Chapter 108 She fell in love with him?

"You're talking nonsense, how could I be jealous?" Ye Qingxin hastily denied it, but after being told by Lu Manman, she couldn't calm down anymore.

Thinking that Shangguan Jueshi might find another woman, her heart felt as if it was stuffed with stones, it was very clogged, and every time she wanted to breathe, she was almost out of breath and felt very uncomfortable.

"Ye Xiaoniu, your left eyelid keeps twitching when you're lying, look at your left eye now." Lu Manman pointed out, but Ye Qingxin was surprised, why didn't she even notice this feature herself? , could it be that Lu Manman said that her left eyelid is really twitching all the time.

Ye Qingxin covered her left eye, not wanting it to continue dancing.

Lu Manman on the side saw her actions, but couldn't help but chuckled, the normally shrewd Ye Xiaoniu would still believe it.

"Ye Xiaoniu, I was joking just now, but you actually took it seriously, you have a guilty conscience!"

"Lu Manman, you are going too far!"

Being guessed, Ye Qingxin felt embarrassed. Could it be that she was really so obvious.

"Ye Qingxin, haven't you ever thought that Shangguan Jues gave you freedom purely because of motives? He did it because of you?" Lu Manman asked. Based on his intuition, Shangguan Jueshi liked Qingxin, and the reason he did this was because he didn't want to make Qingxin hate him even more.

It may be due to his personality and improper behavior, which caused Ye Xiaoniu to misunderstand.

"Because of me? How could it be possible! He was haunted before, and no matter where I went, he followed me like a dog's skin plaster. The reason why he doesn't do it now is because he thinks I'm troublesome, and he found me again. A woman who responds and is willing to bear children for him."

Ye Qingxin had always been convinced of this in her heart, and there was a sour smell in the air, which was very pungent.

"Maybe it's because you have always believed that he is a bad person in your heart, and he wanted to change your mind, so he gave you freedom." Lu Manman helped analyze, and based on her understanding of men, Shangguan Jueshi did it with reason. Because of this, she would not give up on Ye Xiaoniu so easily.

If she gave up just because of her troubles, then she gave up long ago, why bother to delay until now.

"Lu Manman, did Shangguan Jueshi do you any favors? You help him speak like this." Ye Qingxin said dissatisfied, unwilling to admit Lu Manman's statement.

Which side is Lu Manman on?Every word she said was to defend Shangguan Jueshi. She was uncomfortable at first, but now she said that, she was even more confused.

"Do you think I'm like this kind of person? If I had done this earlier, I would be so prosperous now. As for now, do I still need to look at other people's eyes?" Lu Manman laughed at herself. It is true that she worships money, but she does not want to be famous. And climb into someone else's bed.

"That's right, Lu Manman, you're not that kind of person, but I still don't think Shangguan Jueshi thinks that way." Ye Qingxin groaned, based on what she knew about Lu Manman, she wasn't that kind of person.

"The authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, Ye Xiaoniu, have you noticed that you can't say anything without the name Shangguan Jueshi? In your heart, Shangguan Jueshi already occupies a very large position, but you are an ostrich and don't want to believe it, because Once a man you hated so much that suddenly became someone you like, it would be hard for me to accept it."

Lu Manman said with a smile, when Ye Xiaoniu heard Shangguan Jueshi's name and mentioned him, her eyes lit up, her tone of voice was excited, and she even showed a bit of a little woman's posture. She had never shown it on her face before, and only mentioned the characteristics of Shangguan Jueshi, but she didn't notice it.

But she, an outsider, could see clearly.

I like Shangguan Jueshi?I really like Shangguan Jueshi?
For this answer, Ye Qingxin was not surprised at all, as if she had expected it long ago.

She has always been unwilling to admit this answer, which is obviously easy to think of, but why did she fall in love with him.


"No, but you have been implying in your heart that everything he did to you, you always think about his badness, and you want to cover up the throbbing in your heart."

Lu Manman said sharply, but Ye Qingxin was speechless.

Because what Lu Manman said was the truth, she really kept reminding herself in her heart that Shangguan Jueshi is a bastard and a pervert, and she was covering up her heartbeat.

"I admit that I treat him a little differently, but he has given me freedom now. Look at me, I'm at the airport and I'm about to run away, but he hasn't moved at all. Did he just throw me away or something? "

Ye Qingxin's heart is very complicated now, and she is very concerned about what Shangguan Jueshi said. The matter of having a child has always been a thorn in her heart, and she will get into a dead end inadvertently.

"Hehe, Ye Xiaoniu, aren't you a bitch! When people stare at you closely, they feel that they are perverted, but now that they give you freedom, you say that they are heartless. Let me ask you, what is in your heart? what do you want?"

