Chapter 107 Don't You Chase?

"Xin'er, do you really have no feelings for Shangguan Jueshi at all?" Seeing that she had made up her mind, there was no room for maneuver.

Ye Haoxuan tried to ask, and he saw that her complexion changed slightly. No matter how fast she evolved, Ye Haoxuan knew her best, and she really knew her feelings in her heart.

"Xin'er, it's not in your character to escape."

Xin'er has an upright character, she says one thing and another, she never avoids things, but why does she become a coward when it comes to emotional matters.

"Brother, you don't need to say any more, I admit that I have a good impression of Shangguan Jueshi in my heart, but these are not important now, I am free." Ye Qingxin pursed her lips, her mind was seen through, and she looked guilty.

Besides, Shangguan Jueshi set her free, wouldn't it be ridiculous for her to go back to him now!

Ye Haoxuan looked puzzled, he wanted to ask something but was interrupted by Ye Qingxin.

"Brother, it's getting late, and my father is coming soon. I have to leave first. When I arrive in the United States safely, I will call back to report my safety."

Ye Qingxin checked the time, fearing that she would run into Ye Maosheng on the road later, she hurriedly left with her luggage on her back.

"Xin'er, Xin'er..." Ye Haoxuan followed her out and kept calling after her, but Ye Qingxin left in a hurry.

Thinking of Xin'er's expression was very strange just now, and she wanted to leave impatiently, what did Shangguan Jueshi say to her.

He wanted to help him once, but things went in a bad direction instead.

I usually notice that there are several bodyguards watching this floor, but now it is very quiet. Did Shangguan Jueshi follow the method he said?

It seems that we can only look at their fate.

As soon as Ye Qingxin came out of the hospital, she stood on the side of the road, waved her hand, hailed a taxi, got in the car and left.

"Isn't this a little wild cat? Isn't she sick and hospitalized? Where is she going?"

Leng Yisheng drove his sports car to the entrance of the hospital, just in time to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure, at first he thought he was mistaken, but when he saw the front face, he was surprised.

Then look at Ye Qingxin dragging her luggage in her hand, it looks like she is about to run away.

Leng Yisheng drove up and hurriedly followed, without even thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Shangguan Jueshi, and the call was quickly connected.

"Jazz, what are you doing now?"


"You are still working, and your little wild cat ran away from the hospital. What's the matter with you? You didn't even set up a secret whistle."

Leng Yisheng looked anxious, this guy Jue Shi is still in the mood to work, this wife is about to run away with someone, why don't you rush after him.

But at this time, when Shangguan Jueshi heard that Ye Qingxin was going to run away, his face was extremely gloomy, and he held on tightly with his hands, his knuckles glowing white, only to hear the pen in his hand being cut off abruptly with a "crack".

"I'll keep an eye on it for you now, or I'll send you the address, and you hurry up." Leng Yisheng also heard the movement from the opposite side, he pressed the button and was about to send his address, but But it was interrupted because of Shangguan Jueshi's words.

"No, you don't have to follow her anymore."

Shangguan Jueshi said calmly, as if Ye Qingxin had nothing to do with him at all, but his heart was already surging.

He got up quickly, but after thinking about it, he sat down again, his eyes dimmed, did she finally decide to leave?
"Jazz, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you just watching the little wild cat escape like this? She is the only one who makes you react?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help shouting, the emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuchs are not in a hurry, what's the matter with Jushi?It can be seen that he has feelings for Ye Qingxin, and she is the only woman who makes him react, so let her go like this?What the hell is he thinking?

"Damn it! It's alright now, I don't even know which direction she ran away." Leng Yisheng stopped the car, slapped the steering wheel to vent his anger, and couldn't help cursing.

If one didn't pay attention, the taxi disappeared.

"You really got what you wanted now! Sir, tell me what's wrong with you? You clearly have feelings for her in your heart."

Leng Yisheng said with a grumpy face, because of his hesitation, his Si Lian became someone else's girlfriend, and every time he thought of this, he wanted to beat himself up.

But Juzzy didn't do anything now, just watched the little wild cat leave under his nose.

Is he crazy!
"I bet how much weight I have in her heart." Shangguan Jueshi said weakly. He has always been sure about things, and he will win every bet, but this time he is not sure at all. The moment he was tempted, he had already lost a complete defeat.

But he still wants to take a gamble, looking forward to the possibility of the impossible.

"Jazz, I think you are really crazy, you actually gambled your feelings, I tell you, you are bound to lose, according to the attitude of Little Wild Cat towards you, she must have run away without even thinking about it now that she is free. "

It's not that he poured cold water on him, it's just that the little wild cat has a bad attitude towards Jazz, and he will definitely lose this time.


