Chapter 133 The Lost Leng Yisheng
"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, how are you hurt?"

Leng Yisheng rushed in enthusiastically, with a concerned expression on his face.

And Ye Qingxin was eating steamed cakes on her stomach, and she almost choked to death when Leng Yisheng called her that.

"Idiot Liu, water, water!"

Before Ye Qingxin had time to chew the steamed cake, she swallowed it in one gulp.

"Qingxin, drink water quickly!"

As soon as idiot Liu saw that something was wrong with Ye Qingxin, he quickly brought over the water on the table. You must know that if something went wrong with Qingxin, she would not be able to bear it and walk around. What Shangguan Jueshi said was deeply etched in her mind .

Ye Qingxin took the hand, took a big sip, and patted her heart. The stuck food was finally washed down by the water, and she breathed freely.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as Leng Yisheng came, he saw such a scene, but Ye Qingxin really couldn't accept it when he heard his sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

It's as if Monkey King is calling Princess Iron Fan so courteous and harsh.

Leng Yisheng sniffed his nose and smelled a strong smell of Chinese herbal medicine. He couldn't help frowning, and then saw Ye Qingxin lying on his stomach like this, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Sister-in-law, where are you hurt?"

Leng Yisheng asked curiously, Jue Shi actually beat him like this.

What the hell did this Jazz do?Don't you play your cards according to common sense?
"Leng Yisheng, just call me by my name! Otherwise, if you say "sister-in-law" to the left and "sister-in-law" to the right, I'll get goose bumps all over my body."

Ye Qingxin begged, she couldn't help shaking her body, and goosebumps fell to the ground.

"But it's not wrong for me to call you sister-in-law!" Leng Yisheng looked closer, and the corner of his eyes kept falling on Liu Silian who was beside him, his eyes were full of special affection.

It's a pity that Liu Silian puts all his attention on eating, and his charm doesn't work for her.

Leng Yisheng's eyes are full of helplessness, it seems that his charm is useless to her, it seems that if she wants to make Si Lian have a better impression of him, she has to find another way.

"You better stop being courteous, I won't interfere in your affairs."

How could Ye Qingxin not know that there was a reason for Leng Yisheng's sudden enthusiasm, she just wanted to keep her out of his and Si Lian's affairs.

When Leng Yisheng heard what she said, he felt relieved, and was worried that she would turn to Ye Haoxuan.

As long as she doesn't interfere, then he has a chance.

"But where did you hurt? Why is it not uncomfortable to lie on your stomach like this?" Leng Yisheng couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, could it be that he didn't even have the strength to stand up?
This Jazz is really too much!I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all!

"My waist! It hurts like hell!"

Ye Qingxin pouted, with a sad face.

If she didn't lie on her stomach like this, she would die of pain.

But Leng Yisheng stared wide-eyed, the little wild cat was really pitiful, and was sent to the hospital on the first night of their wedding.

"Qingxin, it's fine for Juzzy to be confused, why are you so confused, it won't matter if you beg for mercy if you lose! Besides, if you give in, Juzzy will definitely not hit too hard. "Leng Yisheng tutted, with a pitiful look on his face.

But Jazz said just now that this is not the case, maybe Jazz accidentally shot too hard.

"We didn't fight! I don't know what to say, what a shame! But it's all Shangguan Jueshi's fault. If it wasn't for him, how could I be like this!"

Ye Qingxin said, what is this Leng Yisheng talking about!If the two of them fought, they would not be injured like they are now, and even if they were beaten to death, she would not admit defeat.

But these are all Shangguan Jueshi's fault in the final analysis, who made him have such a good figure, she lost her mind after seeing him.

But the speaker had no intentions, it sounded intentional, one was talking about one thing, but Leng Yisheng was thinking about another!
"You can't blame Jazz! He didn't do it on purpose, after all, he has been plagued by illness for so many years."

Leng Yisheng defended Shangguan Juesh, saying that it cannot be blamed on Jueshi.

And Ye Qingxin tilted her head, she really can't blame him for this matter.

