Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 128 Was Really Sent to the Hospital

Chapter 128 Was Really Sent to the Hospital
Shangguan Jueshi's limbs were a little paralyzed because he had been maintaining the movement just now, and he stood up with difficulty, his movements could not be lighter, for fear that his movements would be too large and hurt her.

But when he hugged her small body, he frowned more and more, so there was only such a little weight.

"Say it if it hurts."

Shangguan Jueshi did not forget to say, his movements were cautious, at this time Ye Qingxin was like a treasure in his hands, with a precious expression on his face.

"so far so good!"

Ye Qingxin said softly, leaning on his warm chest, listening to his beating heart clearly, her heart also started beating according to his rhythm.

Shangguan Jueshi arched his body, carefully placed her on the bed, gently turned her over, and let her lie comfortably on her stomach. After doing this series of actions, he himself was so nervous that he was sweating hotly.

"Lie down first, I'll find some medicine for you."

Shangguan Jueshi took a step, then came back, gently covered her with the quilt, and then walked away in peace.

Ye Qingxin lay on the bed, feeling warm in her heart, an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Afraid that she would still be in pain, Shangguan Jueshi hurried downstairs, picked up the medicine box, and walked in a hurry.

But Ye Qingxin had heavy eyelids due to exhaustion, and fell into a deep sleep.

When Shangguan Jueshi came back, listening to her even breathing, he couldn't help smiling, and then looked at himself, with an embarrassing expression of worrying too much.

Shangguan Jueshi lifted the quilt, and when he saw her waist was bruised and bruised, his pretty brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were full of apology.

No wonder she wanted to cry in pain just now, she was hurt so badly, it was he who failed to protect her, damn it, she was hurt on the first day.

Shangguan Juesi wished that he was the one who was injured at this time, so at least she would not suffer.

Shangguan Jueshi took out a stick of ointment, squeezed it, put it on the palm of his hand, and gently wiped it off for her.


Perhaps being touched by a painful place, the sleeping Ye Qingxin couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, frightening Shangguan Jueshi's hands froze in the air.

Instead, he put the ointment on his fingers and rubbed it gently. Perhaps the ointment had worked, Ye Qingxin fell into a sound sleep, and her wrinkled eyebrows loosened.

After all this was done, Shangguan Jueshi was already sweating profusely because he was afraid of hurting her, so his movements were tense, which was more tiring than a day's work.

Shangguan Jueshi packed up the medicine box, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then walked out.

He lifted the quilt and lay down beside Ye Qingxin, seeing that he was sleeping soundly like a baby at this time, sleeping soundly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little wild cat, don't be so reckless in the future."

Shangguan Jueshi's hand gently stroked her mushroom head. In fact, according to her face shape, she looks good with long hair, but she ruined her hair like this. It's a pity. I suddenly want to see her with long hair look like.

Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help but put his hand on her face, and squeezed it lightly. It was soft and tender, and could be broken by blowing a bullet. It was a special kind of comfort in his hand.

He didn't feel sleepy at all now, and he felt it was a kind of enjoyment to just look at her like this, as if the fatigue just now had disappeared.

He supported his head with one arm, held her hand, looked at the ring she was wearing, felt indescribably satisfied, interlocked his fingers, and found that the curvature of their palms fit so well.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping position, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes showed a different kind of affection, fearing that she would touch the wound if she moved around, Shangguan Jueshi hugged her with his hands to fix her sleeping position.

This night, Ye Qingxin slept soundly, relying on Shangguan Jueshi as a big heater, whenever there was a disturbance in her, Shangguan Jueshi would know immediately, and would help her cover the quilt from time to time, lest she would turn over indiscriminately.

Especially when she was asleep, her hands kept fumbling around, which made his blood boil all over. He was afraid that she would move around and he would not be able to walk away, so he could only endure it forcefully.

"You naughty little wild cat!"

Shangguan Jueshi scratched her nose dotingly, his eyes full of helplessness.

The tip of her nose was filled with her faint fragrance, which was like a hypnotic, after being tossed by Ye Qingxin for a while, Shangguan Jueshi also fell into a deep sleep.

The breeze blows, blowing the curtains back and forth, and a ray of sunlight in the morning comes in through the gap.


