Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 109 Deceived Chapter To Get Beaten

Chapter 109 Being Tricked Back and Beaten
"Lu Manman, do you think something will happen to my dad?" Along the way, Ye Qingxin looked guilty, her heart was up and down, and she was always afraid that something would happen to Ye Maosheng.

If she hadn't run away, the old man wouldn't have been pissed off, it was all her fault, why did she have to leave, and now the person who loved her worried about falling ill.

Ye Qingxin bit her lip subconsciously, her face was a little ugly, full of anxiety, and Lu Manman could see her fear, so she accelerated the car.

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't worry, Uncle Ye's body is strong, it's just a sudden rush of energy and blood, and he'll be fine soon, don't feel too guilty, I'll drive faster."

Lu Manman drove the car and comforted him. Anyone who encounters such a thing will be nervous and anxious. She understands Ye Xiaoniu's mood very well.

"It's my fault. I've been relying on my father's love and willful behavior. I knew he was doing it for my own good, but I kept resisting him." Ye Qingxin said with a face of remorse, but now saying these things is useless. I can only save it quickly.

"It's useless to say these things now. Let's understand Uncle Ye's situation first." Lu Manman said rationally. After all, no one wants such a thing to happen, but now that it happened, we can only choose to face it and pray for Uncle Ye's body to recover quickly. recover.

But at this moment in the ward, Ye Maosheng had a sullen face, and Ye Haoxuan was standing aside for training.

"Haoxuan, you're such a good kid, you actually teamed up with that stinky girl Xin'er to deceive me, pretended to be sick and went to the hospital to take the opportunity to escape, how did you become a big brother, if something really happened to Xin'er, what should you do? !"

Because of being too angry, Ye Maosheng was so angry that he gasped up and down. He held a long whip in his hand, and seemed to want to teach Ye Haoxuan a lesson.

This one or two really made him worry. He thought that the child Haoxuan was more sensible, but it was fine that the girl Xin'er was ignorant, but he actually followed suit.

"Dad, I'm sorry! It's my fault for deceiving you this time. You also know Xin'er's temper. If she wants to leave, no one can keep her! Besides, it's not that you don't know her character. The more you force her, The more she wants to resist, you don't even have a buffer for her, so let her marry someone she doesn't know well, of course she can't accept it for a while." Ye Haoxuan lowered his head and took the initiative to admit his mistake, but at the same time he did not forget to love Ye intercede.

And Liu Silian was sitting on the side, with a mobile phone in her hand, with a worried expression on her face, should she inform Qingxin, Uncle Ye was really angry this time.

No, it's better to ask Qingxin not to come back, otherwise, according to Uncle Ye's temper, she will have a meal of the whip.

Idiot Liu lowered her head and pressed the phone quietly, wanting to send a message to tell Ye Qingxin not to come back. She was about to send it, but suddenly found that the light in front of her was blocked. When she looked up, she saw Ye Qingxin Maosheng looked at her kindly.

Ye Haoxuan on the side looked anxious for her, ever since his father asked him to call Qing Xin to say that he was sick, Xin'er's matter was inevitable.

"Si Lian, are you going to tell that girl Xin'er!"

Ye Maosheng laughed calmly, but there was an invisible pressure in the air, she could only laugh a few times, and quickly put the phone on the table.

"No, no!" Liu Silian shook his head, sat upright, and didn't dare to make any more messy movements.

Although Uncle Ye didn't say anything, he was so scary.

"This is a good boy!" Ye Maosheng was very satisfied with her actions, and then walked back. Ye Haoxuan who was on the side saw that he did not make things difficult for Liu Silian, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Haoxuan, if it wasn't for Xin'er's safety, why would I force her like this? You think I'm so rigid and autocratic, how could I ignore Xin'er's affairs, I let you watch her, but you Let her run away and do something wrong, how can I punish you!" Ye Maosheng held a whip in his hand and was about to teach him a lesson.

"Dad, you fight!"

Ye Haoxuan is already prepared, since he has made a mistake, he will be punished.

"Uncle Ye, you want to beat Brother Haoxuan! This whip will hurt very much."

Upon hearing that Uncle Ye wanted to teach Brother Haoxuan a lesson, Liu Silian stood up and begged for mercy.

This whip will hurt very much, brother Haoxuan can't be blamed for this matter, but facing Uncle Ye's serious face, Liu Silian dare not speak directly.

Ye Haoxuan wanted to say something, but Ye Maosheng glanced at him, motioning him not to speak.

"But if he does something wrong, he will be punished." Ye Maosheng continued with a straight face, seeing Si Lian defending Haoxuan so much, his eyes were full of smiles.

"Uncle Ye, Brother Haoxuan knows he's wrong, can we have another punishment?" Liu Silian said timidly, this punishment doesn't have to be beating.

"For Si Lian's sake, I can relax a bit, but I need Si Lian's cooperation." Ye Maosheng said seriously, but Liu Si Lian looked puzzled, maybe he should beat her too.

"Uncle, you are not going to hit me!" Liu Silian worried.