But why did it sound more and more confused, a little out of tune, completely out of rhythm.

"But what's the matter with Guan Jueshi's illness?"

Ye Qingxin asked back, could it be because of his illness that Shangguan Jueshi exercised his body so well in order to make up for his spiritual defects?

"Of course it does, it has a lot to do with it!"

Leng Yisheng said euphemistically and secretly, while Ye Qingxin listened to his words, Liu brow frowned, what did he say.

Connecting what he said just now, her little face turned red instantly, "Leng Yisheng, you bastard, who told you about this! I accidentally fell off the bed by myself Okay! I am innocent with Shangguan Jueshi, don't spread rumors about me and tarnish my reputation, I will marry in the future!"

Ye Qingxin roared, Leng Yisheng actually said that she had an intimate relationship with Shangguan Jueshi, and even said that it was...

He's a flirtatious guy, he's going to die if he doesn't think about it!

Because Ye Qingxin was too angry, she spoke too hard and pulled the wound, and there were bursts of pain in her waist, and she wrinkled her little face from the pain.

"What? Nothing happened to you? What did Jue Shi do? Could it be that he accidentally hit you?" Leng Yisheng screamed, with a look of disbelief.

How is it possible?Could it be that he really wanted to implement the unfair regulations!

"You think that everyone is like you, and all you think about is how to cheat a woman's heart"

Ye Qingxin said with a sullen face, it seems that it was a wrong decision for him to pursue idiot Liu.

This guy is simply unchanging.

"I don't have it! I'm a good man, don't I find it strange!"

Upon hearing Ye Qingxin hurt him so much in front of Si Lian, Leng Yisheng quickly argued.

He managed to establish a good image in front of Si Lian, how could he be destroyed again!

He was just curious, but he didn't know that things were not what he thought, this was too bad, and it pissed off the little wild cat.

"Idiot Liu, if you want to find a man from now on, you must find a clean man. My brother is pure. Don't let him down."

Ye Qingxin continued to speak, and Liu Silian became embarrassed when he heard Ye Haoxuan's name.

But Leng Yisheng was in a hurry, this little wild cat was just waiting for an opportunity to take revenge!

"Little wild cat, what do you want to eat, how about I buy it for you?"

Leng Yisheng hastened to show courteousness, it's not too late to make up for it, this little wild cat clearly dislikes him.

He did have sex with many women, damn it, how could he be so unclean before!

Leng Yisheng wished to completely delete those previous affairs, but this happened, and he was indeed not clean.

He's been unclean ever since!There was an unknown darkness in Leng Yisheng's eyes, maybe even Si Lian would despise him!
Leng Yisheng's eyes couldn't help but fell on Liu Silian who was at the side, his eyes were a bit decadent, yes, how could a man as dirty as him be worthy of a girl as simple as Silian, he shouldn't have defiled her, Only Ye Haoxuan can give her the best happiness.

The memories that had been deliberately trying to cover up in the past flooded out like a tide, and the painful memories hit the sky and cover the sky, the unrestrained smiling face became stiff, and the eyes were full of pain.

And Ye Qingxin also felt the change in Leng Yisheng, she just said jokingly, could it be that he took it seriously?
Ye Qingxin raised her head and glanced at him, with surprise in her eyes, why did Leng Yisheng show such a painful expression, completely different from the usual chic and unrestrained?
What's up with him?
"Silian, Qingxin, I'll go outside and buy food for you first."

Sensing that Ye Qingxin was paying attention to him, Leng Yisheng made an excuse and walked out.

Seeing his hurried footsteps, Ye Qingxin looked suspicious, what happened to Leng Yisheng, why did he suddenly lose his mind.

Even if her elder brother confessed before him that day, he had never seen him so sluggish before, and now it was like a completely different person, feeling a little strange.

"Idiot Liu, have you noticed that something is wrong with Leng Yisheng?" Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, but when she saw that idiot Liu was burying her head in the steamed pancakes, she knew that she was asking too many questions.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Silian was still eating steamed cakes, and spoke vaguely.

