Chapter 132

In the ward at this time.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I'm not a child, I can eat by myself."

Shangguan Jueshi came over with a bowl of porridge and wanted to feed her one bite at a time, but Ye Qingxin took a bite, feeling that the atmosphere was weird, and couldn't help thinking about the scene just now.

Her little face turned red, and she said awkwardly.

But Shangguan Jueshi saw her persistence, so he had no choice but to let her, "Eat slowly, eat so you can call me!"

Shangguan Jueshi put the plate on the bed, while Ye Qingxin ate on her stomach, but it was really uncomfortable to eat like this.

Because she was too hungry, she took the whole pot of lean meat porridge.

Shangguan Jueshi came over with a glass of water and a few pills in his hand, "Take the medicine first, it won't hurt so much."

Ye Qingxin was lying on the bed, playing with her mobile phone, after waiting for so long, why didn't idiot Liu come, he must have slipped away halfway!
By the time her steamed pancakes arrived, she would have starved to death long ago. Fortunately, Shangguan Jueshi went outside to buy lean meat porridge, and she ate a big pot, and she hadn't come yet.

Ye Qingxin glanced at him, then obediently took the medicine, so that she could go to the ground as soon as possible, but the medicine tasted so bitter!

Ye Qingxin frowned, poured a glass of water straight down her stomach, and just when she was about to complain, a kawaii candy suddenly appeared in her sight.

Ye Qingxin rubbed her eyes, is she dazzled?Why did she see Tangtang? It's probably because she had hallucinations because of her craving for food.

"Eat a grain of candy, and you won't be bitter."

Shangguan Jueshi's magnetic voice came from above, and Ye Qingxin looked up with a look of astonishment.

It was actually brought by Shangguan Jueshi?Doesn't he seem like the type to do such a thing?

"Shangguan Jueshi, did you buy it?"

Ye Qingxin suddenly had an expression of being shocked, and stared at him with a strange look, did he have a fever and would actually buy her candy.


I just thought of it by the way when I went out to buy porridge just now.

As long as it was about her, he could always think of all the details.

"Shangguan Jueshi, do you have a fever?"

Ye Qingxin asked anxiously, he was covered with ice cubes to freeze to death, how could there be such a sweet and greasy candy.

"I'm very good!"

Shangguan Jueshi squatted down unexpectedly, took her hand and placed it on his forehead, wanting her to touch it.

Touching that smooth forehead, Ye Qingxin retracted her hand in fright, really didn't have a fever, then did he suddenly become nervous?

Ye Qingxin blushed and subconsciously bit her lip.

Shangguan Jueshi hooked his lips and smiled, because it was her that he was able to do things he had never done before.

Ye Qingxin raised her head slightly, just in time to meet those tender eyes, her heart skipped a beat, so fast!

His eyes were like a spring that was about to submerge her, and her heart sank little by little, feeling that it was almost not her own. The deep affection in his eyes was like densely packed ants, gnawing at her heart little by little, almost It's full.

It was very quiet in the ward, only to hear two thumping hearts approaching step by step, almost merging into one.


"I'll go to brother Haoxuan and ask which ward Qingxin lives in?"

Liu Silian and Leng Yisheng rushed to the hospital. Liu Silian wanted to ask Ye Haoxuan which ward Qingxin lived in, but was stopped by Leng Yisheng.

"Si Lian, this is too troublesome. Ye Haoxuan also needs to work. You will disturb him like this. We can just ask ourselves."

Seeing that Liu Silian was about to run to find Ye Haoxuan, Leng Yisheng hurriedly held her back. He managed to win such a chance to be alone with her, how could Ye Haoxuan ruin it.

"You're right to say that. Brother Haoxuan needs work, so let's ask the front desk!"

What Yi Sheng said made sense, and Leng Yisheng couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard what she said, he was afraid that Si Lian would suddenly want to find Ye Haoxuan.

Looking at holding her hand, Leng Yisheng couldn't hide the joy in his eyes, but Liu Silian was so nervous that he didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Leng Yisheng walked to the front desk, and immediately asked about the ward where Ye Qingxin lived, but Liu Silian let go of her hand, and quickly ran towards the ward.

"Qingxin, Qingxin, how are you doing? Is the injury serious?"

