Chapter 110
"Brother, what else did I do wrong?" Ye Qingxin took small steps, approached Ye Haoxuan, and asked in a low voice.

She can't remember it at all, now that she has come to this point, if she makes a mistake, she will naturally bear it, but the problem is that she can't think of where to make a mistake.

"You have let down Shangguan Jueshi's heart by running away from marriage!" Ye Haoxuan reminded in a low voice, and Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes with an innocent look on her face.

"Father, I have never promised this marriage from the beginning to the end. You forced it on me. I dare not speak out under your majesty! You can't blame me for this!"

She didn't even nod her head. If the old man hadn't been so domineering, she wouldn't have run away!
"Smelly girl, so you are blaming me for acting on my own initiative without considering your feelings, and you have no choice but to run away from marriage!"

Ye Mao was so angry that his face was livid, his eyes were cold and terrifying, if it wasn't for her safety, why would he do this?
It's good now, but the girl said it was his fault.

"It was all your fault!"

Ye Qingxin pouted and murmured to herself, not daring to confront Ye Maosheng face to face, the old man is superstitious and stubborn, always believes in some things, no matter what she thinks, he married her, if it was someone else, it must be the same Do the same with her.

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about! Louder!"

Ye Mao was so angry that he stood up and shouted loudly.

Don't think that his ears can't listen to him when he is old, he can hear what the girl said just now clearly.

And Ye Qingxin was so frightened by his drink that she hid behind Ye Haoxuan.

"Let's just say it, Dad, it's your fault in the first place. If you didn't insist on marrying me, would I have caused so many troubles later? And you pretended to be sick to lie to me. You are very wrong!" Ye Qingxin stretched out her head, and said with a face full of fearlessness.

And Ye Mao was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched violently, he raised his whip and threw it at her, which turned out to be the opposite, if he didn't give her a good lesson today, he didn't know what she would be like in the future.

"Old man, you only know this trick!"

The reflexes of Ye Qingxin and Ye Haoxuan are not limited either. One head is facing the left and the other is facing the right. The whip passed through the middle and was quickly retracted. It was about to be thrown again. The two brothers and sisters ran errands quickly , run side by side.

"Both of you are reversed."

Ye Mao was so angry that he was so weak that he stepped back a few steps, stroked his forehead with his hands, and calmed down his breath.

And Lu Manman hurried over and supported him, "Uncle, calm down, what will you do if you lose your temper!"

Lu Manman finally understood how Ye Xiaoniu lived all these years, she grew up eating whips, it was really not easy!Uncle Ye is also very energetic.

"It's good to be angry! Once you close your eyes, you don't have to worry about it in the future."

Ye Maosheng said with a look of anger, he threw the whip aside, sat on the sofa, don't get so angry that he didn't even want to say anything.

"Uncle Ye, don't be angry! If you lose your temper, Qingxin and Brother Haoxuan will be very sad, and our country will lose a good pillar like you!" Lu Manman comforted, with this mouth It's as sweet as honey.

"If only this stinky girl was as sensible as you." Ye Maosheng sighed and stopped looking at the two of them.

When Ye Qingxin and Ye Haoxuan saw this, they came over one after another with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Uncle Ye, in fact, this matter can't be blamed on Qingxin. I know that uncle is only thinking of Qingxin, but suddenly he wants to marry a man he doesn't know well. If it were me, I wouldn't agree. Uncle Ye, we girls They all need a sense of security, and this sense of security must be obtained on the basis of mutual familiarity, and you need to give your love some buffer time."

Lu Manman analyzed from the side, and Ye Maosheng felt that it made sense, could it be that he was pushing this matter too fast, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows to look at Ye Qingxin, but can this girl listen?

"Dad, Lu Manman is right. I didn't intend to make you angry, but you kept pushing me, and I was forced to do this. If you tell me well and give me time to think about it, I will I definitely won't do that." Ye Qingxin nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Lu Manman's statement.

"Uncle Ye, and Ye Xiaoniu, both of you take a step back, so that the matter can be resolved." Lu Manman continued, both of you have to take a step back to resolve this matter, otherwise this stalemate is not a solution.

"Father, Manman is right. This is a hospital and needs to be quiet. There is nothing else to do now that Qingxin's body is fine. Why don't we go back and discuss it later!"

Ye Haoxuan opened his mouth at the right time, and this is where he works, and it was known that he was being chased and beaten by his father, how embarrassing he was!

"Stinky girl, if Man Man didn't intercede for you today, I would definitely not forgive you!" Ye Maosheng nodded in agreement, he was so confused by the anger of their brother and sister just now.

"Father, I know I was wrong. Don't be angry, don't be angry. How can you take care of your brother when you are so angry?"

Ye Qingxin walked over, supported Ye Maosheng's arm, and said casually.