Ye Qingxin wanted to turn over and pulled her waist, the pain made her grunt and woke up.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi heard Ye Qingxin's voice, he suddenly opened his eyes, his expression tensed, and his eyes fell on Ye Qingxin who was beside him.

"Don't move around, does it still hurt?"

Shangguan Jueshi got up, asked nervously, and looked at the big clock on the wall, it was nine o'clock in the morning, and he had overslept.


Ye Qingxin pouted and nodded. She couldn't even move, and it hurt when she moved. She must be disabled!
"Then let's go to the hospital now."

When Shangguan Jueshi heard that Ye Qingxin was still in pain, his brows were furrowed into knots, and he prepared to hug Ye Qingxin without even thinking about it.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, Shangguan Jueshi, are you planning to go out like this? You don't have any clothes on, so how can I go out dressed like this!"

Ye Qingxin hurriedly said, usually Shangguan Jueshi is calm and orderly, but why is it so strange today.

Besides, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to go to the hospital in such a pajamas and be seen by others.

After Ye Qingxin's reminder, Shangguan Jueshi realized that he was really overly nervous, and when he encountered her matter, he lost his usual rationality.

Shangguan Jueshi got out of bed, took out a set of clothes from the closet, and changed them in front of Ye Qingxin. Even though the pain was dying at this time, Ye Qingxin still hadn't changed her lust, and she couldn't help but cast a glance. Saliva overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

And Shangguan Jueshi looked at her and stared at him from time to time, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan Jueshi got dressed and walked over. He tidied up Ye Qingxin's clothes.

Ye Qingxin didn't think about the fact that she was injured at all, she wanted to get up and change her clothes, this violent pulling made her scream in pain.

"Wow, it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

There was a spasm of pain in the waist, and Ye Qingxin was so painful that tears fell down. Shangguan Jueshi saw it in his eyes, and his heart ached.

"Don't move!"

Shangguan Jueshi said softly, why is she so sloppy, even injured, and still acting like this, looking at her moist eye sockets, Shangguan Jueshi felt pain in his heart.

"Shangguan Jueshi, will I become disabled?"

Ye Qingxin sobbed, pouted with a grievance on her face, even if the old man forced her to practice kung fu before, even if she was injured, she had never been in such pain, would she become disabled, the world is so big, she hasn't recovered yet Go see it!
"What nonsense!"

Shangguan Jueshi sat beside her, touched her face, wiped away the tears on her face, the hot tears scorched his hands, and at the same time burned his heart.

He understood her temperament very well, she would only cry unless the pain was unbearable, otherwise, according to her stubborn temperament, she would not shed tears easily.

"Don't move around, I'll change your clothes for you!"

Shangguan Jueshi murmured softly, and when Ye Qingxin heard that he was going to help her change her clothes, her body tensed up.

If Shangguan Jueshi were to change her clothes, wouldn't it be... Ye Qingxin was frightened into a cold sweat.

"No, no, I won't change, you put on a coat for me!"

Ye Qingxin stammered, with a tense look on her face. When she thought that Shangguan Jueshi was about to change her clothes, every cell in her body trembled nervously, and her little face was as red as a tomato.

She would rather put on a coat than ask Shangguan Jue Shi to help her change. Although they lived together, she was not used to such intimate behavior.

Seeing Ye Qingxin's resistance, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to obey her advice, "Then put on a coat!"

It's rare to see her so shy, and she also has a little girly side.

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing him agree, Ye Qingxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while Shangguan Jueshi took a coat and put it on her arm, Ye Qingxin also cooperated very well, and put it on in no time.

"Come on, let me pick you up."

Because Ye Qingxin hurt her waist, she couldn't move around, so Ye Qingxin could only be hugged upside down.

"Is this comfortable?"

Because of her special condition, she couldn't sit down, so Shangguan Jushi asked someone to drive another luxurious car from the garage. The car was like a small bedroom, complete with everything and luxurious.

Ye Qingxin was lying on the sofa, and Shangguan Jueshi sat beside her, protecting her, for fear that the bumpy road would knock her off.


Ye Qingxin nodded, she was really bad enough, she fell out of bed on the first day of her wedding, she didn't know how long it would take to get better.

Soon they came to the hospital. They came to the hospital of the eldest brother. Because of their acquaintances, they quickly arranged a ward and a series of examinations.