As soon as Liu Silian saw the room number at the door, she read it right and rushed in.

Because of her appearance, Ye Qingxin was so frightened that she hastily looked away, the heart that was about to confide just now shrank back, and the two hearts that were just about to approach were pulled away for a certain distance.

Shangguan Jueshi heard this annoying noise, perhaps because of being disturbed, his body felt chilly, this damned fool.

When did he not come, but at this critical moment, his face was stern, and he had the idea of ​​sending Liu Silian to Africa.

Liu Silian opened the curtain, and met those blue eyes that were as cold as ice, which made her froze in fright, as if frozen, fixed there like an ice sculpture.

Why did she feel that her upper body was about to step into the edge of Africa, erratic, did she come at a very bad time!

Otherwise, why would Shangguan Jueshi's eyes be so terrifying today!It's so cold!

"Shangguan Jueshi, idiot Liu is here to take care of me. Don't treat her with such an attitude. If you disrespect her, you disrespect me!"

Ye Qingxin said with a dissatisfied face, especially when she found that the cold air on Shangguan Jueshi's body was too heavy, she couldn't help feeling chilly too.

But she turned her head again and waved to Liu Silian, "Fool Liu, don't be afraid of him, come here!"

And Liu Silian swallowed her breath, feeling that every step was so heavy, her legs didn't feel like her own, especially when she passed Shangguan Jueshi's side, she felt like she was about to be punished by thousands of knives.

"Idiot Liu, why did you come so late like a tortoise? If I wait for your steamed cakes to arrive, I will probably be so hungry that I will go to see King Yama."

Ye Qingxin pouted and said, but looking at the steamed cake in her hand, any discomfort disappeared.

"Qingxin, how are you? Why are you hurt!"

Because of the presence of Shangguan Jueshi, the strong air pressure enveloped the entire ward, and Liu Silian didn't even have the confidence to speak.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you go out! Idiot Liu is taking care of me, so you can do your own thing!"

In the presence of Shangguan Jueshi, Ye Qingxin also felt scruples, and it was difficult to talk and chat smoothly.

And Liu Silian also looked eager for Shangguan Jueshi to leave as soon as possible.

"Take good care of her. If she loses a hair, you can wait for me to send you to Africa." Shangguan Jueshi did not forget to warn before leaving, and Liu Silian was so frightened that he collapsed when he heard the word Africa. .

And Ye Qingxin couldn't help but chuckle, she didn't expect that Shangguan Jueshi had exactly the same thoughts as hers, in fact, she was just joking with idiot Liu, Shangguan Jueshi never said those words at all.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi walked away, the air began to circulate again, and the air pressure dropped a lot, but there was still a trace of coldness.

"Qingxin, Shangguan Jueshi really wants to send me to Africa, please save me!"

Liu idiot said with an ugly face, almost crying out of anxiety, faintly feeling the abundant scorching sun in Africa, as if welcoming her arrival.

"Idiot Liu, you don't have to be afraid. Shangguan Jueshi was just joking just now. He didn't dare to do anything to you when I was here." Idiot Liu said jokingly, seeming to scare idiot Liu.

"But he doesn't look like he's joking!"

Liu Silian said nervously, for fear that he would have arrived in the African continent without knowing it.

"Idiot Liu, don't think about these things, let's eat them quickly! The roundworms in my stomach have been hooked out, but why did you buy so many! Don't you have money?"

Ye Qingxin patted her on the shoulder with a calm expression. Although Shangguan Jueshi was indifferent and seemed difficult to get along with, but after being in contact with him for so long, he actually didn't feel that scary.

Thinking of Shangguan Jueshi's abnormal actions, a trace of warmth spread in his heart.

Look at the bag of steamed cakes in the hands of idiot Liu, she is not poor to death, why did she buy so many!

"It's not my money, Yisheng bought it!"

Liu Silian smiled, she didn't have so much money to buy so many!
"Leng Yisheng is here too?"

This Leng Yisheng actually started to attack idiot Liu, and the action was too fast. My brother didn't know it yet. Abducted.

"That's right, I just came out of your house, but I just met you on the road."

Liu Silian said indifferently.

And Ye Qingxin listened to her words, rolled her eyes, only idiot Liu would believe this nonsense, he clearly purposely waited at the door of her house.

