Chapter 127

Ye Qingxin stayed on the bed, kept hypnotizing herself, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep no matter what!What to do, actually tensed up.

Obviously nothing?Besides, they both slept in the same bed before, and she didn't think anything was wrong, but tonight, she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do?
Just when Ye Qingxin was at a loss, the phone on the table rang. Ye Qingxin quickly got up, took the phone over, and pressed the answer button.

Lu Manman played at the right time, and now she needed her the most.

"Hey, Lu Manman, you finally called!"

Ye Qingxin exhaled, as if she had found a life-saving herb.

"Ye Xiaoniu, look at what you said, what happened to you? I heard from idiot Liu that you moved to live with Shangguan Jueshi after you received your certificate today."

Lu Manman's casual tone came from the opposite side. Although it was only a trial marriage, shouldn't she give a wedding gift?

"I didn't do it voluntarily, it was my old man who kicked me out."

Ye Qingxin was dissatisfied, thinking of what the old man did, she still had a fire burning in her heart.

"But from your tone of voice, you seem to have adapted to your new home. How about being with your peerless husband?"

Lu Manman couldn't help teasing, "Although Ye Xiaoniu said so, she seems to be quite used to it, with joy in her tone from time to time.

"No way! Ye Xiaoniu, I'm so nervous now, you still have the mood to make fun of me."

Ye Qingxin denied it, but she seemed to have really adapted to this new nest, maybe it was because of Shangguan Jueshi's relationship, it was definitely not like this, it was because of her strong adaptability.

But thinking of what Shangguan Jueshi said just now, there are several deer in her heart that are reckless and jumping wildly.

"Why are you nervous? You are just a trial marriage, not a real marriage. Maybe you plan to spend the first night with Shangguan Jueshi in the bridal chamber."

Lu Manman laughed and said, it was the first time I saw Ye Xiaoniu so nervous, if she was really married, she wouldn't feel nervous, but she was just a trial marriage, a couple in name only, why was she so nervous.

Unless she really wants something to happen in her heart?This possibility cannot be ruled out.

"Of course not, but I'm still inexplicably nervous!" Ye Qingxin didn't know what to say, her current mood was up and down, and she couldn't express it in words.

"You are so nervous! Unless you have ghosts in your heart!"

I have to say that Ye Qingxin is really married to a peerless good husband, who can go to the hall and the kitchen, and the conditions are extremely superior. If it were her, she would have married him a long time ago. It's a pity that Shangguan Jueshi likes Qingxin, So it is inevitable that Ye Xiaoniu has some thoughts in her heart.

"My self-control has always been strong, okay?" Ye Qingxin said with a guilty conscience, but she couldn't help drooling when faced with Shuai Guo's strong figure, let alone Shangguan Jueshi's good figure Now, the golden ratio, neither thin nor fat, well-proportioned lines, her mind began to fantasize about his handsome figure.

"A rotten girl, if you meet a hot pot, all self-control will go to hell, you'd better take defensive measures, otherwise you will get another little kid out at that time, and you will feel better."

Lu Manman couldn't help reminding that she could see Ye Xiaoniu better than anyone else, and when she saw the handsome pot, she didn't know where she went.

"Lu Manman, don't be kidding me. You know that I'm very nervous now, and you still talk about it with me. Besides, you think giving birth to a child is as fast as taking a spaceship."

Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face, in fact, Lu Manman was right, she was not afraid of what Shangguan Jueshi would do to her, but she was worried about herself, when the time came, she would not be able to rely on the raw rice and cooked rice if she wanted to.

"Why are you nervous? You are just living together. Could it be that you are still sleeping in the same bed? Besides, even if you sleep in the same bed, something has to happen?"

Lu Manman said nonchalantly, and suddenly remembered that night when he was drunk and slept in the same bed with Gu Changye, nothing happened.

Or is Ye Xiaoniu really hoping for something to happen?
"We literally slept in the same bed!"

Ye Qingxin said, she didn't expect that Lu Manman's guess would be so accurate. If she hadn't slept in the same bed, she would have slept like a dead pig long ago. If she lived in the same room and the same bed, she couldn't see up and down. , she was so nervous that she couldn't sleep.

"So what if you share the same bed! Besides, didn't you guys sleep together before? As long as you don't want to, Shangguan Jueshi will definitely not oppress you. After all, a man likes to challenge, even if you share your heart Take it, unless you want to do something to Shangguan Jueshi?"