"Stupid boy, why would I beat you! Since Xin'er has run away, the marriage will fail, or else, you and Haoxuan will get married, and I don't care about it." Ye Maosheng Said with a deep meaning on his face, he might as well strike while the iron is hot, and take care of Haoxuan and Si Lian's affairs, and he will be relieved.


She married Brother Haoxuan?No way?She had never thought about this before, Liu Silian tilted her head with a perplexed expression.

"What? You don't want to, you don't like Haoxuan?" Ye Maosheng asked, and Ye Haoxuan who was on the side saw his father trying so hard to match them up, he smiled and looked helpless.

"No, no!" Liu Silian shook her head anxiously, it's not that she doesn't like it, it's just that she's not ready yet!

Liu Silian was so anxious that her words were incomplete, just when she didn't know what to do, Ye Qingxin and Lu Manman rushed over in time.

"Brother, how is Dad?"

Because of Ye Qingxin's overly nervous relationship, she didn't notice Ye Haoxuan who was sitting at the side when she entered the door. She only saw Ye Haoxuan standing there, ran over, took Ye Haoxuan's hand and hurriedly asked.

How is the old man's condition?Not serious!
Isn't Uncle Ye sitting here properly?Lu Manman saw Ye Maosheng who was sitting leisurely at the side at a glance, and saw that Uncle Ye's expression was normal, he didn't look like he was sick.

Could it be a lie!Lu Manman realized this at once, and this time Ye Xiaoniu must have a meal of the whip.

"Hello, Uncle Ye!" Lu Manman greeted with respect, in a moderate voice, trying to remind Ye Qingxin to get ready.

But Ye Qingxin turned her head and looked again, and saw her old man's face was ashen, staring at her with raging anger in his eyes.

"Dad, didn't you faint from anger?"

Why are you still sitting here?What the hell is going on?

"You stinky girl, if I don't tell you that I'm sick, will you come back! You are getting more and more courageous, and you dare to lie to me by pretending to be sick, so I won't smoke you!"

Ye Maosheng looked angry, raised his whip and threw it at Ye Qingxin, Ye Qingxin quickly dodged it, knocked down the cup on the table, and smashed it to the ground.

"Uncle Ye, calm down! Calm down! Don't get angry, this is a hospital, you can't fight and kill, please be quiet." Lu Manman said in time, and Ye Maosheng realized that this is a hospital. Confused by this girl.

Ye Maosheng put away his whip, and the anger on his face slowly calmed down.

"Idiot Liu, why didn't you notify me in advance!" Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, this old man is too bad, he lied to her that the old man was sick, so she rushed over in a hurry, if Lu Manman hadn't persuaded him in time Stop, she will eat the whip.

"Qingxin, I want to too, but Uncle Ye won't let me!" Liu Silian looked embarrassed, and she wanted to inform her, but Uncle Ye saw through.

"You stinky girl, you still haven't admitted your mistake!"

This stinky girl hasn't realized her mistake until now, but she still complains about others.

Ye Maosheng patted the table with his hands, and there was a "pop", and everyone present was startled. Uncle Ye's majesty was not just a joke.

"What are you brothers and sisters still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry over here!" Ye Maosheng called out to the two of them, and the Ye brothers and sisters obediently stood up.

Liu Silian and Lu Manman could only stand aside, not daring to say anything.

"You guys have already planned it out. You fooled me, an old man, into a circle. Whenever there was a trouble in the two of you, I was so worried all day that I couldn't even eat or sleep well. Okay, now you two are brothers and sisters. This wing is hard, especially you stinky girl, you actually made fun of your body, do you think I am old, useless, and I can't impress you."

Ye Maosheng patted the table again, and the sound of "pop" pierced through his ears. Ye Qingxin couldn't help swallowing, and straightened her body.

She knew that she had mishandled this matter, and she didn't mean to worry him.

"Dad, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't make fun of my body and make you worry."

Ye Qingxin took the initiative to admit her mistake, she was indeed at fault this time, and they shouldn't be worried.

"Smelly girl, tell me where you went wrong?" The attitude of this stinky girl admitting her mistake is quite sincere, but how do you know if this girl is playing some tricks again.

"My mistake was hurting my body. Brother Lianhe lied and made you worry about me."

As soon as she saw the long whip in the old man's hand, swinging from time to time, and might be thrown towards her at any time, she quickly took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Hurry up to admit your mistake and save yourself the pain. According to the old man's temperament, it's definitely not just a few words, maybe she will suffer when I go home.

"anything else!"

"Also, what else?"

She admitted all her biggest mistakes, what else, Ye Qingxin couldn't think of it for a while.

"think it yourself!"

Ye Maosheng patted the table and chair again, and Ye Qingxin took a few steps back in fright, what else did she do wrong!

Facing the old man's stern eyes, Ye Qingxin could only tilt her head and continue thinking, what could be wrong with her.

 Xiao Wu added a new chapter, I hope you like it!Don't forget to bookmark, reward, and vote!
(End of this chapter)

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