Chapter 129 An Embarrassing Thing

"Xin'er, how are you?" Ye Haoxuan asked with concern when he saw his sister being carried out like this.

"Brother, it's all right, it's just a little painful, and it should be better after taking the medicine."

Because of being hugged like this, it was difficult for Ye Qingxin to speak, Ye Haoxuan looked at Shangguan Jueshi very dissatisfied, because of the line of sight, Ye Qingxin couldn't see their eyes meeting.

However, there was a burst of gunpowder smell floating in the air, the smell was so strong, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere.

What Ye Haoxuan was most worried about was his younger sister, he was usually reluctant to let her get hurt, but he didn't expect that it would be like this after he married Shangguan Jueshi for only one day.

"Doctor Ye, this is your sister's medicine, please go and bandage her later!"

The male doctor just handed the medicine to Ye Haoxuan, he didn't want to get into this muddy water, otherwise the blue-eyed man would be rude to him.

Let Dr. Ye come by himself, and his family members can't beat their own family members.

Shangguan Jueshi carried Ye Qingxin back to the ward, and Ye Haoxuan also walked in, "Xin'er, what's going on? Why did you fall like this? Did Shangguan Jueshi bully you?"

Ye Haoxuan glanced at Shangguan Jueshi who was on the side. He was sent to the hospital on the first day of the trial marriage, so how could he trust his sister to him.

Ye Haoxuan was very dissatisfied with Shangguan Jueshi's performance.

"No, brother, I accidentally flipped and somersaulted. I couldn't control the strength and fell down."

Ye Qingxin said in a low voice, a little guilty, she couldn't say that she fell down because she coveted Shangguan Jueshi's beauty and lost her soul, what a shame!

When Ye Qingxin said this, she couldn't help but look at Shangguan Jueshi at the side, glanced at her, and lowered her head, it was the first time she was so ashamed in front of Shangguan Jueshi.

"Don't mess around in the future, if you hurt your spine, it will be miserable."

Looking at the private interaction between the two of them, Ye Haoxuan didn't intend to say anything more, but he still didn't forget to warn that girl Xin'er has been careless in her work since she was a child, and she didn't know the severity. She was injured many times at home before.

"Understood, I won't be sloppy again in the future, brother, please help me apply the medicine quickly, I'm in so much pain!"

Ye Qingxin pursed her lips, not forgetting to say coquettishly.

And Shangguan Jueshi saw his wife acting like a spoiled child towards her brother, his face darkened, and he felt a little apprehensive.

"Okay, I'll apply the medicine for you now, but it takes three days to apply the medicine before changing it. These three days are the critical period. Don't touch the water, and don't mess around anymore, otherwise the wound will get worse, and you will be hurt by then." Yes." Ye Haoxuan did not forget to confess that the girl Xin'er has always liked to jump up and down since she was a child, and she has suffered countless injuries. The reason why he became a doctor is also because of this reason. Help her heal.

"Well, I won't be reckless in the future."

Ye Qingxin pouted her small mouth and nodded obediently.

"Brother, first massage for you to disperse the congestion, and then apply medicine for you, so that it will heal quickly. It will hurt at first, so bear with it."

This girl has never yelled in pain since she was bumped into each other since she was a child. Although she didn't hurt her bones this time, looking at her frowning, she knew it must be in pain.

Ye Haoxuan pulled the curtain and was about to help her apply the medicine. Just as he was about to lift Ye Qingxin's clothes, a pair of powerful big hands suddenly stretched out, and Shangguan's blue eyes showed displeasure.

Ye Haoxuan wanted to free his hand, but Shangguan Jueshi's hand was very strong. The two fought secretly, and the smell of gunpowder was strong in the air.

Even though Ye Haoxuan is a doctor, he was also taught by Ye Maosheng. It can be said that Lun Kung Fu belongs to the upper class, comparable to Shangguan Jueshi.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing! My elder brother wants to give me medicine!"

Seeing that the eldest brother hadn't made any movements, Ye Qingxin raised her head and saw Shangguan Jueshi's hand grabbing his elder brother's hand, preventing him from taking the medicine.

What is he doing?I hope she gets well soon.

"Shangguan Jueshi, let go!"

Seeing that Shangguan Jueshi was still holding on to his elder brother's hand, Ye Qingxin amplified her voice, why is this Shangguan Jueshi so restless today, he is so angry, whoever provokes him will always find trouble.

Now she still has to trouble her elder brother, is he tired of work?