At this time, Lu Manman was lying on the big soft bed, leaning against him, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and slowly tasting it.

At this moment, the ground was full of chaos, and within half an hour since Gu Changye left, her house was no different from a garbage dump.

Recalling the last time I sent Gu Changye back and saw his house, which was spotless and clean, she felt that she had failed to be a woman. Except for this appearance, everything else was not like a woman at all, and she wondered if she had voted wrong. Tired.

"I don't have it! If I really cook raw rice with her, then I will really be doomed in the future, and I won't let myself be at such a disadvantage."

Ye Qingxin emphasized again, reminding herself not to mess around.

"That's it. You know how to think so. Hurry up and put on the quilt and go to sleep! It's winter, it's freezing cold, you really can't help it, just use Shangguan Jueshi as a big heater! Don't take nothing, don't take it, It’s okay to eat some tofu once in a while, just don’t overeat! After all, creatures like men are unpredictable, otherwise you will bear the consequences!”

Seeing that Ye Xiaoniu was still talking so much, Lu Manman said bluntly.

"Great stove!"

Ye Qingxin opened her mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief, she couldn't help laughing, it's true that Shangguan Jueshi has an iceberg face, but his body is hot, just like a stove, but if Shangguan Jueshi knew that they missed him so much , It is estimated that it has become a thousand-year-old ice.

"Yes, yes, yes, the big heater, just treat it as a stove that can keep you warm, grandma, I have to work tomorrow, I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep."

Lu Manman yawned, she was really sleepy, she was tired of work today, if she did this again, she would pack up and leave.

"Then go to sleep! Come to my new home when you are free some other day!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but invite, after all, the environment here is so good, it's a good choice for her sisters to come on vacation together.

"Okay, I'll take a look when I get some free time, then let's do this first, bye!"

After talking on the phone with Lu Manman, Ye Qingxin was not as nervous as before and relaxed a lot. She took a deep breath and was about to lie down when she saw Shangguan Jueshi walking towards her slowly.

When Ye Qingxin saw such a great figure, she couldn't take her eyes off her. At this moment, his wet hair was still covered with water droplets, and his blue eyes were covered with layers of mist, making him extremely sexy , the corner of his mouth kept raising a faint smile, full of temptation and evil charm, the smile was just right, facing his bottomless eyes, Ye Qingxin's heart jumped up unconsciously.

Look at the well-proportioned figure, the firm abs, and the perfect lines, so that she couldn't take her eyes off it.

Ye Qingxin took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on her, and even traces of transparent saliva flowed from her mouth.

This is a good figure, if you sell it, you can make a lot of money!
How can this guy look so good-looking!Now he is her husband, no, no, you have to hold on, don't mess yourself up!

Ye Qingxin couldn't help pinching the quilt with her drooping hand, and pulled it tightly, for fear that she would throw Shangguan Jueshi on impulse.

And Shangguan Jueshi stood aside, wiping his hair casually, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth all the time, watching Ye Qingxin's every move on the bed from the corner of his eyes, naturally knowing that Ye Qingxin's gaze has been from just now to now It all fell on him, she sometimes opened her brows to laugh, and sometimes frowned in confusion, the expression on her face changed, she didn't know what she was doing.

But one thing he was sure of was that she was admiring his figure, thinking that there was something she could see in him, the smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth deepened.

It seems that his little wild cat is a rotten girl. It seems that if he wants her to pay more attention to him, he needs to practice more.

But for his figure, Shangguan Jueshi is quite confident.

"What are you looking at?"

Shangguan Jueshi turned his head without warning, and his eyes met Ye Qingxin's.

Being overwhelmed, Ye Qingxin hastily looked away, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"I didn't look at anything, I didn't look at anything, Shangguan Jueshi, you don't wear clothes, you don't feel cold!" Ye Qingxin flicked her nose, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Ye Qingxin stammered, she couldn't watch it anymore, her blood was boiling with anger, and she would be sent to the hospital if she watched it any longer.Do not say bad spirit!

You can't let Shangguan Jueshi see her embarrassment.

The corners of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth raised slightly, and the corners of his eyes smiled slightly. He simply sat on the bed, and his behavior seemed a little deliberate.