Now that idiot Liu leaves her house, Leng Yisheng's chance has come, no, he must not be allowed to succeed, although she promised Leng Yisheng to intervene in this matter, but she can't just watch her elder brother lose!

Besides, his eldest brother finally fell in love, it's not easy!

"You idiot Liu, you are dating my brother now, if you always get too close to other men, my elder brother will be jealous and unhappy."

Ye Qingxin said appropriately, but idiot Liu opened his eyes wide with surprise.


She was just talking to Yisheng, nothing else!

"Except for my brother, you have to keep a proper distance from the opposite sex, or you will get sick."

Ye Qingxin threatened, Leng Yisheng, don't blame me for meddling, she still has to help her brother.

"Ah? Brother Haoxuan is also a man?"

Liu Silian scratched the back of her head and asked with a puzzled expression.

"You don't know that. It's good that my brother is a man, but my brother is also a doctor. He can save people. If you stay with him, he can take better care of you."

Ye Qingxin said indiscriminately, brother and sister can only help you here, and you should work harder on the rest!

"Hehe, that's right!"

What Qingxin said made sense, brother Haoxuan is a doctor and he saves people.

"Come on, come on, let's eat, let's eat!" Seeing Liu Silian being taken aback by what she said, Ye Qingxin was relieved.

"But Qingxin, why are you hurt?"

Liu Silian asked with a confused face, why was it fine yesterday, why can't even move today.

"Hey, don't talk about it, I was dazzled by sex, the past is unbearable!" Ye Qing held her forehead, she didn't want to talk about this embarrassing thing anymore.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi walked out of the door, he bumped into Leng Yisheng who had just chased after him. Si Lian must have run so fast that he couldn't even catch up.


Leng Yisheng patted him on the shoulder, looking excited.

"How did you come?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked puzzled, but it's not surprising that he is there wherever there are fools.

"My sister-in-law is sick and hospitalized, so I have to come and take care of her!!" Leng Yisheng said meaningfully, with a hint of interest at the corner of his mouth.

He is very concerned about this matter!

"Come on, I don't know your purpose yet!"

Shangguan Jueshi said lazily, this idiot has been chased to the hospital, don't think he doesn't know.

"Jazz, what's the matter with you! No matter how angry you are, you can't hit a woman!"

Leng Yisheng pulled him aside without forgetting to joke.

Listening to what he said, Shangguan Jueshi's face became gloomy, and things were not what he thought at all.

"Brother, I understand you! Be angry, be angry, but you can't do anything!!"

Leng Yisheng clenched his fists and poked him on the shoulder, expressing his understanding, because it is unreasonable for a woman to be angry.

"Do you think I'm such a grumpy person?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked back, his blue eyes couldn't hide the coldness, this guy will make troubles, and he insists on stepping on his bottom line.

No matter how angry he is, he will not hurt her because of his impulsiveness.

"I can't blame you for this!"

Leng Yisheng's expression was too serious, but he secretly smiled.

Listening to what he said, Shangguan Jueshi's face became more and more ugly.

"But Juzzy, the days ahead are long, it's important to take care of my sister-in-law"

Leng Yisheng reminded with kindness that it is important to take good care of sister-in-law's body now.

"Are you planning to go to Thailand for fun!"

Shangguan Jueshi spoke slightly, his tone full of threats.

It's fine for a fool to spoil his good deeds, now it's his turn to make fun of him, these two are really a perfect match!

"Jess, don't be like this! I care so much about my sister-in-law! I do it from the bottom of my heart." Leng Yisheng touched his conscience and said seriously.

As soon as Leng Yisheng heard about Thailand, he thought of the fat girl fight last time, which made him break out in a cold sweat, and he quickly shut up.

You must know that this guy usually doesn't speak much, but he is more ruthless than anyone else, he should be appropriate, don't throw flies on the tiger's head, looking for death!

"Jess, then you have to be busy first, I'll take care of my sister-in-law." Leng Yisheng said flatteringly, but this young couple threatens people at every turn, and others don't believe it even if they say they are husband and wife.

After finishing speaking, Leng Yisheng quickly slipped into the ward, while Shangguan Jueshi's eyes fell on the ward for a while, thinking of the call he received in the morning, he left with a face full of thought.


(End of this chapter)

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