"Just eat what you have!" Ye Qingxin held his forehead, really shouldn't ask her!This foodie!

She has always been heartless, but I didn't expect idiot Liu to be better than her!
And Leng Yisheng walked out of the hospital with a distraught look on his face, not as confident as before. He returned to his car, tightly gripping his fist, with indescribable pain in his eyes.

"I don't even have the right to love!"

He beat the steering wheel hard, venting the pain in his heart.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out at an unbelievably fast speed, with waves of dust rolled up on the ground.

Leng Yisheng seemed to be risking his life, pedaling crazily, running through countless red lights along the way, no one dared to get close to his car when they saw him speeding towards him.

He came to the magnificent palace and walked in through the main entrance. He didn't know how he got around, and he had already arrived at the underground office building.

Walking into this place is like being in an illusion. There are mirrors everywhere, shining brightly, showing your own appearance, and there are countless numbers. If you are not familiar with this place, you will only feel dizzy when you are here. North, south, east and west.

But the people here naturally know how to get in.

I saw Leng Yisheng put his hand on the watch, turned it around, and looked at the center of his eyebrows in the mirror, the route that could not be distinguished just now became clear, the red light pointed out a clear path, and Leng Yisheng walked straight out.

He didn't go inside, and everything returned to the previous situation.

Compared with the constant din above, it was eerily quiet down here, and even a pin drop could be clearly heard.

Everyone is working diligently in their respective areas, and no one dares to slack off.

Because they were all researched in secret in the secret room, no one should disturb them, so no one else heard of Leng Yisheng's arrival except Gu Changye.

Leng Yisheng smoothed his hair casually, and walked into a specific area with a dejected face, while Gu Changye, who was processing data at this time, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard the special ringtone.

Several of them have special ringtones, and they will be the first to know who comes here.

He put down his work and took off his glasses, because his eyes were a little sore from spending too much time in front of the computer, he rubbed it lightly, ready to get up, did the sun come out from the west today?Yi Sheng is still coming!
He hasn't done anything serious for a long time, what kind of wind brought him here today, he's going to have a look.

Gu Changye walked out with a smile like a spring breeze. He came to Leng Yisheng's area and pressed the password door casually. In less than a few seconds, the password was cracked by him.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, just as he walked in, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol, and he couldn't help frowning.

What's the matter with Yisheng?It's fine to drink in your own bar, but you still come here to drink, something is wrong!

The decorations here are exactly the same as the decorations in each of their homes, they are all copied here, just to better integrate into work.

Gu Changye walked in, and immediately saw Leng Yisheng sitting on the ground, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, pouring it into his mouth continuously, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Look at the wine bottles on the ground. He just came here, and he drank so many bottles, and here are all the fine wines he has always treasured. Drink the water.

What's the matter with this guy?Today is like a different person, and it seems to have returned to the days when I lost my soul.

After that incident happened, it took him a long time to cheer up, but now he has returned to his previous state, what happened, and what kind of stimulation he received!

"Yisheng, stop drinking, tell me what's wrong with you?"

Gu Changye felt that he couldn't continue watching like this, so he walked over, stopped him, and took the wine from his hand.

It took him a year to cheer up, how could he see his decadent appearance again!
Don't look at Yisheng, who is usually bohemian and looks okay, but they all know that he just doesn't want others to see his pain, and he doesn't want them to be affected because of his own affairs. He is more vulnerable than anyone else in his heart. .

"Leave me alone, let me drink!"

Leng Yisheng wanted to take the wine back, but Gu Changye took a step back and threw the wine into the trash can.

According to the way he drinks, he will be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Isn't this guy in high spirits these days!How did it not take long to become decadent like this.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, you can't drink the law like this!Sooner or later there will be problems with drinking.

And Leng Yisheng didn't take it at all, and reopened a bottle, ready to continue drinking, but before it reached his mouth, Gu Changye took it away again.

This is not a place to drink. This guy Yisheng is getting more and more unruly. You must know that this is a closed base. If he gets drunk and messes around, he may make a mistake at any time, and he doesn't think about the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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