And Ye Qingxin looked at the body so close, her saliva flowed down, and she couldn't help taking a breath.

I can't watch it anymore, I can't watch it anymore, I'm going to die if I look at it again, Ye Qingxin quickly covered her eyes, but her heart was still ready to move, she still wanted to take another look, one more look, she stretched her fingers and took aim With one glance, he quickly covered his eyes.

"Just right! Why did you cover your eyes? Is there any discomfort?"

Shangguan Jueshi came over and said deliberately, the fiery breath sprayed on her hands, a burning sensation began to spread from the bottom of her heart, Ye Qingxin was so frightened that she couldn't help but backed away.

Because they covered their eyes, they couldn't see the back clearly, so one stepped back, and there was no resistance behind, and the body fell into the empty space behind!

A gust of cold wind came from her back, and her body tensed up involuntarily.


Sudden loss of balance, Ye Qingxin screamed out in fright, Shangguan Jueshi moved his body quickly, trying to pull her up, who knew that Ye Qingxin was grabbing randomly, just trying to pull something and avoid falling.

But he dragged Shangguan Jues down in one fell swoop, and Shangguan Jues was pulled back, only to hear a "bang bang", a heavy sound from the room, and a muffled sound.

"Ah! I'm going to die!"

Under the bed, Shangguan Jueshi and Ye Qingxin fell to the ground one after another. Ye Qingxin's small body was crushed to the ground by Shangguan Jueshi, completely covered and pressed down. She felt her waist was stabbed several times, and she turned pale in pain. .

Is she about to become disabled?

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Jueshi quickly got up and hugged her, "Qingxin, where is the injury?"

He frowned, his eyes revealing his nervousness.

He knew his own weight, plus Qing Xin's petite body, she couldn't bear the weight.

Ye Qingxin felt that her waist was about to break, it hurt when she fell down, but she was almost paralyzed by the pressure of Shangguan Jueshi.

How much does this guy weigh!She was only over 80 kilograms, and if she was pressed down by him like this, she would be seriously injured if she didn't die.

Because of the pain, Ye Qingxin's small face was wrinkled into a ball, and the pain caused layers of thin sweat to break out from her forehead.

"Is it painful? How about we go to the hospital?"

Seeing her in so much pain that she couldn't speak, Shangguan Jueshi became anxious, and hurried to the hospital for an examination. Thinking of this, Shangguan Jueshi wanted to hug Ye Qingxin.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't move! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

Being shaken by Shangguan Jueshi so much, Ye Qingxin cried out in pain, anyway, don't touch her now, let her stay like this.

When Shangguan Jueshi heard what she said, his hands froze, and he maintained the movement just now.

Shangguan Jueshi frowned very tightly, especially seeing her in such pain, his eyes were even more unbearable.

And Ye Qingxin's eyes were moist because of the pain, but she didn't want Shangguan Jueshi to see her embarrassment, so she closed her eyes.

And Shangguan Jueshi naturally knew her stubbornness, thinking about the red eyes just now, his heart was pierced like a knife.

"How's it going?"

This action lasted for 10 minutes. Shangguan Jueshi looked at her without speaking, with his eyes closed, not knowing what was going on with her.

Holding her like this for 10 minutes, his hands were already numb, but he didn't move for fear of hurting her.

"It's much better than before, Shangguan Jueshi, just put me on the bed and lie on my stomach."

Ye Qingxin opened her eyes, and her face gradually returned to ruddy. She was crushed at the moment just now, and all the pain gathered for a moment. The pain made her almost faint, but she is much better now.

And Shangguan Jueshi was relieved when he heard her speak, but he still looked worried.

"How about we go to the hospital?"

Shangguan Jueshi was still very worried. Seeing her in pain just now, she must have been seriously injured, otherwise, according to her temperament, she wouldn't cry so easily.

It's better to go to the hospital for a checkup.

"No, no, it really hurts to be thrown down and crushed suddenly, but it's much better now."

Ye Qingxin shook her head, and it's so late now, it's too troublesome to go to the hospital.

"Then I'll find some medicine for you first, and I'll go to the hospital tomorrow."

 "I told you not to be too perverted, you still look at it, now you see the problem, it hurts your heart!"

  "Wuwu, it hurts so much. I'm in such pain. If you don't give me a comment, don't give me a reward, don't give me a monthly pass, I'm going to die of pain."

(End of this chapter)

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