Lu Manman always speaks straightforwardly, and they are often so straightforward, so they are all used to it.


Ye Qingxin was speechless, she almost didn't know what she wanted.

Lu Manman is right, isn't she a contradiction!

"Ye Xiaoniu, do you still plan to leave like this after knowing your own intentions? Do you want to be a coward?" Lu Manman's sharp words made Ye Qingxin unable to escape.

She is very clear about Ye Qingxin's temperament, she just wants to escape because she can't accept it for a while.

"But it's not like you don't know that when Shangguan Jueshi first set his sights on me, he wanted me to have a baby. How do I know if he really likes me?"

Ye Qingxin bit her lip, her eyes were full of confusion.

This question has puzzled her for a long time, and every time she thinks about it, there is a thorn in her heart that keeps poking and hurting.

"The reason why you are evading like this is because you are not sure about his feelings for you! Well, you can ask him face to face now. If he still thinks about children first, then you just shake your head and leave without hesitation." Isn't it your usual style to dare to be brave?" Lu Manman thought of an idea for her, and now it's only on her mind whether to leave or stay.

"I'll ask him face to face! This..."

Ye Qingxin shook her head and began to shrink back. It is true that she usually has a thick skin, but if the answer is really the same as she thought, then what should she do.

"Don't you dare? Well, it's okay if you don't ask, then you go back now, don't say anything, and look at Shangguan Jueshi's reaction, you can easily see whether he is true or false to you." Lu Manman told her again Another idea came up, since Ye Xiaoniu didn't dare to ask in person, then by watching Shangguan Jueshi's reaction, she would be able to get the answer he wanted.

"Can you see it?" Ye Qingxin looked hesitant, she didn't usually see it, but could she see it this time?

"The eyes are not very reliable, so use your heart to feel it. Have you ever thought that Shangguan Jues might be waiting for you in the hospital right now." Lu Manman reminded that she probably already thought of Shangguan Jues. The purpose of this move is to bet on how important he is in Ye Xiaoniu's heart.

I have to say that this man is really shrewd, he made the right bet, he just used his slight favor in Ye Xiaoniu's heart to turn over the situation that was not good for him.

I don't know if Ye Xiaoniu is lucky to meet such a shrewd and cunning man.

"Is he waiting for me?"

Ye Qingxin murmured, thinking of what Shangguan Jueshi said at noon, he said that he would come to see her at night.

He is really waiting for her?Did he expect her to run away before doing this?Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin had a look of disbelief, her heart was surging like sea water, and she could no longer calm down.

According to Shangguan Jueshi's shrewdness, if he found out that she was pretending to be sick, how could he not expect her to run away? Isn't the reason why he evacuated all the secret sentry is to see how she chooses?
Everything seems to be figured out.

"Ye Xiaoniu, do you still want to leave now?" Lu Manman asked, seeing Ye Xiaoniu's expression on her clothes, she must have understood!

"Leave, of course I have to leave, Shangguan Jueshi, a cunning old fox, actually plotted against me like this." Ye Qingxin said angrily, she couldn't just let him get his way.

"You still want to go?"

Lu Manman thought she would figure it out, but she didn't expect that she would choose to leave in the end. Is it really that important to lose to Shangguan Jueshi?More important than her feelings?

Maybe Shangguan Jueshi lost his heart from the moment he fell in love with Ye Xiaoniu.

"I have to go. I'll go to America for a walk for two days before I come back." Ye Qingxin said with a teasing smile, anyway, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't be allowed to win.

"You little girl, you really have a good face!" Lu Manman chuckled, knowing that this little girl Ye would not give up so easily.

"Let's go, let's go to the United States to be happy for two days."

Ye Qingxin put her arms around her shoulders, with a bright smile on her face, after thinking everything through, she really felt much more at ease.

"Aren't you afraid that Shangguan Jue will want you all over the world?"

"It depends on his ability."

The two were chatting and laughing, and were about to leave when Ye Qingxin's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Wait, I'll answer a call, who will be calling at this time?" Ye Qingxin looked puzzled, took out her phone and saw the signature on it - Ye Haoxuan, she faintly felt that something was wrong, so she quickly answered it answer.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Xin'er, have you taken off now? Come back quickly. When Dad saw that you were not there, he fainted from anger."

Ye Haoxuan's anxious voice came from the phone, but Ye Qingxin was stunned, and her father was overwhelmed by her.

"Brother, I'm going back now. Lu Manman's old man was stunned by my anger. I have to go back now, and I can't go to the United States."

Ye Qingxin looked guilty.

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't worry, I'll drive you there now." Seeing Ye Xiaoniu's face change, Lu Manman hurriedly drove over and sent her back.

(End of this chapter)

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