Fearing that Ye Qingxin would tear his wound due to anger, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to let go of his hand. He had to admit that Ye Haoxuan was indeed not to be underestimated.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you go out, my elder brother will help me apply the medicine!" Ye Qingxin continued, Shangguan Jueshi is here, so it doesn't make people worry.

She was hurt like this, and he was always making trouble for her.

Shangguan Jueshi didn't take Ye Qingxin's words to heart, and just stood there, with no intention of going out.

And Ye Haoxuan naturally knew Shangguan Jueshi's hostility towards him, he was Xin'er's real brother after all, and he even guarded against him, this Shangguan Jueshi must be too domineering!

It can be seen that Shangguan Jueshi is too possessive of her family Xin'er, but it also shows that he cares about Xin'er very much.

"Can you massage?"

Ye Haoxuan asked Shangguan Jueshi on the side, forget it, after all, Xin'er is married now, he can no longer be like when he was a child, he should avoid suspicion as the eldest brother.

After all, no one likes to be treated as an enemy all day long, and he is no exception.


Shangguan Jueshi raised his eyebrows, his blue eyes narrowed slightly, he was a little surprised by Ye Haoxuan's actions, but it was considered interesting to him.

However, he will not dispel his guard against Ye Haoxuan just because of this, he still needs to guard against it.

Ye Haoxuan told Shangguan Jueshi some massage methods, and explained all the things that need to be paid attention to when applying the medicine, and then walked out. Shangguan Jueshi grasped the essentials immediately.

"Brother, where are you going! Don't you want to help me with medicine!"

Seeing Ye Haoxuan leave, Ye Qingxin couldn't help shouting, her elder brother usually took care of her injuries and prescribed medicine, so she just left.

"I'll help you with the medicine!" Shangguan Jueshi said lightly.

"You? Will you? Don't hurt me!"

Ye Qingxin was surprised, for fear that Shangguan Jueshi would be too harsh.

She is in pain now, so he should stop messing around.

"Didn't I apply the medicine for you last night! It doesn't hurt!" Shangguan Jueshi whispered, she was so afraid of pain!

She fell asleep last night, and he had already applied the medicine for her, so he would do it properly, and the target was him. It was more difficult for him to do this than his work, but he just didn't want to use other people's hands.

And Ye Qingxin listened to his words, shaking her head with embarrassment.

"You bear with me."

Shangguan Jueshi sat next to her and helped her apply the medicine. Looking at the large bruise, his blue eyes flashed, and his heart ached.

"Shangguan Jueshi, take it easy!"

Feeling a gust of cool wind blowing on her back, Ye Qingxin couldn't help shaking her body, it's really bad enough to fall like this.

And Shangguan Jueshi was a little nervous to start, but when she called out so suddenly, his hands froze in the air.

Because of the tension and worry, layers of fine sweat slowly broke out from his smooth forehead. It was because of her that he restrained his hands and feet like this, for fear of hurting her.

"Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

Shangguan Jueshi said softly, he didn't know whether he wanted to comfort her or remind himself.

At this moment, his voice was like a pleasant piano sound, flowing out slowly like flowing water. Every note touched her heart, and her tense body began to relax slowly.

Because of her relaxation, Shangguan Jueshi also relaxed.

Shangguan Jueshi smeared the ointment on the palm of his hand, and gently applied the medicine for her. His touch made Ye Qingxin's body tense up again, and Shangguan Jueshi's hand froze again because of her actions, "Relax!" !"

Listening to Shangguan Jueshi's words, Ye Qingxin swallowed her saliva, and slowly began to relax again, and Shangguan Jueshi's hands began to rub slowly, with gentle movements.

It was because he didn't protect her well in time that she was hurt so badly, and guilt flashed across Shangguan Jueshi's eyes.

His blue eyes were full of guilt, and Ye Qingxin was lying there, feeling a warm current in his heart, an indescribable feeling.

"Shangguan Jueshi, is he alright?" Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, after all this time, is he alright?She is very uncomfortable lying on her stomach like this!

With Ye Qingxin's opening, Shangguan Jueshi regained his senses in time, "I'll help you with the medicine now!"

Shangguan Jueshi lowered his voice, his expression was a little strange.

"Hurry up!" Ye Qingxin pouted, and didn't think too much about it, but when she thought about how many days she would lie on her stomach like this, she felt that the world was so ridiculous and boring to death.

Shangguan Jueshi helped her tie up the gauze, which was filled with traditional Chinese medicine and had a strong smell, but it could relieve her pain and allow her to recover quickly.

"All right!"