But Ye Haoxuan looked helpless, this girl actually got involved with him, and when it came to the child, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Liu Silian.

"Hmph!" Ye Maosheng pulled her hand away with a look of anger.

"Dad, don't be like this!" Ye Qingxin entangled her like an octopus relentlessly. This time and again, Ye Maosheng had no choice but to let her go, and the anger in his heart began to dissipate slowly. .

"Si Lian, let's go too!"

The group walked out, and the hospital became quiet again.

Back at Ye's house, because of what Lu Manman said, Ye Maosheng didn't lose his temper and whip his whip. We need to sit down and talk about this matter.

"Stinky girl, what are you still doing in a daze! Why don't you hurry up and call Jazz and tell him that you have been discharged from the hospital, lest he can't find you in the hospital, and ask him to come home after get off work."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to say it, and Ye Qingxin pursed her lips with a look of reluctance.

"Why, you don't even listen to what I say. Just now you promised repeatedly that you would listen to me and have a good talk. Now you regret it."

Seeing her motionless, with no intention of doing what he said, Ye Maosheng raised his voice again.

"I'm going to fight now, I'm going to fight now, Dad, don't get angry!"

Ye Qingxin got up from the sofa and made a call under Ye Maosheng's gaze.

At this time, Shangguan Jueshi sat in the office chair, bowed his head in silence, his eyes were lowered, his eyeballs were covered by his long eyelashes, and his emotions could not be seen.

He only heard the ticking of the clock on the table, and the time passed by every second. His slender fingers kept tapping back and forth on the table, cooperating with the rotation of the clock very tacitly. Such tranquility made people feel repressed.

It's been two hours and she still hasn't called, so she's really gone this time!
He still lost!lost!

Shangguan Jueshi raised his head, his stern face flaunted his loneliness, but she chose to leave in the end, and he was completely defeated!
How could she just leave like this!The evil blue eyes burst out with chills, with an angry, unwilling, and helpless complex expression, Ye Qingxin, you really don't have any place for me in your heart!My goodness to you is not worth my badness in your heart.

Shangguan Jueshi clenched his fists tightly, his blue eyes flashed a touch of coldness, and the corner of his thin mouth raised an evil smile, beautiful but cold, like Satan, cruel and bloodthirsty.

What freedom!Only by possession can he tie her by his side. This time he will not give her any freedom, nor will he reveal his sincerity.

Shangguan Jueshi narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a cold expression. Even if he digs three feet into the ground this time, he will bring her back and never allow her to escape from his grasp again.

Just when he picked up his mobile phone and was about to order his servants to arrest him, a series of familiar numbers appeared. He had already memorized this number in his heart, and he had counted it silently countless times since just now. Seeing it, he was a little disbelieving, and almost thought it was his illusion.

The movements of his hands were a little stiff, and his dull eyes regained their light. It was her calling.

That's right!He who has always been calm and composed unexpectedly showed a nervous face, and his brows were full of uneasiness.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly swiped and answered the call. This series of actions showed how nervous and anxious he was.

"Father, Shangguan Jueshi didn't answer the call! Or I'll hang up!"

At Ye Maosheng's request, Ye Qingxin put on the loudspeaker, but the phone rang repeatedly, but no one answered it, and Ye Qingxin was getting impatient with the wait.

"Wait a little longer!" Ye Maosheng said, maybe Juzzi is busy, why is this girl so impatient.

Just when Ye Qingxin was about to get impatient, Shangguan Jueshi's calm voice sounded from the opposite side, "What do you want from me?"

Even if he pretended to be so calm, he couldn't hide the nervousness and excitement in his tone.

"Yes, yes!"

Ye Qingxin originally wanted to scold him for answering so slowly, but when she heard Shangguan Jueshi's magnetic voice, her heart was touched, she couldn't scold for a while, and swallowed all the bad words.

"What's the matter!"

Because of joy, Shangguan Jueshi inadvertently lengthened the end of his speech, appearing a little gentle, Ye Qingxin blushed unconsciously when he heard it.

"Shangguan Jueshi, let me tell you that I have returned home from the hospital, and my father asked you to come to my house tonight."

Ye Qingxin's voice dropped several tones, and the girl's coquettishness could not help showing.

Even she found that something was wrong with her speech, it didn't sound like her own voice at all, what happened to her.

"Okay, I'll go over later, you wait for me!" Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, this sentence can't help but make people feel ambiguous, Ye Qingxin's ears turned red after hearing it.

"Okay, that's it!"

Fearing that Shangguan Jueshi would find out that something was wrong with her, Ye Qingxin hurriedly hung up the phone. Ever since she found out what she wanted for Shangguan Jueshi, her heart beat so fast when she talked to him, she almost didn't look like herself anymore. .

(End of this chapter)

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