Shangguan Jueshi came in with Ye Qingxin, and he glanced coldly at the male doctor beside him.

"Open it! Let me take a look." The male doctor said, just as he finished speaking, he was met with a cold look from Shangguan Jueshi.

The male doctor on the side looked innocent. This was just the most basic examination, but this gentleman seemed very difficult to talk and wouldn't let anyone approach him.

Ye Qingxin was lying on the stage, waiting for the examination. Seeing that Shangguan Jueshi didn't help, she simply turned it over by herself. The male doctor only glanced at it, and Shangguan Jueshi's eyes followed him, as if to say: You One more look, and I'll gouge your eyes out.

"Sir, the patient needs to be checked, so go out for a while." The male doctor said fearlessly.

"No!! I want to watch here!"

Shangguan Jueshi's tone was a little frightening, and his eyes were full of coldness.

There is air-conditioning in the air, which is a bit shabby.

"Sir, I need to see the injury to judge the condition!" The male doctor continued, this gentleman is too domineering.

"Just stand there and watch!" Shangguan Jueshi ordered, his tone unquestionable.

What a quack!

"Then I need palpation!" The male doctor continued, standing here watching, what can he see.

"You dare to touch her and try!" Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help amplifying his voice, his face gloomy.

"..." The male doctor's forehead was full of slashes, and it was really impossible to communicate with him.

"Miss, you'd better communicate with this gentleman first!" The male doctor looked at Ye Qingxin who was on the side and said, this kind of vexatious family members are too difficult to deal with.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you still want me to get well soon! Get out!" Ye Qingxin looked embarrassed, did Shangguan Jueshi go crazy today, why is he always making troubles, do you want her to get better?

Shangguan Jueshi frowned when Ye Qingxin said this, "Just take a picture of her, and if you touch something that shouldn't be touched, don't want your hands."

Not wanting to make Ye Qingxin angry again, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to walk out, not forgetting to warn before leaving.

"Sorry! Doctor, he's out of his mind! Let's have a check!" Ye Qingxin apologized, but the male doctor looked at his hand when he thought of Shangguan Jueshi's warning words just now, and he decided to forget it.

Just film it, the man doesn't look like he's joking.

As soon as Ye Haoxuan went to work, he received a call from Shangguan Jueshi. As soon as he heard that his sister was injured, he hurried over.

At this time, Ye Qingxin was doing an inspection inside, and Shangguan Jueshi was waiting at the door. When Ye Haoxuan saw him, his face was full of anger, and he grabbed Shangguan Jueshi's collar, "Shangguan Jueshi, What's going on? How did you take care of Xin'er and let her get hurt."

It was only the first day, and my heart was injured and I was hospitalized.

Ye Haoxuan has always behaved elegantly, but he couldn't calm down when encountering Ye Qingxin's matter.

Shangguan Jueshi pulled Ye Haoxuan's hand away, and gave him a cold look without explaining.

For Ye Haoxuan's eagerness to protect his sister, Shangguan Jueshi has long been unable to stand it.

Not even her brother, no one can covet her, not even care about her.

"Shangguan Jueshi, if you don't want to make things big, just say so, or I will take Xin'er home now."

Ye Haoxuan said angrily, especially seeing Shangguan Jueshi's attitude, he felt even more upset.

"Ye Haoxuan, you have to know, she is my wife now, why do you take her away!"

Shangguan Jueshi said coldly, now he and Qingxin are legal couples, and it is no longer his turn to intervene in their affairs.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't forget, you are just a trial marriage!"

Ye Haoxuan emphasized that this Shangguan Jueshi really thought that he was lawless.

"So what if it's a trial marriage? We've already obtained the certificate and are a legal couple."

There was a triumphant smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth, while Ye Haoxuan clenched his hands into fists, feeling the urge to do something.

But considering that this is a hospital, he had no choice but to let go of his hand, cast a disdainful glance at Shangguan Jueshi, and turned his attention to Ye Qingxin inside.

He walked in, because he was a colleague, Ye Haoxuan also watched the video on the computer.

"Fortunately, it was only a slight fall and it will take a few days to heal."

Ye Haoxuan watched the film and heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that Ye Qingxin would leave some sequelae.

After Ye Qingxin finished checking, Shangguan Jueshi walked in and hugged her up.

(End of this chapter)

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