he always got what he wanted, but why did he make a mistake this time, what went wrong?
Just when Shangguan Jueshi couldn't figure it out, his cell phone rang, and he picked it up casually, and congratulatory words came from the voice on the other side.

"Jazz, congratulations! Congratulations on getting rid of the single life, I have prepared the red envelope, and I am waiting to drink your wedding wine."

Leng Yisheng's hearty laughter came from the phone, it's already noon, Juzzy must have received the certificate long ago.

"No such thing!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Shangguan Jueshi's tone was very unfriendly and cold.

"Didn't you go out early this morning? It doesn't take much time to get a certificate, or did you let Ye Qingxin escape from your hands again?" Leng Yisheng screamed on the opposite side, could it be that the little wild cat is real? He ran away, except for this possibility, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

 We haven't seen everyone's support in the past few days. Our CEO Shangguan is very upset. He said harshly, "No rewards, no votes, no comments, no high ratings, I will freeze you to death."

(End of this chapter)

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