Shangguan Jueshi laughed at himself, in her heart, he is a heinous villain, she has very little affection for him, and the possibility of winning is really very small.

But no matter whether love is good or bad, good or evil, no matter win or lose, the moment the heart is moved, it has already fallen into the abyss of eternal doom. How can it be so simple to get out of it, otherwise, how could there be so many idiots in this world.

Love is originally a thing full of miracles, winning or losing may be in the heartbeat at that moment.

"Then if she really escapes, have you thought of a countermeasure?" Leng Yisheng continued to ask, Jue Shi has always prepared every possible plan, and this time he must have prepared for the worst.


This time he doesn't do anything, just watch her how to do it?
"It's enough of you, I have nothing to say to you!" Leng Yisheng exhaled, really didn't know what to say.

I thought that he would not take any action now, and there was a big action in the future, but he didn't. Could it be that he just gave up.

Leng Yisheng patted his forehead weakly, Jazz is simply crazy.

"Then don't say anything, just wait for the result."

After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he hung up the phone. The corner of his mouth was full of bitterness, and his eyes stared at the clock on the table from time to time.

But Ye Qingxin got into the taxi and got farther and farther away from the hospital, her heart was still not happy.

She also discovered that no one was staring at her along the way, and Shangguan Jueshi really set her free this time.

Now that she has obtained the freedom she always wanted, and Shangguan Jueshi is no longer bound to her, she is not happy, instead her heart is very empty, more of a loss.

Shangguan Jueshi, you bastard, isn’t it fun for you to play with me? You stuck to me like a bullshit plaster, and you couldn’t tear it apart, but now you found another target and kicked my old lady away with one kick. , thought I was so easy to bully!

Without you in the future, I, Ye Qingxin, will definitely be able to live happily.

Ye Qingxin kept cursing in her heart, trying to make herself feel better.

"Miss, here we are."

The driver parked the car aside and spoke.

"So fast!"

It was only then that Ye Qingxin realized that she had arrived at Lu Manman's private airport. Why did she go so fast? She didn't feel like she had gone very far.

"Hehe, Miss, don't worry, I didn't violate any traffic rules." The driver said humorously, but Ye Qingxin smiled awkwardly when she realized that she said something abruptly.

"How much is the driver?" Ye Qingxin asked, took out the wallet from the bag, and prepared to pay.

"30 yuan!"

Ye Qingxin looked for it, paid the money and walked in.

She had been to this place once before, and the last time Lu Manman went to the United States to find her, she followed her back in a private jet, so she still had an impression of this place.

When she walked inside, she saw Lu Manman's bright figure at a glance. She walked towards her and shouted loudly, "Lu Manman!"

"Ye Xiaoniu, you are here, I thought you were lost!"

Lu Manman was wearing an elegant black dress and a European-American style hat on his head. He looked very elegant and noble.

"Lu Manman, you have been here for a long time!"

"I've only just arrived, but why did you come out so easily, no one followed you along the way."

Lu Manman said worriedly, "It's been a while since we saw each other, Ye Xiaoniu looks haggard, her mental state doesn't look very good.

Thinking back to what seemed wrong with her on the phone just now, it seems that something happened to Ye Xiaoniu.

"No, Shangguan Jueshi has already set me free. When I came out, there was no one there." Ye Qingxin smiled and said, but she didn't realize that her tone was full of disappointment.

"Give you freedom? Why?"

Lu Manman looked puzzled, she had met Shangguan Jueshi once, this man gave her a mysterious feeling, and he was not a guy to mess with, how could he let Ye Xiaoniu go so easily, look at Ye Xiaoniu's The complexion, could it be that something wrong with her just now has something to do with this matter.

"I guess that guy has found another target again. It's not as difficult as me to find a woman who makes his heart move and is willing to give birth to him." Ye Qingxin laughed at herself, and she really cared about this matter in her heart. The guy's attitude has suddenly changed so much. Apart from this reason, she really can't think of anything else.

"Ye Xiaoniu, do you know what your expression looks like now?"

Hearing Ye Qingxin's words, Lu Manman finally knew what was going on!Ye Xiaoniu is simply jealous now, she is tempted by Shangguan Jueshi.

"how is it like?"

"Your tone of voice and expression now are like a resentful woman. You are jealous."

Lu Manman said to her face that Ye Xiaoniu had feelings for Shangguan Jueshi in her heart, but she refused to admit it in her heart, she was conflicting.

Shangguan Jueshi's move made her see her own intentions more clearly, but she was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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