After all this was done, Shangguan Jueshi helped her pull down her clothes, and he himself breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was proficient in these movements last night, so he wouldn't be so nervous today.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I..."

Ye Qingxin had a hard time opening her mouth, she wanted to make it convenient, what should she do!Nothing can be done now.

Ye Qingxin felt uncomfortable, and felt very awkward, not knowing whether to call Shangguan Jueshi for help.

After all, there is only him here now, and she can't get up if she wants to, Ye Qingxin is going crazy, why did such a thing happen.

The urine doesn't come early, it doesn't come late, it happens at this time, and it can't be held back.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Shangguan Jueshi lowered his head and asked carefully, his eyes were full of doubts, she looked very uncomfortable, maybe her waist hurt again.

Or is it the wrong medicine?
"I'll go find your elder brother!"

Shangguan Jueshi's face was gloomy, and he wanted to call Ye Haoxuan over.

"It's useless for you to call my eldest brother!"

Ye Qingxin hurriedly said, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to call her brother over for such a thing.

"You're still in pain after taking the medicine, if you don't look for him, who will you look for!"

Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes narrowed slightly, how did Ye Haoxuan become a doctor, and why the medicine didn't work.

And Ye Qingxin was speechless, he thought it was a fairy ointment, just stick it on.

"It's not this, it's not!"

Ye Qingxin twitched, with a look of embarrassment, it was really hard to speak.

"It's not the back pain, so what's wrong?" Shangguan Jueshi raised his brows slightly, not understanding what he meant.


"Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable? How about we do a full body check?"

Asked her and she didn't say anything, where did Shangguan Jueshi think she was injured?
"I'm going to call the doctor now!"

After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Ye Qingxin took a deep breath, and simply gave up his face.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I want to pee!"

After saying this, Ye Qingxin wanted to find a hole in the ground and burrow in. She covered her face in annoyance, she was ashamed to see Shangguan Jueshi again.

And Shangguan Jueshi paused, showing embarrassment.

Seeing her holding back so much just now, why didn't he think of this?He was too careless.

"We are husband and wife. If you have something to say in the future, don't hold back. It's not good for your health." Shangguan Jueshi said calmly, it seemed to him that it was nothing more than a normal thing.

Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth, thinking that she wanted to hold back, and that she felt uncomfortable holding back.

"Hold on! I'm going to call a nurse for help now." Seeing her embarrassment, Shangguan Jueshi didn't want her to be so embarrassed, so he hurried outside and called a nurse over.

The nurse was called by Shangguan Jueshi, and when she saw the cold blue eyes, she was frightened and followed her in on tiptoe.

"Sir, what do you want me to do!" the nurse asked timidly.

"She wants convenience, help her in, and be careful with me." Shangguan Jueshi ordered with a face, and the nurse nodded emphatically.

"Miss Nurse, I'm sorry to trouble you! Shangguan Jueshi, change your attitude!"

Ye Qingxin said to the nurse with a face of embarrassment, and did not forget to correct Shangguan Jueshi's attitude after speaking.

This is for others to help, what kind of attitude is he!

"it is good!"

Shangguan Jueshi nodded and agreed.

Shangguan Jueshi gently hugged Ye Qingxin, minimized the distance she walked, carried her to the bathroom and then walked out, while the nurse walked in, Shangguan Jueshi did not forget to look at her before leaving glance.

"Miss Ye, your husband is so kind to you!"

The nurse said enviously, while Ye Qingxin smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry! Miss nurse, he is just like this, don't blame him!"

"It's okay." The nurse opened the door, and Shangguan Jushi walked in and carried her out.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't treat people with such an attitude in the future." Ye Qingxin couldn't help admonishing as soon as the nurse left.


After beating her to death, there is no need for Shangguan Jueshi to come to help, she would rather suffocate to death.

She was so ashamed, she had never been so ashamed in her life.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you, give me the mobile phone in my bag!"

Ye Qingxin blushed, and said embarrassingly.

But Shangguan Jueshi's face was calm, and he didn't understand why she was embarrassed.

"it is good!"

He quickly took the mobile phone from her bag, but who is she calling?Call her dad?
Ye Qingxin quickly called idiot Liu. Anyway, it would be better if idiot Liu took care of her. She didn't want to lose face again.

But when he heard that she wanted to find Fool Liu to take care of her, he looked gloomy.

This Liu Silian can't take care of herself, can she take care of her?With him taking care of her, she was so uncomfortable.

Shangguan Jueshi looked very annoyed, they were both married, and she still dislikes him so much, could it be that everything he did before was in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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